Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 109 Police Department Reform Program

Chapter 109 Police Department Reform Program

After the meeting of the ninja class, Hatake Sakumo was officially elected as the squad leader of the ninja class with the support of more than [-]% of the ninja participants.

After the dust settled, all kinds of rumors and rumors that had been secretly spread in the village disappeared overnight, as if they had never existed before.

"Sure enough, the winner is not condemned~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was walking on the street, and his ears were full of compliments about the new squad leader Hatake Sakumo.

After the ninja class election, Uchiha Tokumitsu was invited to visit the residence of the Hatake family.

This is also the first time Uchiha Tokumitsu visited Hatake's house.

At the same time, Uchiha Tokumitsu also knew for the first time that Hatake Sakumo was already married.

Hatake Sakumo's wife is the daughter of a powerful samurai in the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire. Although she is not a ninja, she has a samurai demeanor in her words and deeds. She is not an ordinary weak lady.

"Mr. Deguang~ Welcome, the humble house is full of splendor."

Hatake Sakumo warmly welcomes Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Ashamed, this is the first time I've visited Shuo Mao-kun's residence."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied politely.

After the two exchanged polite greetings for a while, Uchiha Tokumitsu went straight to the point.

"Mr. Shuo Mao, I need your support for something."

"Please speak. Will do my best."

Hatake Sakumo didn't ask what was the matter, and agreed directly.

"You don't ask a question..." Uchiha Tokumitsu was also a little surprised: "I plan to reform the police department, and I hope to get the support of Sakumo-kun."

"Is there support from the ninja class?" Hatake Sakumo asked.


Uchiha Tokuhiro nodded yes.

"The police department has always been run by the Uchiha clan...how could it be related to the ninja class?" Hatake Sakumo was also a little confused.

"I plan to add a few more police offices in addition to the police department." Uchiha Tokumitsu directly stated his request.

"Administrative office... you mean... to set up branches of the police department in the east and west districts?" Hatake Sakumo pondered for a while, and immediately felt that this matter was tricky.

The Police Department is the only established armed force in Konoha Ninja Village except Anbe.For a long time, the headquarters have been set up on the outskirts of the Uchiha clan.

Since the founding of the Police Department by Senju Fuma, the second generation, the Konoha Police Department has always been run by the Uchiha clan, especially after the Uchiha ninja awakened Sharingan, the illusion ability has improved to a higher level, basically When interrogating a suspect, even if he has no ability to judge a case, he only needs to flash his Sharingan and stare to understand what the other party is doing.

What should I do if I encounter a suspect who cannot be hypnotized by Sharingan?
That's very easy!
Just treat it as a felon!

And the most dreadful thing is that the newly established police agency will surely become a gathering place for Uchiha ninjas.

In this way, among other things, those ninjas who have a lot of grievances with the Uchiha clan, such as the Shimura clan, may not be able to eat.

Therefore, every Konoha ninja is not very willing to deal with the police department. After all, no one knows whether they will commit something, nor does they know that if they are arrested by Uchiha, they will write Sharingan. What will the stare say; coupled with the fact that the Uchiha clan has been criticized for their rude behavior, the resistance to adding an administrative office can be imagined.

"The reform of the police department is a professional and systematic work, and the establishment of the police administration is only one part of it."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also understands the difficulty of this matter, "If this matter is vetoed by Hokage, as long as Sakumo-kun expresses his support in the Jonin Conference, it does not matter whether it is passed or not."


Hatake Sakumo was taken aback.

"If you want to open the window, you have to prepare to open the roof first. When everyone is telling you not to open the roof, no one cares that you have to open the window."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a sip of tea and said lightly.

Hatake Sakumo was stunned for a long time before he realized it.


Hatake Sakumo agreed very simply, but then added: "It's just that the reform plan of the police department can let me have a look at it first?"

"I haven't written it yet, I'll give it to you later." Uchiha Tokumitsu said calmly after drinking the tea.

"……All right."


Regarding the reform plan of the police department, Tokumitsu Uchiha had already prepared a draft.

After discussing with his father Uchiha Nakagen, and obtaining the consent of Elder Setsuna, he went to meet Uchiha Sifang, who is the current chief of the police department and Uchiha patriarch.

Regarding the reform plan of the police department proposed by Uchiha Tokumitsu, the first reaction of the Uchiha Sifang patriarch was particularly ambiguous. The patriarch immediately made a 180-degree turn and agreed to hand it over to the clan council for discussion.

