Chapter 116
Uchiha Tokumitsu's Anbu is the secret armed force of the Uchiha clan's radical faction. It has always followed Anbu's adhering to secrecy, and information about its staffing and ninjutsu characteristics is even less known to outsiders.

The dark guards with a total number of 32 members are composed of [-] Jōnin, special Jōnin and [-] elite Chunin. Although the combat power may not be the strongest among the ninja troops of the various sects of the Uchiha clan, it is definitely against the Uchiha clan. Uchiha Tokumitsu is the most loyal.

Coupled with the two squads transferred back from the Tokumitsu Chibei team stationed at the Daimyo Prefecture in the Country of Grass, there will be 250 family ninja troops under Uchiha Tokumitsu's command, and most of them are elites who have awakened Sharingan The clansmen, whether it is loyalty or combat effectiveness, can rest assured.

Uchiha Tokumitsu has already left behind the request for the reconnaissance mission of Uzumaki.

He only wanted to kill the murderous hand in the dark and the controller behind it in one fell swoop, otherwise his heart would not be at peace at all.

With a series of arrangements and reports from various ministries, Tokumitsu Uchiha's inner irritability gradually calmed down, but the killing intent that rose following it could not be suppressed no matter what.


"Tokumitsu-kun, for this mission, I plan to mobilize only half of the combat troops and the reconnaissance squad and medical squad of the auxiliary ninjas to accompany the team. What do you think?"

Hatake Sakumo noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Tokumitsu Uchiha's state, so he came to the Uchiha clan again on the grounds of negotiating the execution of the task.

"... Sakumo-kun can decide on his own." Uchiha Tokumitsu narrowed his eyes slightly, drinking tea with his head down to avoid Hatake Sakumo's sight.

He still doesn't want people to know his arrangements and orders, even if this person is Shuo Mao.

"Tokumitsu-kun, you don't seem to be in the right state, are you overworked?" Hatake Sakumo also noticed the strangeness, and reminded him gently: "Or, you should choose to take a break for this mission. It should be possible for the team to implement it.”

"...I'm fine, just a little irritable, and it seems that something bad will happen." Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, and decided to give Hatake Sakumo a vaccination.

Hatake Sakumo's expression suddenly became serious.

"Deguang-jun, did you notice anything wrong?"

Hatake Sakumo quickly scanned the surrounding area, felt it slightly, and said in a low voice.

"...No, it's just that I'm very irritable." Uchiha Deguang blinked his eyes quickly.

He felt a kind of inexplicable red flakes similar to floaters constantly appearing in his eyes.

But he was sure that he hadn't opened Sharingan yet.

"...Your eyes feel the same as they did during the Uzumaki War." Hatake Sakumo observed for a while, expressed his own judgment, and then lowered his head to think.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also silent.

Every strong person will always have some inexplicable premonition abilities, especially ninjas who practice the power of yin escape.In Hatake Sakumo's eyes, Uchiha Tokumitsu should have sensed something, but it's just inconvenient to say it.

As for the possible dangerous places, there is only the reconnaissance mission of the country of the vortex that is going to be carried out recently...

But Hatake Sakumo did not continue to ask.

"Tokumitsu-kun, on the surface of this mission, I will only bring the jounin under my command, and you will make other arrangements for the other twelve Uchiha combat jounin."

Although Hatake Sakumo didn't say it clearly, he also started to arrange according to the premonition that Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

There are [-] combat jōnin from the Uchiha clan in the mobile unit, and the other nine jōnin are subordinates of Hatake Sakumo's team. On the surface, only nine of them are taken, but Uchiha Tokumitsu arranges another ten ninja in secret. Two Uchiha Jonin as backup.

"...No, I have other arrangements."

After Uchiha Tokumitsu hesitated again and again, he still revealed a little more about his arrangement.

"That's good, all the combat ninjas of the mobile unit will go to battle!" Hatake Sakumo also showed a smile on his face, and then got up to leave, "It's just... as comrades-in-arms, we always have to bear some things together , no matter who the other side is."

"Is it the same even for Mizukage?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked tentatively.

"Even Hokage is the same!"

Hatake Sakumo said firmly.

Seeing Uchiha Tokumitsu's stunned look, Hatake Sakumo laughed.

"Tokumitsu-kun, although others say that I am a good person, I know I am not." Hatake Sakumo laughed at himself, "How can a ninja with bloody hands be a good person? How can the ninja of the moves be a pedantic person? It can only be said that the world still has a lot of misunderstandings about me."

