Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 123 The Benefits of the Ninja Clan

Chapter 123 The Benefits of the Ninja Clan

The benefits of the Uchiha clan and their supporters are full of mouthwatering, but the ninja clan that was originally inclined to the Hokage clan began to be dissatisfied.

The inside story of the root destruction cannot be concealed from the ninja clan closely related to Naruto.

Especially the Nara, Yamanaka and Yuu clan.

Among the three Zhuludie tribes, apart from the fact that the secret techniques of the Akitao School are relatively noisy and not liked by Danzo, many members of the Nara and Yamanaka tribes either voluntarily or are forced to work under Danzo's command.

But with the destruction of the roots and the subsequent cleansing performed by Sarutobi Shinnosuke, the son of Hokage, none of their clansmen in the roots survived.

Although he said that he would have nothing to do with the family after joining the root, but after all, they were all descended from the family, and their hearts were full of flesh, so it was impossible to take it seriously.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo killed all the roots in one fell swoop, and openly summoned border troops through private power to jointly put pressure on Hokage. However, not only were the two not punished, but they gained huge benefits and power from it.

Therefore, the ninja leaders always have to complain a few words in front of Hokage.

The Hyuga Clan is the Ninja Clan with the most internal opinions.

As one of the only two blood-successor ninja giants in Konoha and even the ninja world, the Hyuga clan has always had the idea of ​​competing with the Uchiha clan for the title of the first ninja clan.

However, although the Hyuga Clan has a long history of Taishu inheritance, it is still far behind Uchiha, who is close to full development.

Moreover, with Hyuga's white-eyed characteristics, even on the battlefield, most of them perform non-combat tasks such as reconnaissance and security. In terms of killing the enemy record, it is far from Uchiha.

The system of clan and family separation has further restrained the largest number of members of the branch family. Rouquan inheritance still hides and conceals the faction of the branch family. The fragmented Rouquan inheritance further limits the possibility of geniuses appearing in the Hyuga family.

Compared with the Uchiha clan who have chosen to open up the inheritance of ninjutsu beyond the esoteric level to the clan, the Hyuga clan really does not have many outstanding figures.

In the past, the Uchiha clan was suppressed, and the police department had many constraints in their actions. However, the trusted and favored Hyuga clan still had a psychological advantage over the Uchihas, and they did not differ from Uchiha's children in the ninja school. Don't be shy, and there are winners and losers.

However, as the young members of the Uchiha clan gradually withdrew from the village ninja school and chose to join their own police preparatory school, the Hyuga clan lost the object of comparison.

Later, as Tokumitsu Uchiha defeated Kirigakure in the Battle of Uzushio, and led the family ninja army to defeat Iwagakure and Sandgakure on the battlefield, no one in the Hyuga clan took the initiative to mention "Who is the first?" A ninja' topic of debate now.

In the early days, some old-school Hinata elders ridiculed Uchiha Tokumitsu for throwing the family's power on the ruthless battlefield in internal meetings, wasting the family's power for nothing; In view of the countless benefits that were captured from the war, and the Uchiha clan who were able to further awaken the power of blood successors after being tempered on the battlefield, the Hyuga clan began to be unable to sit still.

But the historical inertia of the thousand-year-old wealthy family can hardly be changed by individuals.

Even if the patriarch Hyuga wanted to reform, he could not act under the pressure of the family elders.

After finally calming down the root turmoil, the third generation immediately faced the vague dissatisfaction of the ninja.

Although vague, although not explicitly stated, but it is a real dissatisfaction.

And as the cause of Danzo's death gradually became known to the ninja leaders, the ninja's dissatisfaction increased day by day.

In particular, the massive expansion of the police department has encroached on the interests of many ninjas.

The deer farm of the Nara clan was inspected three times a day by the Uchihas of the police department on the grounds that they were breeding without a license.

Many of the flower shops of the Shanzhong family were also shut down because they received reports that they caused villagers to have pollen allergies.

The Shimura family is even worse. After losing Danzo, a high-ranking member of the clan, even the gray industries such as casinos and stolen goods that the Shimura clan secretly opened outside the village were all shut down by the police department, and all the people involved were arrested. He was arrested and detained at the police department, extorting a huge amount of bail, and the heavily armed Uchihas even rushed into the Shimura family's land and took away an elder of the Shimura family directly on trumped-up charges.

