Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 110 Expansion of the Police Department

Chapter 110 Expansion of the Police Department
When written by Tokumitsu Uchiha, jointly signed by Uchiha Fugaku, and signed by the Chief of the Police Department and Uchiha Patriarch Uchiha Sifang, the "Police Department's Plan for System Innovation and Organizational Reform" was submitted to the Naruto Office for the record by the ninja class At that time, Hiruzen Sarutobi and the two advisors were a little dazed.

For the police department, which has been in contact with villagers on the front line all year round, Konoha and even the Uchiha clan have mixed opinions.

But on the whole, it is more derogatory than positive.

Even the conservatives of the Uchiha clan once advocated giving up the power of the police department in order to integrate into the village, but this idea is not accepted by even the conservative insiders.

There is no other reason, because the only power that the Uchiha clan can control is the police department.

If you give up the police department, what is the difference between the proud Uchiha, the number one ninja family, and the gangsters of the Hyuga clan?
Regarding the opinions of the Uchiha clan on the authority of the Police Department, and how the villagers feel about the Police Department, Hiruza Sarutobi, who is Naruto, is naturally very clear.

Moreover, there are many rumors about Uchiha in the village, and it was even caused by his indulgence or even instigation of Danzo.

In the position of the third generation of Konoha, he needs to consider too much.

Compared with Danzo, who does not consider the consequences and uses unscrupulous means to achieve his goals, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who is Hokage, needs to consider not to let the worst result appear in front of him when facing contradictions and conflicts in the village.

Including the concession in the election of the class leader of the ninja class, it also came from this.

The Uchiha clan is indeed powerful, and the power they hold does not match their strength.

But so what?
If the power is really divided according to the number of Uchiha's ninja, then almost half of Konoha's positions will be monopolized by the Uchiha clan. Wouldn't the opinions of other ninja clan be greater?
Without the restraint of Senju, there is no force inside Konoha that can compete with Uchiha.

Even Danzo, who jumps up and down and keeps putting eye drops on the Uchiha clan's stumbling blocks, is just like a chicken and dog in the eyes of the Uchiha clan, just because of Danzo's status as an advisor elder and Normally, Hokage just backed down a little bit from his defense.

But this time the police department reform plan submitted by the Uchiha clan is obviously trying to grab more power.

"If you don't give power, you can expand and seize power by yourself..." The third generation murmured to himself, "It really is Uchiha who doesn't make people worry..."

At this time, the two consultants were also pondering over the reform plan of the police department.

"What do you think?"

Third generation asked the two advisors.

"If the Uchiha clan really implements reforms according to this plan, then the conflict between the police department and the villagers will definitely intensify."

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun gave his own judgment.

"However, the power of the Uchiha clan will surely swell in a short period of time to the point where all the ninjas are afraid of it."

Mito door inflammation immediately added points.

The third generation was silent.


The third generation habitually called out to the shadow who specialized in dirty work, but he immediately reacted, and Danzo returned to Konoha Hospital for hospitalization.

After Hatake Sakumo was elected with an unprecedented high approval rate in the election of the ninja squad leader, although he had expected it in his heart, he still couldn't help being furious. Few bottles and cans.

Due to the excessive movement range, the wound cracked, and the root medical conditions were limited, so he was sent back to Konoha Hospital for postoperative intervention and maintenance.

"Do you need to call Danzo?"

Mitomon Yan asked.

"no need……"

The third generation hesitated for a moment, and felt that it was better for the old friend to heal his wounds.

"It is not feasible to set up another administrative office by the Ministry of Police, and an imperial edict should be issued to stop it."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun said.

The third generation nodded slightly.

"The hospital of the police department... How many medical ninjas does Uchiha have?" Mito Monyan showed a mocking look on his face.

"Others... can only be said to be the adjustment of the establishment of the police department, but it's nothing..."

Sandaime took out his pipe and smoked slowly.

"And what about this so-called police preparatory school?"

After turning to bed, Xiaochun asked again.

"Isn't this something made by the Uchiha clan? Just ignore him."

The predecessor of the police preparatory school was the preparatory training school of the police department. It has been in operation for more than four years, and the third generation doesn't care at all.

"As long as the police department's funds don't increase, Uchiha won't be able to cause any disturbances." Mitomon said, "Nichizane, if they ask for an increase in funds next year, I absolutely cannot agree to them."

"This is natural..."

The third generation also thought of this question, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Then write a reply."

