Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 126 The Mystery of the Kaleidoscope

Chapter 126 The Mystery of the Kaleidoscope
The three esoteric scrolls obtained from Elder Setsuna have a great effect on Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Needless to say the role of the two Sharingan Forbidden Techniques.Izanaki can save herself two more lives, and Izanami can make others have one more life.

The only pity is that after using the forbidden technique, one eye will inevitably be blinded, so Tokumitsu Uchiha just deduced it in his mind within the content of the two forbidden techniques.

But the Kaleidoscope Letter written by Uchiha Madara is of great significance.

After reading it carefully, Uchiha Tokumitsu found that the so-called Kaleidoscope Notebook is actually a special notebook specially used by Uchiha Madara to record the experience of using Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

But this letter also at least to a certain extent dispelled his fear of blindness caused by excessive use of the kaleidoscope Sharingan.

According to Uchiha Madara's description, Susanoo consumes the most pupil power of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, followed by Kaleidoscope Hitomijutsu, and the pupil power consumption in the state of simply opening Kaleidoscope Sharingan is negligible.

Uchiha Tokumitsu has long wanted to try his kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Since he himself is the only child, he has no chance to find another pair of Kaleidoscope Sharingan to replace it with, so the road to evolve into Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan through eye-changing has been blocked.

And he has no chance to take it for the time being

But if you have a kaleidoscope but have no chance to use it or are afraid to use it, it is no different from not having a kaleidoscope.

But it would be too ostentatious to open Susano within the Konoha Barrier, and Tokumitsu Uchiha does not intend to disclose the information of Kaleidoscope Sharingan in the short term.

So before dawn the next day, Uchiha Tokumitsu led the dark guard ninjas to quietly sneak out of Konoha and headed straight for the Uzumaki country.

After the demise, the country of Uzumaki was in ruins and deserted. Neither Kirigakure nor Konoha had deployed ninja power in this sensitive area. It was the perfect ninjutsu testing ground.

"First open a Gundam and try..."

After sending the dark guard ninjas to disperse their vigilance, Uchiha Deguang is eager to try.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing his excitement, Uchiha Tokumitsu began to build ninjutsu based on the innate pattern of Kaleidoscope Sharingan and combined with Uchiha Madara's handwriting on saving pupil power.


The kaleidoscope Sharingan suddenly accelerated its rotation, and the vast pupil power in the eyes was quickly drawn out like flowing water.

The Chakra in the body and the kaleidoscope Sharingan pupil power are entangled and blended, and released, condensed, and wrapped at an extremely fast speed.

The kaleidoscopic pupil power fusion chakra gradually formed a rib-shaped abdominal cavity and skeletal-shaped arms, while Uchiha Tokumitsu stood in the Susanoo, with thick and hard ribs protecting his body.

"The initial form of Susanoo..."

The first time I opened Susano, Tokumitsu Uchiha was still a little cautious, so the drawn and injected kaleidoscope pupil power was not much.

Susano, who controlled the initial form, waved his left hand, and a tree beside him was easily broken in the middle like a soft weed.

Susanoo clenched his fist with his right hand and hammered down on a huge rock. The boulder turned into dust under the tremendous force and the burning of Chakra.

"If this punch hits Sarutobi Monkey..."

Susano in its initial form is almost as powerful as a C-rank ninjutsu with just one strike.If the physical body of an ordinary ninja was hit directly, he might be turned into a mass of flesh and blood with one punch.

What if a higher form is opened?

What if you perform ninjutsu in the state of Susano and use the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye pupil technique of the left eye [Shenhuang Shenglingzun] to increase it?

Silently felt the power of Susanoo's initial form, and Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't wait to experience the power of Susanoo at a higher stage.

"The consumption of pupil power is not too much, let's try again, it doesn't hurt to try..."

Once again, the kaleidoscope pupil power in both eyes was drawn and injected into Susanoo, and the chakra in the body was also consumed as quickly as a flood gate was opened.


A skull condensed on Susano's abdominal cavity.

Then the arms began to solidify from the bones to a complete arm shape, and the ribs were also covered with a skin-like chakra membrane, which greatly improved both attack and defense.

Tokumitsu Uchiha controls Susano again to hammer the ground.


With one punch, a huge hole with a depth of two meters appeared on the ground.

"The consumption is relatively high, but it is still acceptable..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu kept doing nothing, and once again violently drew his pupil power.

"Su! Zuo!! Yes!!! Almost!!!!"

The purple light shot up into the sky, and under the interweaving of cold and chilling pupil power, the half-skeleton Susano almost grew the meridians and flesh of the whole body under the interweaving of pupil power and chakra.

With a grasp of the arm controlling Susanoo, a huge and unparalleled long knife solidified and manifested.

Wielding the long sword casually in the posture of Uchiha-style swordsmanship, an equally huge sword light swung out.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sword light hit a small hill, and the violent explosion caused soaring smoke and dust, and the hill was razed to the ground under the ravages of unparalleled power.

Such power is truly worthy of the ultimate power of the Uchiha clan.


After taking a breath, Uchiha Tokumitsu took the initiative to disperse the Susano form.

Just trying to cast it for a while, my eyes are already a little sore.

The unparalleled pupil power contained in the depths of the pupils gushed out again as Susano disappeared, and gradually filled the eye sockets, but Uchiha Tokumitsu also felt that a small amount of pupil power had disappeared from the vast pupil power.

