Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 125 A Status That Matches Her Strength

Chapter 125 A Status That Matches Her Strength

The reason why Uchiha Tokumitsu bluntly said "starting from strength" at the Jōnin Conference is because there is almost no possibility of harmonious coexistence between the Uchiha clan and other ninja clans in the village.

Just like two tigers fighting, there is bound to be a loss; whether it is the Uchiha who has just emerged from the marginalized predicament or the ninjas who are enjoying power that does not match their strength, unless one side chooses to back down, there is no way to live in harmony. possible.

Because Konoha is too small, and there are too many nobles.

The cake was only that big, Uchiha jumped out and ate one more piece, and the ninjas naturally ate one less.

And Uchiha Tokumitsu's words in the Jonin meeting also caused an uproar in Konoha.

For a long time, Konoha's mainstream ideology has advocated friendship and bond, and believed in the power of love and protection, while Uchiha Tokumitsu's unabashed fighting style.

So what followed was overwhelming accusations and insults.

Even though he did not dare to speak out in front of the ninjas of the police department, there are more and more complaints behind him.

In this regard, Hokage Building is happy to hear and see.

Some people within the Uchiha clan began to sit still.

But they didn't dare to talk about things in front of the overly radical Uchiha Tokumitsu, but went to Elder Setsuna and complained non-stop.

Uchiha Sifang, chief of the police department and patriarch, also felt various invisible pressures.

However, based on strength and status, this cannot be used as a reason to challenge Uchiha Tokumitsu.

As a last resort, I had no choice but to organize the elders of each house and the senior police department to hold a meeting in my mansion to discuss countermeasures.

"Everyone, the public opinion in the village is really unfavorable to our family. If you have any countermeasures, please speak freely."

After briefly explaining the cause of the public opinion turmoil, the patriarch of Sifang threw the question to the elders attending the meeting and the senior officials of the police department.

Although Elder Setsuna attended the meeting, he kept his eyes closed all the time.

The Uchiha tribe present here did not say a word, but turned their attention to the perpetrator Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"When did the Uchiha clan start to fear these rumors?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood up, looked around, and said slowly.

The radical clansmen nodded in agreement.

"The strength of the family is the foundation of our foothold, what loss can a few words from outsiders bring us?"

"As for those unpleasant words, haven't they been rare in the past few decades? Why do you care so much now?"

"As long as there are thousands of ninja soldiers in the family, as long as they dare not show their teeth in front of the clan, those public opinions will be nothing more than the howling of defeated dogs, so why not be afraid!"

"Seniors, please don't forget that only strength is the foundation of a ninja's life!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's words silenced all the people present.

"Besides, the existence of rumors can also allow us to better distinguish between enemies and allies!" Uchiha Tokumitsu said loudly, "Only those who still stand with Uchiha under such circumstances are still standing for Uchiha! The goal is our ally!"


An elder sighed.

The proud Uchiha has made countless enemies, but his allies are always few and far between.Even after entering the era of ninja village, there are only a few close ninja clans who have been related by marriage since the Warring States period and can be regarded as allies.

"Unite what we can unite, and fight against what affects our unity, that's enough!" Uchiha Tokumitsu's words attracted the radicals to nod their heads again.

Elder Setsuna also opened his eyes.

"But it's always like this and it's not good. In order for the family to go further, the criticism from the public opinion has to be resolved..."

The elder of the conservative Michidai said weakly.

"The groundless accusations won't last long, and within a few days, the civilians who are busy with their livelihoods and tasks will forget about this matter."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said patiently: "As long as we don't change ourselves because of other people's words, then others will soon adapt to us."

These words made Michidai Elder a little dumbfounded.

Although it sounds groundless, it seems to be true when you think about it carefully.

"Moreover, we can also throw out some bait to guide the wind direction of public opinion."


It was the first time Elder Setsuna spoke out.

"Recruit foreign ninja students from the police preparatory school to join the police department."

Uchiha Deguang threw out his own ideas: "In this way, the Uchiha color of the police department can be diluted, and civilians and ninjas can see another way."

"That means following the Uchiha clan must have a future!"

This is not impossible, some new ninja-level rookies have no effect on the Uchiha clan who are in charge of the police department.

