Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 118 Birth and death, ups and downs are all in one thought

Chapter 118

The battle has reached such a point that it is no longer worth fighting.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo, at most, can restrain the half-tailed beast-like Goji Yakura, and it is almost impossible to kill it.

Different from the two-tailed Jinchuriki who killed Yun Yin in the battle of the country of Taki, Goju Yakura itself is very strong, and he is proficient in high-level water escape ninjutsu. The application of changes is easy to use, and the extraction of three-tailed chakra is almost unlimited. Battery life, and the three tails are known for their super defensive power, and they are notoriously resistant to beating...

The most obvious point is that Hatake Sakumo's short sword is not as thick as the tailed beast chakra coat covering Kutachi Yagura, how can he fight it!

And Goju Yakura and the five ninja swordsmen didn't intend to fight anymore.

Although Kirigakure is known for being fierce and vicious, it doesn't mean that Kirigakure ninjas are blindly brutal, bloodthirsty and mindless.

The Kirigakure ninjas with really bad brains are likely to be sacrificed by their peers during the ninja school. The Kirigakure ninjas who survived and can climb to high-level positions are basically brainless and brutal, hiding their inner cunning sinister.

"Uchiha! Just let it go!"

Goju Yagura's complexion was not very good, but he still took the initiative to make peace.

After some fighting, he also saw it.In the actual combat of the mobile unit, the real talker is Uchiha Tokumitsu, while Hatake Sakumo is more of an assassin and raider.

And the sound of fire explosions coming from behind the battlefield is getting closer and closer.

The Uchiha's ninja army may soon surround this place.

"A bunch of trash!"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost cursed angrily in a low voice, not knowing whether he was cursing Kutachi Yakura or those Kirigakure ninjas.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't want to fight anymore. After all, the mobile unit and the ninja army in the rear are the blood and blood of the Uchiha clan. It weakens the power of the family.

Therefore, Goju Yagura took the initiative to make peace, and Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't ask for it.

But on the surface, Uchiha Deguang still showed a little reluctance.

He just waved his hand to make the mobile unit take a few steps back, and then quietly looked at Kutachi Yakura and the five ninja swordsmen.

"...You can take these two ninja knives as collateral, and we will redeem them with property of equivalent value!"

Goju Yakura once again increased the bargaining chip.

The long knife and sewing needle were captured by Sakumo Hatake, and the explosive knife and spray fell on the spot along with Wuli Jinba, and few people dared to pick it up.


Uchiha Tokumitsu pretended to think about it for a while, and then nodded reluctantly, "However, you must first signal for the Kirigakure Ninja Army to retreat!"

"No! The Uchiha Ninja Army must withdraw first!" Goju Yakura flatly refused.

After some bargaining, it was decided that Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo led the mobile unit to retreat first, and then Goju Yakura issued an order to recall the Kirigakure Ninja Army, and the two sides stopped this anticlimactic meaningless war.

In addition, Kuju Yakura also threw a scroll to Uchiha Tokumitsu, which contained the bodies of the killed Anbu and Genbu ninjas, and also revealed a key piece of information.

The reason why Kirigakure hurriedly dispatched troops to the Uzumaki Country was because Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo were tortured from the root ninjas who were captured by accident. Kirigakure was entangled with the ninja army trying to avenge their shame.

One more piece of evidence.

Even if there is no specific physical evidence, there is no doubt that this pot will be carried by Danzo.

If this is not the case, can the root ninja be tortured to get information?This is simply a joke!
"If we knew that you were still bringing so many ninja troops here, we wouldn't have sent troops rashly."

After the two sides negotiated, the mobile unit began to retreat, and Kutachi Yakura also complained.

Uchiha Tokuko smiled, noncommittal.

Hatake Sakumo silently picked up the Explosive Knife Spray, with a very ugly expression on his face.

If he still doesn't understand the tricks of this mission at this time, he will have lived for decades in vain.

A yellow signal flare rose into the sky, and the Kirigakure Ninja Army, who was killed by the Uchiha Ninja Army and was on the verge of collapse, turned around and ran away as if they had received an amnesty.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also stopped the pursuit of the Uchiha Ninja Army.

After a short break, in this battle between the Uchiha clan and Kirigakure, Uchiha lost nearly 40 people and killed about 120 people.

Although the sacrifice made Uchiha Tokumitsu feel very sad, there are also more than a dozen Shuanggouyu clansmen who broke through the shackles of blood in the battle and evolved to the realm of Sangouyu.

Sure enough, only fighting is the best way for Uchiha ninjas to break through themselves.

