Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 114 The Way to Die

Chapter 114 The Way to Die
Hiruzame Sarutobi became more and more impatient.

The consequences of detaining Anbu are severe.

Because this is the face that hits Hokage naked

Regardless of whether Anbu's behavior is appropriate or not, as an army directly under Hokage, Anbu is an extension of Hokage's will. Arresting Anbu ninjas in the street is equivalent to tearing off Hokage's royal robes in public and throwing them on the ground.

If Hokage doesn't do something about it, then there will be no authority to control Konoha's tens of thousands of ninjas in the future.

But clearing Uchiha Tokumitsu is not an easy task.

Because Uchiha Tokumitsu has never received and performed missions through the village, it is impossible to accurately grasp his personal whereabouts, and he usually travels with many followers, so there is no chance of siege in a short time.

Moreover, there is a more serious problem in front of Hokage.

Sakumo Hatake, the squad leader of the ninja class, submitted a proposal to clarify the scope of authority of Konoha various departments regarding the public conflict between the police department and the Anbu, and obtained the joint signatures of the members of the ninja class.

Although there are no Uchiha clan jonin among the joint signature jonin on the proposal, the number of signed jonin has reached [-]% of the total number of Konoha jonin.

And the most terrible thing is just this.

If you add Hatake Sakumo's supporters, the Uchiha clan, it will be enough to overthrow the Naruto control order that has been passed down since the second generation.

In particular, as Hokage, he was completely unaware of the whole process of initiating, drafting, and co-signing this proposal.

This is equivalent to one-fifth of the jonin in Konoha have completely joined the camp of Hatake Sakumo.

More seriously, if Hatake Sakumo held a plenary meeting of the ninja class publicly and put this proposal at the meeting for discussion, how many supporters would he win?

Thirty percent?Four percent?Or [-]%?

If you count the power and prestige of Uchiha, Uzumaki, Kurama and other powerful families, how much power can the Hokage family have to contend with them.

Hiruza Sarutobi III flipped through the proposal, thinking about it while reading it, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Before Tokumitsu Uchiha had time to solve it, Hatake Sakumo followed suit to force the palace. The two cooperated tacitly and switched freely. There are good reasons, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are in a mess!

Moreover, Tokumitsu Uchiha just lost the face of Hokage, while Sakumo Hatake wanted to touch the face of Hokage!

It is unbearable to lose face, and it is even more unacceptable to touch one's face!
Hiruzaru Sarutobi the third generation thought about it more and more.

"Notify the three advisors to come over!"

After picking up the bell of the desk and summoning the Anbu on duty, Hiruzaru Sarutobi ordered him to summon three old friends to discuss countermeasures.

After Anbe left, Hiruzaru Sarutobi threw the document on the table, got up and paced back and forth in the room.

How could it be like this?

"Ri Zhan, here we come."

After a while, Mitomonyan and Sanju Koharu opened the door and entered the office.

"There is one thing we need to discuss together." Hiruzaru Sarutobi stood at the window of Hokage's office with his hands behind his back, with his back to the two consultants, looking at the scenery of Konoha ecstatically.

Looking from Hokage's office, you can see the scenery of Konoha in front of you.

Bustling markets, wealthy villagers, bustling commerce, tyrannical ninjas... all kinds of things interweave into the hot land of Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't figure it out, why such a major crisis suddenly appeared in a prosperous world that looked like flowers and brocades?
Obviously, Konoha ended the first Ninja World War under his control, and defeated Iwagakure and Sand Ginger in the second Ninja World War. It should have been so prestigious and respected. Why are there so many Jonin seeks refuge with Sakumo in an attempt to reform?
Even the Uchiha clan, during his rule, only maintained the policy of the second generation of Memona-sama, and did not persecute Uchiha too much. Why do they have to toss endlessly just because they don't appreciate it?

Konoha's ninjas, why can't they be self-absorbed and dedicated to the public like the Senju Clan, and contribute to the prosperity and development of the village safely and steadily!
"Sun Cut..."

Mitomon asked again.


Only then did Hiruzaru Sarutobi come back to his senses.

"Is there any unexpected situation in the village?" Mito Menyan asked cautiously with a hint of caution.

"There are documents sent by Hatake Sakumo on the desktop, please take a look first."

