Chapter 122
Even if he didn't want to, Hiruzen Sarutobi held his nose and signed the agreement reached by Mitomon Yan, Uchiha Tokumitsu, and Hatake Sakumo.

The high-ups of the village tried to ambush the same Murakami Shinobu without justification, which was a huge scandal enough to cause Konoha to split.

Moreover, his old friend also died in this battle.

Even the root ninjas who were specially used to do dirty work have lost their elite.

Konoha's four high-level figures have since lost one of them.

Such a blow is not insignificant.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, is also aware of the various tricks that Danzo is doing behind the scenes, and he is even more aware of Danzo's obsession with the position of Hokage.

But after all, Danzo chose to be the shadow behind Hokage, the root buried deep under Konoha, and secretly got rid of how many conspirators who peeped at Konoha Ninja Village and Hokage's position for him.

Although Mitomonyan and Zhuanju Koharu also euphemistically reminded Danzo in private to restrain Danzo's behavior, the third generation has always tolerated Danzo's various mistakes with a mentality of indebtedness and compensation.

"I was the one who killed Danzo..." After struggling to sign his name on the Hokage edict, Hiruza Sarutobi looked at each of the regulations that weakened the power of Hokage, and missed Danzo very much in his heart: " I should have let him stop earlier..."

But there is no way, the Uchiha clan and the forces under Hatake Sakumo have joined forces, and there are two border troops participating in a strong onlooker, and the dispatched troops stationed in the Land of Rain are unable to do anything under the suppression of Akimichi Torokaze, and the western border defense The troops are also ambiguous...

As if overnight, the original Fenghengyu University was overthrown into internal and external troubles...

Sarutobi Shinnosuke returned to Hokage's office with a bloody atmosphere.

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen handed over the signed document to the two consultants.

Mitomonyan and Zhuanban Xiaochun also got up and left on the grounds of announcing the imperial edict.

"Is everything handled..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi lowered his eyes and slowly filled the pipe.

"It has been wiped clean."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke replied in a deep voice: "It's just, I don't understand..."

"what you do not understand?"

The third generation raised his head.

"...Why compromise with Uchiha?"

"Because it's not just Uchiha..." The third generation couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, lit his pipe and began to puff, "Don't you think that Sakumo, Uzumaki, Kurama, Shiranui, and Nohara all don't exist?"

"They won't really work hard for Uchiha!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke was very annoyed, "Those ninjas are old fritters who follow the wind, and they dare not risk their lives to accompany Uchiha!"

"You speak very well..." Third Generation took a deep puff on his pipe, "Don't say it next time!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke couldn't help being stunned.

"Even if Uchiha's vassals won't fight to the death, how many other ninjas in the village can send troops to accompany Uchiha to fight to the death!" The third generation became more and more angry, "Even if it is Ikacho, they still bet on both sides! It's like this Do you still count on them?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke bowed his head and remained silent.

"Are you still not convinced?"

"Father...they are insulting your authority and dignity as Hokage..."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke murmured.

"Do you think the Uchiha clan can be easily suppressed?" Third Generation raised his head and looked at his eldest son who was still not convinced.

"Isn't it? As long as you make a move, the Uchiha clan can't resist at all!" Sarutobi Shinnosuke said excitedly: "Even if you are tolerant for the sake of the village, you won't be able to give in under such conditions!"

"How many Jonin does Uchiha have?" Sarutobi Hiruzen III sighed.

"Especially after they started participating in the war, how many Sangoku have been added? How many Jnin in our Sarutobi clan? All the elite members of the Shimura clan have been wiped out in this battle. How many Jnin can we keep?"

"Even if you don't count the family ninja army, even if you add other ninjas in the village who are willing to fight Uchiha, how many ninjas can there be?"

"Even so, have you calculated how much difference there is in the fighting power between the ordinary Jonin in the village and the Uchiha Jonin?"

"Even if Uchiha is defeated, so what? Can we still kill all Uchiha? What will the ninjas of the village think of us! Have you thought about it!"

The third generation's voice became more and more severe.

"...After a while, you should quit Anbu."


Sarutobi Shinnosuke was shocked.

