Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 102 The Attacking Uchiha

Chapter 102 The Attacking Uchiha
Just after Akimichi Tekkaze sent the combat planning letter back to the village, Uchiha Tokumitsu waited until the second division of the Tokumitsu Red Team.

As a result, the tribe gathered under Uchiha Tokumitsu has exceeded 260 people, and it is not all strength.

Because the third team of the Deguang Chibei team is still stationed in the Daming Mansion in the Country of Grass and serves as the backing for the Uchiha Fire Gate to control the Country of Grass.

In addition, there is also a family force that also belongs to Uchiha Tokumitsu-Uchiha Dark Guard has not yet been used.Therefore, if Uchiha Tokumitsu fully mobilizes his forces, it must be a terrorist force that can win a local war between major powers.

As for the battle against Sand Hidden, whether the village, especially the Hokage Building, would have any special ideas, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn’t care, nor was he interested in learning about it. For him, there was no need to pay much attention to futures dead people .

But Sakumo Hatake only paid attention to whether the preparation materials he requested could be raised as scheduled, so when he saw the last batch of ninja gear delivered to the warehouse as scheduled, he was also relieved, thinking that the village fully supported this in his heart. There is a war.

"It's so simple..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also witnessed Hatake Sakumo's relieved appearance.

As a comrade-in-arms and ally, he has reservations about Hatake Sakumo's consistent style.Now that everyone has decided to come out and fight for credit, why do they still wishful thinking that the personal relationship and trust with others can still be the same as before?
You know, blocking one's future is worse than killing one's parents.

But it is precisely because of Hatake Sakumo's upright personality that he has a large number of fans, so Uchiha Tokumitsu does not want to change.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Tokumitsu left the material storage area and went to the training ground to observe the pre-war training of the Tokumitsu Red Team.


The country of fire where Konoha is located is the richest country among the ninja kingdoms.

The Land of Fire is located in the middle of the Ninja Continent. Although its territory is not the largest, it has the most fertile land and the most abundant products. It also occupies the core arteries of commerce and trade in various countries. Therefore, even if the nobles of the Land of Fire do nothing else, Just collecting commercial taxes is full of money, and naturally has a psychological innate advantage over the other four major countries, thinking that they are a group of barbarians who rely on exploiting farmers and robbing to survive.

But it is precisely because of the current situation of the Land of Fire that the daimyo nobles have little ambition for other big countries, and have never initiated wars against other big countries. They were in a state of passive counterattack in the two ninja world wars.

Moreover, in terms of terrain, the Land of Fire also lacks natural barriers, and is in a situation that is easy to attack and difficult to defend. Not only must it guard the borders of the three major land powers, but it is also deployed in the coastal areas to guard against the invasion of the Land of Water. No matter how many ninjas there are Power, so dispersed is still stretched.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo’s combat plan for Sand Hidden, the target of the operation is to point directly at the land of the land of the wind. After defeating the border forces of the sand hidden, they plan to capture the cities of the land of the wind along the line as strongholds and follow-up battles The preset battlefield directly turns passive counterattack into active offense.

And this will surely be Konoha's first war against a big country since the establishment of Konoha Ninja Village and since Uchiha Madara left.

Even though Konoha's high-level officials kept silent about this, the eyes of Konoha and even the Kingdom of Fire began to cast their attention on the various ninja worlds of the Kingdom of Kawa.

The feint attack in the direction of the Kingdom of Rain also proceeded as scheduled.

With the assistance of Kato Dan and other elite Jōnin, Tsunade led his troops to attack first, advancing towards the western part of the Land of Rain occupied by Sand Hidden.

Jiraiya's job has also been changed from intelligence to raiding behind enemy lines, to cooperate with Tsunade's forward offensive.

Orochimaru led the large troops of the dispatched army, and pressed towards the sand in a leisurely manner.

At the same time, Sanshoyu Hanzo began to gather the remaining Urenin forces, and was also preparing to march towards the sand hidden occupied area in the west.

"You can move."

Hatake Sakumo said to Uchiha Tokumitsu with the information from the dispatched army headquarters.

Uchiha Tokumitsu picked up the information and read it again, then nodded.

"Then, let's act according to the original plan!" Uchiha Tokumitsu was also eager to try, "Then inform Mimura Kami Shinobi and Kime Kami Shinobi that the border defense forces can move out."

"Then I'll lead the mobile unit one step ahead." Hatake Sakumo stood up, twisted his neck, and said with a smile, "I'll trouble Tokumitsu-kun if we fight head-on."

"Then I wish Sakumo-kun victory, and after the first battle is successful, he will win the position of the squad leader of the ninja class!" Uchiha Tokumitsu also laughed.

The Konoha Ninja Army in the direction of Kawa no Kuni plans to march in two ways.

