Chapter 117
"Uchiha Ryu · Sun Halo Dance!"

With purple flaming flames swirling all over his body, Uchiha Tokumitsu swung his sword and slashed at Goju Yakura.Waves of purple flaming sword energy covered Goju Yakura from various tricky angles.

Goju Yakura held the iron rod and slammed to the ground, instantly clumps of coral rose out of thin air, blocking all the Yan Dun sword energy.

"Your Sharingan is destined to become my collection!"

Among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Kuri Sage Kushimaru and Murashi Jinhachi, who were the most insane among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, killed them first, and the other five drew their swords to keep up.

"Fire Escape: The Art of Huo Huo Dragon!"

Twelve Uchiha jounin joined forces to perform fire escape ninjutsu and burned them towards the seven ninja swords.

Although little is known about the abilities of Kirigakure ninja swordsmen, as a jounin, he naturally knows that since he has a special ninja sword, he must have an advantage in melee combat, so the mobile unit combat joustana did not compete with them at all. surgical plan.

"Shark Muscle Devour!"

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost holding a big sword and shark muscle stepped forward, waving the ninja sword and breaking through the shackles of the bandages, instantly magnified and turned into a strange fish, and opened its mouth wide to swallow the menacing fire dragon.


All the Twelve Daohao Fire Dragons were swallowed by the Shark Muscle, but their body was also burned red by the Fire Escape Ninjutsu, twisting and bouncing almost breaking free from the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.

"Long Sword Ninja - Ground Spider Seam!"

Kuri Sara Kushimaru, who was the most irritable, activated the Ninja Sword Secret Technique, and steel wires shot from the long knife and sewing needle into the ground, spreading in all directions.

"Dance of Thunder!"

The figure of Hatake Sakumo broke out from the ground, and the thick thunder chakra covered the whole body. As the body turned, it cut off all the steel wires, and at the same time, the body also ran towards Kuju Yagura.

The 21 ninja fighters fought against the seven ninja swords of Kirin, and Tokumitsu Uchiha and Sakumo Hatake fought against Yakura Goju.

"Water Escape·Water Mirror Technique!"

Yagura, who was hiding in the coral, connected his hands together in seals, and condensed a water mirror to shine on Hatake Sakumo.

But Hatake Sakumo immediately lost his figure again with a teleportation technique.

The water mirror technique failed.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Flame Slash!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu condensed the radiating flame-dun sword energy into a huge sword light, and slashed towards the citrus orange Yagura in the coral bush.

"Water Escape·Water Prison Technique!"

A huge blue water ball surrounded the coral cluster.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's sword energy split the water polo, but the coral on Yagura's body was not completely broken.

Water Prison Jutsu was originally a ninjutsu used to besiege the enemy, and Goju Yakura used it as a defensive ninjutsu at his fingertips, which is also a wonderful and useful application method.


Behind Uchiha Tokumitsu, Hatake Sakumo flashed out of the shadow like a ghost, and a thunder sword light cut along the protective loophole that Uchiha Tokumitsu broke.


Under the attack of thunder and sword light, the remaining corals were broken immediately, and the sword energy slashed towards Goju Yakura.

But a thorny tail appeared out of nowhere, blocking Hatake Sakumo's sword attack.

A tail made of three-tailed chakra!
Although Yagura is not half-tailed, its tail formed by borrowing the three-tailed chakra is still extremely tough in defense.

"Water Escape Waterspout!"

By extracting the three-tailed chakra, Kutachi Yagura summoned a huge water dragon in one breath, and rolled it.

The huge water dragon twisted its body, its head pointed at Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo, and the dragon's tail slapped towards the Mobile Force Combat Ninja.

Although Kutachi Yakura was concentrating on fighting Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo, he also noticed that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were trapped by the ninjutsu of the Mobile Force's upper ninjutsu, and fell into a passive defense state, unable to give full play to their melee advantage .

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's chakra is far less than that of Yakura Yakura, who has the power of a tailed beast, he is not afraid to use high-level fire escape ninjutsu to meet water dragons.

"Puff puff!"

The water and fire were excited, and thick water mist was produced during the explosion of Chakra.

"Tu Dun·Tucheng Wall!"

However, the combat ninjas of the mobile unit can only jointly use the earth escape ninjutsu to block the slap of the water dragon's tail.

"Boom boom boom!"

The towering earthen wall was broken, but the combat ninjas also pulled back and jumped back.

But in this way, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen who were in a defensive state suddenly got rid of the ninjutsu bombardment.

"Flambfish · Liberation!"

The ghost lamp full moon split the double-knife flounder into two, holding a giant knife in each of the left and right hands, and swiped out gaseous energy light balls to bombard the mobile troops.

"Explosive Knife Ninja - Fatal Death!"

Wunashi Jinba instantly rushed to the front of the mobile unit, brandished the Explosive Knife and the droplets swept across, and the scroll on the knife opened horizontally.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!!!!"

One after another detonating talismans flew out of the knife, bombarding all around wildly!

The combat ninjas of the mobile unit immediately scattered and avoided.

"Long Sword Ninja - Ground Spider Seam!"

