Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 124 Game of Thrones

Chapter 124 Game of Thrones

The power struggle between clan power and shadow power, the conflict of interests between ninja ninjas and civilian ninjas.

These are the two most important and most intense conflicts in Konoha at present.

The Ninja Clan has its own internal system, whether it is the inheritance of secret arts or the allocation of cultivation resources, it has its own rules, and the rules or systems of the Ninja Clan often go against those of the Ninja Village.

As the ruler of Konoha's supreme power, Naruto is nominally the commander of all Konoha ninjas, but it is also limited to the registered ninjas.

In all fairness, the clan power of ninja autonomy cannot be demonized, but neither should it be exalted.Although the power of the ninja clan does oppress and even exploit some clansmen, the protection provided by the ninja clan to ordinary clansmen is correspondingly stronger than that of the village to civilians.

At least the big ninjas will not have their own children being snatched away silently by the roots and the like
It is this kind of protection based on the common blood relationship and the relatively favorable conditions for practice that maintain the relative independence of the ninja clan in Konoha.

Moreover, except for the Uchiha clan, each ninja clan of the Konoha clan has more or less "family ninjas" trained by themselves to be driven by the top clan.And these non-registered family ninjas directly obey the orders of ninja leaders or elders, and perform some inconvenient tasks for them.

At the same time, some ninjas with a long history will also accept some special tasks issued by their long-term employers through special channels, including but not limited to spying, assassination, sabotage, etc.

Even if these tasks will be contrary to the interests of Ninja Village.

Therefore, the second generation set up a ninja school to train recruit-level ninjas on a large scale as a supplement, diluting the ninja’s monopoly on ninjutsu and ninja education through the advantage of numbers, and the ninja school only educates ninja basics and three body skills, so that The ninja ninja can lead the ninja role and some talented commoner ninjas to a certain extent through the master-student relationship, so that the ninjas acquiesce in the implementation of the ninja school and send some clansmen to the ninja school for education. form a bond.

In addition, the "will of fire" education promoted by the ninja school has also to a certain extent downplayed the personal attachment relationship within the ninja, so that more ninja children tend to tend to the village instead of confining their thinking to the family.

On the whole, in the contradictory struggle between clan rights and movie rights, the Hokage family is on the dominant side.

But the disputes between ninjas and civilians are relatively more diverse.

Level promotion, task acceptance, job competition and other links are full of contradictions and conflicts between ninjas and civilians.

Although civilian ninjas have a large number of people, their overall quality is uneven, and there is no unity at all.Among them are ordinary-born geniuses like Orochimaru and Jiraiya, but most of them are middle-aged ninjas who can only throw kunai with three body skills. In the competition with ninja ninjas, except for a very few talented People, most civilian ninjas are uncompetitive in front of ninja ninjas.

The Uchiha clan obtained the qualification to issue the certificate of the police department's ninja through the police preparatory school. At the same time, the Sangouyu clan also obtained the qualification to be directly awarded the police department's jonin. This is already a naked act of division.

Whether it is a ninja or a commoner, on the surface they are extremely indignant about this.

Regardless of whether the Uchiha clan has violated their interests, but the Uchiha has the power that I don't have, and their psychology is immediately unbalanced.

And this kind of psychological imbalance caused by the distribution of power, coupled with the police department's various retaliation and crackdowns in the recent law enforcement process, prompted them to jointly complain about this matter under the guidance of some caring people. The class leader of the ninja class is Sakumo Hatake, which led to the early convening of the ninja class meeting.


"What are you going to say at tomorrow's ninja class meeting?"

In the mansion of Elder Setsuna, Uchiha Tokumitsu and Elder Setsuna sat facing each other.

"In the past, no matter what we justified, it would be twisted into something else, so this time I'm going to be direct..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu maintained proper respect, bowed his head slightly and said.


When Elder Shanna heard the words, his interest suddenly came.

"Teach them to behave in front of Uchiha from the perspective of strength and status." Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone is still respectful, but the words he speaks are full of pride and unruly.

"Since Uchiha is the number one wealthy ninja family, he should have power comparable to his strength. This is a matter of course." Uchiha Tokumitsu continued indifferently, "You can't justify them just because they are weak, right?"

"Does the patriarch know about this?" Elder Shan Na was noncommittal.

"Maybe I know the general idea, but the patriarch of Sifang has no intention of interfering in this matter."

