Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 119 Please Danzo-sama to die!

Chapter 119 Please Danzo-sama to die!

The group storage is like an ice cellar.

He felt like the sky was falling.

I have been through life and death for decades, and I have never encountered such a reverse situation.

From the peak of arrogance to the abyss of despair, it only takes a word from Uchiha Tokumitsu.

More than 200 Uchihas...

Where did the Uchiha Ninja Army come from? Didn’t the intelligence only bring dozens of mobile troops?
Looking at the Uchiha ninja emerging from the sea, Danzo's hands and feet were cold and his heart was ashamed, his head went blank and he forgot to issue orders to adjust his response arrangements.

More than 200 pairs of scarlet sharing eyes, with a cold killing intent, tightly locked the root ninja.

Danzo's body was crumbling.

He really couldn't accept such a reversal.

Behind him, a man in black robe with sunglasses stretched out his hand to press his shoulder, and then the man in black robe moved his fingers slightly, and the root ninjas that were originally scattered on the two wings gathered in the middle.

The Uchiha Ninja Army began to spread out to the left and right wings.

"Dragon Horse..."

Hatake Sakumo looked at the man in black and sunglasses who was holding on to Danzo's shoulder, "I remember that you haven't been cursed with the tongue curse, why don't you leave?"

The man in black and sunglasses, the No. [-] figure in Genbu's oil girl Ryoma, just shook his head slightly, and didn't try to defend himself, nor did he try to intercede.

It's all over now, and it's useless to say anything more.

Danzo felt that the palm of the oil girl Ryoma's hand on his shoulder was slightly pressing with her fingers to convey the message of retreat to him.

The so-called retreat, to put it bluntly, is to escape.

Could it be that the root ninja who is really going to leave behind the hedgehogs and fled back to Konoha like a lost dog, begged Hiruza Sarutobi, and then hid in a dark underground base to live in panic all day long? Live the rest of your life?
Danzo's face changed from pale to sickly flushed, and his eyes were fixed on Uchiha Tokumitsu's Sharingan.

"Uchiha! Evil Uchiha!"

With endless hatred and annoyance, Danzo took out Kunai from his sleeve and held it tightly in his hand.

He rejected the oily girl Ryoma's retreat signal with his actions.

Even if Danzo died, he would die in the battle with Uchiha!The consequences of the only retreat and escape in his life have still made him unable to let go!

"Danzo-sama, please give yourself a face." Uchiha Toku pulled out his sword with a smirk on his face, "If you are not decent, don't blame me for not letting you face it!"

"Since you don't want to die calmly, I can only send you to die!"

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

As soon as Tokumitsu Uchiha finished speaking, a high-level fire escape ninjutsu took the lead in attacking.

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

The root ninja reacted immediately.

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

The Uchiha ninjas also joined forces to perform fire escape ninjutsu.

Hundreds of fire dragons hit the root ninja with a devastating force.

"Four Purple Flame Formation!"

The root ninja immediately cast a large enchantment to try to block it.

The square barrier composed of purple transparent flames was shattered after blocking nearly half of the fire dragon's bombardment, turning into little flames.

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

Most of the remaining fire dragons were also blocked by their respective water escape ninjutsu, but there were also a small number of root ninjas who were unable to dodge and were hit directly by the fire dragon, turning into fly ash.

"Flame escape head hard!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu extracted the power of Yin Dun and Fire Chakra in his body, merged them into the power of Yan Dun, and performed a high-level ninjutsu again.

The purple sea of ​​fire, which symbolizes ominousness and death, once again overwhelming the sky.

"Water Escape, Big Water Burst!"

A huge wave was set off on the ground and slapped towards the sea of ​​flames.

However, the sea of ​​flames and flames of the blood successor power ignored the chakra's attribute restraint, and continued to rush towards the root ninja after breaking the wave at the moment of collision.

"Tu Dun·Tucheng Wall!"

"Rush forward and fight!"

Danzo howled angrily, and then was the first to charge.

Continuing to continue ninjutsu confrontation, the roots have no advantage.

The ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan are all powerful combat ninjutsu. Although the attribute is a bit single, it cannot stand the high quality of the ninjutsu.

Root ninjas are also required for various tasks such as assassination, intelligence and reconnaissance. Although most of them practice some special secret technique, they have no advantage in this kind of ninjutsu confrontation.

Hatake Sakumo immediately disappeared.

It's such a time, and he doesn't plan to hold back his love anymore.

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his left hand, and the Uchiha Ninja Army immediately charged.

"Secret Art Parasite!"

The oily girl Ryoma stopped Hatake Sakumo in an instant, and as soon as she waved her hand, a cloud of insects came towards Hatake Sakumo.

"Lei Shunshi!"

Hatake Sakumo activates the chakra and releases it, forming a thunder escape chakra coat.