The steel wire that Kuri Satsumaru dived into the ground entangled the legs of a Uchiha Jonin, and quickly spread towards the upper body, everywhere it went was stained with blood.

"I'm going to string you up and cut off every piece of your flesh one by one!"

Kuri Sage Kushimaru screamed excitedly, and manipulated the steel wire to pull the immobile Uchiha Jonin over,

"Is it?"

Uchiha Jonin had no intention of resisting, and the Sharingan in his eyes looked directly at Kuri Sara Kushimaru.

"Magic·Golden Binding Technique!"

While the Sharingan in his eyes was turning, he activated the binding illusion, and the careless Li Sage Kushimaru's body froze immediately.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Leap Slash!"

Another Uchiha jounin swung a flaming sword energy towards Kuri Sara Kushimaru's forehead.

But it was blocked by the black hoe Lei Ya's Lei Dao Ya.

The steel wire on Uchiha Jonin who was bound was also loosened, but he didn't have the slightest intention of retreating, but instead leaned forward and rushed into Kuri Satsumaru's arms.

A flying needle spewed out from his mouth, and hit Li Sangwan's chest.

He originally aimed at Kuri Sakumaru's heart, but Kuri Sakumamaru, who broke free from the illusion, dodged subconsciously, avoiding the fatal blow.


Li Shouchuanwan was startled and angry, and hastily tightened the wire.

The steel wire on Uchiha Jonin's body was deeply embedded in the flesh, and the blood spurted out like a fountain.

"See the bloodiness of Uchiha, ignorant Shimaman!"

Uchiha Kaminin grinned, and blood spurted out of his mouth as he spoke.


Kaminin Uchiha muttered silently in his heart, and detonated the close-fitting detonating charm.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The violent explosion blew Uchiha Jonin to pieces, but Kuri Sara Kushimaru, who had no time to dodge, was also blown out, lying on the ground dying, with more breath than breath, with a life hanging by a thread.

A sword light came out from the ground, and cut Li Shuangwan's neck with ease.

Hatake Sakumo, who didn't know when he was hiding in the ground, jumped up, picked up the long knife and sewing needle, and charged at Yakura Yagura again.


Kutachi Yakura was greatly shocked, there was clearly Sakumo Hatake in front of him circling around him with a knife!

"Sakumo Hatake" who was circling in front of him giggled at Yakura Yakura, and it turned into a cloud of clear water and scattered on the ground.

Get out of the water!
I was actually tricked by the water body that Kirigakure is supposed to be best at!

Kudachi Yakura was so angry that his nose was almost crooked.

"Sharingeye Illusion Art Binding Killing Art!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha saw an opportunity, and took the initiative to meet Yagura's gaze in a flash, and activated the sharingan illusion.

"Instant cut!"

Hatake Sakumo also instantly swung his knife forward and slashed towards Yakura's waist.

But Goju Yakura was only in a trance for a moment, and was awakened by the three tails in his body.

Hatake Sakumo's knife was once again blocked by the condensed tail of the three-tailed chakra.

"Coral Thorn!"

Kutachi Yagura swung the iron stick towards Hatake Sakumo's head, the tip of the stick was still shining with gray light.

Hatake Sakumo dodged instantly, but the corner of his clothes was still scratched by the tip of the stick.

A gray trace quickly spread on the corner of the clothes that was rubbed off, and Hatake Sakumo hurriedly cut off the corner of the clothes with a knife to stop the gray trace from spreading.

Lines of sharp coral grew from the gray cloth that fell on the ground.

"Flame Escape·Longyan Singing Technique!"

Taking advantage of the entanglement between Hatake Sakumo and Kuju Yakura, Uchiha Tokumitsu uses Yantou Chakra to launch ninjutsu and turns into four fire dragons to attack Goju Yakura.

"Water Escape·Blast Water Rush!"

Goji Yakura spit out a ball of pure water toward the ground, and the water ball instantly turned into a huge wave when it hit the ground, heading towards the fire tornado.

The two fire dragons exploded instantly when they touched the huge waves, blasting the huge waves, and the other two fire dragons continued to attack Goju Yakura aggressively.

Yagura's face changed drastically, and he desperately extracted the three-tailed chakra and injected it into the thorny tail. After making it huge, he wrapped himself up and tried to resist the fire dragon.


The two fire dragons hit the thorn protection of the power of three tails at the same time.


Yakura Yagura, who was wrapped by Sanwei's thorny tail, let out a sharp tearing cry, and the tangled thorny tail bounced like a spring.

The thorny tail that was continuously burned by the power of flame escape dispersed in mid-air, revealing the burnt orange Yakura.

"Slay yourself!"

Hatake Sakumo jumped up, and swiped the dagger towards Yagura's chest.

Kutachi Yakura barely swung the iron rod to block Hatake Sakumo's short knife, but his body was slammed down like a rubber ball with great force.

"Psychic Interaction Detonating Talisman Technique!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also summoned a continuous detonation talisman to wrap around Goju Yagura, and continued to bombard it indiscriminately.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom~~~"

On the other side of the battlefield between the mobile unit and the ninja swordsman, two more ninjas under the command of Hatake Sakumo were killed by Suiguashan puffer ghost and loquat Juzang respectively, but Murashi Jinhachi was also beheaded by Uchiha jounin of the mobile unit Broken right arm.

