Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 112 Intensifies

Chapter 112 Intensifies
The reason for the conflict between Uchiha of the police department and Anbu of the village is very simple.

It is the right to arrest a small spy.

And it's an extremely crappy little shrimp from Wuyin Ninja Village.

No strength, no consciousness, and no blood inheritance.

It stands to reason that this kind of crappy stuff was obviously framed by Kirigakure and thrown over by the hands of Konoha to let him die. In the past, both the police department and the Anbu have arrested many of them. Going to the laboratory as a research object, I wouldn't have cared so much.

But it is mainly because the Uchiha ninjas have strictly enforced the Konoha regulations since the police department launched reforms and squeezed conservatives out of the front line of police affairs.

Yes, it is only strictly enforced, and it has not intensified for the time being.

Since Konoha is essentially a military base where ninjas gather, various severe punishments emerged endlessly in the early days, and the punishment methods were also extremely harsh.

However, since the end of the Second Hokage's reign, due to the development of Konoha, the population of Konoha began to grow explosively.In addition to ninjas and their families, a large number of wealthy businessmen and officials first settled down in Konoha, and then recruited many refugees as low-level tool people. Development gradually slackens.

However, although the Ninja Village management regulations have been slack in implementation for many years, they have not been abolished in essence.

After all, it is Konoha's "ancestral family law", and the high-level executives don't want to cause trouble for themselves.

And this time the conflict between the police department and Anbu is actually the contradiction between the "statute law" that Uchiha insists on and the "executive practice" advocated by Anbu.

As soon as Kirigakure spy arrived in Konoha with a caravan, he was spotted by patrolling police officers. After a little probing, he decisively arrested him and found a small telescope, code book, and poison in his belongings. , blow darts, and a Mist Hidden Headguard.

Originally, this kind of rookie spy was nothing. After Uchiha caught it, he threw it into the prison and ignored it. However, a team of Anbu jumped out and claimed that the spy was under the jurisdiction of the Anbu, and demanded that the police department hand it over immediately. criminal.

If we can discuss it in private, but the problem is that the arrest site is on Konoha Commercial Street, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Uchihas are afraid of losing face, so naturally they refuse to hand over people like this.

So the two sides scolded each other in the street.

During the quarrel, they pushed and pushed, so they moved their hands naturally.

"Who is the police chief who led the arrest team?"

Tokumitsu Uchiha asked when heading to the scene of the conflict in Konoha Commercial Street.

"...It's Shiina Jonin."

The member of the police force responsible for sending the letter replied.

"... Shiina you mentioned, is it my cousin?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sped up his pace slightly.

"Yes, it's the legendary 'Shiina who got stabbed'..."

When Uchiha Tokumitsu heard the words, he could only laugh twice and quicken his pace.


"Who is the captain of Anbu!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu jumped from the eaves and landed in the middle of the confrontation between the Police Department and the Anbu.

Six members of Anbu and nine members of the police force have already unsheathed their weapons, and it seems that they are about to fight.

As for the little Wuyin vegetable chicken spy who was tied up and thrown on the ground, no one cared about him now.

Twelve Uchiha ninjas from the anti-espionage team of Uchiha Tokumitsu's police department arrived and immediately surrounded the six Anbu, looking up and down maliciously.

At the corner of the commercial street, there were still some merchants secretly watching the excitement, but they immediately hid when they saw this.

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked up and looked around.

He sensed a familiar yet annoying sense of voyeurism, but he didn't find the voyeur at the scene.

Nasty telescope art!

Uchiha Tokumitsu cursed inwardly.

He guessed that the third generation was using a crystal ball to spy on everything that happened here and now.

"Tokumitsu Jonin! Please urge the members of the police department under his command not to interfere with Anbu's affairs!" A dark troop captain wearing a bird mask stood up and yelled at Uchiha Tokumitsu unceremoniously.


The corner of Uchiha Tokumitsu's mouth twitched, a half-smile: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"That's not what I meant, I'm just worried that Deguang Shangren didn't understand the process of the village when he was young." The leader of the dark army responded stiffly.

"Brother Shiina, is that what he said?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored Anbe's words, and turned to ask his cousin Uchiha Shiina.

"Absolutely not! It is the duty of the Police Department to arrest spies! They are making trouble for no reason and maliciously disrupting law enforcement!"

Uchiha Shiina also replied angrily.

"Did you hear that? You made a mistake."

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his head and said.

"Tokumitsu Jonin, it's against the rules for you to do something like this..."

The dark troop captain raised his hand and pointed the tip of his knife at Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Hehehe... May I ask what is your code name?" Uchiha Tokumitsu also staggered the sword with his left thumb.


The captain of the dark army hesitated for a moment, but still said his code name.

