above the galaxy

Chapter 389 Lu Dongsheng ran away!

Chapter 389 Lu Dongsheng ran away!
Did I apologize?

When did I apologize?

I said I was in a meeting to tell you that I had a legitimate reason for being late.
How come it becomes evidence of an apology in your mouth?

Director Guo was so angry that her breasts hurt.

"It's a mess."

"The rhythm is messed up."

He knew that there was no point in continuing to argue.

It will only cause you to suffer more losses and humiliation.

What's more, what Tang Fei said was right, solving the case is important.

"We'll see about that later!"

Guo Nu thought to himself.

He forced himself to suppress the anger rising in his heart, looked at Tang Fei and said, "I will not pursue this matter. The case is more important. If the case is handled well, everyone will be proud. If the case fails, there will be no way to explain it to the higher-ups."

After saying that, he turned to look at the young adjutant Chen Huai and began to issue orders: "Call the field officers from the First and Second Divisions, as well as the Special Forces Brigade, to go out with me to investigate the case."

"Yes, the First and Second Departments and the Special Forces have gathered and are listening to Leader Hou's instructions." Chen Huai reported.

Everyone had already gathered and was waiting in the parking lot.

If the director hadn't had his own plans, they might have reached their destination by now.

"Let's go to the Mechanical Engineering Department." Guo shouted angrily.

"Yes." Chen Huai immediately conveyed the director's order.

It was not until this time that Guo Nu regained the dignity and satisfaction of being the director of the Security Bureau.

He nodded to Bandit Tang and said, "Director Tang, you guys should follow too."

After saying this, he walked outside, surrounded by many guards.

"The ocean is not as big as his!" Seeing Guo Nu's behavior, someone from the Supervisory Office cursed in a low voice.

Tang Fei glanced at Li Dezhu and said, "If I were the director of the Security Bureau, I would be more pretentious than him."

"Director, how can you be pretending? You are the one that everyone wants, and your aura is so overwhelming that it shocks everyone."

"Put away your flattering look." Tang Fei said, "Let's set off too."

Shen Yan walked in front of Tang Fei and reminded him quietly: "The Security Bureau has sent out a lot of people. They are outnumbered. I'm afraid we won't have much say when the time comes."

"Why do you want a say? We are here to assist the Security Bureau in solving the case. When the case is solved, they eat the meat and we drink the soup."

"What if the case is not solved?"

"They get scolded, and we curse them."

Shen Yan was stunned for a moment, then said, "It really rhymes."

“Actually, I’m a rapper.”

"The threshold for this industry is really low." Shen Yan commented sincerely.


When the Supervisory Yuan's convoy arrived at the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering, the Security Bureau had already surrounded the gate of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering.

This reminded Tang Fei of the scene when the Yuhuo Army besieged the Supervisory Council. Now the Mechanical Engineering Department only needed a "Tang Fei" to come out of nowhere and chop off Guo Nu's dog head with one sword.
Unfortunately, there is no Tang Fei in the Mechanical Engineering Department.

After some negotiations and after showing the official document jointly stamped by the Imperial Military Commission and the Supervisory Council, Guo Nu led his men into the Mechanical Engineering Department in a swagger.

Is it so easy to get in?

Tang Fei was confused but did not show it on his face.

"Follow me." Tang Fei instructed his colleague from the Supervisory Office.

Inside the Mechanical Engineering building, a group of people walked towards us.

The leader was Li Ning, the deputy director of the Mechanical Engineering Department. He pointed at Guo Nu and others and shouted, "This is the Mechanical Engineering Department. What are you doing here?"

He had already received a report from his subordinates that someone from the Security Bureau had come to his door.

"who are you?"

"I am Li Ning, deputy director of the Mechanical Engineering Department."

"Let's go find Minister Lu Dongsheng." Guo said angrily.

Lu Dongsheng is the director of the Mechanical Engineering Department. Before convicting him, I still have to show him a certain degree of respect.

After all, he has more experience and a higher rank than me.

And he is also the leading figure of Lu family.
If possible, he really didn't want to offend such a person, such a powerful person.

Unfortunately, he didn't have the chance to choose.

Of course, after this incident, he and the Lu family became sworn enemies who would fight to the death.

"Minister Lu is not here."

"Not here? Where did he go?" Guo asked anxiously.

In order to temper Tang Fei's spirit, he did waste some time...

If Lu Dongsheng really got away, Tang Fei would definitely put the blame on himself.