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't look back, just looked out the window and smoked.

Mitomonyan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu looked at each other, feeling a little strange.

After picking up the file, Guan Shi was shocked when he saw the title.

I quickly turned the page to check the content, and after a while, I also started to break out in a cold sweat.

The power and identities that the consultants rely on for support are originally caused by the unclear and relatively vague boundaries of authority in the Konoha Ministries.

Although Hatake Sakumo's proposal only mentioned the Police Department and Anbu, but who can guarantee that this evil trend will suddenly spread to other departments of Konoha in the future?
For example, the administrative department managed by Zhuanju Koharu, the financial department managed by Mitomonyan, and Danzo's root department called the Anbu Training Department in name...

The reason why Konoha's high-level officials are able to control Konoha steadily is that apart from their personal strength and the support of some ninjas, it is more because they are in charge of Konoha's key departments respectively, and they have embezzled the world through the blurred power boundaries of the departments they are in charge of. More privacy.

Hatake Sakumo's proposal is to cut off all the tentacles of Konoha's senior management.

Especially when turning to the last few pages of the proposal, the densely packed Jonin joint signatures made the faces of the two consultants turn pale with fright.

"Sun Cut..."

After turning to bed, Xiaochun asked quickly.

"I'm calling Danzo." Hiruzaru Sarutobi interrupted Zhuanju Koharu's words, "We'll talk about it when he comes!"


Say Danzo, Danzo arrives.

As soon as the voice fell, Danzo entered Hokage's office in a wheelchair.

"I am coming."

Danzo said lightly.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi III signaled Mito Menyan to hand over the proposal to Danzo.

After Danzang took the document and read it hastily, he closed his eyes and remained silent.

"What do you think it should be?"

Although Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, did not clarify who he was speaking to, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu also tacitly set their sights on Danzo.

"The way to death."

Danzo said lightly: "There is no room for turning back. Either Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha will gain power from now on, or they will be eradicated in one fell swoop!"

"...Do you want to make such a big fuss?"

Turning to bed Xiaochun said tremblingly.

Danzo's words almost clearly stated that civil war is inevitable.

"Continue." Sarutobi Hiruzam III gestured.

"This is a conspiracy." Danzo still closed his eyes, and his brain was running calculations at high speed, "The connection between Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo is much closer than we imagined!"

Sandaime continued to smoke his pipe.

"Moreover, this proposal must absolutely not be agreed to, otherwise the order of Hokage lineage inheritance established by Togama-sensei will be completely destroyed, and even the one-village-one-country system established by Hashirama-sama will be broken!"

The complexions of Mitomen Yan and Wannian Xiaoharu became even paler.

"But you can't veto it publicly, otherwise there will be even greater misunderstandings among the ninja people in the village." Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, added.

This is also the reason why he was entangled.

It cannot be agreed, nor can it be vetoed, and even shelving and procrastination will not play a big role.

When this proposal spreads in the village, Konoha's senior management will fall into a more passive state.

This is no longer a simple comparison of strengths, but a battle for hearts and minds.

"We must find a way to get rid of Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Tokumitsu. They are the root of all disasters." Danzo's tone was unusually flat.

But Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mitomonyan felt extremely cold.

"The Uchiha clan can be weakened, but we can't live without them." Sarutobi Hiruzen also gave his bottom line: "The war is not over yet, we still need the power of Uchiha."

"And that old man who is hiding behind the scenes!" Danzo continued.

"The premise is to covertly remove Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's pipe smoked more and more urgently.

"With their strength...it's hard to deal with them quietly..."

Mitomonyan let go of his inner discomfort and took the initiative to participate.

"We can't use our strength, otherwise it will be even more troublesome if things leak..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun also echoed.

"Has there been any movement in Kirigakure lately?" After pondering for a while, Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked, "Danzo, do you have any new information on Genbu?"

"Kirigakure was killed by Hatake Sakumo because of Genshi, and there is a vacuum of internal power, and he is in civil strife." Danzo thought for a while, "...but the internal strife of Kirigakure is likely to end in a short time, and they will Restart the mainland offensive..."

Sarutobi Hiruza Third didn't continue talking, but just smoked his pipe silently.

"Perhaps... the country of the vortex can do something to attract Kirigakure..."

Danzo continued to make suggestions, "and the mobile unit is the only elite ninja army that the village can draw out at present..."