"I've never heard of it... But judging by the color of your hair, you're neither a member of the Senju clan, nor a monkey from the Sarutobi family..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said slowly.

Anbu didn't understand whether there were other meanings behind these words, and still pointed at Uchiha Tokumitsu with a knife.

"You don't understand, do you?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to take care of himself and said: "It's okay, I can tell you, the meaning is to let you..."

"Go to hell!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's left thumb popped out the blade, and his right hand took advantage of the situation to pull out the blade instantly.

Before the word "death" was finished, Anbu's wrist was chopped off with a single knife.

"Take them!"

Ignoring the other five Anbu, whose eyes were tearing apart, Uchiha Tokumitsu gave an order sharply.

"As ordered!"

The Uchiha ninja rushed forward as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

The other five Anbu were unwilling to bow their heads and be captured, and immediately slashed at Uchiha Tokumitsu with their knives.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also drew his sword to deal with it.

But after all, the Uchiha has a large number of people, and he knocked down the five Anbu in a short while.

"Tie them up and bring them back to the police department! I'm going to sue them for 'assaulting the police'!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered.

"How can there be such a crime in the village!"

The dark troop captain who had his wrist chopped off by Uchiha Tokumitsu struggled.

"I said it was there! So now it is!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted.


Uchiha Tokumitsu was about to lead his troops to detain Anbu and leave when suddenly there was a loud shout in the distance.

Then an iron rod hit Uchiha Tokumitsu on the forehead.

Tokumitsu Uchiha remained unmoved, and the other two members of the police force swung their knives to block the iron bars.

Another team of Anbu came, and the leader, judging from the mask style, body shape and hair color, should be Shinnosuke Sarutobi, who had met once in Uzumaki.

"Deguang-jun, please let them go."

The three Anbu stood on the roof, looking down at Uchiha Tokumitsu condescendingly.

"The patrol escorted them back to the police department!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored Sarutobi Shinnosuke and ordered directly.

The twelve Uchiha ninjas who fought against the non-anti-spy team spread out to both sides, and surrounded the three Anbu again.

"Mr. Deguang!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke wanted to step forward to stop him, but was stopped by the Uchiha ninja who was not in the anti-espionage team. He had no choice but to succumb and said: "They are all new members who have just joined the Anbu from the training department. I hope Tokumitsu-kun will not worry about some mistakes. gone."

"Training department? Root department?"

When Uchiha Tokumitsu heard this, he immediately became interested.

"Take it away quickly!"

Uchiha Shiina waved again and again, signaling his subordinates to follow.

As the son of Hokage, the "Kage II" of the Konoha top class, Sarutobi Shinnosuke encountered a situation where he was slapped in the face for the first time. The big face under the mask was flushed with anger, and the hand on the handle was loose. Tight, tight and loose, repeated for a long time without doing anything.

Because the twelve Uchiha ninjas are not only holding the handle of the knife, but even the Sharingan has been lit up.

It looked like he was waiting for Sarutobi Shinnosuke to strike first so that he could immediately defend himself and counterattack.

"Tokumitsu Jonin! Do it for yourself!"

The patrol team of the police department had escorted the six Anbu away, and Sarutobi Shinnosuke turned around and left after saying a word.

"Slow walk without sending!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't mind Sarutobi Shinnosuke's attitude and cruel words, he smiled and waved goodbye to Sarutobi Shinnosuke's back.

Then he beckoned to take his subordinates to leave.

"and many more!"


Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately held the sword in his left hand and looked to the right side vigilantly.

Obviously there is no one here in the perception, why does this sound appear.

"It's me, look here."

The voice sounded again.

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked down.

But it was a bullfrog with a big mouth, squatting in the corner.

"Zaraiya Jōnin?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned and stared at the nagging bullfrog.

Except for Jiraiya, the contractor of Mt. Miaogi, he couldn't think of anyone else who could manipulate frogs to achieve such an effect.

"it's me!"

The bullfrog's mouth grew bigger and bigger, and then a hand protruded from the huge frog's mouth.

Zilai also had a difficult time 'getting out' from the frog's mouth.

Uchiha Tokumitsu just watched this guy silently.

Jiraiya was tidying up his clothes while chattering, and Uchiha Tokumitsu was upset listening to it.

"Jiraiya Jonin, if you have something to say, just say it, if you have nothing to do, just leave it! I don't have time to chat with you!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said impatiently.

"Ahem...Deguang-jun, did you command the police department to arrest Anbu just now?" Ji Lai also coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

"Knowingly asking!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said coldly.

"Tokumitsu-kun, the war is not over yet." Jiraiya said sincerely, "Although Sand Gakure was temporarily defeated, Konoha's crisis has not been completely resolved. It is not a wise choice to provoke conflicts within the village at this time."

