Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 108 The New Force of Konoha at the Jōnin Conference

Chapter 108 The New Force of Konoha at the Jōnin Conference
Even if the scale of the Jonin Conference this time may not be "unprecedented", it is definitely "unprecedented".

Due to the need for more troops in the Second Ninja World War, the Third Hokage relaxed the limit on the number of ninjas in the early stage of the war, and each ninja tribe also drew out family jonin to join the Konoha Jonin class to participate in the war, and then came the Jonin The number of ninjas has exploded.

In particular, the radicals of the Uchiha clan were originally the most wary of the Naruto clan and were used to hiding the number of ninjas. However, under the leadership of Uchiha Tokumitsu, they continued to mobilize personnel to participate in many battles in the country of grass and the country of Kawa. Although there were not small losses, the strength of the Uchiha tribe has more or less increased after experiencing the bloody slaughter on the battlefield.

Including the Uchiha people who have served in the police department for a long time, they were all moved by this.

When Uchiha Tokumitsu visited various Jonin, many Uchiha members of the police department offered to go to the battlefield to experience it, so as to find their own breakthrough opportunities.

And the seating layout of the Jonin meeting this time is also quite mysterious.

The Uchiha clan, the Kurama clan and the ninja clan of various tribes are concentrated on the left side of the conference room. To the right is the supporter of Hatake Sakumo, in the middle is the Hyuga clan, and beyond that are the ninja clan and commoners of the Konoha clan. A hodgepodge of Jonin.

The small and medium-sized ninja clan who were originally attached to Senshou have gradually integrated into the ninja camp after quitting the ninja sequence as the last members of the Qianshou clan announced that they would give up their names and choose to retire.

It's just that the first two rows of the ninja camp are vacant, and it seems to be reserved for other big shots by default.

The head of the Uzumaki Clan, Uzumaki Ashina, then arrived at the venue. After realizing that the crowd in the venue was divided, he naturally asked the clansmen to sit behind the Uchiha camp, while he himself sat in the front row, and warmed up with Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo. Let's chat.

Afterwards, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya and the blue-haired Kato Kan led the crowd in. The three went straight to the front row to take their seats, and Kato Kan sat down behind.It's just that Tsunade's face was obviously unhappy, and he seemed to be angry.

While Tokumitsu Uchiha and Ashina Uzumaki were chatting nonsense, Hiruzaru Sarutobi also came in from the side door in front of the meeting room with two consultants, Mitomon Yan and Zanju Koharu, and sat in the top seat. Certainly.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Uzumaki Ashina also stopped talking, and the entire venue fell silent.

Although there are indeed other topics in this jonin meeting, the ninjas all know what is the core or the greatest joy of this meeting.

One issue after another was raised by the chiefs of Konoha's various ministries or the commanders of the garrison ninja troops, and then followed the usual practice or made decisions on the spot, or left them for further investigation afterwards.

Different from the looseness of the previous Jōnin meeting, this time the atmosphere of the Jōnin meeting is obviously much more solemn.

Especially with the progress of each agenda item, the breathing of the Junin gradually became heavier.

"...the last item on the agenda."

After turning to bed, Xiaochun paused.

The venue was immediately silent.

The main event is coming.

"...About Uchiha Tokumitsu, the deputy commander of the mobile unit, and others proposed the change of the ninja class..."

With a particularly obvious dissatisfaction, Xiaochun turned to bed and read out the last topic.

"There is Uchiha Tokumitsu, the deputy commander of the Mobile Force, who thinks that the current squad leader, Nara Antler, has made little contribution to the war and is difficult to convince the public. Therefore, he initiated impeachment and asked the Ninja squad to initiate a re-election immediately..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Junin, do you think it is necessary to discuss and vote? Is there anyone who disagrees?"

The hall was still silent.

All eyes were focused on Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo.

"Those who support Uchiha Tokumitsu Jonin's decision to hold the Ninja class general election immediately, please raise your hand."

Mito Menyan took the words and said.


The jonin from the Uchiha camp and the Sakumo camp raised their hands in unison.

Nearly half of the Jnin from the Hyuga clan camp and the ninja camp also raised their hands.

Mitomonyan, who was seated above, glanced at it and could tell the percentage of people who supported the reelection.

More than [-]% of Konoha Jonin agreed to immediately change the ninja class.

Although he had known it for a long time, seeing such a one-sided situation, Mitomon Yan felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

"The nobles and the common people are a bunch of white-eyed wolves who are unfamiliar with each other..."

