above the galaxy

Chapter 386 Wait another 3 minutes or I’ll turn the table over!

Chapter 386 Wait three more minutes and I’ll turn the table over!

Tan Yu looked at Tang Fei with a smile on her face, her slender swan neck standing tall, her hands folded across her chest, and her round body wrapped in the silver uniform exuded an alluring and seductive aura.

"Why? Director, do you not believe that the Lu family would do such a thing?"

"Is the Lu family crazy?" Tang Fei curled his lips and said unhappily, "They are one of the nine major families. They can call the shots in the empire and have everything they want. Why would they attack the royal fleet? This is a matter of life and death."

"To put it more seriously, if you are not careful, the whole family will be wiped out and the whole family will be executed. Such things have happened in history."

Tan Yu looked directly into Tang Fei's eyes and said, "Perhaps, this has something to do with the director."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"Because you arrested Gongshu Wuyu of the Lu family, and wiped out Lu Yunhang and the entire Mechanical Research Institute they controlled. Will the Lu family think that this is a hostile attitude of the royal family?"

"Because they suspected that the royal family was hostile to them, so they sent people to attack the royal fleet?" Tang Fei was obviously unwilling to accept this statement.

"People outside are saying that the royal family is going to target one or more of the nine major families. Could it be that the Lu family has received some definite news that they themselves are going to be one of the families that will be eliminated?"

"So, they are desperate. No, it should be said that they are taking a risk and struggling hard before dying. Let the royal family see their determination to fight to the death?"

Tang Fei looked at Tan Yu thoughtfully and asked, "Who told you that?"

"Hehe, this is just my personal guess. The truth is not something a secretary like me can get involved in."

"Forget it, I'll go find the dean and ask about the situation. The Supervisory Council and the Security Bureau often quarrel and argue with each other. Do you really want to cooperate with them in their work?"

"Okay, I'll make a pot of good tea for the director so you can quench your thirst when you come back." Tan Yu said.

"There's no need to make tea. It's still unknown whether I can come back."

After Tang Fei finished speaking, he turned around and walked outside.

After Tang Fei left, Tan Yu pondered for a moment, took out his cell phone and entered a few numbers into a mysterious number.

Then, she walked towards her seat gracefully, swaying her slender waist.
Tang Fei sat in front of Yan Wenli, the president of the Supervisory Council, and helped him fill the glass with wine in a very flattering manner. He asked, "President, are we really going to cooperate with the Security Bureau?"

"What? You don't want to?" Yan Wenli picked up the wine and took a sip, then looked at Tang Fei with a smile and asked.

"My attitude is not important. I will go through fire and water to do what the dean tells me to do." Tang Fei immediately patted his chest to express his loyalty.

"Alright, alright, with your cunning personality, if I really ask you to go through mountains of swords and seas of fire, I'm afraid you will run faster than anyone else."

"President, you are wrongly accusing me. Last time you asked me to deal with the Yuhuo Army, how did I handle it? I would rather let Tang Shengyan beat me half to death than to resolve the conflict and misunderstanding between the Yuhuo Army and our Supervisory Council."

"Then where did the contradiction and misunderstanding come from? Don't you know?"

"Of course I know it, but I don't know if the dean knows it or not."

The reason why Tang Shengyan came to visit was because the Tang bandits had captured Qin Jianyi, a senior general of the Yuhuo Army.

Why did he arrest Qin Jianyi? Wasn't it to handle the case for the Supervisory Commission?
Therefore, Tang Fei did not feel nervous at all.

Yan Wenli was stunned for a moment, then he kicked over and pointed at Tang Fei and cursed, "Are you playing with nesting dolls here?"

"Hehehe, Dean, calm down. Dean, calm down."

Tang Fei dodged Yan Wenli's kick and said with a smile: "I just want the dean to know that I am a subordinate of someone who has shed blood and been injured in our Supervisory Commission. I don't want the leader to see the results of my work. Don't you agree?"