Uchiha Tokumitsu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Shuo Mao, what are your plans?"

Turning his head, Uchiha Tokumitsu said flatly to Hatake Sakumo.

"...you figure it out, I'll listen to you."

Hatake Sakumo's face was pale, he lowered his head and kicked the stones on the ground.

His mind was in turmoil.

Just a few words revealed by Kirigakure, it can be said that Konoha's high-level executives are framed.

Even if he knew that there must be some darkness behind Konoha's top management, even if he knew that the Uchiha clan's support would make him a thorn in the side of the top management, even if he knew that Danzo was not a good bird... But what he didn't expect was that the top management would In this almost blatant way of framing, he tried to kill himself and Uchiha Tokumitsu.

But he also knew that there would be no room for appeasement.

Whether it was the Uchiha Ninja Army or the mobile unit Jōnin who died in the battle, the souls of the dead seemed to be screaming and howling, vowing revenge.

"Someone has to pay the price in blood."

The writing sharing eyes in Tokumitsu Uchiha's eyes were even more red.

Hatake Sakumo raised his head and looked straight at Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Then he glanced at the mobile unit ninjas present.

Even his direct subordinates were full of hatred in their anger.

"...But it should not be expanded."

Hatake Sakumo agreed to Uchiha Tokumitsu's request.

"We will start our journey back after a short rest. If we encounter an ambush on the way, no matter who it is, we will kill them all, how about it?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stared at Hatake Sakumo and said.

"...I will make a move."

Although Hatake Sakumo's voice was weak, it also contained firmness and anger.

Clay figurines are three-point fire, let alone Hatake Sakumo.

Besides, Uchiha Tokumitsu's request is not too much, it is just an ambush encountered along the way.

As for what kind of situation he will face after returning to the village, Hatake Sakumo is not willing to think about it yet, and he dare not think about it.


In the eastern region of the Land of Fire, all combatants in Genbu evacuated and hid in the surrounding area under the leadership of Danzo.

In order to avoid scaring the snake, Danzo did not lead his troops into the country of the vortex, but set up an ambush at the place where he must pass on the way home.

In addition to setting up the main position, there are also ordinary people controlled by the roots scattered in the coastal area, monitoring the movement in the direction of the country of vortex.

The Genbu ninja, who was controlled by the tongue curse, stood beside him like a puppet as a guard, and Danzo, who was sitting in a wheelchair, closed his eyes, silently waiting for the news ahead.

"Master Danzo, traces were found along the coast!" A root ninja hurried back to report: "Intelligence personnel discovered that two people landed from the direction of Uzumaki country by the sea and stayed where they were."

"Explore again!"

Danzo was unmoved, without even raising his eyelids.


The root ninja left in a hurry.

After a while, the root ninja rushed back again.

"Danzo-sama, according to intelligence personnel who disguised themselves as fishermen and came close to observe, the two along the coast confirmed that they were Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo."

"Explore again!" Danzo opened his eyes, "...to confirm whether it is the real body!"

The root ninja hurried away with a perception ninja.

After a while, the root ninja rushed back again.

"Danzo-sama, it has been confirmed that both of them are Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo's bodies! And the two of them are converging on the corpses that float over from the coast!"

Upon hearing this, Danzo stood up with his hands on the edge of the wheelchair.

"Get ready!"

The place where the ambush was set was still far from the sea, and there was only a slight smell of the sea in the wind.But Danzo at this time seemed to have smelled blood.

If there are only two people, and they are collecting the corpses floating from the sea, it means that the accompanying mobile troops have been wiped out.

In addition, it is impossible for the two to escape unscathed, they must be injured, and their strength will also weaken; even if the two can escape from this battle by chance and return to the village, they can still cause public opinion to ruin their reputation due to the huge losses caused by the failure of the mission , Ended without a disease by Wan Fu's accusation.

"Use your blood to end this boring farce..."

Danzo paced forward slowly, his heart was surging.

This battle also gathered 150 fighters from the root. He didn't believe that the two of them could make any trouble!


It's close to the sea!
From the bushes on the hill, Danzo could clearly see the figure of Sakumo Hatake sitting slumped on the beach, with the famous white tooth dagger thrown aside. Although he couldn't see the specific expression, he could still feel it To its depressed state!
Uchiha Tokumitsu was carrying a dead body back from the sea, and sat beside Hatake Sakumo staggeringly.

Afterwards, the two gesticulated and seemed to start arguing.

Danzo took a deep breath of the sea breeze with a fishy smell, and the whole person was intoxicated by it.

