Chapter 115
The country of the vortex, which had been silent for a long time, was once again in chaos.

According to the intelligence of the Eastern Border Defense Force, the Kirigakure ninja appeared in the Uzumaki Kingdom for several consecutive days, and spied on the eastern region of the Fire Kingdom.

As Konoha's well-known ninja army, the eastern border defense force is a well-known fact that its strength is insufficient, so it is normal to immediately report the enemy's situation to the village and ask for tactical guidance without further investigation.

As for the proposal to confirm the rights of Konoha ministries initiated by Hatake Sakumo, the heads of Konoha ministries and the Shinobi class formed a joint meeting to start preliminary communication, but the communication progress was hindered a lot.

The ninja class wants to further limit the power of each department, and each department wants to use the opportunity of power confirmation to grab more power beyond the original responsibility boundary, and the progress of the talks is extremely difficult.

Even the police department is no exception. The chief Uchiha Sifang is also unrelenting. He is aggressive in the joint meeting and intends to seize Anbu's power in the village.

As the initiator of the departmental power confirmation proposal and the organizer of the joint meeting, Hatake Sakumo understands that reform will never be achieved overnight, and it is normal to suffer from all kinds of nonsense and gossip.

And the beginning of the entire power confirmation proposal, that is, the turmoil caused by the conflict between the police department and the Anbu, was gradually overshadowed by the limelight of the joint meeting.

At the same time, the information sent back from the eastern border defense force became more and more urgent day by day.

The day before yesterday, it was said that Kirigakure was peeping along the coast, but yesterday it turned out that a small group of Kirigakure elites had already landed in the Uzumaki country, and today it was reported that the Kirigakure ninja army is building a camp and sending a reconnaissance ninja team to the eastern part of the country of fire. Wouldn't it be that Kirigakure will defeat the eastern border defense force and invade the eastern part of Fire Nation tomorrow?

Naruto sent several Anbu teams to enter the country of Uzumaki to investigate Kirigakure's movements, but unexpectedly, all the Anbu teams disappeared without a word.

At this time, the country of Uzumaki entrenched by Kirigakure is like a giant whale devouring everything, swallowing all the Konoha ninjas who intend to enter the country of Uzumaki.

But Tokumitsu Uchiha felt a little bad.

Because according to the report of the Ninja Clan who he commissioned to go to the Uzumaki Country to investigate the news, the Ninja Cat was injured by a group of unidentifiable ninjas not long after arriving in the Uzumaki Country. Fortunately, the psychic spell was released in time to escape.

And the group of unknown ninjas who attacked the ninja cat clan seemed to be very familiar with the characteristics and habits of ninja cats!
The most abnormal thing is this.

If the other party is indeed a Kirigakure ninja, then they definitely don't need to change their appearance to hide their identities. The arrogant Kirigakure ninja would like to stick his name on his forehead and spread it around, and he can't do such sneaky things. .

As the allies of the Uchiha clan since the Warring States period, the Ninja cats have always helped the Uchiha clan to scout intelligence and sell arms, and rarely participated in the battle directly, so the relationship between the Ninja cats and the Uchiha clan is not widely known in the ninja world. The characteristics and habits of ninja cats are rarely known except for the Uchiha clan.

"Kirigakure...Ninja Cat..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu paced back and forth in the office of the police department thinking, the more he thought about it, the more something went wrong.

In the memory of the previous life, there are no relevant details of the second ninja world war, so he has no way to make a judgment based on the original "foreseeing advantage". Theoretically, it is also normal if the historical trajectory of the human body changes accordingly...

But too much normality stacked together is abnormal, and coupled with the targeted attacks encountered by the Ninja Cats, everything becomes suspicious.

He also asked Elder Setsuna about this matter, but the Great Elder could not give any special strategy with limited information, and it was impossible to find out whether the information of the Ninja Cat Clan had ever been leaked, so Elder Setsuna just let him know. He still needs to pay attention to the dynamics of the village in the near future. After all, Danzo's narrow-mindedness is absolutely unwilling to let the bloody conflict between the police department and the Anbu subside.

"There's too little's really troublesome..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu became more and more irritable.

This irritability came out of nowhere for no apparent reason.

It was as if something bad was about to happen.

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath, and decided to skip work and go back to the clan to calm down.

On the other side, Hatake Sakumo was in the meeting room of the ninja class and continued to talk endlessly with the heads of Konoha's various departments.