It is because the war is not over that the conflict is provoked!
Uchiha Tokumitsu murmured in his heart, but another words came out of his mouth: "Please ask Jiraiya Jōnin to be able to distinguish right from wrong in the future. It is not wise to put the responsibility on the police department without knowing the cause of the incident."

"...You have obtained the power to go to the ninja class as you wished, why are you still so aggressive?" Jiraiya choked on Uchiha Tokumitsu's words, and hesitated for a while to avoid the topic.

"Sakumo-kun became the class leader of the shinobi class through the election of the shinobi meeting." Tokumitsu Uchiha frowned and asked, "Besides, the class leader of the shinin class is Sakumo-kun. I don't know why Jiraiya shinin Are you saying that you have gained the power to go to the ninja class?"

"Besides, does the position of the squad leader of the ninja squad represent power?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to reprimand: "Obviously it is a post that serves all Jonin and solves their problems, but it is regarded as a symbol of power. I feel really sad for Master Hashirama!"

"The will of fire has deteriorated in your body!"

A series of words were refuted spontaneously and his face was flushed, he didn't know what to say.


Uchiha Tokumitsu also ignored Jiraiya, turned around and led the team away.

In the office of the Hokage Building, Hiruzen Sarutobi and two consultants watched the whole process through the telescope technique using the crystal ball as the medium.

Although there is no sound in the art of the telescope, the three of them are very senior ninjas, and they can infer the entire conversation through lip language.


After Uchiha Tokumitsu led the team away, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third generation, flicked his hand, stopped ninjutsu and turned off the screen in the crystal ball.

He couldn't bear to see his apprentice Jiraiya's embarrassment anymore.

This time the conflict was originally provoked by Anbu under the hint of Hokage, and the purpose at the beginning was just to get rid of the Uchihas of the police department who have recently become more arrogant in the public eye. The arrogance, but unexpectedly it will suddenly intensify to the point where the swords are facing each other and hurting people.

In particular, Tokumitsu Uchiha insisted on going his own way and directly escorted the Anbe ninja back to the police department for trial, which made the Hokage family feel ashamed.

If there is no corresponding action, I am afraid that Uchiha's arrogance will rise to a higher level from now on, and those ninja giants will no longer pay attention to the edict of the Hokage Building.

Whether it's for the sake of face or for the sake of authority, the Hokage family must do something about it, otherwise the authority of Hokage will plummet!
"This son can no longer stay."

Mito Menyan said quietly.

"All the disasters about the Uchiha clan are caused by him."

Turning to bed Xiaochun then added.

"But with his current power, it might not be easy to get rid of him quietly."

Sarutobi Hitoshi III smashed the pipe, knocking the ashes out of the pipe.

Mitomonyan and Zhuanju Xiaochun looked at each other, and they both found the joy in each other's eyes.

In the past, they have repeatedly proposed to take action against Uchiha Tokumitsu, even if they cannot be wiped out, they must teach him a lesson, but they were all rejected by Sarutobi Hiruzen on the grounds that the unity of the village cannot be broken at will.

If it weren't for the fact that the two advisers didn't have enough force to use, they would have left alone long ago.

But this time, it was Sarutobi Hiruzen III who took the initiative to express his idea of ​​purging Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Sun Cut..."

"I know what you want to say."

Hiruzen Sarutobi interrupted the words of the two advisors with a wave of the third generation, and explained: "In the past, it was considered that the Uchiha clan is also a member of the village. As elders, we should also give them appropriate opportunities to set things right; Deguang has gone too far."

After refilling the shredded tobacco, Sandaime said quietly: "The Uchiha conservatives in the police department have all been expelled from the front-line police force, and it was Tokumitsu who initiated this incident... Now we have completely lost control of the police department. Plus today's incident..."

Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu nodded silently.

"Even if it's a towering tree, there will always be some vines growing wantonly... We don't allow the existence of vines, but we can't allow them to plunder too many nutrients and harm the big tree!"

The third Sarutobi Hiru said angrily, "Uchiha...it's time to clean up!"


The door of Hokage's office was violently pushed open.

Danzo, who was sitting on the wheelchair, turned the wheelchair in angrily.

"Ri Zhan. You are too..."

"I agree, you go to work!"


The words of Sarutobi Hiruzen III were beyond Danzo's expectation, and he was stunned for a while.

"Aren't you going to clear Uchiha Deguang? I agree!"

"Okay..." Danzo even suspected that he had heard it wrong, and he was stunned for a while before saying: "Even if I risk my life, I will clean up the cancer of this Konoha!"

After speaking, he turned the wheelchair and left without delay.

(End of this chapter)

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