"However, every ninja should have his own way of ninja, and go forward to practice his way of ninja, no matter what is blocked in front of him, he must cross over..."

Although Hatake Sakumo's tone was gentle, it also contained an unyielding will.

"Even high-level?"

"Even high-level!"

Hatake Sakumo's tone remained firm.

"I understand..." Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled and stood up, "Then... let's pay more attention to the trip to Uzumaki Country."

"I understand." Hatake Sakumo nodded, then turned and left.


Taking advantage of the night, Tokumitsu Uchiha and Sakumo Hatake led the mobile unit to leave Konoha and march towards the country of Uzumaki.

On the outside of the Hatake family's mansion in the village, there was a peddler carrying some items for sale, soliciting customers loudly. Someone from the Hatake family went out to buy some groceries and then went back to the house to close the door. The peddler peddled for a while. No customers continued to come forward to inquire, so they picked up the burden and left.

At this time, in the root base, a root ninja was reporting the whereabouts of Hatake Sakumo to Danzo.

"...According to the report of the monitoring and intelligence personnel, Hatake Sakumo has confirmed to leave the village."

"Start it." Danzo said without looking up, "All root combatants will go out with me to carry out the clearing mission."



The marching speed of mobile troops is very fast.

Under Uchiha Tokumitsu's order, the three sensory ninjas in the reconnaissance team took turns to activate sensory ninjutsu to pay attention to the wind and grass around them. Even if they were tired, they did not dare to slack off.


Hatake Sakumo could already smell the fishy smell of the sea breeze.

"Stop sensing ninjutsu!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu gave the order.

The Sensing Ninja of the reconnaissance team breathed a sigh of relief, stopped the operation of Sensing Ninjutsu, took out a military food pill from the ninja bag and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Perception·Heat Shot Sensation Technique!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu performed his perception ninjutsu for the first time in front of people.

This technique was taught by the elder Shishana when he was a child, and he could determine the approximate position of the enemy by sensing the heat in the surrounding organic life.

"No exception."

After a while, Uchiha Deguang also stopped sensing.

"Tokumitsu-kun?" Hatake Sakumo asked Uchiha Tokumitsu's opinion again.

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out a slender flare from the reel case and fired it into the night sky.

Everyone in the mobile unit was a little puzzled, but they didn't ask any questions. Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't explain, just nodded to Hatake Sakumo.

"Cross the sea!"

Hatake Sakumo issued an order.

"All the staff are marching in the state of engagement!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu made a battle announcement.

The 21 combat ninjas took Tokumitsu Uchiha and Sakumo Hatake as the front arrows, and the reconnaissance team and the medical team lived in the middle, stepping forward together.

"The art of hiding the gods!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha unleashes the second perception ninjutsu.

The technique of Shenyin is a rare anti-sensing ninjutsu. It mainly uses the combination of fire escape power and spiritual power to restrain human body heat and smell, and distort the airflow around it, so as to achieve integration with the surrounding environment.

Under the cover of Uchiha Tokumitsu's ninjutsu, the mobile unit successfully crossed the sea and landed in the country of Uzumaki.

Then immediately ran towards the inland of the vortex.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

The mobile unit had just sneaked into a forest when a childish voice appeared from the front.

Although the voice was small, it seemed unusually abrupt in the dead forest.

The pace of the mobile troops came to an abrupt halt, and they immediately entered a combat state.

A child with silver hair and purple pupils walked out of the jungle leisurely, holding an iron rod taller than himself in both hands, and the top was decorated with green flowers.


Hatake Sakumo's face suddenly became serious.

"I have admired your name for a long time, the famous Konoha Shirato." Yakura Yakura had a gentle smile on his face, "There is also Tokumitsu-kun from the Uchiha family."

"...How did you find us?" Uchiha Tokumitsu pressed his left hand on the sword, closed his eyes slightly, then opened them, and the Sangouyu Shulunyan opened immediately.

Goju Yakura looked straight at Uchiha Tokumitsu's Sharingan without fear, "Hehe... how should I put it, the Uzumaki Clan's secret technique is really easy to use..."

"Is it……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also smiled, "Who gave you the courage to stand in front of Uchiha and still be so domineering?"

"Then what do you think?" Goju Yakura paused on the ground with an iron rod in his hand.

The jungle behind rippled, and seven male and female ninjas of different heights, fat and thinness showed their figures.

Afterwards, signal bombs flew into the air further away, and countless chakra fluctuations appeared out of thin air, and quickly surrounded the mobile troops.