Then there was another teleportation technique to get out of the coverage of the worm cloud and go around behind the oily girl dragon horse.

The Yume family is not good at physical jutsu and ninjutsu, the only thing they are good at is the secret insect control technique handed down in the family. Faced with Hatake Sakumo's attack from behind, Yume Ryoma seems to have no reaction for a while.


Hatake Sakumo felt a burst of sadness in his heart, but his face remained unchanged, and he swung his sword indifferently.

"Running Thunder Slash!"

The Thundering Saber cut the oily girl Longma into two pieces.

Immediately, the body of the oily girl Ryoma turned into a cloud of insects and soared into the sky.

"Insect clone!"

Hatake Sakumo was a little surprised.

Just now, he clearly locked the oily girl Ryoma through the air mechanism, and was sure that the target was his real body, but he didn't expect that this would allow the oily girl Ryoma to escape.

"Secret Art Insect Jade!"

The insect cloud in the air turned into a pagoda-like aggregate of insects, covering Hatake Sakumo.

"As expected of the powerhouse of the oil girl clan..."

Hatake Sakumo no longer entangled with Yuyue Ryoma, but immediately escaped from Chongyu's range with a teleportation technique.

"Shadow Binding Technique!"

A manipulating shadow from Nara controlled a Uchiha ninja, and was about to use a secret technique to hang his head, when Hatake Sakumo casually slashed his head.

"Fire Escape, Dust Hidden Technique!"

In addition to the oil girl Ryoma, there are also several oil girl ninjas harassing endlessly in the formation by using the secret technique of controlling insects.

The high-temperature smoke and dust scorched and scorched the parasites flying all over the sky to death.

Although the parasites of the oil girl's family can withstand high temperatures, they also have a limit, and they can't survive the dust concealment technique launched by several jounin.

"Wind escape, vacuum wave!"

Spit out a stream of transparent wind from Danzo's mouth and hit Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Flame Slash!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't evade, he protected his body with the purple Yandun Qi flame, and swung his sword blade to chop out a series of Yandun Sword Qi, breaking Danzo's ninjutsu.

"Wind Escape·Vacuum Sword!"

The biting power of wind escape howled in the Kunai in Danzo's hands, and the power of wind escape whirled rapidly, as if to cut through the void.

Danzo Mai, who had no defense, stabbed Uchiha Tokumitsu's chest with Kunai wrapped in a wind blade.

"Uchiha Ryu · Sun Halo Dance!"

The purple Yandun sword energy blocked Danzo's wind blade thrust, followed by continuous sword energy slashing.

Danzo was out of money, barely parrying.

During the Battle of the Land of Rain, he was cut off by Sanshoyu Hanzo, his right hand and right leg. Although the severed limb was reattached later, his sensitivity was far inferior to before, and his combat effectiveness was naturally greatly reduced.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Leap Slash!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu saw Danzo's flaw, jumped up and swung a huge sword light to knock Danzo to the ground.

Just as another ray of sword light was about to end this gloomy enemy, a cloud of insects broke through the ground and entangled Uchiha Tokumitsu's legs.

Then a figure jumped out from the ground, picked up the fallen Danzo and ran away.

It's the oil girl Ryoma!
"What a troublesome bug!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was extremely annoyed, and immediately increased the temperature of the flames of the body shield, burning all the parasites into fly ash.

The battlefield has been overwhelming.

Hatake Sakumo ruthlessly slashed and slashed among the crowd of root ninjas, invincible, while the Uchiha ninja methodically carried out tactical cutting, annihilating strands of root ninjas at the smallest cost.

But don't let Danzo escape!

"Where are the dark guards! Follow me!"

Uchiha Tokuko raised his head to the sky and screamed, and chased after the oil girl Ryoma.

More than 30 Uchiha dark guards in armor immediately pulled out of the battle situation, and followed Uchiha Tokumitsu to perform the hunting mission.

The on-site battle command was once again handed over to the two captains of the Deguang Red Army.

Hatake Sakumo also mentioned Uchiha Tokumitsu's screams, but his lips trembled slightly, and he still mercilessly chopped off the heads of root ninjas one after another.

As one of the strongest members of the contemporary oily girl clan, Ryoma, the oily girl, is best at lurking intrusion and assassination by poisonous insects, but her teleportation and marching speed are not outstanding.

As Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops to pursue, the oil girl Ryoma was quickly overtaken, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

"Let me down, Ryoma..." Danzo on his back tried to break free, "You go, let me fight to the death like a ninja!"

Danzo's right hand cuff is constantly oozing blood.

The sword that Uchiha Deguang knocked him to the ground had made his right hand on the verge of necrosis.

The oily girl Ryoma, who was not good at words, did not respond, and continued to sprint with Danzo on her back.

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

A series of Kunai wrapped in detonating talismans shot from behind at an extremely fast speed.

