above the galaxy

Chapter 385 There is no way out!

Chapter 385 There is no way out!

On Jinfeng Street, the evening breeze does not smell like money, but instead carries a pungent smell of low-quality tobacco oil.

Most of the people living here cannot afford the clean, simple but expensive new energy, so they try every means to find some raw materials for refining and processing in order to make a living.

Of course, this is illegal.

To explain it using the laws of the empire: there are huge security risks.

They are not worried about whether you can afford to eat, but they are worried about your personal safety.

"Old friend?" The old man smiled sarcastically and said, "When you killed my old friend's family and friends, you showed no mercy."

"Once you are in the arena, you have no choice."

"Hehe." The old man's face showed even more sarcasm, and he no longer had any interest in talking to him.

Ever since he experienced the tragedy of destroying the Tang Dynasty, he no longer wanted to talk to anyone.

People’s hearts are like evil spirits. Many times, the person standing in front of you is scarier than a ghost.

Ghosts scare people, and people eat people.

"You came here to capture me and claim my reward?"

"You misunderstood me. That incident happened so many years ago. Why would I arrest you?"

"In that case, you followed me all the way here, you wouldn't just come here to chat and reminisce, right?"

"I stumbled upon a person, a very interesting guy."

The man in black had a smiling face, droopy eyelids and thick lips.

What is particularly eye-catching is his nose, which is large and prominent, with pits and red spots all over it.

This made his already ordinary face look even dirtier and uglier.

"I developed a strong interest in him, so I wanted to see what kind of people were around him, and then I found you. Old friend, do you think this is fate?"

The old man felt his heart sink with a thump.

The bandit Tang was exposed.

I was also exposed.

He knew the connection between Tang Fei and himself
Does he know the true identity of Tang Fei?

The old man looked at the man in black with a sinister look in his eyes and said, "I thought the only thing a drunkard cares about is wine, but I didn't expect he would think of so many mundane matters."

"I don't want to either, but now that he has entered our Sheng family, I have to know who this person is. Is he really a poor boy with no roots, no background, and a clean identity?"

"Shengkuang, what on earth do you want to do?"

The man in black touched his trough nose, and because he rubbed it so hard, the already protruding and huge nose looked even more red and glaring.

"I should be the one asking you this question, right? Lu Yu, what exactly do you want to do?"

The old man didn't answer.

Of course, he couldn't tell anyone what he wanted to do.

"I don't care what you want to do, but don't involve our Sheng family, and don't involve Sheng Xinhuai"

Sheng Kuang threatened: "I don't care if you beat me to death, but if you hurt my family, I will fight you to the death."

"Haha, what's going on with your Sheng family has nothing to do with us, and has nothing to do with what we are going to do." Lu Yu sneered, but in his heart he thought it would be best if he didn't care.

If he really pursued the matter, his and Tang Fei's identities might be exposed to the public.

This was a devastating blow.

He couldn't accept such consequences, so the best solution was to kill him.

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to kill the drunkard, one of the three idiots.

This is Phoenix. Even if it is the scraps of Phoenix, it is still Phoenix.
If you are not careful, you will not only expose your identity, but also offend such a powerful enemy.

"That's the best." Shengkuang nodded with satisfaction.

He looked at the old man with deep eyes and asked, "It's so hard to save your life, why not use it to drink? Why do you have such unrealistic fantasies?"

"You only have wine in your heart, and I only have hatred in my heart."

"But you will kill a lot of people. Including that kid, yourself, and many innocent people."

"I'm not afraid of living, so why should I be afraid of dying?"

"It seems that you have made up your mind. Then I wish you good luck." After saying this, Shengkuang picked up his wine gourd and prepared to turn around and leave.

The old man opened his mouth to say thank you, but his throat moved and he couldn't utter the two words.

Sheng Kuang seemed to have eyes behind him, and waved at him, saying: "Drink, drink! When life is good, you must enjoy it to the fullest, and don't let the golden cup face the moon in vain. The Peach Blossom Fairy planted peach trees and picked peach blossoms to exchange for wine money."

The person has gone far away and the voice has gradually faded.

A handsome young man in white appeared beside the old man, looked at the receding figure, and asked expressionlessly, "Don't kill him?"

"Are you confident that you will hit the target?"

Bai Wuxin concentrated on thinking, then shook his head and said, "No. His cultivation level is not lower than mine."

"He attains enlightenment through wine, he is a wine immortal. He has been famous for many years, I am afraid he has already entered the Grandmaster level. It is difficult for you to kill him."

"If we fail and he escapes, it will be even more disadvantageous to us."

"At this critical moment, why provoke such a powerful enemy?"

"Aren't you afraid that he'll tell others?"

"Afraid. But I know he won't."

"Are you old friends?"

"I don't trust my friends, nor my old friends." The old man shook his head slightly and said, "He didn't say it, not because of me but because of that kid."

"He is close to the Sheng family and has a close relationship with the young lady of the Sheng family. He doesn't tell anyone because he wants to protect the Sheng family and the young lady."

Bai Wuxin was silent for a moment, then asked, "Is this a beauty trap?"

Phoenix Palace.

