Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 121 Aggressive

Chapter 121 Aggressive
The march back to the village led by Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo was not fast.

After the battle between Gein and Kirigakure and Nebe, most of the ninja troops under his command were injured. Even after emergency bandaging and treatment, it was still difficult to advance at full speed. In addition, they had to wait for replies from various border troops.

Although Hatake Sakumo is not willing to force the third generation to abdicate at this time, nor does he support expanding the scope of the purge, but he does not mind using this to weaken the authority of Hokage and expand the voice of the ninja class.

For Hatake Sakumo's idea, Uchiha Tokumitsu also expressed support. Although he failed to fully achieve his desired goal, expanding the power of the ninja class is also good for the Uchiha clan with the largest number of ninja.

Moreover, after this concession was made, Hatake Sakumo also expressed that he would support the Ministry of Police’s demands in terms of restructuring and confirmation of responsibilities.

At the same time, Uchiha Tokumitsu also secretly asked his subordinates to send a letter to the family through the Ninja Cat, so that they could prepare for the possibility of Naruto going crazy.


Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo stopped [-] kilometers away from Konoha, and all the Uchiha Ninja Army and mobile troops under their command were also stationed on the spot.

The station is just inside Konoha's warning circle and outside the city defense strike circle.

As the place of Konoha Kinki, the abnormal gathering of ninja troops was naturally quickly discovered by the enchantment squad and the ninjas who came and went to perform tasks, and quickly submitted the information to the Hokage office.

"Let's talk about it, what are the conditions for Sakumo and Uchiha?"

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen who got the information suddenly felt physically and mentally exhausted. The death of his friend couldn't be happy, and he had to find a way to wipe his ass and clean up the mess. This made him, Hokage, feel extremely aggrieved.

"This matter is rooted in violation of orders and acts without authorization, and has nothing to do with the village..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun said in a low voice.


Before the third Sarutobi Hiruzen could say anything, Mitomonyan denied this statement: "Maybe Hatake Sakumo can still fool the past, but Uchiha's words..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun heard the words, but also remained silent.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was smoking a suffocating cigarette.

The Hokage office immediately became dead silent.

"Hi Zhan, let me go talk to them..."

After a while, Mito Menyan volunteered to break the deadlock.

"……Thanks a lot."

After thinking for a while, Hiruzen Sarutobi let out a long sigh, and agreed to let Mitomonyan go to the ninja garrison outside the village to negotiate with Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"You know the bottom line, and I won't interfere with the specifics..." Sarutobi Hitomi, the third generation, knocked on his pipe, and said slowly, "The village can't be chaotic, and everything else can be discussed..."

"...I understand." Mito Menyan nodded in agreement, "It's just the root..."

"Shinnosuke should have taken care of it too..." After filling the pipe again, Hiruzaru Sarutobi lit the tobacco with a swipe, and took a deep puff.

Thick smog obscured the face behind the haze.

At this time, another Anbu knocked on the door and entered, handing over a note.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third generation, glanced at it, and handed it to the two advisors.

"All members of the Police Department have shrunk back to the Uchiha and Uzumaki clan..."

The faces of the two advisors became even more gloomy.

"It is estimated that the ninjas probably know about it at this time..."

"It's not too late, I'll go now..." Mito Menyan stood up and prepared to leave.

At this time, Anbu came in again to pass on the news.

"The chief officers of the Northwest Border Defense Force and the Northern Border Defense Force have led their troops back without authorization, and camped in the same place as Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo..."

After seeing the information, Sarutobi Hiruzam III could no longer keep his expressionless face.

Immediately afterwards, Anbu came to report, saying that the ninja clan was urgently recalling their clansmen.

Bad news just keeps on coming!

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo were stationed outside, and two border troops returned without the order of Hokage, and the Uchiha ninja of the police department suddenly disappeared on the street...

All of this, as long as the leaders of the ninja clan are not fools, they will know that there may be some problems in the village.

"I'll go talk to Shuo Mao and the others first..."

Mitomen immediately got up and opened the door to leave.

On the high wall in the east of Konoha, a group of ninja minds gathered together, looking at the movements of the Uchiha ninja army and border troops in the distance.

After arranging the family affairs, the first thing they did was to get together to share information with each other, and observe Uchiha's every move by the way.

"Elder Mitomon has come out..."

The old patriarch of the Moonlight family noticed the figure walking out of the Hokage building out of the corner of his eye, and immediately suppressed his voice and whispered.

"Where to go?"