For the first time, he felt that the air by the sea was fresh and pleasant.

"The two wings are enclosed, be careful not to disturb them."

Danzo calmed down his surging emotions, and said coldly: "I want them to die clearly!"

Since they were already close to the battle field, the root ninja did not respond aloud, and immediately communicated through sign language codes, and separated into two teams to open the encirclement.

After a while, Danzo felt that the encirclement was in place, so he jumped off the treetop and moved forward steadily.

At this time, there is no need to hide your whereabouts anymore.

The root ninjas stepped out together.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo, who were arguing on the beach, noticed the change and stood up together.

"Mr. Shuomao, Mr. Deguang...haven't seen each other for a long time."

With the proud look of a winner, Danzo spoke first.

"Danzo... why are you here?"

Uchiha Tokuka's face was flustered, and his eyes began to wander from side to side; Hatake Sakumo also seemed at a loss, and forgot to pick up the Shiroya dagger that was thrown on the plate.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Danzo finally settled down completely.

This wave is stable!

The expression on his face also became more arrogant.

"Welcome to you, and send you back to Konoha..." Danzo clapped his hands, and dozens of root ninjas rushed out from the two wings again, and surrounded the two of them on three sides. "Of course, I sent you back to the Heroic Monument... After all, the village is kind I would like to give you the honor of dying in battle."

"The country of the vortex... Kirigakure..." Sakumo Hatake's shoulders were trembling, and his voice was crying: "All of this...is your conspiracy?"

"I'm just eradicating the cancer that endangers Konoha for the village. It's a trivial matter, not worth mentioning." Danzo's eyes fixed on Hatake Sakumo: "Sakumo-kun, I believe you are a good person, but you were just killed by the evil Uchi Bo is just bewitching... If I give you a chance to reform yourself, are you willing to accept it?"

Hatake Sakumo swallowed, but did not speak.

"Kill Uchiha Deguang, I will let you enter the root."

The arrogant Danzo gave a condition that he thought was benevolent and kind.

Hatake Sakumo hesitated for a long time before slowly bending over to pick up the dropped White Fang dagger.

Uchiha Tokumitsu lowered his head, motionless, as if he had given up struggling.

"Danzo-sama... I never thought that there is such a deep darkness hidden behind the village..."

Hatake Sakumo tremblingly wiped away the grit and blood on Shirato's dagger.

"The existence of roots is to drive the roots deep into the darkness, and eliminate the pests that will hinder the prosperity of the village..."

"Mr. Shuo Mao, you who have witnessed the darkness, can you turn back?"

Danzo raised his hand, as if to attract Sakumo Hatake: "Don't hesitate, make your choice..."

Hatake Sakumo stiffly turned his head to look at Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Following Hatake Sakumo's movements, a smile appeared on Danzo's face.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's arm began to tremble slightly.

"Mr. Deguang..."

Hatake Sakumo called softly: "It was my fault..."

"Sure enough, after falling into the darkness, there is no turning back..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu still didn't respond, it seemed that he lost his fighting spirit and was dying.

While Danzo was excited, he also made a small mistake.

After provoking Sakumo Hatake's emotions, he originally wanted to see the scene of the two desperately fighting each other, but he didn't expect Tokumitsu Uchiha to be so decadent, without any intention of resisting.

"Suo Maojun...you are a good person..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu finally spoke.

Danzo became expectant again.


Uchiha Tokumitsu suddenly couldn't help laughing out loud: "I can't help it!"

"Suo Mao-jun, your acting skills are too embarrassing!"

"I never thought that it would actually attract the roots to take the initiative..."

Hatake Sakumo sighed a little desolately, then turned his hand and pointed the blade at Danzo: "Don't pretend, don't pretend, let's show down!"

Danzo felt very confused at this time, and then had an ominous premonition.

"Come out! Let us welcome Konoha Advisor Elder Danzo-sama!"

Following Uchiha Tokumitsu's words, the preset concealment barrier was removed, and a Uchiha ninja floated in the sea behind the two.

The scarlet Sharingan, with an ominous killing intent, stared viciously at the root ninja, like a bloodthirsty vulture that has taken a fancy to a chick.

 There are often comments that appear in the background, but I can’t see them after clicking on them. I don’t know whether they were deleted by the commenters themselves or by the system...

  So I would like to mention here that I will not delete comments, whether they are suggestions or criticisms. As you can see, there are still many criticisms in the previous chapters, and I will keep them all.

  But if it is deleted by the system, please also pay attention to the wording... Civilized criticism

(End of this chapter)

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