When Zhong Daolong was working at his desk, Chen Fenglei walked in quietly and reported in a low voice: "My Lord, the Second Prince is here and wants to see you."

Zhong Daolong frowned slightly, closed the folder in his hand and said, "Didn't I tell him to recuperate in Xiaoyao Residence? What? Is he restless again?"

Chen Fenglei smiled and explained, "The Second Prince heard that my elder brother was attacked by a pirate ship, so he wanted to go visit him. Please ask the King for permission."

"Ha!" Zhong Daolong sneered.

After a pause, he continued, "If you want to play a brotherly and respectful role, it's not a bad thing."

Zhong Daolong knew that there had long been a rift between the two brothers because of the struggle for power.

It is unrealistic to expect them to truly reconcile and become like real brothers.

It is enough to maintain superficial peace and prevent those outside from gossiping.

Isn’t this how all members of the royal family came to be?

"Let him in. I want to see if he has made any progress after his recent confinement."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Chen Fenglei turned and left.

Soon, he walked in with the second prince Zhong Tianyi.

"Dad." Zhong Tianyi looked at Zhong Daolong with red eyes.

Zhong Daolong looked at Zhong Tianyi's pale and haggard face and sighed deeply in his heart.

Originally, he favored his second son the most because he was more free and easy.

The eldest son was too much like him, imitating him in everything, and thus lost his own spirit. However, there was only one position, and in order to maintain the legitimacy and security of the inheritance, he had to give up Zhong Tianyi and support Zhong Tianque.
Even if you are the king of a country, there are times when you have no choice.

"Yeah, you've lost a lot of weight." Zhong Daolong looked at Zhong Tianyi and said, "It seems like you haven't been eating well recently?"

"I really don't have much appetite." Zhong Tianyi said without denying it.

He understood his father's character, and that blindly trying to please him would only make him unhappy.

"That proves that you have something on your mind." Zhong Daolong smiled faintly and took the tea in front of him to moisten his throat: "Why? Do you have any complaints against me?"

Zhong Tianyi hurried forward and took the initiative to refill Zhong Daolong's empty cup with tea.

"Dad, how could I have such an idea? I know you are doing this for my own good, so that our family can live in harmony. I have been reflecting on myself during this period of time. How could I do such stupid things?"

"Compared to ordinary people, I already have so much. It's not an exaggeration to say that I'm the luckiest person in the world. What else do I want? I just want to live my life happily."

"Being born into the royal family and being your son is the greatest fortune of my life. In the past, I was bewitched by villains and blinded by interests. In the future, I just want to do something I like."

"Open a tennis hall or a sports car club. Don't think about what you shouldn't think about, and don't do what you shouldn't do. The only thing I want is your little son. Apart from that, I don't ask for anything else."

Zhong Daolong looked at Zhong Tianyi with deep eyes, as if he was measuring the truthfulness of his words.

After a long pause, he nodded and said, "I'm glad you think this way. When a family is together, we should be happy. We should understand and tolerate each other."

"It seems that you have realized a lot and matured a lot during this period of time. You said you wanted to visit your eldest brother?"

"Yes, I heard that my brother was attacked by pirates. I am very worried about his health. So I want to go and visit him. If you think it is inappropriate, then I will not go."

Zhong Daolong winked and said unhappily, "What's inappropriate about this? You two are brothers, are you going to never see each other again?"

"Go ahead, go and have a look. It's good that the two brothers have talked it out. From now on, we can drink and party."

"I understand. Then I will go over to see my brother now. He has encountered such a thing, and as a brother, I should go over to take a look."

"Well. Go ahead. Tell your brother that those villains will pay a heavy price."

"Yes, I will convey the message." Zhong Tianyi nodded in response.

I was tactful not to ask who those "scoundrels" were. Excessive concern will make people doubt your true intentions.

After Zhong Tianyi left, Zhong Daolong took a look at the tea in the cup and said, "The tea is cold. Let's change it to a hot cup."

Chen Fenglei's heart sank a little. He fixed his eyes on the cup of tea that Zhong Tianyi had helped to refill, not daring to meet Zhong Daolong's eyes.

"Yes, Lord."

Chen Fenglei agreed, picked up the cup of tea and left.

Soon, another cup of hot tea was brought.

Even the cups were changed.

Your heart is as deep as the sea, and living with you is like living with a tiger.
Military Commission.

Shen Wuxiang sat in the chairman's seat at the conference table. He was tall with his back straight. Even if he said nothing, he was able to give people a great deterrent effect.

Tiger Eyes looked around and asked, "Where's the Security Bureau? Are there any results of the investigation?"

The Security Bureau is the disciplinary inspection and supervision department within the military, directly controlled and led by the Military Commission.

Nominally it is for internal use, but in case of any emergencies it can also be expanded and extended externally.

After all, they cannot put all their hopes on the Supervisory Commission.

Generally speaking, the two systems cannot pee in the same pot.

Security Bureau Director Guo Nu stood up with a loud "whoosh" and said, "Minister Shen, I am here."

Although he is the director of the Security Bureau, he is also Shen Wuxiang's trusted confidant.