Although it will change the monopoly position of the Uchiha clan in the police department, it will also help improve the pressure of public opinion that the family faces in the village.

The senior officers of the police department nodded their heads one after another.

After thinking about it for a while, Chief Uchiha Sifang also agreed.

"But in this case, the village may not be enough to provide funds. Will the extra part be raised by itself or paid by the family?"

Uchiha Fugaku raised his hand and asked.

"After all, the police department is one of the various departments in the village. What is the family's expenditure?" When it comes to money, even the conservative elders can't sit still.

"There are two ways to supplement the funds of the Police Department—" Uchiha Tokumitsu stopped the dispute, "Fees and fines!"

This kind of topic was mentioned by Uchiha Tokumitsu at the first police department restructuring meeting, but at that time the clansmen felt that their faces were ambiguous and shelved it.

But now that the police department is really facing financial difficulties, the face problem can't be taken care of for the time being.

"Do the collected fines and fees stay at the administration's discretion?"

At the signal of his superior, a superintendent of the East District Police Department raised his hand and asked.

"Absolutely not!"

Chief Uchiha Sifang was furious: "All funds should be allocated by the police headquarters!"

"Then the administrative office has become a white job?" Said Uchiha Nakagen, the director of the Western District Police Office, displeased, "If you seize power like this, the brothers below will have a lot of opinions!"

He is Uchiha Tokumitsu's father, and a representative of the Uchiha clan's "Father depends on son", so he doesn't care about the authority of the patriarch and chief.

"The income from fees and fines can be shared between the administrative office and the headquarters. The administrative office can retain part of the funds for free disposal, and then transfer the rest to the headquarters for centralized allocation and use. This can also balance the income of each administrative office..." Uchiha Tokumitsu quickly smoothed things over.

"But the ratio of the share is..."

The director of the Eastern District Police Administration couldn't sit still anymore.

"All right!"

Seeing that the topic was about to involve the issue of money distribution, Elder Shan Mo had no choice but to stop it.

"How can it be so vulgar at the clan meeting! You go back to the police department and talk about it behind closed doors!"

Under the pressure of the Great Elder, the high-ranking members of the police department, who were originally excited, fell silent.

"I see... Radicals and conservatives are just false names, and your essence is money collectors!"

Elder Shan Mo complained mercilessly.

"Back to our original topic..." Patriarch Uchiha Shifang sighed, feeling that although he did have some prestige, it was extremely limited, "Please continue to talk about how to unite allies through the police department... "

"For example, the collection of fees and fines involved just now can actually be handed over to the newcomers of the police department to handle, and our tribe can not participate in this matter..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu expressed his thoughts: "There are also daily dispute mediation, neighborhood disputes, etc., which can also be gradually handed over to newcomers for execution. The clansmen try to get out of general affairs as much as possible, and practice more to improve their own strength. .”

"In this way, won't it cause the power of the police department to fall apart?"

A police officer ninja muttered.

And this is also the voice of the high-level police department present here.

In the past, because the Uchiha clan could not control much power, they paid special attention to the power of the police department.

Even though the authority has risen sharply after the restructuring of the police department, the stinginess of controlling power will not be changed for a while.

"Everyone, please don't forget that only strength is the foundation of Uchiha's life." Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed, "It's the same sentence, if the family can maintain the strength of thousands of ninja troops, the police department Power will never be left alone.”

All the people present are silent.

"In addition, the police department needs an operation to reverse the direction of public opinion and point Kunai towards those who maliciously attack us."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said again: "Through the action, we will strike hard and crack down on illegal behaviors in the village, so as to shift the attention of the villagers to them."

"The consortium of the Hyuga family lends usury."

"The Shimura family's casino earns a lot of money and pays off their cheats!"

"The Nara family is hoarding drugs to drive up drug prices!"

"The shop of Zhuanzhujia involves forced buying and selling!"

After a while, everyone chattered and listed all kinds of bad deeds of each ninja clan.

Such a comparison, it seems that what the Uchiha clan did is not too much.

It's just why the public opinion in the past overwhelmingly blamed Uchiha and the Police Department?

"Then let's take the Nara family!"

The Uchiha Quartet chose a target, "Drug prices are also a topic of greatest concern to civilian ninjas, and cracking down on Nara's drug dealers will also help guide civilians' attention."