Facing the menacing Uchiha ninja who was staring at Sharingan with malicious intentions, none of the Shimura clan dared to fight.

Among the ninja clan related to root, the only one that has not been hit by Uchiha's revenge is the oil girl clan.

Because according to the investigation of the police department, most of the oil women who joined the root were coerced by high-level officials or were snatched away by Danzang because of their outstanding talents since they were young. The female family is still one of the victims.

However, for the expansion of the power of the ninja class led by Hatake Sakumo, the ninjas all acquiesce or welcome it.

The reason is very simple - because going to the ninja class is not an arbitrary statement made by Hatake Sakumo.

After major events such as the death of Danzo, the destruction of the roots, and the expansion of the police department, the ninja clan urgently needs a new support.

Except for the Inoka Butterfly clan who are deeply bound with the Hokage family, the other ninja clans have more or less other thoughts.

Although he didn't dare to turn against Hokage who was in a state of suspicion, and he didn't dare to sing against the powerful Uchiha, but he still had the courage to get close to Sakumo Hatake, the monitor of the ninja class.

After all, the leader of the ninja class is the nominal leader and will coordinator of all Konoha jonin.

And this is exactly in line with the calculation of Sarutobi Hiruzen III.

Even under the coercion of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo, he was forced to agree to reconciliation conditions to avoid the outbreak of civil war, but as the leader of Konoha, he also used power tactics to plant a lot of minefields in the Jōnin class.

First of all, in terms of the power of the police department, the Uchiha clan was completely relieved. The Uchihas who were freed from the restraints lived up to expectations, and violated the interests of most ninjas at once due to excessive force.

Unlike the relatively closed police department, the Ninja Class is an open organization.

Theoretically, all junin who have been certified by Konoha are members of the ninja class, and the squad leader, as a representative of the ninja, also has the obligation and responsibility to coordinate the interests of the ninja.

However, the ninja who were born in the ninja clan are often deeply bound to the family.It was precisely these people who the police department offended the most.

Therefore, after the actual interests are violated and divided, the ninja members will naturally find the nominal leader-the squad leader of the ninja class to complain.

Who made Hatake Sakumo known as a nice guy.

If Hatake Sakumo is still noncommittal about the wanton actions of the police department, his reputation will naturally be questioned, and he will even lose his position as the squad leader of the ninja class in the next ninja class election.

However, if you choose to question the police department, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction within the Uchiha clan. The dead-headed Uchihas will think that Hatake Sakumo turned his face and refused to recognize anyone after he took office, which will cause the relationship between the two parties to become stiff and even go rupture.

Without the support of the Uchiha clan, Hatake Sakumo, as a strong man from a small ninja clan, no matter how many civilian ninjas choose to support him, the third generation will have countless ways to manipulate him.

And if the Uchiha clan does not have the platform of Hatake Sakumo, their reputation is not very good, coupled with their unscrupulous behavior, it is also easy to find flaws to guide public opinion to label the Uchiha clan as the opposite of Konoha Ninja Village. A target to unite Konoha Ninja and civilians.

"It's a pity... Orochimaru has seen too much darkness, and is no longer suitable as a candidate for Hokage..."

After the third generation signed the order to appoint Orochimaru as the deputy minister of Anbu, he said to the two advisers.

Minister Anbu is the top priority, even if it is his beloved apprentice Orochimaru, he is also reluctant to give such an important position.

"A leaf cannot be without roots."

Mito Menyan said sternly, "In this case, let Orochimaru be the one who bears the darkness for the village. Someone has to bear all this."

"Yes, Ri Zhan, you are still young, don't worry about the candidates for the next generation, you will have time to train them slowly." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun also spoke out in support.

"In the past, I was really too hasty. Fortunately, you reminded me..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, nodded seriously, expressing that he can continue to dedicate 30 years to Konoha selflessly.

Since the death of old friend Shimura Danzo, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu have never been against Hokage as old friends, which also made the relationship and connection of the three closer.

"Do you want to recall Qufeng? It's not good to let him continue to be in charge of the dispatch army..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun asked tentatively.

"No..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi resolutely shook his head and refused, "Ikacho will not have any opinions, even if they have opinions, they can raise them in the ninja class."

"Moreover, the situation in the Land of Rain has never been peaceful. Hanzo may not be able to resist Iwagakure's fierce offensive. It is also suitable for Chifeng to sit there..."