The Security Bureau is the military’s security bureau and also Shen Wuxiang’s security bureau.

The place was impenetrable because of the Feng Shui they had built. If Shen Wuxiang wanted someone dead, just a look would be enough to signal him.

They can then frame the target person and list all the charges.
The Security Bureau has great authority and Guo Nu's position is very important.

So, he could only hold Shen Wuxiang's thighs tightly with all his might.

Because he knew better than anyone that if he was abandoned by Shen Wuxiang, those who had been framed by him would tear him to pieces.
Just like the Supervisory Commission, it’s a job that offends people.

Therefore, they must rely on power to exist.

For example, the Supervisory Council relies on the royal family and depends on the trust of Zhong Daolong.

The Security Bureau relies on the Shen family's foundation and Shen Wuxiang's strength.

"Okay, okay, I'm asking you a question, just answer it." Shen Wuxiang waved his hands impatiently.

"Yes." Guo Nu replied in a deep voice: "We sent salvage ships to collect the fragments of those pirate ships. After inspection and analysis, we found that the hulls of those pirate ships had been reinforced on the outside, and the internal systems had also been transformed and upgraded."

At this point, Guo Nu was about to say something but stopped talking.

A conflicted look as if he wanted to say something but didn't want to say it.

"Hmm?" Shen Wuxiang snorted coldly and said, "What is it is, how dare you hide such a thing?"

"Do you know what those pirate ships did? They attacked the royal fleet and the Vulcan, the ship that the Crown Prince was on."

"What kind of behavior is this? This is a war. This is a declaration of war on our Phoenix Empire. All participants and accomplices are traitors and are committing treason."

Seeing Shen Wuxiang getting angry, Guo Nu knew he couldn't hesitate any longer.

Even if he would push himself to the brink of death if he opened his mouth
"The Imperial Institute of Science and Technology's expert group determined that the external reinforcement material used by the pirate ships that attacked the royal fleet was U37, which is the latest high-tech defensive coating developed by Lubanshan."

"The internal system of the pirate ship uses the Suzaku 9981 system, which is also a proprietary scientific and technological achievement of Luban Mountain. It has not yet been opened to the outside world. Even the royal fleet has not been equipped with it."

While Guo Nu was speaking, he presented the various research materials in his hands and the appraisal results signed by the expert group to all the committee members present.

Shen Wuxiang took the materials, glanced at them, and asked in a deep voice, "So, this attack case is closely related to the Lu family?"

Guo Nu gritted his teeth and said, "Yes. Although we failed to capture the pirates alive, those pirate ships did use the scientific and technological achievements of Luban Mountain."

"That's why they were able to inflict such heavy damage on the Imperial starships. It would be difficult for the pirate ships alone to do that."

"They didn't do it." Shen Wuxiang tapped the table lightly with his fingers, looked at Guo Nu and said, "Why don't we just invite Lu Dongsheng over to ask him?"

Lu Dongsheng was the Minister of the Imperial Ministry of Mechanical Industry. He was the face of the Lu family and a prominent figure in official circles.

Shen Wuxiang wanted to bring Lu Dongsheng here for interrogation just because of a disagreement, which was a loss of face for the Lu family.
"Prime Minister Shen, isn't it inappropriate to do this? After all, we don't have solid evidence yet, but we easily brought in a ministerial official for investigation. Wouldn't the backlash be too intense?" Member Wang Banshan of the Military Commission raised his objection.

Shen Wuxiang looked at Wang Banshan with a gloomy look and asked, "Isn't this enough evidence? Can you or I make this U37 material? Who here can make it?"

"And the Suzaku system is Lubanshan's core technology. Even the Empire's warships haven't installed it, but those pirate ships are the first to use it. Who else could it be except them?"

"Besides, who says that this is an investigation when we just invite people to cooperate with our work?"

Seeing Shen Wuxiang's tough attitude in detaining Lu Dongsheng, the others began to feel uneasy.

Is Shen Wuxiang going to break off relations with the Lu family?
Is the Lu family going to collapse in this wave of struggle?
Is this Shen Wuxiang's attitude or Phoenix Palace's attitude? Or is it the attitude of the vast majority of people?

"Guo Nu, go to the Machinery Department and ask Minister Lu to cooperate with our work."

"Yes." Guo saluted and shouted loudly.

There is no way out, so you can only put your head on the belt and rush forward.

From today, from this moment on, he and the Lu family will be at war until the death.

Shen Wuxiang's eagle-like eyes swept across the faces of everyone present. When he found that no one objected, he suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, let's say hello to the Supervisory Council and ask them to cooperate with us in investigating the incident involving Lu Banshan."

When Tang Fei received the order to cooperate in the investigation, he was drinking tea and chatting with Tan Yu in the office.

Beautiful women are always pleasing to the eye. Even if you have no bad intentions towards her, it is still nice to talk to her.

What's more, she is an interesting woman.

"Lu family? Lu Dongsheng?" Tang Fei asked with an expression of disbelief on his face, "The Lu family attacked the royal fleet?"

(ps: Happy Dragon Boat Festival, dear friends!)
(End of this chapter)

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