The senior officers of the police department nodded their heads one after another, while the elders were noncommittal.

"You gentlemen..."

Elder Shan Na said slowly: "Please don't forget that only strength is the foundation of our survival, so don't care too much about gossip."

When everyone heard the words, they all bowed their heads and said yes.

"If there's nothing else to do, I'll go back first." Elder Shu Mo stood up and bowed his head to everyone, his eyes full of coercion swept across them one by one.

Wherever the eyes went, everyone bowed their heads, only Uchiha Tokumitsu seemed unaware.

"... Deguang-jun walk with me."

"Yes!" Uchiha Tokumitsu got up and left with Elder Setsuna.

The two walked slowly in the clan ground.

At night, the clan land was silent, and there were very few people walking around.

"You did very well!"

Elder Setsuna broke the silence.

"Everything depends on the cultivation of the Great Elder."

Uchiha Tokumitsu is still as respectful to the elders as ever.

"You should obtain a status that matches your strength..." Elder Setsuna continued, "Don't forget that the position of Hokage is the goal of two generations of the family."


Uchiha Tokumitsu was silent for a while before slowly answering.

"You are still young, since you are willing to wait, it doesn't matter, so you can support whoever takes the position, but remember to reserve a place for yourself."

Elder Shan Mo looked up at the moon hanging high in the sky.

The moonlight is so beautiful tonight.

Tokumitsu Uchiha just nodded.

"Tell me the truth, have you awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

Elder Setsuna asked softly again.


Uchiha Tokumitsu hesitated for a moment, but nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, your subordinates didn't say that."

Elder Setsuna glanced at Uchiha Tokuko and understood what he was thinking.

"After awakening the kaleidoscope, the pupil power will have a... special flavor."

Elder Setsuna thought about it, and found an inappropriate description.

"I used to be Madara-sama's subordinate, so I remember this feeling of oppression from the blood."


Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but think of the origin of the blood of the Uchiha clan.

"The kaleidoscope's pupil technique is a top secret that should be kept secret, and you did the right thing."

Elder Setsuna took out three scrolls from his sleeve and handed them to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"This is..." Uchiha Tokumitsu took the scroll hesitantly.

"The forbidden arts of the family, Ikinashi and Ikinami."

Elder Setsuna said: "Since you have awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and you don't seem to be confused by the short-term power brought by the kaleidoscope pupil power, then these two techniques are suitable for you."

"...there is a third scroll, which is the Kaleidoscope Letter written by Madara-sama. Before Madara-sama left the village, I secretly copied a copy."

For Uchiha Tokumitsu, this is a well-deserved gift.

"The reason why the family abandoned Madara-sama is because the ninja era is no longer suitable for ninjas to fight alone." Elder Setsuna stopped Uchiha Tokumitsu from bowing and saluting, "The decline of the Fuma clan and the soil spider clan is the best. prove."

"But the ease of Ninja Village is also the reason for the decline of the family's strength. If you are trapped in the trivial matters of the police department for too long, the clansmen will forget to fight. Once the strength declines, they will inevitably lose their status."

"The practice of a ninja is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat."

Uchiha Tokumitsu responded.

"That's right!" Like an ordinary old man who couldn't find a confidant for a long time, Elder Setsuna continued: "So it is very necessary for the clansmen to see the blood, and you have done a good job on this, Mr. Deguang. .”

"I once had a dream. I dreamed that after my death, the whole family was killed by traitors..." Back at the door of the elder's mansion, the elder Setsuna stopped, turned and said to Uchiha Tokumitsu, "But since After learning about Danzo's death, I never had a nightmare again..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu remained silent.

"Tomorrow I will announce to the tribe that you will take over as the lord, and the future will be left to you."

Elder Setsuna patted Uchiha Tokumitsu on the shoulder, and stepped into his mansion.

Uchiha Tokumitsu bowed to Elder Setsuna's back, and then left on his own.

The moonlight is really beautiful today.

Tokumitsu Uchiha quietly opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan, looking directly at the moon where the goddess Uno is sleeping.

 I'm really sorry, the Chapter 2 update has been delayed...

(End of this chapter)

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