The third generation made a final decision.


The reform of the police department of the Uchiha clan is also in full swing.

The first step of the reform is to change the house numbers of the various departments of the police department building, followed by the reorganization of personnel.

Uchiha Tokumitsu had long expected that the plan of the Police Administration would inevitably be rejected by the Hokage family, so he didn't care about receiving the Hokage edict.

Uchiha Tokumitsu directly crumpled the Hokage Edict in front of Anbu, and threw it into the trash can beside him.

Anbu wanted to get angry habitually, but the Uchiha Jominin who was watching around him made him dare not move rashly, and after standing there for a while, he turned around and left without saying anything.

After the reform of the police department, the specific staffing and division is the power of the Uchiha Quartet as the chief. Uchiha Tokumitsu will not interfere with this, and it will avoid causing conflicts within the family.

But Uchiha Shifang is also an interesting person. In the name of meritorious service in reform, Uchiha Tokumitsu and his heir Uchiha Fugaku were assigned the rank of superintendent in the police department.

Although this is a bit suspected of public interest, Uchiha also needs to talk about human relationships. Both Uchiha Tokumitsu and Uchiha Fuyue are heirs who will surely hold power in the future, and they only hold titles and do not hold positions, so Uchiha ninjas also No comments.

But Uchiha Quartet's operation also made Uchiha Tokumitsu look at him differently.

I didn't expect to realize the role of rank so quickly. I can only say that he is a rare talent of the Uchiha clan.

In Uchiha Tokumitsu’s police department reform plan, ranks and ranks are different, and ranks are lifelong, and also represent the qualifications of the police department chief who holds the corresponding position.

Since holding the corresponding position can be awarded the corresponding rank, in turn, having the corresponding rank will also have the opportunity to serve as the corresponding chief official position.

This is equivalent to Uchiha Fugaku without any other foreshadowing. After completing the initial deployment of police department personnel, he can directly enter the middle-level position of the police department headquarters under a certain name, instead of following the previous practice from the grassroots.

Tokumitsu Uchiha naturally has no objection to this, he has more important things to do.

That is to expand the police department sentry established in the Uzumaki clan into Uchiha's police department department, so as to tie the Uzumaki clan to Uchiha's chariot.

Although the current edict of the Hokage Office does not allow the police department to add police offices, in the eyes of Uchiha Tokumitsu, this is nothing, it is just a matter of changing the name.

It's just that Wei Ming, the head of the Uzumaki clan, needs to nod for this matter.

Tokumitsu Uchiha ordered people to prepare some gifts, and then asked people to send greetings to the Uzumaki clan in advance. After receiving the reply from the Uzumaki clan, they arrived at the clan site of the Uzumaki clan with the gifts.

"How is Patriarch Wei Ming?"

To ask for help from others, Uchiha Tokumitsu naturally showed great affinity.

"I'm sorry for Deguang-jun, it's still good." Uzumaki Weiming, who arrived at the entrance of the clan area in person, didn't put on airs at all, and said cheerfully: "The sentry post set up by the police department has played a big role. Let our descendants be able to cultivate their health and rest in peace."

Uzumaki Ashina's words are equivalent to giving Uchiha Tokumitsu a reassurance.

The police department reform plan made by the Uchiha clan has begun to spread in some circles in the village. It is not surprising that Uzumaki Weiming learned of this and guessed Uchiha Tokumitsu's intention.

Uzumaki Ashina took Tokumitsu Uchiha to walk slowly in the Uzumaki clan, and explained the current situation of the Uzumaki clan one by one.

In the Uzumaki clan, although after a period of cultivation, it only healed the clansmen who were seriously injured in the Uzumaki Kingdom War, and the number of clan members has not increased.

In Nuoda's clan land, the clansmen walking around are old and young, and there are very few clansmen who are young and middle-aged.

"The patriarch Wei Ming just mentioned the role of the police sentry, can you explain in detail?" Uchiha Tokumitsu followed the topic raised by Uzumaki Wei Ming: "I have been fighting with Sakumo-kun for a long time. , I really don’t pay much attention to the police department..."


Uzumaki Weiming sighed: "Unknown persons tried to infiltrate the Uzumaki clan several times. Fortunately, the police sentry found out in time, so no disaster was caused, but the clansmen were also shocked..."

"Has there been any loss of personnel?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned.