"Either go to Uchiha's tribe or the resident outside the village!"

"What the hell is Uchiha doing!"

An elder of the Takaki clan who had a grudge with Uchiha complained aloud.

As soon as this remark came out, there was a sudden silence on the high wall.

"It can't be..." The elder of Gao Shu's family was also a little short of breath, and said in a low voice.

"It shouldn't be so..."

The Patriarch of the Nara House thought for a while, and gave his own judgment, "With Uchiha's personality, if he really planned to..., he wouldn't just stay outside like this."

Although he didn't say it directly, the meaning contained in the words of Elder Takaki and Patriarch Nara was well understood by the elders of all the ninja clans present.

After all, Konoha knows the heart of Uchiha.

When Konoha was in charge of the second generation of Senshou Feijian, the Uchiha clan still had communication with the village because of the existence of Uchiha Mirror, but after Sarutobi Hiruzen took office as Hokage, the village seniors and the Uchiha clan From then on, the relationship gradually slipped into the abyss.

Although they are both ninjas, Konoha's various ninjas are not very willing to deal with Uchiha, nor will they defend Uchiha.

Unlike the peaceful Hyuga Clan, the aggressiveness shown by the Uchiha Clan makes people have to be vigilant.

Moreover, the strength of the Uchiha clan is too strong. If the clan has a status that matches its strength, then the interests of other ninja clans will definitely be eroded.

Therefore, in the past, all the ninja clans took an attitude of sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

Although after Uchiha Tokumitsu made many military exploits, a small number of collateral clansmen moved closer to the Uchiha clan under the hint of the high-level ninja clan, but that was just a habitual diversification of investment, whether it was the high-level ninja clan or the Hokage family. It doesn't matter much.

"By the way... why didn't you see Danzo-sama?"

Patriarch Inuzuka seemed to think of something suddenly, and blurted out with a slap on the head: "He shouldn't be missing at this time!"

The high-level ninja tribes also lifted their spirits.

yes!Danzo too!

It's incredible that the famous Uchiha's nemesis chose not to appear at this time!
"Hey! Master Hinata, have you seen Danzo?"

An impatient ninja headman asked the patriarch Hinata.

The head of the Hyuga clan did not justify himself and his clansmen not to roll their eyes in the village as usual, but directly shook his head to express that he did not know.

Although the patriarch Hyuga did not have any other special sources of information, before he got the news and came to the high wall, he had already opened his eyes and observed for a while at home to see if there was any change in the village.

The only abnormality found was that the enchantment of the root base had disappeared.

Although due to the limitation of pupil power, he could not penetrate the soil to see the real scene of the root base, but combined with the performance of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo and the abnormality of the police department, as a wily and calculating family, he can naturally guess To sort of the truth behind it.

"Ryoma stayed in the family's insect nest, and suddenly ran away yesterday..."

The patriarch of You Nu, who had never had any sense of existence, suddenly made a sound, and a big melon burst out.

Everyone was taken aback, only to find out that the Patriarch Younu was also here.

"The worm's nest ran wild... Could it be that Ryoma died in battle?"

The mountain patriarch asked tentatively.

The oil matriarch nodded silently.

Now things get bigger...

Yuyue Ryoma is not only one of the strong men of the Yuyue clan, but also Danzo's right-hand man. The reason for his death is associated with the fact that Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo jointly set up troops to spy on the village, and the elder advisor Mito Menyan took the initiative Out of the village to communicate... Although they didn't say it explicitly, as experienced riddlers, everyone can naturally deduce the truth.

"Sakumo-kun actually got mixed up with Uchiha..."

After a while, the patriarch in the mountain sighed intentionally or unintentionally.

A group of high-level ninja tribes didn't realize it, and watched Mitomon Yan walking towards the Uchiha ninja army garrison.

"From now on, it will be troublesome..."

Patriarch Nara shook his head helplessly.


Regarding the arrival of Mitomonyan, Uchiha Tokumitsu did not deliberately pretend, but let people take him straight to the center of the resident.

"How does Hokage-sama plan to deal with this matter?"

Hatake Sakumo asked Mito Menyan to sit down, and Uchiha Tokumitsu went straight in.

"The root is disbanded, and no longer set up an internal ninja organization."

Mitomen Yan gave the first condition.

"Not enough! Not enough!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha shook his head and refused: "Because of Danzo's framing, in the battle with Kirigakure, more than 50 elites of our clan died in battle. How can a disbanded root be able to make up for such a bloody feud!"

"How are you doing?"