Look, look, I told you to leave early, but you procrastinated and wasted the most precious time in handling the case.

But how could Lu Dongsheng run away?
A minister, and the pillar of the Lu family...he ran away? What should the Lu family do?
If you can run away from the monk, can you also run away from the temple?

"How should I know?" Li Ning said dissatisfiedly: "He is my leader, how can I control him?" "What's your attitude? Do you know that he has committed a crime? Are you trying to protect him?"

"I'm telling you, his case is very serious... If there are participants, or if someone knows about it but doesn't report it... hehe, then don't blame us for being ruthless..."

What the Security Bureau does best: intimidation, coercion and torture.

Once you sit on the interrogation chair and take a dose of genetic medicine, it doesn't matter whether you are a chaste woman or a tough man...

Everyone must kneel!
Now, he is using intimidation.

"Is there any evidence?" Li Ning asked.

"What do you mean?"

"If you have evidence, torture us. If you don't have evidence, get out of here." Li Ning said firmly.

Guo Nu's face was as gloomy as water.

Just like his name, he was really angry.

I was already full of anger in front of Tang Fei, and now I was insulted by Li Ning...

He didn't want to endure it anymore.

The Security Bureau is like the Supervisory Commission, and the officials there are three levels higher than you.

Which official is not afraid of being visited by the Security Bureau and the Supervisory Commission?
Sometimes, before they even explain the reason, the other party would just wet their pants and confess everything.

He enjoys the pleasure brought by power, so he can't stand the contempt and provocation of others.

Guo Nu stared at Li Ning with a sinister look and sneered: "It seems that you are Lu Dongsheng's confidant? You are in the same group... I have reason to suspect that you know about and are involved in the case involving Lu Dongsheng..."

"Someone... arrest him for me... Also, search their office for me... Don't miss any clues..."

"Yes." The soldiers from the Security Bureau rushed over like wolves and tigers.

Shen Yan looked at Tang Fei, and his meaning was very clear...

Doing this could easily lead to accidents.

Tang Fei frowned, but still shook his head at him.

God has done evil, but it can still be violated.

Do not live by committing sins.

Let him go crazy.

"You have no evidence, so why are you arresting people?"

"Let me go...let me go..."

"You are just a bunch of hooligans...robbers..."


After Li Ning and the people around him were dragged away, Guo Nu looked at Tang Fei and said with a smile: "These guys, if you don't use some tough measures, they don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has. What do you think, Director Tang?"

"Director Guo is our leader and the person in charge of the case... We all listen to you. We do whatever Director Guo says."

We wouldn't do it ourselves anyway.

"Director Tang, do you have any objections?" Guo asked with a grin.

"Look at the question Director Guo asked." Tang Fei shrugged and said, "I will only write my opinions into the report."


The smile on Guo Nu's face disappeared instantly. He looked at Tang Fei with cold eyes and said, "Lu Dongsheng is not in the office. Where can he go?"

"Then I don't know." Tang Fei said with a look of regret on his face, "If we had set out earlier, we could have stopped him."


Sure enough, Guo Nu knew that he would use this matter to make trouble.

"I believe that someone will know it eventually." Guo Nu seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be using this to shut Tang Fei up.

Soon, Chen Huai came over and reported: "Director, we found the director of the minister's office. He said that Lu Dongsheng took sick leave today and went back to Luban Mountain to recuperate."

"Lu Banshan?" Guo Nu frowned.

A Luban Mountain is filled with a hundred thousand troops.

This is a famous proverb under the stars.

With just the few people in their security bureau, they can't enter Luban Mountain, and even if they enter, they can't escape safely.

Guo Nu knew that he would not be able to decide what happened next, so he walked to a corner and called Shen Wuxiang.

"Military Prime Minister, Lu Dongsheng is not in the Mechanical Engineering Department. The office director said he took sick leave and went back to Luban Mountain to recuperate."

"Lu Banshan?" Shen Wuxiang's majestic voice came over.

"Yes, Luban Mountain." Guo Nu straightened his spine.

"So what about Luban Mountain? Luban Mountain is no longer part of the empire's territory? The Lu family is no longer citizens of the empire?"

"Guo Nu, take your men to Luban Mountain. I don't care what method you use, but you must bring Lu Dongsheng back to cooperate with our investigation."

"Yes, Prime Minister." Guo Nu responded loudly.

"If you have any questions, talk to Tang Fei. Maybe he can help you."

"Yes, Prime Minister."

(End of this chapter)

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