Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 103 1:[-] Cold Mang Arrives First, Then the Sword Comes Out Like a Dragon

Chapter 103

The sand hermits who rose from the barren and difficult desert, due to lack of resources, have always implemented a policy of elite soldiers in the selection and promotion of ninjas, and the ninjas they have cultivated have always been famous in the ninja world for their fierceness and cruelty.

In terms of combat performance, Sand Yin is more courageous than Yan Yin, and more disciplined than Wu Yin. He is indeed a formidable opponent that cannot be underestimated.

But this time, they are facing a Blood Succession Ninja force composed entirely of Uchiha ninjas.

Facts have proved that in the absence of special external force interference, the strength of the blood successor ninja is stronger than that of ordinary escape ninjas.

When 260 Uchiha ninjas killed the first wave of Sainin soldiers in one fell swoop and were about to collapse, the second wave of Sainin troops rushed again, and only then helped the first batch of Sainin troops stabilize the front line.

As the commander-in-chief, Elder Chiyo also left the camp with his personal guards and rushed to the battlefield.

In the sand hidden camp behind, the last batch of sand hidden ninja troops are also gathering, ready to go out in full force.

At the same time, several groups of sand hidden ninjas went out to search the camp again, in case the whole army attacked and another Konoha ninja army lurked to attack the camp.

"Take me as the center and shrink the formation!"

With the continuous reinforcements of Sand Hidden, the Uchiha Ninja Army, which is at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, can no longer have a large-scale full-scale offensive.

Uchiha Tokumitsu issued an order to gather the ninja army.

"Flame Escape · Dust Concealment Technique!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sprayed high-temperature dust from his mouth, covering the ninja army from fighting.

In order to avoid being quickly blown away by the wind escape ninjutsu of the sand hidden ninja, Tokumitsu Uchiha deliberately used the fire escape chakra to perform this ninjutsu.

"Wind Escape, Thousand-faced Wind!"

Several sand hidden jounin tried to dispel Uchiha Tokumitsu's dust concealment technique through wind escape, but with little success.

The high-temperature smoke and dust covering an extremely wide area suddenly separated the frontal battlefields of Uchiha and Sagakure.

Uchiha Tokumitsu glanced at the withdrawn Uchiha Ninja Army. There are about 230 people left. In fact, many of them still have serious scars on their bodies.

"The corpses of the tribe..."

"It's all been recycled."

A Uchiha ninja quickly replied.

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded slightly.

For the blood successor ninja, every clansman who awakens the power of the blood successor is precious, and the corpse that carries the secret of the blood succession limit is also very important.

In terms of Sand Hidden, about 300 people were killed by the Uchiha Ninja in the first wave of the ninja army, and the exchange ratio was nearly ten to one.

But this does not mean that the Uchiha ninja army can destroy the sand ninja army after paying a heavy price. After all, the first round of battle still has an advantage in intelligence. After the army's intelligence, it is not so easy to deal with.

The most obvious point is that Sand Hidden, who rushed to help in the second wave, has learned not to look up directly into Uchiha's eyes.

"Kinmatsubai's Secret Skill Three Treasures Suction!"

Elder Chiyo, who controlled the ten people in Chimatsu, used the puppet secret technique to absorb all of Uchiha Tokumitsu's dust concealment technique.

Immediately afterwards, the bodies of the three puppets that jointly activated the Three Treasures Absorbing Secret Technique flashed red light intermittently as if something had malfunctioned.

Elder Chidai hurriedly made adjustments to suppress the follow-up fluctuation of ninjutsu chakra.

"Little brat, you are Uchiha Tokumitsu!"

After eliminating the chakra agitation of the Dust Concealment Technique, Elder Chiyo said to Uchiha Tokumitsu not far away.

Both eyes fixed on Uchiha Tokuko's cheek.

"Good day, Elder Qiandai, I am right here."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied politely.