"You are the assistant chief of the police department, so you should come forward." Elder Shan Na nodded, "But after all, this matter involves too much, so it's better not to be too public, but it must be powerful enough!"

"According to the meeting agenda notice of the ninja class, there are 68 other ninjas attending this ninja meeting, so I plan to lead 86 Uchiha ninjas to participate in the meeting."

"Very good!" Elder Setsuna was very satisfied with Uchiha Tokumitsu's preparation and attitude, "Remember, even if there is a conflict, you can't do it first, and you can do anything else!"

"Understood, what I am best at is convincing people with reason!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu is as respectful as ever.


The Jonin Conference was held as scheduled.

Three and 10 minutes before the meeting, 68 Jonin arrived in the conference hall one after another.

But even though all the ninja participants had arrived at the meeting, no one from the police department arrived at the meeting place.

This also aroused dissatisfaction among the participants.

"Uchiha... is really too arrogant!"

"Hmph! If you are successful, you will be rampant. What kind of aristocratic family is such a villain? Compared with Hinata!"

"By the way...isn't anyone from the Hyuga Clan coming to the meeting?"

A commoner Jonin looked around and asked his own question.

Since the notice of the meeting only lists the number of ninjas participating in the meeting, and does not indicate their names, most of the ninjas who did not connect in advance know the specific participants only after they arrive at the scene.

"Not only Hinata, but also Shimura and Yume..."

Hyuga is one of Konoha's two giant blood-succession families, the Shimura family is the ninja family that receives the most attention from the police department, and the Aurome family is the ninja family that lost the most number of people in the battle of root destruction.

The three ninjas who had conflicts with Uchiha did not come to the meeting, which also made the ninjas present feel a little uneasy.

Hatake Sakumo sat in the upper seat of the meeting room, like a clay puppet, not saying a word.

Looking up at the clock in the meeting room, there are still 3 minutes before the agreed official start time of the ninja class meeting.

Just as he was about to say a few words to delay the time, a Jōnin sitting by the window suddenly shouted: "Here we come! Uchiha is here!"

Originally, it was normal for Uchiha to arrive late, but the ninja who yelled had an extremely surprised tone.

The junin who were near the window also leaned over to try to see what happened.

"so many people……"

"Are they all jounin?"

Witnessing the Uchiha ninjas who are fully armed and marching in a menacing formation, even Konoha ninjas who have experienced many battles can't help being dumbfounded.

Except during the war, when did Konoha Village have so many Junin in a concentration?

Not to mention the Jonin of the Uchiha clan!

"This is a demonstration..."

Nara Kaminin muttered to himself.

All the participants in the meeting could not bear to hear it in their ears, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Uchiha Tokumitsu walked into the Jōnin Conference Hall with five family Jōnin, and the other Uchiha Jōnin guarded outside the door and expelled all irrelevant people.

At the meeting, the ninjas even saw through the window that three Anbu, who had heard the news, were surrounded by six Uchiha ninjas, and they took the initiative to retreat after spraying each other.

In front of Uchiha, even Anbe flinched...

There are more Uchihas than the number of participants surrounded the conference hall...

Even knowing that Uchiha would not openly kill people in the village, but under the watchful eyes of Uchiha jonin outside the door, the ninja participants still couldn't help but feel hairy.

"Deguang-jun, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Hatake Sakumo greeted Uchiha Tokumitsu calmly, as if he didn't realize it.

Uchiha Tokumitsu sat down in the first row, agreed and said with a smile: "It is what the police department should do to support the Ninja class to perform supervision. Sakumo-kun is really polite."

"Then... this jonin meeting officially begins!"

Hatake Sakumo did not continue to be courteous, and took out a small hammer and tapped it on the table.

The venue was suddenly silent.

"Regarding the request of the Ninja to perform the supervision duties of the Ninja Class, the hearing meeting to inquire about the incident of malicious law enforcement by the Police Department has now officially begun!"

Hatake Sakumo looked around at the attendees sitting below, all of them looked anxious.

"The reason for this meeting is stated in the meeting notice. I will not repeat it here. Do you have anything to add?"

Before the meeting started, the ninja jōnin, who were making all kinds of gossip and strange things, shrank their heads like quails at this moment.

"Is there no one to supplement the topic of this meeting?"

Hatake Sakumo asked again.

The venue remained silent.

"Then, I would like to ask the Assistant Chief of the Police Department, Uchiha Tokumitsu Jonin, to respond and answer this question!"