With the Uchiha clan's ninja throwing technique, all the evasion routes of Yume Ryoma have been blocked by Kunai.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Kunai who hit the target detonated the detonating symbol, and a large cloud of smoke rose.

"Insect clone!"

Three figures jumped out of the smoke, and then fled separately.

"Wind Escape·Dance of the Big Rolling Curtain!!"

"Wind Escape Vacuum Cannon!"

"Wind Escape · Vacuum Jade!"

The Uchiha dark guards immediately jumped out and the three of them issued ninjutsu towards the three figures respectively.

The extremely fast-firing wind escape ninjutsu hit two figures, smashing them into a cloud of insects, and then they were all burned to death by the Uchiha dark guard who also performed fire escape ninjutsu.

The last figure narrowly escaped the blow of Fengdun Ninjutsu, and continued to flee in embarrassment.

This is the advantage of group pursuits. No matter what means the escapees use, there are corresponding tactical means to deal with them.

"The art of thermal induction!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned on the sensory ninjutsu and sensed that it was the real body of Yuyue Ryoma and Danzo, and then hunted down again.

"Ryoma... don't run away, I don't want Uchiha to see my joke..." Danzo turned his head and glanced at Uchiha Tokumitsu and his men who were chasing endlessly, and said to the oil girl Ryoma.

There was endless regret and exhaustion in his voice.

Due to excessive blood loss, Danzo's mind has become a little blurred.

He didn't allow himself to be killed without knowing why.

Oil girl Ryoma stepped on a thick branch and jumped, then turned her body in the air, then landed on the branch and stood still, facing Uchiha Tokumitsu and Uchiha Anwei.

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved the palm of his left hand to the left and right, and then the dark guards divided 20 people from the left and right to surround Danzo and Yuyue Ryoma.

Danzo broke free from Yuyue Ryoma's back, stood on the branch, and looked directly at Uchiha Tokumitsu without fear.

"You are very proud... Evil Uchiha..."

Even though he was caught in a deadly situation, Danzo still sneered mercilessly.

"Today is a wonderful day..."

Uchiha Deguang smiled, took a deep breath very satisfied, stretched his hands, "I have changed the future..."

"Even if you kill me, Uchiha's ambition to spy on Hokage will never succeed!" Danzo roared angrily: "Konoha must have other righteous people to punish you!"

But in Uchiha Tokumitsu's ears, these words were just the desperate wailing of the defeated dog.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have much idea about Hokage for the time being..." Uchiha Tokumitsu's smile gradually lost its composure, and then he laughed.

No matter how many historical processes have been changed, in Uchiha Tokumitsu's heart, it is not as smooth as it was at this time.

The tragic scenes of the night of genocide brought back from the memory of the previous life, as well as the ever-present fear in my heart, will surely disappear today.

He already clearly felt that there was a mysterious and huge force in his slightly burning eyes, which was eager to break through the invisible shackles.

But not so much.

"Master Danzo, please die!"

With a cruel smile on his face, Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand to signal the hidden guard to attack.

Oil girl Ryoma also took out a kunai from her ninja bag and held it in her hand.

After repeated battles, his chakra was running out.

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

Ten Uchiha dark guards all launched ninjutsu, and ten fire dragons bombarded away at close range.

"Secret Technique Insect Nest!"

The skin and flesh of the oily girl Ryoma were broken, and the insects bit the skin violently and burst out.

This is the last move of the oil girl clan to sacrifice themselves.

"Secret Technique Big Insect Jade!"

With the last will, Yuyue Ryoma activated a secret technique, trying to turn the insect into a pagoda.

But the ferocious fire dragon hit the worm cloud one after another, turning all the worms into ashes.

The oily girl Ryoma was also bitten by insects, leaving only her head.

Danzo waved Kunai weakly and jumped towards Uchiha Tokumitsu, but was easily pierced by Uchiha Tokumitsu with a sword.

"Seal · Li Sixiang..."

The trembling Danzo tried to launch the final ultimate move.

"You are paralyzed!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu drew out the blade with his right hand, and put Danzō with a sword head.

A cloud of flaming chakra condensed in his left hand and hit Danzo's chest.

"Bang!" A big hole was burned in his chest.

In the final ultimate move, the Four Elephant Sealing Technique could not be activated in the future, and Danzo died.

Immediately, he used the tip of his sword to pick up Danzo's death-defying head.

"Simply perfect..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked carefully at the sword-tipped head, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, blood-red rays of light spilled out from the eyes, reflecting the forest like a Shura killing field.

Uchiha Anwei trembled all over his body, knelt down on one knee and bowed his head.

In Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes, the Gouyu of Sharingan has changed into another form.

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu whispered intoxicatedly.

 The chapter name of this chapter is written directly, and it can be regarded as a response to the comments of the book friends in the previous chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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