It's just that according to the current military strength of Sagakure, Chiyo, who is protected by groups of Sagakure ninjas and has ten puppets to protect him, is very unfavorable for Hatake Sakumo to launch a beheading offensive.

"It's great, a promising young man, finally a decent young man from the Uchiha clan has stepped forward..." Although Chiyo's words were compliments, his tone was as cold as ice for thousands of years.

Immediately, she changed the topic, "Unfortunately, a genius like De Guangjun is doomed to die here today! What a pity!"

"Really? Is Elder Qiandai so confident?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu still had a smile on his face, not angry.

At the same time, the ninja forces behind both sides are nervously making final combat adjustments.

"Yes, I will do what I say."

Elder Chidai lowered his head, "But I will make you a human puppet, and make you kneel in front of the grave and repent forever!"

"In front of the grave? Whose grave?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's smile was still bright, "Is it in front of your tomb? Or...your unlucky son and daughter-in-law's?"

"The brat can really talk..."

Sand Yin was ready to charge, Elder Chidai slowly raised his hands, his fingers slightly spread, and the ten people from Jinsong dispersed.

"I hope that when you are dying, you can still be so stubborn..."

Elder Chidai sneered again and again, and the Shayin Ninja Army was ready to go.

"Let's fight and retreat..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also whispered to the Uchiha Ninja Army.

Judging from the current formation, even if Hatake Sakumo was lurking in place, there was no chance to launch a surprise attack and behead him.

Then use the fighting and retreating style of play to pull, so that there are some gaps in the formation of the chasing Sand Gin Army, so that Hatake Sakumo can implement the beheading plan.

Uchiha Tokumitsu unhurriedly took out a small scroll from the scroll case, and unsealed a large sword that was almost as tall as himself.

Ready to work hard...

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath.

"Kill them!"

At the order of Elder Chidai, the ninjutsu strikes of the sand hidden ninja army responded accordingly.

"Wind Escape·Vacuum Jade!"

"Wind escape · oppression!"

"Wind escape · big net!"

A series of combined wind escape ninjutsu hit the Uchiha ninjutsu from all directions.

"Uchiha Flame Array!"

The eight Uchiha Jonin work in groups of two to launch the Uchiha clan's enchantment together.

The turbulent flames rose from the ground, intertwined and rose, forming a wall of flames, blocking all of Sha Yin's wind escape ninjutsu.

"Bang bang bang!!!!"

The wind escape ninjutsu hit the flame array, and the chakras continued to disappear, causing bursts of explosions.

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his hand and pressed back, and Uchiha Ninja began to jump back.

Then he took out a sealing scroll from the scroll case on his chest, tore off a corner, clamped it with his left thumb, and formed a "Yin" seal with one hand.

"Array of Flying Talismans!"

Hundreds of detonating symbols flew out from the cuffs and landed on the ground behind the flame array.

Afterwards, the eight Uchiha jounin stopped chakra output at the same time and retreated quickly, and the flame array gradually dissipated.


The flame formation without chakra output was quickly broken, and the ferocious sand hidden ninja rushed up excitedly.

"Mutually Multiply Detonating Talisman Technique - Explosion!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Hundreds of detonating talismans detonated at the same time, and the powerful explosion blasted the fastest-charging sand ninja into wreckage flying all over the sky.

Afterwards, by using the detonating talisman technique to continuously psychic detonating talismans, the explosions continued continuously, abruptly interrupting Sha Yin's charge momentum.

Since the front is the explosion zone, then outflank it from the side.

The sand ninja army then divided up and circled around from the two wings.

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

The Uchiha ninja army in the rear teamed up again to perform high-level fire escape ninjutsu, and launched a ninjutsu attack on the sand ninja army on the two wings.

Tokumitsu Uchiha controlled the detonating talisman to detonate, while leaping back with his back.

"Kinmatsubai's Secret Technique··Ten Machine Drill·Shield Protection!"