"Knock knock!"

There was a knock on the door of the ninja class meeting room.

"come in!"

Hatake Sakumo, who was also tormented by the mandarin clichés of the heads of various ministries, said aloud.

An Anbu pushed the door open and entered.

After bowing to the heads of each department, Anbu Ninja said to Hatake Sakumo: "Your Excellency Sakumo, Hokage-sama has something to call, please take the time to go."

Hearing this, Mitomonyan got up immediately, "Since Hokage-sama is calling, let's postpone our meeting for a while, so we can't delay Sakumo-kun's important event!"

So the heads of the various departments immediately got up and scattered, only Uchiha Sifang, the chief of the police department, who was not gregarious, was still sitting there,

"President Sifang... I'm sorry, let's discuss it next time when I have time." Hatake Sakumo also said to Uchiha Sifang with a little embarrassment.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Uchiha Sifang didn't take it seriously, "Confirming the rights of the ministries is a major task, and there is no rush, just discuss it next time."

After all, he packed his things and got up to leave.

Anbu Ninja was still standing at the door, politely turned sideways to let Uchiha Sifang leave, and then continued to look at Hatake Sakumo.

"... Hokage-sama, what's the matter?" Hatake Sakumo sighed as he looked at the instantly empty meeting room.

"I don't know about it, I was just ordered to convey it." Anbu Ninja also said very respectfully: "However, there was an urgent report from Genbu before, or it may be related to the country of Uzumaki."

"The country of the vortex..."

Hatake Sakumo pondered for a moment, "Is Kirigakure..."

The Anbe ninja stopped talking, and Hatake Sakumo didn't think too much, so he went to the Hokage Building.


"Dong dong..."

Arriving at the door of Hokage's office, Hatake Sakumo knocked twice.

"Master Hokage, I am here under orders."

"Mr. Shuo Mao, come in."

The voice of the third generation came from the office.

Hatake Sakumo pushed the door open and entered.

In the Hokage office, besides the third generation himself, there was also a blood-stained ninja with a simple bandage on his body.

Its attire is similar to Anbu's, but the mask has a weird patterned texture.

is the root...

Hatake Sakumo also had some calculations in his heart.

"Sakumo-kun, there is a potentially tricky task that needs to be handled by you yourself." The third generation handed over a blood-stained intelligence document.

Hatake Sakumo read and listened to the introduction of the mission by the third generation.

"Kistokakure has made a lot of noise in the Uzumaki country recently. The eastern border defense force sent a team to land and investigate the day before yesterday, but they have not returned yet, and the Anbu team sent later has not heard from the Uzumaki country after arriving..."

"Kirigakure's movements are so big?" Hatake Sakumo also frowned, "Based on this calculation, it is estimated that a large group of Kirigakure ninja troops may have landed secretly..."

The intelligence documents in his hand don't contain much content, and many of them are "speculations"...

"That's exactly what I'm worried about." The third generation nodded in agreement with Hatake Sakumo, "If Kirigakure is allowed to establish a ninja camp in Uzumaki, it will be very detrimental to the village's subsequent response, so I need Sakumo You carry out this intelligence and reconnaissance mission..."

"Only you can make me feel at ease."

The third generation's words were extremely sincere.

"Leave it to me!" Hatake Sakumo said with determination on his face, "I will complete the task assigned by the village!"

"This task is no small matter..." The third generation is also full of admiration, "You know, both Anbe and Genbu have lost a lot of people in the country of Uzumaki. After thinking about it again and again, only Sakumo-kun is able to do it... "

"Master Naruto, this is my job as Konoha Ninja!"

"Sakumo-kun is indeed the recognized successor of the Will of Fire..." Sandaimo sighed, "Besides you, I also summoned Tokumitsu-kun, and he should come over later."

"Will Deguang-kun go with you?"

Hatake Sakumo was a little strange.

"You can also take the mobile unit with you. You can arrange it yourself. If you feel that you are short of manpower, I can transfer a few more Anbu teams for you."

The third generation explained: "We still can't grasp the current situation of Kirigakure. We need Sakumo-kun to find out. It is always good to bring more people, it is better than fighting alone..."

"Knock knock!"

There was another knock on the door.

"Is it Deguang Jun? Come in."

Uchiha Tokumitsu opened the door and entered Hokage's office.

"Hokage-sama, please report here."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said lightly.

When he entered the office, he quickly scanned the room.