Both sides became more and more frightened.

After bombing for nearly 1 minute, Uchiha Tokumitsu's detonating talisman was exhausted.

"Wind Escape·Great Storm!"

The smoke and dust dissipated, and Yakura, who was out of breath, was wrapped in a Tailed Beast Chakra coat, staring at Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Your chakra actually has the characteristics of a tailed beast!" Kudachi Yagura scolded sharply.
Half-tailed beast!

It's tricky...

Uchiha Tokumitsu cursed in his heart.

Both his and Hatake Sakumo's abilities are more suitable for opponents of regular size, and they suffer a lot when facing such unconventional Jinchuriki.

Hatake Sakumo landed in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

The combat ninja of the mobile unit also jumped back and broke away from the wave battle with the ninja knife user.

Both were panting and exhausted.

The battlefield returned to a state of confrontation again.

Among the seven members of the Kirigakure Ninja Swordsman, Kuri Sakushimaru was severely injured in the sacrifice explosion, and was slashed by Hatake Sakumo, and even the ninja sword was confiscated; Arm, unable to continue to control Explosive Knife Droplet.

The mobile unit's combat jounin directly killed three people, namely a jounin from the Uchiha clan and two jounin under Hatake Sakumo's command, and the rest had more or less wounds on their bodies.

The exchange ratio was three to one point five.

Mobile troops are not too bad.

Even with the utmost defense, the Kirigakure Seven Ninja Swords with different abilities and great power are really hard to deal with.

It can only be said that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are worthy of being Kirigakure's trump card. If it weren't for a Uchiha Jōnin who sacrificed his life to replace Kuri Kushimaru and broke the joint attack of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, I am afraid that the mobile unit would not be able to please.

In the rear, the explosion of Huo Dun was getting closer and closer.

This means that Uchiha Tokumitsu's dark guards and 250 Uchiha ninjas from the red team are suppressing nearly a thousand Kirigakure ninjas and are moving forward steadily.

"Water Escape·Mist Hidden Technique!"

After a short respite, the five ninja swordsmen broke the stalemate and jointly launched Kirigakure's special trick to try to cover the battlefield.

Dense mist spread rapidly

"Fire Escape, Dust Hidden Technique!"

Eleven Uchiha jounin also activated ninjutsu at the same time, and they all sprayed high-temperature dust and rolled it towards the water mist.


The fire and water stimulated each other, causing continuous weak chakra explosions again.

The ninjutsu of both sides canceled each other out, but none of them worked.

"Flame escape head hard!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately spewed out a sea of ​​flames, attacking Goju Yakura and the six ninja swordsmen.

With the help of Huo Dun's visual cover, Hatake Sakumo disappeared again.

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

Goji Yakura also sprayed out a column of water, which turned into a huge wave after landing and rolled towards Uchiha Tokumitsu's fire escape ninjutsu.


Yan Dun Huohai broke through the obstruction of the water waves in one fell swoop, and continued to sweep towards Wu Yin and the people.


Goji Yagura's complexion changed, and he quickly sounded a warning.

Before being hit by Uchiha Tokumitsu's Dragon Flame Singing Art, he thought he could block it with a thorny tail, but unexpectedly, Flame Dun has an adhesive continuous calcination force, which seems to follow the three-tailed chakra Burning to his body, he had no choice but to disperse the three-tailed chakra to escape.

But the other ninja swordsmen reacted differently. Muri Jinba, who was seriously injured, staggered and jumped backward, while the others retreated slightly.

And the watermelon mountain puffer ghost holding a big sword and shark muscle holds that his ninja sword has the ability to absorb chakra, and he does not flinch, but takes a step forward.

"Shark Muscle Devour!"

The shark muscle's big mouth emits a huge suction force, intending to absorb the flames and escape the sea of ​​fire.

Uchiha Tokumitsu moved in his heart, intending to loosen the restraint on Yandou Chakra.

The raging sea of ​​flames was completely absorbed by the shark muscles.

"You guys..."

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost is about to show off his achievements.


Uchiha Tokumitsu silently hooked Yandou Chakra, who was absorbed by the shark muscle.


Shark muscle's body immediately turned red, and the whole body spurted out steam, limp like a dead fish.


Tokumitsu Uchiha swung his sword and led the crowd to continue to fight.

"A bunch of lunatics!"

Goju Yakura cursed and led his troops to fight at the same time.

"Millennium Kill!"

Murashi Jinhachi, who was left behind due to injury, was stabbed through from bottom to top by Hatake Sakumo who broke through the ground behind him!
Immediately after that, he drew his knife and hid in the ground and disappeared.

Murashi Jinhachi's Explosive Knife Droplet let go and fell to the ground.


Kutachi Yagura and the last five ninja swordsmen were so frightened by the tragedy of Murashi Jinhachi and the viciousness of Hatake Sakumo that their scalps went numb.

(End of this chapter)

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