Mitomonyan lowered his eyes and said lightly.

"The ninjas trained by the police preparatory school, according to their personal wishes, who serve the village as they wish, need to be certified and registered, and they must not be blocked for any reason!"

"The village can recognize the ninja registration issued by the police preparatory school, but the promotion in the future must be assessed by the village!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought about it and chose to agree, but added: "Ninjas trained by the police preparatory school can add the name of the police department before their grades, such as the police department's ninja."


Mito Menyan felt that this could better distinguish the members of the police camp, so he readily agreed.

Uchiha Tokumitsu secretly smiled, it seems that people in this world do not yet know the power of identity politics.

But he still insisted: "The restructuring plan of the police department must not be obstructed, and from now on, the police department must not interfere with the execution of official duties!"


Mito Menyan was furious, stood up and shouted: "The police department is also one of Konoha's departments. Doesn't it mean that Hokage-sama doesn't have the right to manage and govern! If so, why not go to war immediately!"

"Mr. Mitomon, please go back!" Uchiha Tokumitsu showed his Sharingan murderously.

"Calm down, both of you..." Hatake Sakumo quickly smoothed things over, "Why don't you both take a step back, we are both Konoha ninjas, there is no need to get so stiff..."

Both Mitomon En and Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly, and both were silent about Hatake Sakumo's mediation.

"...The police department should also support the restructuring of the village this time, and the Anbu should not obstruct the police department from carrying out its official duties for other reasons, but the police department is still one of the village's departments, so it should naturally be under the jurisdiction of Hokage-sama... "Hatake Sakumo gave his opinion, "What do you two think?"

"The restructuring of the Police Department can be recognized." Mito Kadoyan thought for a moment, then agreed.

"Anbu is not allowed to interfere with the work of the police department." Uchiha Tokumitsu replied indifferently.

Neither of them refuted the other's words, so they reached an agreement on this condition.

"In addition, the promotion of ninjas of the Uchiha clan should no longer be secretly restricted, and all members of the Sangoyu clan should be awarded the rank of ninja."

"Junin is the command of the village, and it is not judged solely on strength!" Mitomonyan frowned and rejected Uchiha Tokumitsu's request, "In addition to strength, Jonin must have stronger leadership and Harder psychological qualities must not be granted at will!"

"Then I ask the Ministry of Police to grant the rank of Jōnin!"

"But it's limited to the awakening of the Sangoyu Uchiha clan!" Mitomonyan also gave a restrictive condition.


Uchiha Tokumitsu readily agreed.

Since the starting points of the two sides are different, so the points of concern are different.

Mitomonyan is considering whether too many Uchiha jonin will affect the distribution of power and the division of task shares among the various ministries of the village. He adds a prefix of 'police department' to the jnin ranks of the Sangoyu Uchiha clan It can also restrain Uchiha's erosion of other departments. .

And Uchiha Tokumitsu is to gain more voting rights in the ninja class, and at the same time, it is convenient to give an identity to the elite clansmen who are not on the register.

"Sakumo-kun..." Uchiha Tokumitsu signaled to Hatake Sakumo that he had no other conditions.

"Advisor Mitomon, in order to avoid future incidents like this one going alone..."

Hatake Sakumo carefully considered his words: "I think that each department of the village must clarify the specific powers in a short period of time, and the ninja class will monitor whether there is any infringement in the specific implementation of each department..."

Mitomon was silent.

"This is my only request..."

Hatake Sakumo said sincerely again.

"I agree on behalf of Hokage-sama..."

In the end, Mitomon Yan agreed to Hatake Sakumo's conditions.

In this way, a storm that might cause a civil war and overturn Konoha was temporarily suppressed in the exchange of interests.

Although the negotiated conditions agreed did not completely exceed Hokage's authorization, Mitomon Yan was still very disturbed.

He also wasn't sure how much authority the Hokage family could maintain after this concession.

But at least, from then on, the Uchiha clan basically broke free from the shackles, and the ninja class got the supervision power of the Konoha clan...

Konoha, from now on, has entered an eventful autumn...

Mito Menyan sighed inwardly, and left directly after drafting and signing the document.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo led the Tokumitsu Red Army, mobile troops, and border troops back to the loyal Konoha from the main gate.

 As the end of the month is approaching, the project department has to catch up with the schedule and grasp the production value, and the workload has increased a lot, so only one chapter can be updated in the past few days, and the double update will resume on the 26th.

  In addition, I would also like to thank all the book friends for their support~
(End of this chapter)

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