"I will hand over the family's ninja army to you. You can take them to the battlefield. There has been some movement recently..." Sandaime sighed deeply, "I haven't seen the test of the battlefield. Jonin who grow up are always inferior to humans..."

"I understand……"


Police headquarters building.

After Naruto's edict was officially issued, Chief of Police Uchiha Shiyoshi immediately announced the new organizational setup and personnel appointments.

The Whirlpool Police Sub-station, which was originally set up on the outskirts of the Whirlpool Tribe, was listed on the spot as the Eastern District Police Office, and the original team was adopted as soon as the staffing was adjusted.

And Uchiha Tokumitsu's father, Uchiha Nakagen, took office as the director of the newly established Western District Police Administration, becoming a model of the contemporary Uchiha clan's "father depends on son".

As for the North District Police Office, which is the most concentrated in Konoha's various ministries, because the Uchiha clan is still arguing about the candidate for the chief officer, only some patrol members are currently deployed to the North District.

Under the arrangement of Uchiha Tokumitsu, his cousin Uchiha Shiina became the Director of Operations of the North District Police Administration, and became the No. [-] person in the North District when the Chief of Police was not in office.

After the family meeting and the police department cadre meeting, Uchiha Tokumitsu was directly promoted to the assistant chief of the police department, becoming the current number two person in the police department.

If it weren't for the consideration of Uchiha Tokumitsu's young age, even the senior assistant chief would be a matter of course.

For the Uchiha family, the power, glory, etc. that Uchiha Tokumitsu brought to the family is too much!
Whether it was gaining control of the Northwest Frontier Defense Force through war, or the strategy and foresight shown in the restructuring of the police department, the Uchiha people were impressed.

What's more, Uchiha Tokumitsu's military exploits are still the most prominent among the contemporary Uchiha tribe.

Some clansmen have even openly proposed to abolish the ancestral system of long house inheritance and make Uchiha Tokumitsu the next patriarch.

In this regard, even with the repeated promises and guarantees of Elder Setsuna, the contemporary patriarch Uchiha Shifang is still deeply worried.

He even felt that with Uchiha Tokumitsu's current strength, if he awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan one day, it is estimated that even if he himself did not want to, he would be pushed to the position of patriarch by the clansman Haori Kasaka.

Something has to be paid so that Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer has thoughts about the position of patriarch...

Patriarch Uchiha is in pain and happiness...


The Shinobi class under the control of Sakumo Hatake also quickly coordinated with the Konoha Ministries to determine their specific powers, and at the same time established the supervision and audit power of the Shinobi class.

This result is definitely not good news for Konoha F3 after the Danzo dog belt.

"Uchiha actually went to the North District to show off his power!"

Standing in front of the window of Hokage's office, Xiaochun felt very uncomfortable.

After the responsibilities of Konoha's various ministries were clarified, the Ministry of Government Affairs she was in charge of was the most affected.

Originally, matters with slightly vague ownership and responsibilities have been changed to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Government Affairs, which is a panacea. Now, fortunately, the various ministries confirm their rights without interfering with each other, and the Ministry of Government Affairs has much less room for swaying.

In order to obtain additional jurisdiction, it must be voted and approved at the Ninja Class meeting and signed and approved by Hokage.

"What's done is done, so don't make extra troubles..."

Mito Menyan was also quite helpless.

As the elder of the village's advisor, he had to serve as the emissary of Hokage to negotiate with the ninjas of the same ninja village, which made him feel extremely humiliated.However, after reaching a settlement with Tokumitsu Uchiha and Sakumo Hatake within the conditions promised by Hokage, the price paid also caused various departments whose interests were damaged to complain about him.

The one whose original rights have been constrained the most by style is Zhuanji Xiaochun's Ministry of Government Affairs.

"We need a new jonin benchmark..."

Sarutobi Hirzen III put down the document in his hand, took out his pipe, and said calmly.

"The Uchiha clan is still too narrow after all, Hatake Sakumo is the worry..."

Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaochun deeply agree.

Although the Uchiha clan is strong, if there is no coup d'etat, there is basically no possibility of winning the position of Naruto; the original is very simple, because the Uchiha clan is too strong.

If Uchiha has a Hokage, with Uchiha's strength and population, it will inevitably erode the original division of interests. Therefore, no matter how you support the team, other ninjas or commoner ninjas will inevitably resist Uchiha spontaneously.

