above the galaxy

Chapter 388 Give us an apology!

Chapter 388 Give us an apology!
What Tang Fei said was disgusting.

The way you look at people is even more annoying.

Everyone can see that you, the head of the Security Bureau, are being scrutinized and suspected, which makes people feel insecure.
This is naked contempt.

And he did not hide it at all, and everyone present could see his expression.

Guo Nu felt as if someone had stabbed him in the heart.

Guo Nu was very angry, but he couldn't lose his temper.

Otherwise, it would prove that you have no heart, no courage, and no ability to bring a sense of security to others.
Being a leader is not easy.

Guo pointed at the broken table and the injured people on the ground and asked angrily, "What are you doing?"

"I wanted to leave, but they stopped us. So there was a little conflict."

"Chief, they overturned the table first, and then we tried to stop them." The wounded man lying on the ground cried out in protest.

Guo Nu nodded to the wounded to show his comfort, with a confident look as if to say, "Don't worry, I will definitely take care of things for you." "Why did Director Tang overturn the table of our Security Bureau? Did this table provoke you?"

"It's all Shen Yan's fault." Tang Fei pointed at the captain of the third team he personally appointed and said with a complaint: "He said that the tables in the Security Bureau are all made of moonstone, and they look very expensive. I said they are definitely expensive, but not necessarily heavy."

"Then, I flipped the table over in front of him. Look, it's not heavy at all, right?"


Guo was angry and had no words to express his grievances.

He couldn't pursue the matter of Tang Fei overturning the table because he had already pointed out in his words that "the tables in the Security Bureau are all made of moonstone and they look very valuable."

Moonstone is a relatively expensive stone on the star, and is generally used in more important or luxurious places.

Their Security Bureau used the Moonstone conference table, which was a violation of regulations.

It exceeds the standard.

Of course, if no one investigates such matters, everyone will just turn a blind eye and pretend not to see it.

However, Tang Fei overturned the table, and if he continued to hold on to his words,
In the end, the one who suffered was himself, the director of the Security Bureau.

After all, the decoration of the Security Bureau building and the office supplies inside were all handled by his brother-in-law.

He knows better than anyone whether there is a problem here.

Shen Yan and others looked at Tang Fei with admiration in their eyes.

When Tang Fei said he would overturn the table in three minutes, they thought he was just "talking".

Even after Tang Fei really overturned the table, they were still worried.

You overturned someone's table on the Security Bureau's territory. Isn't this offending them to death?
Don't hit someone in the face. You are spitting in his face.
Can they get out of the Security Bureau alive?

At least, they know in their hearts that if someone does this in the Supervisory Commission, they will never be able to leave.

Now it seems that the director has already thought of all the causes and effects, and everything is under his control.

He is indeed their far-sighted, wise and powerful leader.
"The military minister invited the Supervisory Commission to assist in the investigation and even personally mentioned Director Tang's name, which shows that he has high hopes for you. Now that the case has not been solved, why are you leaving?" Guo Nu immediately changed the subject.

If we can't bring up the table, then we'll bring up the case. Bandit Tang was invited here by the military minister, but he's leaving before the case is even done. Isn't this giving the military minister face?
"I'm worried." Tang Fei looked at Guo Nu with a worried look on his face and said, "Director Guo also knows that I was specifically invited by the military minister to cooperate with the investigation, which shows that the military minister attaches great importance to me."

"I also hope to be able to serve the military minister and do things beautifully, so as not to let down the military minister's support and trust in me."

"But after I arrived, I waited and waited but no one showed up. Captain Shen ran out and asked several people, but no one knew where Director Guo was. What's even more amazing is that they didn't even know where Director Guo's office was."

"Although the Supervisory Commission and the Security Bureau are not affiliated with the same system, the nature of their work is generally the same. We all understand that time is the key to success or failure. If we are not careful, we will miss the opportunity."

"We are facing such a cunning and powerful enemy. If we can't seize the time to control the person, who will be responsible if they get the news and the person runs away? Who will be responsible if the mission fails?"

"When I think of this outcome, I am extremely anxious. I wish I could grow wings and go out to handle the case for the military minister. Every minute of delay is irresponsible to the military minister."

Tang Fei pointed at the wounded on the ground and said with resentment on his face: "I didn't expect these idiots to stop me from going out to help the military minister and solve cases for the country. Director Guo, I suspect they must have been bribed by hostile forces."

"Otherwise, how dare they do such a thing? What reason do they have to jump out to stop me? I suggest that they be investigated strictly. If Director Guo finds it inconvenient, our Supervisory Commission can do it for him."

The wounded lying on the ground were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They were already full of grievances, and if they were targeted by the Supervisory Council, how could they survive?

"We didn't. Director, we were not bribed, we didn't take money from anyone."

"Yes, Chief, we are innocent. He is slandering us. We stood up to stop him because he overturned the table and made too much noise."

"Director, please say something for us."
Guo Nu also wanted to say something for them, but he didn't know what to say.

How come this guy is so good at oral skills?
He originally wanted to use the military minister to pressure others, but he didn't expect this guy to take the opportunity to turn the tables, and it became that they deliberately delayed time and delayed the military minister's important event.
"There must be some misunderstanding here." Guo Nu suppressed his anger and said to Tang Fei: "I believe in their loyalty. They can't be bribed."

"Let's let the Overwatch Council give it a try? Of course it would be better if they don't have one. It can also be considered as an assessment for your Security Bureau."


Of course Guo Nu would not ask the Supervisory Commission to investigate the people from the Security Bureau. Wouldn't that be like handing a knife into their hands?

If I investigate further, I'm afraid that I, the director, might be implicated as well.

He knew these people's working style too well. After all, that's how their Security Bureau worked.

"We have our own internal disciplinary inspection organization, so we won't bother the brothers from the Supervisory Commission." Guo Nu decided to end the topic, as there was no point in pursuing it further.

He looked at Tang Fei and said, "Director Tang is right. Handling the case is our top priority. If we mess up the case, we will fail the expectations of the military minister."

"Okay, just apologize to us and we'll let this matter go." Tang Fei said.

“???” Guo was angry.

He thought he heard wrongly.

But when he saw that everyone around him was looking at Tang Fei with astonishment, he was sure that he had not heard wrong.

"You're late, wasting our golden time for handling the case," Tang Fei explained with a smile.

"I am in a meeting."

"Alright, alright." Tang Fei interrupted Guo Nu and shouted, "Director Guo has already apologized. He was in a meeting just now. Let's not worry about it anymore. Let's go. The case is more important."


(End of this chapter)

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