Chiyo-controlled Kinmatsu's ten people formed a formation, spread the chakra shield together, and forcibly charged against the bombing of the detonating talisman.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't want to fight the lifeless puppet, so he continued to speed up and leap backward.

The bombing area created by the detonating symbol also stopped.

Afterwards, dozens of puppets with strange shapes continued to attack.

"Fire Escape·Longyan Art of Singing!"

Four huge fire dragons spewed out from Uchiha Tokumitsu's mouth, and hit the ten people in Chimatsu with their teeth and claws.

"Kinmatsubai's Secret Technique: Mechanism Shield!"

Three puppets form a chakra shield wall, trying to resist Uchiha Tokumitsu's fire attack.

"Boom boom boom!"

The four fire dragons directly hit the three puppets among the ten people in Chimatsu.

After smashing the two puppets, the killing power of Long Yan's song singing technique was completely wiped out.

The Uchiha ninja army still retreated while fighting, and continued to engage in ninjutsu confrontation with the sand ninja army on both wings.

Unlike the Kirigakure ninja, who emphasizes individual combat power but loose discipline, Sand Gakure, who is more disciplined and closely coordinated, has gradually gained the upper hand in ninjutsu duels with overwhelming ninjutsu advantages.

At the same time, following Chiyo's command, a pair of sand hidden ninjas continued to spread out towards the two wings, and after opening a huge encirclement circle, they outflanked the Uchiha ninja army together.

Although the sand ninja army has a larger number of people, the frontal battlefield can not accommodate many people; after the outflanking, it can not only give full play to the advantage of numbers to expand the ninjutsu attack area, but also cut off the Uchiha ninja army's retreat .

Tokumitsu Uchiha intentionally commanded the ninja army to speed up the evacuation, but under the fierce pursuit of the sand hidden ninja army in the front and the harassment from the side sand hidden, he was still unable to break away from the battle.

The detonating symbols in the sealing scroll are always limited, and after a while of continuous bombing, the detonating symbols in the scroll are finally exhausted.

Sand Yin attacked head-on in a more ferocious state, and Sand Yin on the two wings also began to speed up and outflank.

The sand hidden in the outer net began to shrink the encirclement.


Uchiha Tokumitsu threw away the seal scroll that consumed the detonation talisman, and held the big sword on his shoulder.

It's time to go all out!

Uchiha Ninja waited intently.


The Otachi pointed at the sand ninja army who kept chasing ahead!

More than 200 pairs of writing sharing eyes are all staring ahead.

Tokumitsu Uchiha was the first to launch a counter charge.

The Uchiha ninja army then formed a front arrow array.

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

All Uchiha Jonin jointly perform fire escape ninjutsu.

Dozens of giant fire dragons attacked the sand ninja army ahead.

"Uchiha Ryu · Sun Halo Dance!"

Afterwards, Uchiha Tokumitsu instantly rushed into the Sand Hidden formation, urged the Chakra to release, and his body turned rapidly in mid-air. The raging Fire Chakra danced with the sword light and sent out flames and sword lights in all directions. There was a bloodbath among the Sha Yin crowd.

"Magic Hell Seeing Art!"

The Sangodama in Uchiha Deguang's eyes turned quickly, and released ninjutsu indiscriminately towards the front.

In order to save Chakra, he is not willing to release too advanced illusion.

Five or six sand ninjas with weak willpower screamed in shock, and then they were awakened by their companions who interrupted the effect of the illusion.

Not waiting for the ashamed sand hidden ninja to try to make up for his face, Uchiha Tokumitsu has already killed them.

Those who can be fooled by middle and low-level illusions are naturally soft persimmons that are easy to pinch.

With the continuous shrinking of the encirclement, coupled with the frontal assault of the Uchiha Ninja Army, Sand Hidden's main force has been relatively weak.

"Kinmatsubai's Secret Technique · Puppet Art · Restraint!"