Yan Wenli was not really angry. For someone like him, if he is willing to beat you or scold you in person, it means he treats you as his own.

If the president of the Supervisory Commission appears to be polite to you, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep well at night.

He looked at Tang Fei and said, "Originally I didn't want you to go. Your body hasn't recovered yet. There's no need for you to get involved in this kind of thing."

"Besides, is the Lu family so easy to provoke? If a tiger doesn't show its might, don't think it's just a sick cat. If you provoke them, there will be endless troubles."

"Thank you for your care, Dean. Why did you let me go again?"

"Please cooperate when the call is made over there."

"Call my name?" Tang Fei asked with a smile, "Who called my name?"

"Shen Wuxiang."


Shen Wuxiang, the military minister among the three ministers of the empire.

One of the most powerful men in the world says he has the army of a country, which is a lie.

However, to say that he has one-third of the country's military forces in his hands may be a bit modest.

Why did such a big figure with great reputation in the empire mention the name of a small person like me?
Oh, by the way, he is also the head of the Shen family, the first family, and Shen Xinglan's grandfather.
Because he and Shen Xinglan are fellow apprentices?

Because he and Shen Xinglan are love rivals?
He knew that things would not be that simple.

The little things between him and Shen Xinglan would hardly be noticed by powerful people like them.

Perhaps it is difficult for Shen Xinglan himself to accept this, as he is also an extremely proud person.


"Why aren't you talking?" Yan Wenli leaned back, squinted his eyes and looked at Tang Fei, actually looking a little gloating.

"I am shocked and numb with fear." Tang Fei smiled bitterly and said, "I never thought that a small person like me could catch the eye of the military minister. It's really a blessing from my ancestors."

"Do you really think so?"

"I really think so."

"In that case, then you should do your job well. Maybe you will be favored by the military minister. At that time, your future will be limitless."

Tang Fei quickly refused, saying, "I cannot serve two husbands, nor can I serve two masters. I was promoted by the dean. I am the dean's man in life and his dead in death."

"We will do whatever the dean says. If the dean says we won't do it, we won't do it. No matter how high the military minister is, my loyalty will only be to the dean."

"Dean, if you say you won't go, then I won't go. Let's turn down the invitation for cooperation right now."

Yan Wenli remained silent for a long time.

Tang Fei picked up the bottle and poured himself a glass of whiskey, saying, "Dean, don't be too touched. I remember your kindness to me."

"If you hadn't interceded for me last time, Tang Shengyan would have beaten me to death with one punch. You are my savior, and these are what I should do. It's my job."

"I'm not touched." Yan Wenli shook his head, looked at Tang Fei in disbelief, and asked, "How can you say such shameless words? Don't you feel ashamed?"

"I will feel ashamed." Tang Fei nodded seriously: "But I can overcome it. I'm afraid that if I don't tell the dean, he won't know."

Yan Wenli sighed deeply and said, "Now I understand why Her Royal Highness the Princess treats you differently. You are a good blowjob man and you lick people comfortably."


Tang Fei felt that Yan Wenli was shameless in driving.

And he has evidence. "Okay, it's settled." Yan Wenli made the final decision and said, "The military minister has mentioned your name, so I can't offend him. It's common for two departments to work together on a case."

"Besides, you are more familiar with the Lu family. Whether it's a favor or a grudge, you can handle it well."

"Yes." Tang Fei straightened his spine and said seriously, "I guarantee to complete the task."

Yan Wenli was very satisfied with Tang Fei's attitude. He pointed at the wine on the table and said, "Drink it before you go back to work. Don't waste such good wine."

Tang Fei picked up the wine glass on the table and said with a smile: "Dean, I toast to you. Only here with the dean can I drink such good wine."

Yan Wenli glanced at him coldly and said, "Do you think I don't know? Going to Fenghuang Cottage is like going back to your own home. No matter how good the wine here is, isn't it just a little bit that leaked from the palace?"