The western frontier defense force led by Mimura Hanomaki and Mume Gongdao approached the empty area of ​​the sand hidden defense line from the south road, and lured the eastern army of sand hidden to divide troops; The army launched an attack, while Hatake Sakumo led the mobile unit to ambush in advance, and took the opportunity to launch a beheading offensive, taking down the front army headquarters of Sand Hidden in one fell swoop.

The entire battle plan is basically a copy of the style of the vortex breakout battle in the battle to aid the country of the vortex.

After all, although Sakumo Hatake is named as the combat commander of the Kawa no Kuni battlefield, the essence of this position is for him to gain military exploits. In actual combat, it is the assault and beheading operations behind the enemy that can best give full play to Sakumo Hatake's strengths. strength.

When Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops to the border and started a confrontation with the Sand Gin Ninja Army, another intelligence came from the direction of the Land of Rain: Ebizo, the commander of Sand Gin in the western region of the Land of Rain.

This shows that the Sain high-ranking Chiyo Elder, who has a feud with Uchiha Tokumitsu for killing his son and daughter-in-law, is currently in the Sain camp in front of him.

"The puppet old woman is really calm..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled, condensed the fire chakra and burned the intelligence documents into fly ash.

After several feints and attempts, Uchiha Tokumitsu also roughly figured out the details of the sand hidden camp.

After the division of troops went south to fight against the Konoha western border defense force that was attacking across the border, there were probably more than 500 sand hermit ninjas in the sand hermit camp in front of her.

260 vs. [-], of course the odds of winning are sure!
"Sha Yin is vulnerable, the headquarters are all family elites, let me ask you if you have the confidence to overcome it in a battle!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's Sharingan opened quietly, and the blood-red eyes exuded a murderous aura.


260 pairs of sharing sharing eyes opened together.

The overflowing chilling pupil power is connected with boundless murderous aura, creating an extremely bloody aura.

Ever since the Uchiha clan joined Konoha, there has never been a chance to gather so many family ninjas to launch a large-scale war.

In particular, since the Uchiha clan took charge of the police department, they have been absent from most of the battles of the First Ninja World War, and due to the status quo of their duties, they rarely have the opportunity to go out of the village to perform tasks. Horror, new age ninjas lack enough awareness and awe.

Therefore, whether it is Konoha or Ninja World, there is no shortage of voices questioning the strength of the Uchiha clan.

In this battle, Uchiha Tokumitsu intends to wipe out the Sunakin camp in one fell swoop, so that the prestige of the Uchiha clan will spread to the ninja world again.

"Let's attack!"


260 Uchiha ninjas shouted loudly!


Uchiha Tokumitsu pulled out the Kodachi, and the blade pointed directly in the direction of Sagakushi Camp.

"Going forward!"

With the above ninja as the spearhead and the chunin as the basis, Tokumitsu Uchiha commanded his subordinates to launch a full-scale attack on the sand hidden camp.

Sagakushi, who had an absolute advantage in numbers, was not to be outdone, and a Sagakushi army of about 500 people took the initiative to go out of the camp and head towards the Uchiha ninja army.

"Running in both directions... that's great!"

Uchiha Tokuko licked his lips, and the bloody Sangodama Sharingan in his eyes rolled faster.

He likes this kind of battle where the opponent underestimates him to play refueling tactics!

When the distance between the two sides was about 1000 meters, Uchiha Tokumitsu issued an order.

The Uchiha ninja army began to slow down, and the Uchiha ninjas stepped forward to line up.

The [-]th-ranked Uchiha family jonin is Uchiha Tokumitsu's greatest confidence in this battle.

800 meters away.

The puppet masters in the Sand Ninja Army began to release puppets, and at the same time summoned a group of psychic beasts such as giant sand worms and large poisonous scorpions.

"United Fire Escape—"

Uchiha Tokumitsu issued an order again.

500 meters away!
You can already see the ferocious face of Sand Hidden and their seal gestures.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

The high-level fire escape ninjutsu jointly launched by fifty Uchiha jouninjutsu set off a sea of ​​flames overwhelming the world and attacked the sand ninja army.

"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

The Uchiha chunin perform their wind escape ninjutsu at the same time.

"Wind Escape Tornado Hurricane!"

At the same time, the sand ninja army used wind escape ninjutsu to resist.

"Get ready—ninja throwing!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu issued an order, and the Uchiha ninja army threw ninja tools at the sand ninja army.

It is also mixed with Uchiha Deguang's Kunai with a mutual detonation symbol.

After defeating Sand Yin's Feng Dun Hurricane, the power of the fire escape ninjutsu was reduced, and was blocked by the puppet masters in the Sand Yin Army's joint shield.

The next thing is the ninja rain thrown by the Uchiha ninja army.

Sand hidden puppet master intends to repeat the same trick, continue to use puppets to resist ninja attacks, so as to enter close combat as soon as possible.


