Chapter 113
"Mr. Deguang!"

As soon as Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to the police department, Hatake Sakumo rushed over panting.

"Mr. Shuo Mao hasn't seen you for a few days, and he's become a bit haggard."

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled, and then went down from the headquarters to interrogate the six Anbu who had just been captured, and also specifically told him to take care of the severed wrist of the Anbu leader, so that no one would find out that his severed hand had been broken after he was released from prison. Rotten and stank.

The Uchiha under his command will leave with a clue.

Hatake Sakumo stood aside, hesitating to speak.

"It seems that the work of the ninja class is really busy, and there should be a lot of overtime."

Uchiha Tokumitsu welcomed Hatake Sakumo into his office.

"Fortunately, there are too many things that have accumulated in the past. If you want to finish it in a short time, you have to work overtime..."

Hatake Sakumo also sighed.

"Accumulated affairs?" Uchiha Tokumitsu expressed his doubts at the right time.

"There are many problems in the ninja class that have been reported many years ago, but they have been piled up and have not been dealt with, so..."

Hatake Sakumo shook his head and didn't say any more.
"With the insects over there, how could Konoha be fine?"

Uchiha Deguang also fanned the flames again and again.

The two talked about each other for a long time, and Hatake Sakumo turned the topic back to the purpose of coming to Uchiha Tokumitsu today.

"The Anbu that Tokuguang-kun just said... is the protagonist of today's conflict, right?"

"Yes, I ordered people to capture them all back."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied simply.

"After all, Anbu is a unit directly under Hokage-sama, Tokumitsu-kun is not worried about doing this..."

Hatake Sakumo didn't continue talking.

"Anbu overstepped."

Uchiha Tokumitsu answered briefly.

"The ninja class is very concerned about this matter." Hatake Sakumo also expressed his position: "However, I can't favoritism from my position. I must remain neutral, but my personal position is to support Tokumitsu-kun."

In the end, Hatake Sakumo felt that what he said was a bit inhumane, so he added: "Just like Tokumitsu-kun has always supported me, I will support Tokumitsu-kun's actions until the situation subsides."

"Sure enough Elder Setsuna saw the right person, Sakumo-kun is indeed a upright person." Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile.

"...It's just that this conflict can't expand and spread anymore. The ninja class is very worried that it will cause civil war." Hatake Sakumo also said cautiously: "After all, the village is still in a state of war."

"...After Anbe detains them for one night, I will release them tomorrow."

Uchiha Tokumitsu pondered for a moment, and said: "Just take it as a face for Sakumo-kun."

"Sure enough, Mr. Deguang still cares about the overall situation..."

Hatake Sakumo also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that.

Tokuro Uchiha smiled without saying a word.

"But in order to avoid such fierce conflicts in the future, what should we do?" Hatake Sakumo asked sincerely.

"Mr. Shuo Mao, what do you think is the root cause of this conflict?"

Uchiha Deguang asked.

"...There is a conflict of authority between the Anbu and the Police Department?"

"It is the conflict between the theoretically huge power of the police department and the restraint everywhere in reality, and the contradiction caused by the Anbu's theoretically unrestricted power and habitual suppression of ninjas from the same village."

Tokumitsu Uchiha pinpoints the source of the conflict.

The full name of Konoha Anbe is "Assassination Tactics Special Force". Its main responsibility is to protect Hokage and prevent foreign enemies from invading Konoha Ninja Village. In addition, it is also responsible for special tasks such as enemy reconnaissance and assassination.

Since Anbu is directly under the Hokage, and it only accepts the direct command of Hokage, the nature of the tasks it performs and all other information are kept strictly confidential.

Just like the "other tasks assigned by the leaders" clause in the job requirements in the previous life, theoretically as long as there is a Hokage edict, Anbu's power has no boundaries.

No matter whether the task assigned by Hokage is reasonable or not, Anbu will execute it without hesitation.

Secrecy and unlimited power are the root causes of the conflict between the police department and the dark department.

With the unanimous support of the whole family, the Uchihas are unwilling to lose even a little power of the police department, including Uchiha Tokumitsu, are trying to strengthen the power and majesty of the police department.

However, under Hokage's behest, Anbu openly put eye drops on the highly morale Uchiha ninja in public, so it's no wonder that Uchiha broke the so-called "convention" in the past.


Hatake Sakumo also felt tricky.

"The power of the Police Department is theoretical, while the power of Anbu is substantial." Uchiha Tokumitsu once again summarized: "The huge difference between theory and reality will inevitably lead to fierce conflicts in reality."

"Then how can we avoid this kind of thing from happening?"

Hatake Sakumo asked sincerely.

"The ministries once again clarified their respective powers."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's answer was also short.

"... Difficult."

Hatake Sakumo thought for a moment and felt that this matter was really difficult.

"The police department is not difficult, the difficulty lies in the Anbu, and even more in the Hokage Building."

Uchiha Tokuro showed disdain on his face: "They have long been accustomed to unrestricted power, and regard Konoha as their own private property, how could they put themselves back in the cage."