But Sakumo Hatake is different. He was born in the small ninja clan. Except for Sakumo himself, the other clansmen are not outstanding in strength, and Sakumo himself is also known for his benevolence and righteousness.

Such a background and reputation, coupled with super strength, and the support of the Uchiha clan, is almost a perfect template for the next generation of Hokage.

But no one is willing to give up power, even knowing that power will need to be handed over to the next generation sooner or later.

If the position of Hokage is destined to be handed over to someone else, why can't it be handed over to someone he can trust?
"It would be great if the image of Orochimaru could be more friendly to the people..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun sighed.

Among the three disciples of Hokage, the one with the strongest strength and background that is most in line with Konoha's current "political correctness" is Orochimaru, and he has also served as the commander-in-chief many times in command of the ninja army. followers.

But personal image is a big problem.

Orochimaru is too cold.

It even gives people a feeling of not being human. There are rumors among the bottom ninjas in the village that Orochimaru is a poisonous snake in human skin.

With such an image and strength, it is absolutely competent to be the head of an organization such as Anbu, but it is far from enough to become Hokage.

"Jiraiya would be a good candidate if he wasn't so sloppy..."

Mito Menyan mentioned another one of the other Sannin.

"How can a ninja do such a shameful thing as peeping at the hot spring female soup!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun scolded angrily.

"By the way, why are you still stuck in the Land of Rain?"

Mitomonyan suddenly thought of something, so he asked Hiruzaru Sarutobi the third generation.

"According to him, he will stay for a while to teach some of the apprentices he has taken in." Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, felt a little embarrassed to say, "And... to fulfill the entrustment of Mount Miaogi, to find the son of destiny in the ninja world."

"What an absurd reason!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun snorted coldly to express his dissatisfaction.

As for the most suitable Tsunade among the Sannin, neither of them mentioned it.

Since the Qianshou family has chosen to retire, no matter whether it is out of their own will or for other reasons, there is no need to support the descendants of the Qianshou family when there are still candidates.

In case the Senju Clan is restored again, the most uncomfortable people are probably those who will take over the high-level positions according to the arrangement of the second generation Senju Fujian.

Uchiha's strength is too strong, and the prestige of the Senju Clan is too high.This is the difficulty and trouble that Konoha's two founding ninjas brought to the current Konoha ruling high-level.

"Oshemaru, let's go to Anbe first..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a few puffs of his pipe silently, "I asked Shinnosuke to quit Anbe, just so that Orochimaru can take over part of Anbu's work."

Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu looked at each other, regarding Sarutobi Shinnosuke's latest arrangement, the two of them really didn't know the inside story.

But Orochimaru is indeed suitable for Anbu in terms of acting style and trustworthiness.

Moreover, the appointment of Anbu personnel is the arbitrary power of Hokage, so the two consultants did not say much.

"For Jiraiya, let him continue to work in the ninja class, and he is not suitable for others..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes, thinking carefully about how to arrange the cards in his hand.

"Tsunade's words..."

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen the Third also hesitated.

He didn't want Tsunade to control too much power, and he didn't want this outstanding descendant of Thousand Hands to do nothing.

"Leave the medical department to Tsunade." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun took the initiative to say: "Tsunade rescued countless wounded and poisoned ninjas on the battlefield of the Rain Country, and is well received at the grassroots level, and the cultivation level of medical ninjutsu is also the most in the village. Top-notch, it would be perfect for her to be in charge of the medical department."

"And didn't Uchiha come up with a nondescript police department hospital? Theoretically, all the hospitals in the village are under the jurisdiction of the medical department..."

Mito Menyan also agreed, "Just let her have a good fight with Uchiha's police department."

Regarding the suggestion made by the two old consultant friends, Hiruzaru Sarutobi felt that it made sense, so he agreed decisively.

At the same time, the heart is also very satisfied.

After all, he is an old friend of mine, and he is thoughtful and considerate in speaking and doing things. The only ones he recommends are the apprentices he taught. Accomplished.

Sarutobi Hiruzam III feels that he is simply a model of "respecting the virtuous without avoiding relatives".

"Then draw up an edict!"

(End of this chapter)

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