"A good Uchiha, why is he so philistine and realistic..."

As everyone knows, the patriarch of the Quartet is also very troublesome for the younger generation of Uchiha Tokumitsu. Not to mention his personal strength, the Uchiha ninja army in his hand exceeds his patriarch in terms of number and number. However, with Uchiha Tokumitsu's current power, I am afraid that even if his son Uchiha Tomiga succeeds the position of patriarch successfully in the future, he will have to be suppressed by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

However, the reform plan proposed by Uchiha Tokumitsu is beneficial to the Uchiha clan no matter from which point of view, so after Uchiha Tokumitsu proposed to share the credit, the patriarch Uchiha Shikai went ahead accepted.

At nightfall, the long-lost Nanga Shrine Uchiha Clan Meeting was held again.

This time, the Uchiha Jonin who participated in the clan meeting filled the clan hall.

Everyone took a copy of the "Ministry of Police's Plan for System Innovation and Establishment Reform" and studied it carefully.

This is a major event that concerns every Uchiha tribe, especially the Uchiha ninjas who serve in the police department.

The original staffing method of the police department is the unit system, that is, the chief of the police department has a number of police units, which are respectively responsible for various affairs.

However, there are many overlaps in the division of powers, and it often happens that Uchiha ninjas from several teams investigate the same incident at the same time.

Moreover, the police department also coordinates affairs with organizations such as the Anbu and the Sealing Squad, but the captains of each branch have different tempers, and often have very unpleasant quarrels with other departments in charge of coordination, and sometimes even make troubles that require police work. The head of the department went to wipe his ass to clean up the mess himself.

Therefore, in Uchiha Tokumitsu's reform plan, the original unit system was restructured, and the police headquarters and professional affairs police teams were established.

After the restructuring, the headquarters of the police department is under the direct control of the chief of the police department, and the management organs include the chief's office, the guard, the deputy chief's office, the reference room, the confidential room, the personnel department, the finance department, and the equipment department.

The professional affairs police team has a supervisor for each team, including serious crime team, intelligence team, combating illegal organizations and anti-espionage team, special operations team, VIP protection team, logistics support and police welfare team, and rapid response team , defense group, teaching group, mission group and so on.

The reformation of the original prison directly under the Ministry of Police was renamed the Department of Correctional Services, which was directly under the Chief of the Police Department. The Chief of Police appointed a Jonin as the chief officer. , Labor camps, each with a director, and each staff is composed of personnel drawn from the professional action group.

In addition, Tokumitsu Uchiha also proposed the establishment of a police hospital in the name of protecting the health of the police department. The management agency has a police medical director and three chief physicians in charge of the emergency department, ambulance department, and convalescent department.

At the same time, some preparatory training schools of the Ministry of Police, which were not well-known before, were also renamed as police preparatory schools in the name of improving the construction of police reserve forces. They are responsible for the education and training of newly recruited police officers. There is one director of police teaching, two chief instructors, and five academic secretaries. The police preparatory school has a five-year schooling system, and each school year has a grade leader and five instructors.

The original police detachment was directly changed to the regional police administration, and a total of three administrative offices were established. Patrol group, inspection group, mobile group, security group, assault group, finance and budget and final accounts group, etc.

This set of system is based on Uchiha Tokumitsu's previous life, which is based on those specious systems in various Hong Kong comprehensive novels.

Among other things, the names of this series of institutions have confused the Uchiha ninjas.

"Mr. Deguang... What is the purpose of setting up so many departments in the headquarters management agency..." A police officer asked a little confused: "Actually, all these tasks can be done by one person."

"In order to make the work of the police department system on the road of regularization, systematization and sustainability as soon as possible."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's soul of Kanmasa is burning, but after thinking about it again, it is estimated that Uchiha, who is a good hand at killing and arresting people, doesn't understand it very well, and adds: "To put it bluntly, it is for the convenience of placing more personnel into the police department.”

"Say it earlier, it must be very good~"

The atmosphere of the clan association suddenly became active.

In the past, due to the limited staffing, many Uchiha people failed to join the police department. Now, among other things, just seeing so many departments, offices, groups and other institutions may not be able to fully understand, but at least they can It can be seen that many clansmen should be able to be placed in.

After all, whose family doesn't have a few unpromising juniors~
"However, the original funds of the police department were allocated by the village. Will the village allocate enough funds for such an expansion?"