Mito Menyan cursed inwardly, and was particularly dissatisfied with the Japanese and commoner ninjas who also supported the change of the ninja class.

But he continued to advance the agenda in a flat manner: "About the candidate for the squad leader of the ninja class, do you have any recommendations for ninja?"

"I recommend Hatake Sakumo Jonin!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was the first to stand up.



The Uchiha camp immediately expressed their support.

"According to the Election Regulations of the Second Generation Lord's Ninja Class, three to five Jnin can be recommended to participate in the election. Do you have any other candidates?"

Even though he knew it was useless to say what he said, Mitomonyan continued to speak.

"I recommend Tsunade Shinobi!"

In the ninja camp, a Nara Jonin with a ball head tied stood up.



Dozens of Jōnin spoke in agreement.

It's just that the momentum is much smaller than the crowd supporting Sakumo Hatake.

Tsunade's face also became even uglier.

"I recommend Master Akidao Takefeng!"

A honest-looking middle-aged man got up and said.

The Hokage and the advisor in the seat were slightly taken aback.

"As the elder of the village, Qufeng has already served as the general of the dispatched army after his comeback. He is not suitable to participate in this election again, and he must give the younger generation a chance to make progress..."

After hesitating for a while, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun denied this recommendation.

The middle-aged Jonin didn't say anything, but just sat down.

The other Junin looked at each other in blank dismay and did not express their opinions.

"Are there any other candidates for recommendation?"

Mitomon continued to ask.

The conference room fell silent again.

Mitomonyan sighed inwardly, and continued: "Then, next is the election and voting session for the reelection of the class leader of the ninja squad. Gentlemen vote separately based on the two candidates..."

A team of Anbu entered and distributed an envelope to the Jonin present.

Uchiha Tokumitsu opened the envelope, and inside was a piece of red paper.

"Please fill in the names of the candidates you want, the one with the highest number of votes in this election will be elected as the leader of the ninja class..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took the pen and ink, and wrote the four big characters Hatake Sakumo on the scarlet letter without hesitation.

Then blow on the paper to dry the ink.

After putting the ballot into the envelope, Uchiha Tokumitsu hesitated for a moment, then wrote his name on the lower right corner of the envelope with a pen.

Seeing this, the surrounding Uchiha tribe or Hatake Sakumo's supporters followed suit one after another, writing their names or passwords on each corner of the envelope.

Seeing this, Mitomonyan closed his eyes.

He originally thought that even if Hatake Sakumo's election was irreversible, at least he could do something about the number of votes, so that the number of votes for fellow candidate Tsunade would not look so small, and he could Let the camp that supports Sakumo Hatake suspect each other.

But Uchiha Deguang voted with his signature, and suddenly abolished his trick.

Hatake Sakumo hesitated for a moment, but wrote his name on the ballot.

Uchiha Tokumitsu has been watching his actions sideways, seeing Hatake Sakumo's movements, he felt a little relieved.

What he is most afraid of is that Hatake Sakumo is embarrassed to choose himself at this time, and come up with a "promotional style" to vote for Tsunade. If that is the case, it will be too damaging to internal morale.

But fortunately, what he worried about didn't happen after all.

The ballot papers were all filled out in a short while.

All eyes were on Sakumo Hatake.

Sakumo Hatake stood up first and handed the ballot envelope to the stage.

Uchiha Tokumitsu then led his clansmen forward together.

The junin below also handed in envelopes one after another.

Not only were the seats in the conference hall clearly defined, but even the ballot envelopes stacked on the stage were divided into two piles, one big and one small.

At a glance, there are about half more ballot envelopes stacked on the left than on the right.

The significance of this is self-evident.

"Are there any Jōnin who have not turned in their ballots?"

Mitomon asked himself.

I asked three times in a row, but no one answered.

"The voting for this election is over, and the confidence vote statistics for the ninja squad leader election will start now!"

Anbu pushed a mobile blackboard into the room.

After Mitomonyan put the two piles of ballots together and messed them up, he picked up the envelopes and opened them one by one, and began to count the ballots. Anbu wrote the names of Hatake Sakumo and Tsunade on the blackboard.

"One vote for Sakumo Hatake!"

"One vote for Sakumo Hatake!"

"One vote for Sakumo Hatake!"


Mitomon is a fast reader.

Nearly a hundred ballots were read, all of which were in favor of Sakumo Hatake.

"One vote for Tsunade!"

"One vote for Tsunade!"

"One vote for Sakumo Hatake!"