"But it has to change." Hatake Sakumo emphasized: "For our new Konoha!"

"Yes, for Shinkonoha!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied very firmly.

"I'll go back and communicate with the ninja class first, and I'll come to you when I have news."

Hatake Sakumo sat for a while, then got up to say goodbye.

"waiting for your good news!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also got up to see him off.

The two walked out of the gate of the police department while talking and laughing.

"Mr. Deguang..."

Hatake Sakumo was about to leave, but stopped and called Uchiha Tokumitsu who was about to return.

"Is there anything else?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned around and asked.

"...Pay attention these few days, I'm a little worried that something bad will happen."

Although Hatake Sakumo's words were not very obvious, Uchiha Tokumitsu could hear the meaning behind him.

"Don't worry, I'm the most afraid of death." Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed and said, "Besides, those boring tricks of insects coming and going over there, what can I do?"

"It's always right to be careful."

I have asked what should be asked and what should not be asked, and said what should have been said and should not have been said.Hatake Sakumo waved his hand and left alone.

Uchiha Tokumitsu watched Hatake Sakumo leave at the door, and it took a long time before returning to the police office.

"Mr. Deguang..."

Cousin Uchiha Shiina came over, "Speaking of which, let's settle things..."

"Shiina Jonin, are you afraid?" Uchiha Tokumitsu teased.

"How is this possible, I am..." Uchiha Shiina's face turned red.

"It's fine, what else can you do if Sakumo-kun is here." Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed, and walked back with Uchiha Shiina shoulder to shoulder.

"Also arrange some people to pay attention to the recent whereabouts of Genbu." Uchiha Tokumitsu whispered.

Uchiha Shiina didn't change his expression, just replied in a low voice.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to the office, he still felt uneasy, and then got up and went to the Office of the Chief of the Police Department to find Uchiha Sifang.

"My lord, I think we can organize a civilized health campaign in the village recently."

Tokumitsu Uchiha cut to the chase.

"...Civilized and hygienic?...Sports?" Uchiha Sifang was a little confused.

"In order to protect the health of the villagers, cut off the source of the virus, and reduce the spread of the disease..." Uchiha Tokumitsu said a lot of beautiful words, and finally said the core appeal: "...Comprehensively eliminate such things as toads, snakes, and software in the village. Insects, mice, cockroaches and other harmful organisms."

"Toads, snakes... and molluscs are slugs..."

Uchiha Shifang is worthy of being the patriarch and chief executive, and he captured the core news at once.

"...and rats and cockroaches and so on."

Uchiha Tokumitsu added.

"No need to be cunning... no need to explain, I understand." Uchiha Sifang waved his hand to show that he understood, "It's just how did Sannin mess with you?"

The psychic beasts of Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade, who were bestowed the title of Sannin by Sanjiao Hanzo, are the snakes, toads, and slugs mentioned by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

In theory, all three have the ability to manipulate similar creatures to obtain intelligence.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's move is to wipe out the eyes and ears of the three scattered in Konoha.

"Sakumo-kun reminded me that someone may be trying to harm me recently." Uchiha Tokumitsu said lightly: "I don't understand other methods, but Sannin's psychic beasts are the best partners for stealing information. Get rid of my anxiety."


Uchiha Sifang thought for a moment, nodded in agreement, and then immediately rang the bell to call in a police secretary, and told her about Uchiha Tokumitsu's thoughts.

Uchiha Deguang saw that he had nothing to do with himself, so he left on his own.


In a gloomy space under Konoha, Shimura Danzo, who returned angrily from Hokage's office, once again boarded his own lair.

Being alone in his own power control area, Danzo's scowl from Hokage's office disappeared immediately.

As the shadow of Hokage, he knows exactly what kind of emotions he should show in public to make people feel at ease.

He knows even more that if Uchiha Deguang is to be eliminated, the price to be paid and the subsequent crazy counterattack of the Uchiha clan will be crazy.

But there is no choice, the shadow is the shadow, and everything he thinks, thinks and does is the derived will of the light, and he has always advertised that the greatest value of the existence of the roots is to secretly eliminate obstacles that will hinder the prosperity of the village.

He couldn't escape this mission.

Since you can't hide, then participate in it, and it's also convenient to adapt to the situation.


A root ninja wearing a fox mask came to Danzo in an instant and knelt down on one knee.

"Arrange people to monitor Uchiha Deguang around the clock, don't use ninjas, just use ordinary people who don't have Chakra."

Danzo gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "I want to know his whereabouts every moment!"


The "fox" at the root responded immediately, but did not leave immediately.

"Recall the assassination team stationed abroad again... from the moment they return, all members will be ordered in real time at the secret base!"


"...Go ask Orochimaru to come over again, and say that I am willing to sponsor his research."



'Fox' left instantly.

Danzo's office returned to darkness and silence.

"Uchiha Tokumitsu..."

 Today's second more successful completion~
  By the way, ask for a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommended ticket
(End of this chapter)

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