The conservative elder Uchiha Michiyo posed another crucial question.

"Reform first, at least the new framework of the police department must be established, and it can be gradually improved in the future." Uchiha Tokumitsu has long expected, "Sakumo-kun is already in charge of the ninja class, and he will support us."

That's true, let's talk about it first.

"In addition to the village's funds, we can also collect fees from merchants." Uchiha Tokumitsu briefly explained the concepts of security fees, management fees, maintenance fees, fire consumption, and charcoal respect.

"Let's discuss again, this matter is not urgent..."

All the Uchiha tribe looked at each other and laughed dryly.

Charging merchants in the village sounds good, but it is indeed a little bit hurtful, and it is easy to offend those ninjas who run businesses, and more importantly, the Uchiha people feel a little embarrassing.

It's fine to collect the contributions of merchants in private, but what's the point of collecting money systematically.

The Uchiha people complained in their hearts, but they were embarrassed to say it.

"Shaojun...it's just about setting up regional police offices in other areas of the village. I'm afraid Hokage and other ninjas won't agree, right?"

Another captain of the police department offered his opinion.

"This item was originally a quid pro quo. It doesn't matter whether it succeeds or not, as long as other institutional reforms are successful. Things are done step by step."

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained.

"We can also directly upgrade the police post in the Uzumaki clan to a regional police agency." Another police officer, Jōnin, made another suggestion.

"This suggestion is very good." Uchiha Tokumitsu followed good advice, "At this time, I will communicate with the Uzumaki Ashina clan leader, and by the way, the Regional Police Administration located in the Uzumaki clan can also provide a few places for the Uzumaki clan."

The people of the Uchiha clan have no objection either, and the right to assume that Uchiha Tokumitsu is to buy the hearts of the Uzumaki clan.

"Deguang-jun, this last item..."

"So, what's the point of reforming police ranks?"

An elder asked again.

The official title of the police department is something that Uchiha Tokumitsu created with a slight spoof.

In the reform plan, members of the Uchiha Police Department adopt a dual-track system of rank + rank, in which the rank is an in-service position, and the in-service is at the rank; the rank is a personnel honor, which is enjoyed for life.

Specific on-the-job positions have corresponding ranks;

Chief of the Police Department, with the rank of Chief Police Officer;
Senior Assistant Chief of Police, with the rank of Senior Police Adjutant;
The Assistant Chief of the Police Department, the Director of the Police Administration, the Chief of Correctional Services, the Chief of Education, the Chief of Medical Services, etc., shall receive the rank of Police Adjutant;

The chiefs of the various agencies of the headquarters management agency, the deputy directors in charge of the headquarters and administrative offices, and the title of chief police superintendent;

The head of the professional division of the headquarters, the chief of the police department, the chief instructor of the teaching department, the director of the correctional department, the chief of the medical department, and those who have been in the job for more than 25 years shall receive the rank of superintendent;

The head of the professional group of the police station, the chief of the three divisions, and the personnel who have been in the job for 20 years, have the title of chief inspector or inspector;
The three-person team leader of the professional group of the headquarters and the administrative office, the three officers with equivalent functions, and those who have been in the police for more than [-] years shall receive the rank of senior sergeant or sergeant;
As for the grassroots officers who have just joined the police department, they will receive the rank of senior police constable or constable.

In the past, Konoha's nominal ranks were only divided into three levels: top ninja, middle ninja, and low ninja. At most, a special top ninja was split from the top ninja. Where has Uchiha seen such a variety of tricks? Dazzling rank system.

Uchiha Tokumitsu then explained the role of the rank system in terms of classification, rewards, and enhancing the sense of responsibility and honor.

The Uchiha people also half understood.

But in general, it is also beneficial to Uchiha.

Especially those team members who have served in the police department for a long time but have not mixed into official positions are more satisfied with this.

That being the case, then stop bothering to inquire and agree.

After answering the questions of several tribesmen, the Uchiha tribe unanimously voted to pass the reform plan of the police department jointly proposed by Uchiha Tokumitsu and Uchiha Fugaku, and submitted it to the Naruto Office and the squad leader of the ninja class for record.

Yes, the Ministry of Police reform plan is submitted in the name of "for the record".

As for how Naruto will react when he sees this reform plan, it is not under the consideration of the Uchiha tribe for the time being.

 Make up for yesterday's second update.

(End of this chapter)

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