above the galaxy

Chapter 390 Everyone is awake but I am drunk alone!

Chapter 390 Everyone is awake but I am drunk alone!
In the luxurious, elegant and antique office, Shen Wuxiang was drinking tea at the tea table.

Even in his own private area, he sat upright with his back straight.

This is a habit developed over many years in the military and cannot be changed no matter what.

Coupled with his huge body and fierce aura, he is intimidating.

This is the number one person in the imperial military. His official authority has long been cultivated, like a sharp sword.

It can kill people as soon as it is unsheathed, and no one dares to challenge its edge easily.

Sitting opposite him was a thin old man wearing black-framed glasses. He poured the freshly brewed Dahongpao tea into the cup in front of Shen Wuxiang and asked, "Is the military minister planning to take a risky move?"

Shen Wuxiang looked up at the old man and asked, "Mr. Sun, do you think this is risky?"

"Although all suspicions point to the Lu family, there is no real evidence to completely tie them together. If the Lu family retaliates, it will be difficult to end the matter."

"Ending? What does the end mean?" Shen Wuxiang asked back.

Sun Shehu raised his middle finger and lifted the glasses on his nose, looked at Shen Wuxiang with a puzzled expression, and asked, "Is the military prime minister ready to play a game to decide the winner?"

"If that's the case, it would be a good thing." Shen Wuxiang picked up the golden tea, ignored the boiling heat, and drank it all in one gulp.

"It's a pity that some people want to protect the market, want to control the situation, want to win, and want to win beautifully without paying anything."

Mr. Sun naturally knew who the market protectors he was talking about were. After all, this country was theirs, and they naturally wanted to play a game of power within their own rules.

Promote some, win over some, and kill some.

It’s just like the “Tang Destruction Case” back then.

Is it just the Tang family that was destroyed?

There are also those families that are closely related to the Tang family, as well as the core descendants who depend on them.

Kill a person and his head rolls everywhere.

"So, the military minister wants to overturn the chessboard. Everyone has to rely on their own abilities, and the one who survives to the end is the hero?"

"At least, every family should have a chance to join. I'm sending the Lu family to them now. Will they cut or not? To what extent will they cut?"

"Haha, the Lu family is famous for its technology and business, but if you really put a butcher knife on their necks, I'm afraid it won't be easy to chop them."

"It's hard to cut? Or you don't dare to cut?"


Sun Shehu looked at Shen Wuxiang and said, "A Luban Mountain can be filled with a hundred thousand troops. Luban Mountain is majestic and magnificent. Although it is not the first-class famous mountain under Xinxing, it has been built and managed by the Lu family for hundreds of years. I am afraid that a hundred thousand troops will not be enough to fill it."

"Besides, the Lu family has always controlled the most advanced mechanical technology in the world since their ancestor Lu Ban. The Lu family's technology played an indispensable role in the Phoenix Empire's victory in the battle for supremacy and becoming one of the most powerful countries under the galaxy."

"It's because the people in the Lu family are selfish and are hiding the real good stuff. If they had gone all out, I'm afraid the galaxy would have been unified long ago."

"If the royal family really kills the Lu family, wouldn't that be a waste of their own brains? If they really destroy it, that would be good. In that case, they can take over the Lu family's industry and technology in full."

"But if the core members of the Lu family escape and flee to the Oss Empire or the federal government, wouldn't that be a bargain for them?"

"When the Lu family helps them fight back, it will be unknown whether Phoenix can still hold out."

"So, I want to try," Shen Wuxiang said, "to see how the royal family treats the Lu family."

"I will put the knife on the neck of the Lu family first. Should I chop off the head directly or cut off an arm and two legs first? I will listen to the decision from above."

"What I don't understand is why the military prime minister would do this?" Sun Shehu looked puzzled.

"With the Shen family's status and power, no one can shake them in the slightest. You can just sit back and watch the tigers fight, and when they are exhausted, then come out to clean up the mess. That's the right way."

Shen Wuxiang shook his head slightly and said, "That's exactly what I thought."

"Why did you change your mind?"

"I went back to Luojia Mountain to drink tea two days ago and chatted with Xinglan for a while."

"Oh, what did Young Master Xinglan say? It actually made the Prime Minister change his mind." Sun Shehu asked curiously.

He knew that Shen Wuxiang attached great importance to his grandson and was training him as the future of the Shen family.

Of course, that young master did live up to everyone's expectations. He showed outstanding talent for cultivation at a very young age. When he was still a child, he was personally taken to Bailu Mountain by the grandmaster Xuanyuan Mingjing to teach him how to cultivate.

At a young age, he became famous all over the world and was considered the best man in the world.

I heard that he had just passed through the mountain gate and advanced to the Grandmaster level. He is the youngest junior grandmaster in the Phoenix Empire and also the youngest junior grandmaster in the history of cultivation.
It broke the record set by Tang Li, one of the two pillars of the empire at that time.

"He reminded me that if the royal family wanted to seize power, whose power would they want to seize the most?"


"Which is the greater threat to the royal family, the Qin family or the Lu family, or the Shen family?"


"No matter how strong the Shen family is, can they be stronger than the Tang family back then? They can destroy the Tang family, so why can't they destroy the Shen family?"