"Dean, please don't misunderstand me. The Princess and I are innocent and our friendship is the purest in the world."

"Really? When you were injured, she came running over to ask for help. I remember that look very clearly."

"Can I still deceive the dean? If there really was something going on between us, Her Royal Highness the Princess wouldn't run over to you in public and ask for someone, right? Only when you are selfless can you be fearless."

"Your explanation sounds reasonable, but it actually makes no sense."

Yan Wenli’s ability to judge the situation and understand people’s hearts is essential for him to reach his current position.

If there is nothing going on between the Tang bandit and the little princess of the royal family.
He would like to write his name backwards.

That kind of passionate and certain love was expressed clearly with just one look.

What a bad fate!

Yan Wenli waved his hand and interrupted him directly: "Alright, alright, stop explaining. Use your clever tricks on others, don't waste them on me."

"I don't care who you're with. Princess or ordinary person, just do the job for me and I'll be fine."

"Yes, Dean."

"Go ahead, go to the Security Bureau and report to Director Guo Nu."

"Guo Nu? Dean, judging from the name, is this director difficult to get along with?"

Yan Wenli glared and retorted, "Your name is Tang Fei. Hey, what you said does make sense. As your name suggests, isn't your temperament like that of a bandit?"

".Dean, you've never talked about money with anyone, right?"

"Get lost."


After Tang Fei put down his wine glass, nodded and said "get out", Yan Wenli looked at the tightly closed wooden door of the office and sighed softly.

"It's a good seedling."


He picked up the glass and drank the wine in it.
Security Bureau.

This was the first time that Tang Fei came here. Led by a young officer, the group came to the conference room and waited.

"Director Tang, please wait a moment. Our director is in a meeting and will come to see you in a moment." The young officer said.

"Okay, thank you." Tang Fei nodded.

"What would Director Tang like to drink?"

"No thanks." Tang Fei refused.

What if these people poisoned the drinks?
Even though this possibility is very small, we still need to be aware of safety.

He didn't trust these people, just as they didn't trust him.

"Okay. I'll go and ask the director." The young officer responded and turned to leave.

Tang Fei looked at the several trusted members of the Supervisory Council he brought with him and said, "Sit down and take a rest. Don't stand."

"Yes." Everyone responded.

Shen Yan sat next to Tang Fei and whispered, "The Security Bureau and our Supervisory Council are at odds with each other, and they often give us trouble. I'm afraid they have no good intentions this time."

"Is it our turn for good things to happen?" Tang Fei said with a smile.

"So you still agree?"

"Is it okay if I don't agree? What's our level if the dean agrees? What's his level?"

"There's no reason for the dean to help them."

"Act according to circumstances." Tang Fei said, "We will fight back if an enemy comes. We will block the water if an enemy comes. No matter what, they can't use us as a target."

"They eat meat and they want us to have hot pot. That's unrealistic."

"Yes. I understand."

Five minutes passed, then ten minutes passed.

Half an hour passed.

Director Guo Nu still didn't come over, and even the young officer who had just received them had disappeared without a trace.

"I'll go ask." Shen Yan said.

Tang Fei nodded.

Shen Yan opened the door of the conference room, stopped a passing officer, and asked, "Hello, where is your Director Guo Nu?"

The officer glanced at Shen Yan's uniform and said with disgust, "Who are you? You want to see our director?"

"We are from the Supervisory Commission. Your director asked us to come and help with the work."

"Then I don't know. Go find whoever is looking for you."

The officer retorted impatiently, leaving Shen Yan with a cold back.

Shen Yan walked into the meeting room with a gloomy face and said, "They are unwilling to say where the director is and his attitude is very unfriendly."

Although I anticipated this kind of scenario, I still felt aggrieved when I actually experienced it.

Tang Fei raised his wrist to check the time and said, "Wait another three minutes."

"Wait another three minutes before leaving?"

"No, wait another three minutes and then I'll overturn the table." said Tang Fei.


(End of this chapter)

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