Hatake Sakumo knocked on the table again.

The body of Shinobu who was present at the meeting couldn't help but tremble.

Uchiha Tokumitsu got up and walked slowly to the front desk.

Wherever their eyes went, the participants bowed their heads.

"The police department was set up under the proposal of Senju Tomonama-sama, the second generation, and was managed by the Uchiha clan. I believe everyone here should know this history very well."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said unhurriedly.

"Since the establishment of the police department under the leadership of Uchiha, it has regarded 'loyalty to duty, strict self-discipline, defense of justice, and defense of Konoha' as the most fundamental work policy. It is not afraid of difficulties and sacrifices, and firmly fulfills its due responsibility."


Uchiha Tokumitsu changed the subject, and his tone became extremely harsh.

"The police department's upholding justice will definitely offend a few people who are planning to do something wrong, and these people are trying their best to slander the justice of the police department! Destroy the glorious image of the police department!"

At the meeting, Ninja looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

According to this, the police department is brilliant and flawless, but the Jnin who raised the objection is guilty!

Even Hokage-sama, I'm afraid he can't say such brazen words!
This is as ridiculous as Danzo claiming to be a pacifist!
Even if he felt shy, Uchiha Tokumitsu's words made the participating ninjas involuntarily show dissatisfaction.

Since we have already brought so many people to press the situation, why not say a few vague words to deal with it, and then we will let it go, and the matter will be settled in a calm manner, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Why do you have to be so aggressive and make everyone lose face?

At the meeting, Ren exchanged glances with each other, and the dissatisfaction became more and more intense.

"Of course, in the process of carrying out official duties of the police department, some inappropriate behaviors have also occurred when dealing with some diehards, which caused a certain negative impact on the villagers, but that was all to better maintain the wooden Please understand what Ye Zhian did as a last resort."

Uchiha Tokumitsu changed the subject again, his tone and wording became more relaxed.

The ninjas at the meeting couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The Ministry of Police has set up ninja schools and registered ninjas by itself. Is it beyond the scope of the department's responsibility?"

A Nara Jonin with a ball head stood up.

"The establishment of the Police Preparatory School was approved by Lord Hokage and the enrollment was made public. If you have any objections to this, please ask Lord Hokage for the reason."

Uchiha Tokuko glanced at Nara Jonin, who was acting as a young bird, and said slowly.

"Of course, even if I don't say it, I believe everyone knows the reason why the police department's reformation has been fully recognized..."

"So, Uchiha directly obtained the title of ninja through the Police Department? Is this also the responsibility of the Police Department?"

Another Jōnin stood up and asked loudly.

"First of all, a ninja is not a dinner party, nor is it a leisurely and polite daimyo aristocrat painting and drinking tea. Ninjas are going to kill people..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Since this is the case, then starting from the strength, there is no problem at all for the Uchiha clan who awakened Sangou Yuxuejijie to be rated as Jonin. If you feel that there is a problem, you can report to Sangouyu's police department Shinobi challenged him, and I believe that if he can win, Naruto-sama would not mind giving the challenger the title of Jōnin."

The upper ninja stopped talking.

Talking about laws and regulations with you, what about strength issues!Who doesn't know that Uchiha's Uchiha's strength is equivalent to that of a Jonin level!But what about the power and meaning behind Jonin?

Jounin is not only strength, but also the right to speak!

"Furthermore, the reason why the Uchiha clan obtained such rights was in exchange for their illustrious military exploits made with blood and fire in the battlefields of the great powers of Kirigakure, Iwagakure, and Sand Grenade, and the final battle of Dingding was In the first battle, he killed the high-ranking Shimura Danzo who intended to frame the ninja of the same village, and wiped out the root of the gangster, such a record, everyone here should be familiar with it!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu once again proudly said, "There are 86 Uchiha ninjas who arrived at the venue today, and this is just a part of the Uchiha ninjas! May I ask if everyone here thinks that the strength of the Uchiha clan can match such power? !"

The undisguised harsh words and the blood that leaked out of them made the upper ninja shudder.

Although everyone knows the cause of Danzo's death, it doesn't mean that this sentence can be brought to the table.Uchiha Tokumitsu's remarks almost clearly stated that the power of the Police Department was obtained by killing Danzo and forcing Hokage to back down.

"That's all I have to say, whoever agrees, whoever opposes!"

"If you have any objections, please speak up boldly!"

(End of this chapter)

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