Link up with the enemy country and kill with a knife!
Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaochun didn't dare to continue talking.

"The mobile force is an indispensable and important force for the village... If the entire army is wiped out, it will deal a very heavy blow to the village." Hiruzen Sarutobi was still hesitant.

"Hizan! You are too weak!" Danzo said urgently: "Have you forgotten? More than half of the jonin in the mobile unit are those evil Uchihas! And they are followers of Uchiha Tokumitsu!"

"If you don't wipe them all out in one go, it will definitely add a lot of trouble to the future just like Tokena-sensei spared Setsuna Uchiha back then!"

Danzo was angry and anxious, and kept yelling.

"Every strength of the village is precious and cannot be easily lost without meaning..."

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen still refused to let go.

"If the ninjas of the mobile unit can survive by chance, I will re-educate them at the root and give them a chance to clean their heads!"

Danzo said with some reluctance.

Mitomen Yan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu nodded slightly.

"If something goes wrong in this matter... Danzo, do you understand the seriousness of the consequences?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen III leaned back in the chair and said quietly.

"The duty of the root is to eradicate all potential enemies that may endanger the village, whether they are enemies of the Four Great Powers or thieves in the village!"

Danzo said decisively: "I will lead the roots as a last resort! Even if Kirigakure is incompetent, I will let them go and never return!"

"Be cautious in your actions, and don't let the slightest rumor go..."

Clouds of thick smoke completely covered Hiruzen Sarutobi's face behind the smoke.

"My roots are all stamped with the seal of tongue disaster and root, there is absolutely no possibility of leaking the secret!" Danzo said fiercely: "Besides, this is just the roots walking alone, what does it have to do with you!"

Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaochun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Danzo also noticed the strangeness between the two, and couldn't help but glanced at the two consultants with contempt.

"Then you go and prepare first." Hiru Sarutobi raised the pipe in Yang's hand, indicating that Danzo could leave first.

Danzo slammed the door and left, Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes turned to the two consultants.

"Danzo still needs some time to prepare, you have to find a way to hold Shuo Mao..."

"We will meet with Shuo Mao to test out the specific powers of the various ministries first."

Turning to bed Xiaochun spoke first.

"The reason why there is room for ambiguity in the powers of the various ministries is also because they did not think carefully when setting up the departments in the past. In order to solve new problems that continue to arise, the powers of the various ministries are intertwined. There is nothing wrong with it in essence." , "Departmental reform is necessary, but it also needs to be cautious."

"That's right, and we have to discuss it with the ninja class."

Sarutobi Hiruzam III said with a seemingly approving voice.

"It is imperative to confirm the power of the department, but the specific reform measures must be discussed with multiple parties and implemented after the conditions are ripe, so as to avoid unnecessary impact on the village."

Mitomon nodded repeatedly.

"Yes...you must be cautious."

The old friend is very kind, Sarutobi Hiruzawa is also very relieved in his heart.

Although the two old friends are average in strength and not strong in power, they still have the ability to play political tricks after all.

"Also, don't loose too much at the beginning, and grind slowly with Hatake Sakumo."

After thinking for a while, Hiruzaru Sarutobi added: "We can't make them suspicious..."

"Start with the conflict between the Police Department and the Anbu, and then raise the issue of the specific power and responsibility boundaries of each department, making the topic bigger and muddying the water..."

"That's the reason..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a big puff of his pipe beautifully, feeling a little ecstatic.

"We have inherited the spirit of Lord Hashirama and the will of Teacher Togama, and we must safeguard the interests of the village and promote the development of the village..."


The two consultants nodded like two kowtowing bugs.

"Then go and communicate with Sakumo, who is already in the ninja class... This matter can't be delayed any longer..."

Hiruza Sarutobi, the third generation, picked up the proposal and handed it to Xiaochun, "Remember, don't be too tight, and don't act too hastily, just keep the negotiation progress at an appropriate level..."

Mitomonyan and Zhuanzhu Xiaochun took the proposal and left after another show of loyalty.

The two left, and the office returned to calm again.

But Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't calm down in his heart for a long time.

"Suo Mao...if only you could be quiet..."

"You shouldn't, you shouldn't...why did you get involved with the Uchiha clan..."

(End of this chapter)

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