Uchiha Tokumitsu muttered silently in his heart.

"Boom boom boom!"

The detonating talismans summoned by the detonating talisman technique exploded again and again, shattering Sha Yin's puppet defense line to pieces.

At the same time, the detonating talisman was still under the control of Uchiha Tokumitsu's flying talisman technique, and kept falling towards the crowd of the sand ninja army, causing riots in the sand ninja army at the same time as the explosion.

The tactics are old, but tried and tested.

The Uchiha Ninja Army also formed a front arrow formation headed by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was the first to kill Sand Hidden's formation by violently blasting Sand Hidden's puppet defense with the technique of mutual multiplication of detonating charms.

The large fire dragon formed by the high-level fire escape ninjutsu shot forward violently, opening the attack channel forcefully.


Several sand hidden ninjas who were oncoming had no time to dodge, and were burnt to charred corpses by Uchiha Tokumitsu's fire escape.

At the same time, Tokumitsu Uchiha kept projecting the Kunai with the detonating symbol to the left and right, causing violent explosions wherever he went.

"Wind Escape, Blade of Wind!"

Three Sagakushi jonin waved the wind blade formed by the condensed wind chakra, and faced Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Magic · The Art of Hanging!"

The Jonin of the family who followed Uchiha Tokumitsu joined hands to launch an illusion to freeze the bodies of the three of them for a while.

If you don't pay attention on the battlefield, you will end up dead, not to mention being immobilized.

The three Sagakushi jonin were instantly decapitated by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Huo Dun · head hard!"

Uchiha Kaminin finally set off a sea of ​​flames again, and overwhelmed the Saganin army.

In addition, there are countless detonating charms flying close to the ground under the remote control of Uchiha Tokumitsu's Flying Talisman Technique, cutting into the crowd of Sand Hidden.

A series of powerful fire escapes swept away the sand ninja army, which had a double advantage in numbers.

Not long after the battle, the more than 500 sand ninja troops who participated in the battle began to show signs of instability.

Uchiha Tokumitsu split the flying Kunai casually, and another fireball burned the two terrified Sand Grunts to death.

There was a commotion from the Shayin camp not far away.

It can be seen that another batch of sand ninja troops began to assemble, ready to go out to support.

The face of Sha Yin's frontline commander is extremely ugly, and it is extremely embarrassing to be able to fight like this with double the troops!

But there is no way, as soon as the two sides fought, the original plan to use ninjutsu and puppets to launch a bombing offensive was completely disrupted by the Uchiha ninja army, and the formation of the ninja army was also quickly broken. Under the siege, struggling.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Flame Slash!"

The red fire-stalking chakra sword energy rushed towards Sayin's puppet.


The sword energy of Jianyan Zhan shattered a puppet one by one.

"Household Slash!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu drew his sword again, and in an instant he stood in front of a puppet master who had lost his puppet protection, and beheaded him with one blow.

Compared with the first battle to suppress the country of sand in the Qing Dynasty, Sand Yin Shangren who is fighting at this time is more than a little weaker.

But this is also normal. The son and daughter-in-law of the high-ranking elders of Shayin are the ones who carry out the sabotage mission. They are not only noble, but also have excellent talents. To more tasks to make money is the most important!
The decline of Sand Hidden's first wave of ninja offensive became more and more obvious.

"Uchiha Ryu · Sun Halo Dance!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu swung his blade and rotated his body, and the condensed chakra turned into a flame tornado, instantly killing the densest crowd of sand hidden.

The Sand Yin Army began to faintly collapse.

The reason for going out to fight is that Sand Yin wants to test the strength of the Uchiha Ninja Army on the one hand, and the other is that he believes that his side has the superiority in numbers, and even if he cannot defeat Uchiha, he can fight him for life.

Unexpectedly, the Uchiha Ninja Army was so terrifying!
"Fire Escape·Haolong Luanwu!"

Combined with a number of family jonin, Uchiha Tokumitsu once again bombarded the formation of the last team of Sagakure with fire escape.

At the end of the audience, the ninja army on the front line of Sand Hidden persisted for less than 5 minutes, and they began to show signs of breaking Sand Hidden.

The sand ninja army of the second team also assembled, officially left the camp, and rushed towards Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Where's that puppet old woman?" Uchiha Tokumitsu glanced at the sand ninja army who came to help.

Elder Qiandai was not among them.

Uchiha Tokumitsu cut down a sand ninja with a sword.

This time, there was another commotion from the Sand Hidden Camp.

"Uchiha Tokumitsu!"

With boundless hatred and killing intent, the elder Chiyo, the high-ranking member of Shayin, formally led his troops to kill his son and enemy Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Good to come!!"

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu performed another fire escape ninjutsu to add to the fun, and by the way stabbed a seriously injured sand hidden to the ground.

 Chapter 2 must be past twelve o'clock...

(End of this chapter)

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