Tsunade began to get some votes one after another.

But the ratio is very different.

Sarutobi Hiruzashi, who was calm on the stage, heard the sound of "Sakumo Hatakeki", and his heart was surging.

Unspeakable emotions rolled in his chest.

Jōnin is the pillar force of Ninja Village, each Jōnin is a valuable resource, and Jōnin Class is Konoha's power organization second only to the Advisory Group.

Although there is no enforcement power, the ninja class is also a power organization that represents all the ninja will of Konoha. In addition to the right to discuss and vote on general affairs of the village, the ninja class can theoretically also recommend Hokage candidates internally. People may launch a no-confidence impeachment against Hokage.

With such huge power, as the controller who coordinates the operations of the upper ninja squad, the squad leader of the upper ninja squad is naturally a high-ranking Konoha executive.

But in the past, due to the continuous centralization of power by Naruto and consultants, and the long-term occupation of the leader of the ninja class by the Nara clan's ninja, the power of the ninja class has been repeatedly reduced, and it has almost become a voting machine. Decision-making insulation.

But the system is the system, no matter how much it is actually reduced, the power of the ninja class is there. If there is a powerful, tough attitude and backstage support for the ninja class leader, Naruto and the consultants may not have the opportunity to do it again. As in the past, he manipulated power at will.

And this time the election of the class leader of the ninja class, since the second generation of Hokage took control of Konoha, the Hokage family has lost absolute control of the ninja class, which also means that Konoha's internal disputes have since come to light.

Even though Hokage's influence in the Jōnin squad was restored later by re-coaching Jōnin and suppressing the power of the Jōnin squad leader, it is definitely not as comfortable as it used to be.

At the same time, it also means that the supporters behind Sakumo Hatake, the new leader of the ninja class, the Uchiha clan, will officially get rid of the shackles of the past.

It also means that the strategy of trying to "domesticate" the Uchiha clan since the second generation of Senju Feima has completely failed!

The ninja clan who are unwilling to fail, especially the Sarutobi clan, the Shimura clan, and the Ikacho clan, may have very strong internal opinions.

Especially within the Zhuludie clan, there are still people with unknown attitudes, generally led by Qiu Dao and Feng Feng...

All kinds of things, following the defeat of the ninja squad leader election this time, the seemingly united Hokage clan immediately exposed many problems.

Let's hope it's not the start of an avalanche...

The third generation sighed helplessly.

"One vote for Sakumo Hatake!"

Izumi Mito read out the contents of the last ballot.

The thoughts of Sarutobi Hiruzen III also pulled back slightly.

As for the result, he didn't even need to look up to know it.

The endless "Sakumo Hatake" who had just read the votes had already told him what the election result would be.

Mitomonyan looked at the voting results, and said directly: "According to the statistics of the vote of confidence in the general election of the squad leader, Hatake Sakumo Jonin has officially been elected as the squad leader!"

He didn't read the votes of the two, because the gap was too great, if he read it out, Tsunade would be completely ashamed.

Under the shadow of the Naruto hat, Uchiha Tokumitsu did not see clearly the expression of the third generation at this time.

Tsunade, who was forcibly placed on the stage as another candidate, also returned to his normal expression at this time.

All the Uchiha ninjas stood up and applauded in unison, and the supporters of Hatake Sakumo also got up excitedly, followed by the Hyuga clan, ninjas, and civilian ninjas.

Although he may not support Sakumo Hatake's election, the result is unchangeable.

Hatake Sakumo stood up, bowed to Hokage and the two advisors on the stage, and then, at Hokage's kind invitation, walked up to the front stage, bowed again to the jonin present, and then delivered a brief speech inauguration speech.

This is the first major turmoil in Konoha's power core, and it may also be the beginning of a new round of reshuffle.

"According to the results of the vote of confidence in the ninja squad, I announce that Sakumo Hatake is officially elected as the ninja squad leader!"

After Hatake Sakumo finished his speech, the third generation who had been silent for a long time spoke slowly.

With the final word, the dust settled.

Uchiha Tokumitsu loosened his waist and leaned back in the chair, his whole body relaxed.

Fortunately, after several years of hard work, he finally succeeded, pushing Sakumo Hatake to a position that he never had in his previous life, and it can be regarded as changing the original historical track.

Today, the shield breakwater has been successfully established, and then it should be reorganized, which should be the internal affairs of the Uchiha clan.

 I'm a bit busy tonight, and Chapter 2 may not be until two or three o'clock in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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