There are three people in Naruto's office, namely Sakumo Hatake, Sandaime, and a wounded ninja in Anbu costume.

"Mr. Deguang, I need you and Mr. Shuo Mao to perform a mission."

The third generation came straight to the point and said bluntly: "It's about the country of the vortex, you should have heard of it recently, right?"

Hatake Sakumo handed the intelligence documents to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Uchiha Tokumitsu flipped through it casually, then threw the document back to Hokage's desk.

"This piece of information is too crude..." Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little displeased, and the irritability in his heart became stronger, "It is impossible to analyze Kirigakure's intentions from it..."

"Yes, so I need you and Sakumo-kun to lead the troops to investigate clearly." Thirdaime said: "Besides the mobile troops under your command, if you need other cooperation, please feel free to ask."

Another meaning of 'If you need to cooperate, just mention' is that the conditions are open but the task cannot be refused.

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned even tighter.

"What is the standard for the completion of this mission?" Uchiha Tokumitsu asked: "Is it to confirm the existence and intention of Kirigakure or to expel Kirigakure?"

"Just understand Kirigakure's movement and purpose..." The third generation was very patient this time: "Before the situation in Uzumaki is clarified, it is not easy for the village to mobilize and form a ninja army on a large scale..."

"So... this mission is just intelligence?" Uchiha Tokuka sneered, "Isn't the Intelligence Department even able to handle this kind of thing?"

He's always been inexplicably irritable recently, so he doesn't want to leave the village.

"Anbu and Nebu...have sent eight teams successively, but none of them have obtained effective information..." Third Generation said helplessly: "The only one who can return is Nebu, and the other teams have no news, and the information obtained is also... "


Uchiha Tokumitsu clicked his tongue inexplicably, took two steps forward, and looked at the injured root ninja.

"Tell me briefly about the battle you encountered and the other party's intelligence." Uchiha Tokumitsu asked the root ninja.

"The morning before yesterday, I was ambushed by Mist Hidden in the eastern waters of Uzumaki Country. The nine enemies were all jounin, and one of them used ice escape ninjutsu."

The introduction of Nebu ninja is very reasonable. It is really easy for the nine Kirigakure jōnin to destroy a team of Nebu. It is clear that the other party is the Kirigakure ninja.

But Tokumitsu Uchiha has determined that Genbu Ninja is lying!

Because the ninja cat who was assigned by him to investigate the Uzumaki country arrived in the Uzumaki country from the eastern sea the day before yesterday, and the ninja cat also took a self-made canoe and used wind escape ninjutsu to blow the wind and sail across the sea!

There's no reason why the roots of crossing the sea were ambushed, but the undisguised Ninja Cat was able to land!

"The root... Fog Hidden..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's heart became more and more irritable.

He inexplicably thinks of Ye Cang, the hero of Sha Yin.

It is almost certain that the reconnaissance mission of the country of the vortex must be a big pit.

And it is very likely that it is a trap set by Danzo!

"I see, how about leaving tomorrow night in the dark?" Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's heart was turbulent, he still looked calm on the surface.

"No problem!" Hatake Sakumo readily agreed.

The third generation also nodded in satisfaction.

After returning to the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately summoned Uchiha Jinge, the vice-officer of his dark guard.

"You lead the dark guards to lurk to the eastern border tonight, and cross the sea tomorrow afternoon to enter the country of vortex!"

Uchiha Jing came in a hurry, and Uchiha Tokumitsu was not polite, and ordered directly.

"As ordered!"

Uchiha Jing immediately knelt down on one knee and accepted the order.

"Remember! The dark guard's trip cannot be mentioned with anyone! Not even the tribe!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone was extremely severe.


"Also, summoned to the Country of Grass, two squadrons were dispatched from the stationed red squadron, and they also went to lurk on the eastern border. Everyone they saw along the way back will be killed, and their whereabouts must not be revealed!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone was more murderous.

"As ordered!"

"Go ahead……"

Uchiha Deguang nodded, and Uchiha Jing stepped back.

"Thinking about me... Unfortunately, I'm neither Shuo Mao nor Ye Cang..."

He intends to use the power under his command to destroy the peeping in the dark in one fell swoop!

The crimson Sharingan was extremely obvious in the darkness, and Tokumitsu Uchiha exuded an incomparably cold murderous aura, wanting to choose someone and devour him.

 Sorry for the late update...

(End of this chapter)

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