A blue-faced puppet waved two iron whips from the top of its head and whipped towards Uchiha Tokumitsu. Uchiha Tokumitsu had to keep slashing and blocking with a knife.

Another large group of puppets of various shapes continued to attack.

"Blinking technique!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't plan to confront the lifeless puppet head-on, so he chose an opportunity to break away from the puppet's entanglement with a teleportation technique, and once again entered the crowd of Sand Hidden.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

At this moment, three unusually eye-catching signal lights rose in the direction of the camp behind the Sand Yin Ninja Army.

Then, a small ninja army wearing Konoha forehead protection appeared on the horizon and rushed towards the battlefield.

"Elder Chidai..."

Chiyo's guard captain said to her with some embarrassment.

"Drop back to fight!"

Elder Chiyo said sharply: "I will definitely kill that evil brat of the Uchiha family!"

"Huo Dun · head hard!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who had been rushing through the Sand Hidden crowd for a while, was about to be encircled, and quickly escaped with a teleportation technique, and once again killed Chiyo Elder.

"I will never give up until I kill him!"

Gritting his teeth, Elder Chiyo manipulated the puppets while commanding the Sand Gin Army to surround Uchiha Tokumitsu.

At this moment, a saber light broke through the ground from the back of Elder Qiandai!

Like the momentum of thunder, it is unstoppable!
"Enemy attack!"

Chiyo's guard captain is also an elite Jonin who has experienced many battles. He quickly blocked him with his body and swung a knife to try to block.


The attacking knife light was blocked, and then the surrounding sand hidden guard ninjas swarmed up.

Another saber light floated up from the feet of Elder Qiandai without a sound.

There is no too dazzling effect, nor is there any ferocious momentum.Just like this, he swiped across in an ordinary way, and cut off the ankles of the elder Qiandai.


The attackers who were besieged by sand hidden guard ninjas turned into a cloud of blue smoke.

It's a shadow clone!

Sensing that he was being deceived, the guardian ninja of Sand Hidden quickly turned his head back, just in time to see Elder Chiyo's body began to fall forward with a trace of bewilderment after his feet were cut off.

A ghostly figure leaped out from the ground in front of Chiyo, took advantage of the opportunity and sent the dagger into Chiyo's arms, stabbed it in the heart and then quickly drew the knife and continued to sneak into the ground.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Flame Slash!"

One after another of the fire-dun sword light struck, twisting Chiyo's body to pieces, only the bewildered head remained intact, which was held together by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"I said you are a futures dead man, then you will die immediately!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu cursed.

Sand hidden guard ninja with tears in his eyes, was about to rush to kill Uchiha Tokumitsu, when suddenly another figure jumped out from behind and slashed at their backs.

The mobile unit also began to fight against Sand Hidden who was going to stop him.

"Chiyo is dead! Who can stop me!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved the big sword with his right hand and Chiyo's head with his left hand, and continued to kill Sand Hidden.

Just like the battle of Uzumaki, after the main general was beheaded, the Sand Gin Army no longer had the will to fight, and began to withdraw from the battlefield under the command of the Jōnin, and some of the diehard Sand Gin fought towards Uchiha Tokumitsu regardless of their lives. , trying to fight with their lives.

But it didn't make much sense. Hatake Sakumo completely lowered his face and launched an attack that ordinary ninjas could not resist.

It didn't take long for the die-hard Sand Hidden who fought back desperately to be strangled to death by the Uchiha Ninja Army.

A large group of sand ninja troops returned to the camp smoothly.

"Deguang-jun, are you okay!"

As the dust fell to the ground, Hatake Sakumo asked with concern.

"I'm fine..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu wiped off the blood on his face and laughed.

"Sakumo-kun... No, how are you, the future squad leader of the ninja squad!"

 Sorry, there was a problem with the pouring at the construction site and it took time to rush to deal with it.This chapter was updated yesterday, and there are two updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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