"What about the police department's recent actions? There must be a regulation, otherwise..."

Mitomon also said aloud.

Recently, his family business has also been questioned by the police department, and the impact is really not small.

"Don't worry about it for the time being, let nature take its course and watch its success or failure..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi of the third generation laughed.

Then he signed the appointment document appointing Tsunade as the Minister of Medical Affairs again.


In front of the combination of the Uchiha clan and Hatake Sakumo's forces, even if he is Hokage, he has to stay away.

The Uchiha clan is rich and powerful, and Hatake Sakumo has prestige and virtue.The energy produced by the combination of the two is far from being as simple as one plus one equals two.

This is a force that can truly shake Sarutobi Hiruzaniza Konoha.

But it doesn't matter, in the eyes of the third generation, the unlimited power of the ninja class will make the friendship of the union deteriorate and become confrontational, coupled with the persistent complaints and complaints of the ninja class against the Uchiha clan, there will be a day Hihatake Sakumo will choose to go far with Uchiha Tokumitsu because of his different ideas, and even regard each other as an enemy, just like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara once did.

In particular, isn't the ninja class claiming to supervise the actions of the Konoha tribes?Now that the police department of the Uchiha clan has begun to retaliate nakedly, why do they turn a blind eye when they go to ninja shift?
Faced with the constant objections raised by many ninja ninjas in the ninja class, Hatake Sakumo also felt particularly troubled.

So I took the time to find Uchiha Tokumitsu again.

"Sakumo-kun, when do you plan to hold the Jōnin meeting?"

After listening to Hatake Sakumo's tactful expression of intention, Uchiha Tokumitsu responded after thinking for a moment.

"I have no plans for now..."

Hearing this, Hatake Sakumo was slightly taken aback, a little confused.

When he came to the police department, he was ready to face Uchiha Tokumitsu and get angry.

According to the tacit understanding and mutual trust between the two, the Uchiha clan expanded the power jurisdiction of the police department, and Hatake Sakumo led the upper ninja class to promote reforms. However, now the Uchiha clan has completed the expansion of power according to the agreement, but the upper ninja class is still Trapped in the entanglement of the ninja clan, the so-called change has not moved.

"Is it the ninja who complained to you?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also saw Hatake Sakumo's embarrassment, so he took the initiative to say.

"Yes..." Hatake Sakumo was a little embarrassed, and his face showed a rare embarrassment, "So, I came to the police department for a walk, and this is the first time I came to your office..."

After Uchiha Tokumitsu was promoted to Assistant Chief of the Police Department, he was already the No. [-] figure in the Police Department.

And although Tokumitsu Uchiha did not disclose his kaleidoscope Sharingan, there have been rumors in private within the family.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also sent someone to secretly investigate the source of the kaleidoscope rumors, but found that some elders from the family allegedly 'smelled' the kaleidoscope from Uchiha Tokumitsu's chakra.

For such specious rumors, Uchiha Tokumitsu adopted an attitude of indifference, neither refusing the rumors nor admitting them, he just asked that such topics should not be mentioned with people from other races and ignored them.

"I understand."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded, "The ninja class does have the right to supervise the Konoha tribes, and I won't make things difficult for you..."

"However, since the ninja class has objections, I will explain it on behalf of the police department at the next ninja meeting."

"It's not so good, actually... I also know why those people mentioned the police department."

Hatake Sakumo felt even more sorry.

"I haven't finished yet..." Uchiha Tokumitsu seemed to have thought of something funny, "It's just that I don't know if the ninjas will have the face to confront me."

"...Forget it, then I won't interfere." Hatake Sakumo also thought about it, thinking that since Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't care much, it's better to let it go.

"But it's okay, no matter what I say at the Jōnin Conference, I will bear all the consequences on my own, but Sakumo-kun, don't stop me."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said sternly.

"What topic is Tokumitsu-kun planning to talk about?" Although Hatake Sakumo made up his mind to let Uchiha Tokumitsu do what he wanted, this statement still aroused his curiosity.

"...a dialectical question about ninja strength and power."

After thinking for a long time, Uchiha Tokumitsu gave his own answer.

 In the past few days, the construction site has been rushing to catch up with the production value, and working overtime for several days has delayed the update.I would like to say sorry to all the book friends here.

  But no matter how busy it is, it finally came to an end, and the double update will resume from tomorrow.Let me sleep late today~
(End of this chapter)

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