Sun Shehu sighed softly and said, "Master Xinglan has a broad mind. At such a young age, he is able to unravel the mystery and see the overall situation. It is really admirable."

"Don't praise him too much. We have thought of everything he could think of. It's just that we still have a lucky mentality."

Shen Wuxiang picked up the teacup and took a sip, then said with deep emotion: "Everyone else is drunk but I am the only one sober, this is certainly a good thing. But what if everyone else is sober but I am the only one drunk?"

"So, the military minister just overturned the table?"

"It's like boiling water in the fog, fishing for the moon in the water, it's really hard to tell what's real and what's fake, what's real and what's fake." Shen Wuxiang said, "In that case, I'll overturn the table." "Whoever the royal family wants to hit, I'll put a knife on his neck. It's okay if they cut him."

“What if it’s not cut?”

Shen Wuxiang's eyes were slightly stern, and he said in a deep voice: "Isn't the result clear at a glance?"

Sun Shehu understood it, but he didn't dwell on the topic anymore because it was too taboo.

"The military minister asked the security bureau to go to Luban Mountain to ask for the person. Will they give him to you?"

"Of course not." Shen Wuxiang said straightforwardly: "If he had given it, Lu Dongsheng would not have left immediately after hearing the news."

"So, the military minister is saying that the conflict is not intense enough?"

"I'll send several hundred people from the Security Bureau and one bandit named Tang in there to see if that big shark will open its mouth."

"The Prime Minister is wise."

“It’s just to survive.”
Guo Nu's face was as gloomy as water.

This is to let him die.

He couldn't help going.

Soon, his fat face was filled with a warm smile.

She walked up to Bandit Tang with her big belly and said, "We have found the whereabouts of Lu Dongsheng. The military minister asked us to bring him back for investigation no matter what. Director Tang, the opportunity to make a contribution is right in front of us."

"Where is it?" asked Tang Fei.

"Luban Mountain."

Tang Fei blinked, then looked at Guo Nu with a smile: "You mean, we have to go to Luban Mountain to find someone?"

"What's wrong with Luban Mountain? Is Luban Mountain not the land of the empire?" Guo Nu applied what he had learned and copied exactly what the military minister had said to reprimand him.

Of course, he didn't dare use the latter sentence.

He was not qualified to judge whether the Lu family were subjects of the empire.

Tang Fei narrowed his eyes and looked at Guo Nu, and asked, "Do you really think so?"

A mocking smile appeared on Guo Nu's lips. "What? Director Tang is scared?"

"Of course." Tang Fei said without hesitation: "That's Luban Mountain. A Luban Mountain is filled with a hundred thousand troops. Although I have only been in Xinxing for a few days, I have heard of this proverb."

"If you have solid evidence, that would be fine. Now we don't even have evidence, only a trumped-up charge, and we are going to Luban Mountain to get someone back."

"Director Guo, are you really not panicking at all?"

The Tang bandit has been to Luban Mountain.

As soon as I entered, I encountered their maze.

The car was circling around and around, unable to find the direction to move forward and also had no way to go back.

What’s even more terrible is that the densely packed mechanical army is overwhelming.

Jackals, tigers, leopards, bees and rats are rampant.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the old man had not appeared in time to help me solve the trap, I would have lost my life.
Tigers and leopards can still put up a fight, but the ubiquitous mechanical bees and mechanical mice really make it hard for Tang Fei to guard against them. If you are not careful, they will bite you and tear off a piece of your flesh.

The long needles on the bees' mouths carry anesthetics or poisons. One injection will ensure you have a good sleep or send you to heaven.

They actually wanted to rely on such a small number of people to go to Luban Mountain and take away Lu Dongsheng, an important figure of their Lu family. Isn't this just walking into a trap and seeking death?
Tang Fei knew that the Lu family would definitely not make things difficult for him.

After all, he is the long-lost grandson of Lu Qingshan, the head of the Lu family.
But they died and I lived again.

Isn't this relationship unclear?
can not go.

You absolutely cannot go.

"We eat the emperor's salary, serve the emperor loyally, and worry about the emperor. What is there to be afraid of? This is the intention of the military prime minister and the king. Can we disobey his orders?" Guo Nu said with his neck stiff.

"The king wants you to go to Luban Mountain to get someone?"

"The king has entrusted this matter to the military minister. The military minister's opinion is the king's opinion."

What Guo Nu said was not wrong.

Zhong Daolong handed over the investigation of Zhong Tianque's attack to the Imperial Military Commission instead of the Imperial Household Chief Chen Tianlei.
This has shown his attitude.

Tang Fei was silent for a moment, then said, "This is a serious matter, I have to ask my leader for instructions."

After saying that, he walked to the side and called Yan Wenli.

"Dean, Guo Nu has gone crazy. He wants to take us to Luban Mountain to snatch people. He also said that no matter what, we must bring Lu Dongsheng back." The moment the call was connected, Tang Fei immediately put on a veil for Guo Nu.

"He's crazy, so you should go crazy with him." Yan Wenli's unique hoarse voice came over.

Tang Fei looked stunned and asked uncertainly, "Are you really going?"

"Good luck."

After saying that, the phone was hung up.

Tang Fei walked towards Guo Nu and said, "I convinced the dean, and he agreed that we should go to Luban Mountain to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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