above the galaxy

Chapter 387 I really didn’t realize it!

Chapter 387 I really didn’t realize it!
Director's Office.

Guo Nu had a 6-inch cigar in his mouth, and his fat face was vaguely visible in the smoke, which was very funny.

"How long has it been?" Guo asked angrily.

The young officer Chen Huai who was in charge of leading Tang Fei and his men into the room stood in front of the huge desk and reported respectfully, "Director, half an hour has passed."

"Half an hour?" Guo Nu glanced at the half-burned cigar in his hand and said, "I haven't even finished smoking a cigar yet. Let them wait."

"Director, they have urged us several times," Chen Huai reported dutifully.

"Didn't I tell you? Just leave them there. Why bother with them?" Guo Nu said with dissatisfaction.

"No, no." Chen Huai quickly explained, "They just stopped colleagues passing by to ask about the situation. We did not take the initiative to contact them."

"Humph." Guo Nu sneered and said, "Our Security Bureau and the Supervisory Council have always been at odds with each other, and we often trip each other up. This guy named Tang Fei is a thorn in the side, and he has a bad reputation. If we don't calm his temper, who will listen to him or us when the case comes?"

"Director, I've also heard of that bandit Tang. He's not easy to deal with. He's also nicknamed the 'Seven Star Killer'. Even Yu Huoshui from the Yu family and Qin Jianyi from the Qin family were killed by him." Chen Huai reminded worriedly, "If we treat him like this, what if..."

"What if? What is there to worry about?" Guo Nu's face was gloomy, and he said, "He was personally selected by the military minister. How could he rebel?"

Guo Nu had his own little thoughts. He hoped that this kid could make some big noise.

Because, when he offended himself, he was also offending the military minister.
He didn't know why the military minister had to bring Tang Fei from the Supervisory Council into the special task force, but this was a sign that he could not ignore and even made him a little nervous.

What if the military prime minister takes a liking to him?
What if the military minister wants to use him and even wants to hand over the Security Bureau to him?
A deputy director of the Supervisory Yuan was suddenly promoted to director of the Security Bureau. Even if he was only given the position of deputy director, what would he do then?
With a guy like this working for you, can you control him?
Will the Security Bureau be named Guo or Tang by then?

Oh, the Security Bureau's last name is Shen
But who is the character who is pushed forward as the spokesperson?

Guo Nu had to consider his own future. He had handled so many cases and offended so many people.

If he loses the protection of the military minister and resigns from the position of director of the security bureau.
The only thing waiting for him is death.

So, leave Tang Fei alone.

If he endured it, he would follow the lead of Guo Nu and the Security Bureau from now on.

If he can't bear it, that's even better. Then I can bring the case to the military minister and let him see what kind of fool he is.
Do you dare to employ such a person?

He will benefit anyway.

Who among those who can sit in this position has a simple mind?

"Yes, yes, with the military minister and the director pressing down on Monkey King, how could he flip over the palm of Tathagata Buddha's hand?"

Chen Huai glanced at the big cigar in Guo Nu's hand, and estimated that it would take about 20 minutes to finish smoking it. He said, "Then let them wait a little longer. Anyway, they are here to help our Security Bureau, so it's no big deal to wait a little longer."

"Yeah. You have to be strategic when doing things. Xiao Chen, only by combining firmness and flexibility can you achieve long-term success." Guo Nu took a puff of the cigar, swallowed the smoke into his lungs, and spit it out at the same time.

This was a habit he developed when he was smoking. Cigars do not need to be passed through the lungs, but after all, he felt a little unsatisfied without passing through the lungs.

"Thank you for your advice, Director. I will do my best to serve you."

Chen Huai was extremely excited and bowed deeply to Guo Nu.

At this moment, a loud noise was heard.

The soundproofing material of the director's office is excellent. Even when sitting inside, one can still hear the "loud noise", which proves that the noise outside is really too loud.

"Hiss" Guo exclaimed in surprise.

Shocked, the cigar ash fell on his arm, immediately burning a red spot. Guo Nu pressed the remaining half of the cigar into the ashtray and shouted, "What's going on? What happened?"

"I'll go take a look." Chen Huai said.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the office secretary Wang Shuxian running to the door and said anxiously: "Director, something happened. The people from the Supervisory Council overturned the table and injured our people."

"What?" Guo Nu's face was full of disbelief.

Just leave him alone for a while and then overturn the table and hit him?

This kid is really a rookie in officialdom.

Guo Nu was so happy in his heart, but his face was full of gloom. He shouted angrily: "What do the people from the Supervisory Council want to do? What do they want to do? They come to my Security Bureau to show off their power?"

As he spoke, he strode towards the meeting room with murderous intent in his eyes and angrily.

Chen Huai and Wang Shuxian looked at each other and quickly followed the director's steps.

Quite a few people have gathered in the conference room. The inspectors in black dog leather and the security bureau's blue uniforms are confronting each other. The two sides are clearly divided and the situation looks very tense.

"Step aside."

"You beat up our people and you still want to leave? What do you think the Security Bureau is?"

"I don't care where this is. If you don't let us go, we'll be beaten."
"What? What are you doing?"

Guo Nu strode over with the attitude of a protagonist. Seeing the director coming, the staff of the Security Bureau stepped aside and saluted the director.

After all, in this building, Guo Nu is the undisputed king.

"Chief, they overturned our table"

"Chief, they also beat people."
Subordinates reported one after another.

Guo Nu had already taken in the entire situation.

The rectangular moonstone conference table in the conference room was overturned by someone and was lying on the ground with its four legs facing upwards. Because of the excessive force, countless cracks appeared on the table top. It seemed that this expensive table had been scrapped.

Two staff members wearing blue security uniforms were lying on the ground, one with red and swollen eyes and the other with blood coming out of his mouth.
Guo Nu's eyes fell on Tang Fei's face, his face was gloomy, and he said with a bad expression: "Director Tang, what are you doing?"

"Who are you?" Tang Fei looked at Guo Nu with a puzzled look.


Guo Nu felt a tightness in his chest.

The uniform I'm wearing, the stars on my shoulders, the aura that makes everyone fear me, which of these doesn't prove my identity?
"This is Director Guo Nu of our Security Bureau." Chen Huai immediately introduced Guo Nu's identity.

Guo Nu himself couldn't say this, because if he said it, his momentum would be weakened.

If someone else introduces it, it will seem very impressive.

"Oh, oh, oh," Tang Fei nodded repeatedly, looking at Guo Nu's short stature and said, "I really didn't realize you were the director of the Security Bureau?"


(End of this chapter)

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