"Say hello to the gentlemen of Konoha."

Kuju Yagura said to the seven ninjas behind him with a smile.

"Ten Zang of Loquats!"

"Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost!"

"Chestnut Skewers!"

"Tongcao wild bait people!"

"Wu Li Zhi Ba!"

"Black hoe Thunder tooth!"

"The full moon of ghost lights!"

"Kirigakure Ninja Sword Seven, join us!"

"The seven most elite ninja swords in Kirigakure, plus a thousand ninja soldiers..." Yakura Yakura held an iron rod with the top of a green flower pointing at Tokumitsu Uchiha, "Tokumitsu-kun, what do you think? Is that enough too?"

"What do you think?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also showed a cruel smile on his face, but there was no smile in his eyes, only full of killing intent.

Uchiha Tokumitsu made a Yin seal with one hand in his right hand, and a flame rose from the top of his head, turning into a firework and rising into the sky.

In the direction of the sea behind the vortex, three red flares flew up.

More than 200 chakra fluctuations appeared out of thin air again, quickly approaching the mobile unit.

"250 Uchiha elites, do you think it is enough to compete with Kirigakure's thousand rotten fish and rotten shrimp?"

The Sangoudama Sharingan in Uchiha Tokuko's eyes turned faster and faster, and Hatake Sakumo pulled out the white tooth dagger that was famous for it.

The twelve Uchiha battle shinobi also opened their Sharingan, and the cold and stern pupils connected with each other, and even the surrounding air seemed to be distorted and turbulent.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen also lowered their heads, avoiding Uchiha Jonin's sight, and spread out to both sides.

"It seems that all of this is your Konoha's conspiracy..." Yakura Kudachi changed gestures and held sticks in front of his body, red chakra bubbles rose from his body, and then continued to gather behind his back.

The power of the tail beast!

"It's the information I got from Anbe..." Uchiha Tokumitsu pressed the handle of the knife with his right hand, ready to draw the knife and slash, and asked casually.

"'s not just Anbe." The chakra behind Goju Yakura gradually condensed into a tail with thorns, "And your Ninja Anbe also gave a lot of good things..."

In the mobile unit, the faces of the nine jounin who directly belonged to Sakumo Hatake became serious, the faces of the six auxiliary ninjas also turned pale, and the murderous aura on the twelve Uchiha jounin became even stronger.

The explosion of ninjutsu has already been heard from behind.

The dark guards brought by Uchiha Tokumitsu and the Tokumitsu red team have begun to formally fight the Kirigakure Ninja Army.

"Yakura! Don't move yet!" Holding a long knife and sewing needle, Kurisara Kushimaru yelled impatiently with long yellow fluffy thorny hair.

Originally, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were Kirigakure's most rebellious ninja combination. They usually dared to say a few words neither softly nor hard when facing Mizukage. , can not go beyond the first move is considered to be very face-saving for the sake of strength.


Goju Yakura cursed inwardly, he couldn't even understand delaying time, he really didn't know how to become a ninja sword user.

The sound of ninjutsu explosions behind the mobile unit is getting closer and closer, indicating that Uchiha Tokumitsu's backhand has gained the upper hand in the battle with the Kirigakure Ninja Army.

In this situation, without thinking about how to get out of the body, still clamoring so ignorantly is simply impatient to live.

"It seems...the situation is indeed beyond your expectation..." Uchiha Tokumitsu's body tends to bend down, like a spring, constantly accumulating energy under the pressure.

"It is said that Kirigakure's seven ninja swords could conquer a small country overnight, but it's a pity that they didn't meet each other in the Uzumide War..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone was very flat, like chatting with neighbors about what to eat in the morning.

"And... your swords are also very good. I have already decided that I will form a group of seven Uchiha ninja swords in the future. I hope you will not be ungrateful, and it is better to kneel down and offer ninja swords... "

The ninja knife made the anger on his face even stronger.

"As for you... the short Jinchuriki..."

Following Uchiha Tokumitsu's words, Goju Yagura's face also flushed red.

Immediately, Uchiha Tokumitsu's words shocked him.

"Say hello to Jifu for me!"

A beam of saber slashed towards Goju Yakura like a thunderbolt!

 Let me explain: the name of the first owner of the two swords, flounder flounder, among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is not mentioned in the original work, so the second generation ghost lantern is used on the top of the moon.

  I don't want to make up any more characters, lest I be told that I don't understand the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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