"No..." Uzumaki Weiming shook his head and said, "The intruder retreated after being discovered by the ninja stationed at the sentry post of the police department. In order to prevent the enemy from attacking east and west, I also specifically told the police department not to pursue it..."

"Then Patriarch Weiming means...the identity of the intruder was not identified either?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone became slightly dignified.

But the heart has begun to blossom.

If you really want to doze off, someone will give you a pillow. It seems that there is indeed something to tie the Uzumaki clan to the chariot of the Uchiha clan.

"I haven't found out... But what is certain is that the intruder is very familiar with the situation in Muye Village..."

Uzumaki Ashina said meaningfully.

"Does Patriarch Wei Ming think who might have done it?" Uchiha Tokumitsu tentatively said: "The Police Department can detain suspects without evidence, as long as Patriarch Wei Ming proposes, the Police Department will We will do our best to cooperate.”

"There are currently no suspects..."

Uzumaki Weiming also seemed to be taken aback by Uchiha Tokumitsu's words, and quickly said: "There is no need to arrest and detain without reason. This will also damage the reputation of the police department..."

Clear reputation?

Where does the Police Department get its reputation from?

Especially after the police department began to reform and expand, Uchiha Tokumitsu can imagine how those villagers whose interests have been violated will slander the Uchiha clan as the power of the police department further expands.

But Tokumitsu Uchiha doesn't care about the remarks of those insects, and currently he only has whirlpools in his eyes.

"Does Mito-sama know about this?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked seemingly casually.

"Mito-sama has returned to the Pure Land..." Uzumaki Ashina showed a sad look on his face, "Those invasions... happened after Mito-sama passed away..."

Uzumaki Mito is the speaker of the Senshou Clan, the elder with the highest seniority in the Uzumaki Clan, with her around, the Uzumaki Clan can rest easy.

But Uzumaki Mito must be an old man in the Warring States period. No matter how powerful he is, in the face of the unstoppable power of time, he can only return to the pure land of Huangquan.

And the Uzumaki tribe who lost their shelter and had no roots in Konoha immediately began to face the greedy prying eyes of the wolves.

Two-way rushed to belong to yes!

Uchiha Deguang's heart is happier!
The Uzumaki Clan also has the idea of ​​getting closer to Uchiha, which is great news for Uchiha Tokumitsu.

As a wealthy ninja family, the Uzumaki clan surpasses the Uchiha clan in terms of reputation, and also has a certain influence in Konoha's culture. The Uzumaki clan logo on the jonin costume is the best proof.

Although the current Uzumaki Clan doesn't have much power, it doesn't matter. Uchiha Tokumitsu only needs the reputation of the Uzumaki Clan to be the platform of the Uchiha Clan.

It couldn't be more perfect.

I really want to thank that big fool Danzo.

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought happily.

"My condolences to Patriarch Weiming..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also politely said some comforting words, and then changed the subject naturally: "Where is your granddaughter? Isn't she in the clan?"

"After Mito-sama passed away, Kushina has been staying in Senshou Mansion to receive education..." Uzumaki Weiming sighed and said helplessly.

"Oh..." Uchiha Tokumitsu said nonchalantly: "In the gift, there are some persimmons brought back from the country of grass. Although they are not worth much, they taste very good. I think Kushina will like them, so I will also give them to you." Bring some over."

Uchiha Tokumitsu circled over lightly, and then continued to chat without bringing up this topic again.

There is another piece of information that can be determined, that is, after Uzumaki Mito's death, Uzumaki Kushina took over as the second generation of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

Then what needs to be paid attention to by the police department is whether Uzumaki Kushina will go to Konoha Ninja School as the original memory content.

"Patriarch Wei Ming, I have a heartfelt request..." After talking for a while, Uchiha Tokumitsu formally put forward the core appeal of this visit.

"Mr. Deguang, please tell me, the Uzumaki clan must go all out!"

Uzumaki Ashina is also very straightforward.

"The police department is undergoing mechanism reform, and there will be relatively large adjustments to the original organizational system... You also mentioned the police department's guard post just now, so can it be upgraded to a branch of the police department?"

Tokumitsu Uchiha went straight to the point, "Similarly, in order to thank the Uzumaki Clan for their support, the Police Department can also provide certain places to the Uzumaki Clan..."

Uzumaki Ashina sighed, but didn't reply right away.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was not in a hurry, he just browsed the scenery of the Uzumaki clan.

After a while, Uzumaki Weiming said, "How many places can the police department provide us?"

"Just say how many you want!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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