In other words, the consumption of pupil power is almost irreversible and permanent.

And this may be the reason why the kaleidoscope Sharingan will become blind if you use it too much.

Moreover, the amount of chakra consumed to build Susanoo's form is also quite terrifying. At this time, Uchiha Tokumitsu already felt extremely empty in his body.

"Although it can be manifested at will, it is still a long way from actual combat, and the higher the form, the greater the consumption..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out a blank notebook, sat down on a rock, and began to record his experience with the Kaleidoscope Sharingan app.

"The amount of chakra consumed in the initial form is approximately equal to an A-level ninjutsu, and maintaining the Susanoo form also requires continuous consumption of chakra..."

"...to the second form, the amount of chakra consumed to construct the Susanoo form with pupil power is similar to five A-level ninjutsu."

After thinking about it again, Tokumitsu Uchiha wrote down two keywords again, and drew a circle respectively to show the key points.

"Pupil power."


Compared with ordinary ninjas, the Chakra of the Uchiha clan is relatively abundant, especially after the awakening of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the Chakra has also skyrocketed again. Using the description of the previous life, it is similar to the "Chajinla" level, but Compared with "Cha Tonla" who are born with immortal bodies such as Qianshou and Whirlpool, they are far behind.

And the amount of chakra is directly related to how long Susano's form can last.

"Hashirama is indeed a treasure..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought of the interstitial cells with infinite uses.

It can increase the amount of chakra to strengthen the body, and can restore the power of the pupil to make up for the defects of the kaleidoscope. For Uchiha who awakened the kaleidoscope sharingan, the interbasal cells are simply a panacea-like existence.

Now the roots have been destroyed, and the remnants were also cleared by Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, but the intercolumn cells that were originally stored at the base of the roots should be taken back to Anbu for preservation.

There are two relatively feasible ways to obtain intercolumnar cells from the dark part.

One is to enter the Anbu, kill the guards, and scrape once to get the cells between the pillars.

But this is a naked act of rebellion. No matter how much Sarutobi Hiruzen endures, he will not compromise on this matter, and the civil war will definitely start in full swing.

The second is to take the bird position and become Hokage. At that time, Anbu will be his subordinate, and Yiying Secret Store will naturally become his own property.


Uchiha Tokumitsu wrote two words again.

Intercolumn cells have severe rejection reactions, and rashly transplanted cells will inevitably be eroded by the power of the cells and die, so it is necessary to weaken the adverse reactions of intercolumn cells through experimental cultivation and other means.


Although Danzo is dead at this time, Orochimaru is still alive and well, and was recently appointed as the deputy minister of Anbu by the third generation, but he has not been seen in the village recently, and I don’t know which secret base he is hiding in. human experiment.

"It seems that we still have to ask the police department to scrape out Orochimaru for a disk..."

After recording the experience of using the kaleidoscope, Uchiha Tokumitsu put away his notes, took out a bottle of Bingliang Wan and swallowed it whole, in order to replenish chakra as soon as possible.

In addition to Susano, Kaleidoscope Sharingan also has two pupil techniques to test for specific effects.

"Beep beep beep!!!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu blew the copper whistle and summoned the dark guards to gather.

The kaleidoscope pupil technique of the right eye is [Great Country Lord], which can strengthen the power of the clansman's Sharingan through the agitation and connection between the pupil power within the coverage of the pupil power.

But how much this pupil technique can strengthen Sharingan still needs to be tested.


The dark guard ninjas returned to Uchiha Deguang and knelt down on one knee.

When testing the power of Susanoo, although they were guarding the outside, the coercion of the vast pupil power still made the dark guard ninjas in the distance tremble. Naturally, under such great power, they are more in awe of Uchiha Tokumitsu .

"Accompany me to try the pupil technique of the kaleidoscope Sharingan."

Uchiha Tokumitsu beckoned all the dark guard ninjas to stand up, and then ordered: "With me as the center, groups of three should disperse in groups of ten meters apart."


Uchiha Tokumitsu did not explain the reason and expected effect of the pupil technique experiment, and the dark guard ninja did not ask too much after getting the order, and directly dispersed the clansmen to stand according to the order.

"Open Sharingan!"

After the dark guard ninjas dispersed, following Uchiha Tokumitsu's order, the 32 Sharingans opened in unison.Scarlet eyes stared at Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan—"

Uchiha Tokumitsu focused slightly, and the kaleidoscope Sharingans in his eye sockets began to rotate rapidly.

"—Pupil Technique·Great Country Master!"

A purple ray of light shot out from Uchiha Toku's eyes, and spread out in mid-air as a light curtain, covering all the dark guard ninjas within 300 meters, and then the purple ray disappeared.

The dark guard ninja's hair seemed to be dyed some purple, and the scarlet light in the writing wheel eyes became darker and darker.

At this time, in Tokumitsu Uchiha's mind, he still clearly sensed the shapes and postures of the thirty dark guard ninjas.

"How do you feel now?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked the dark guard ninja closest to him.

His Sharingan is still in the double hook jade posture.

"Young Master..."

The dark guard ninja caressed his eyes with one hand in disbelief: "I have never felt such a surge of pupil power..."

"Try the illusion effect."

Uchiha Tokumitsu beckoned to turn around a three-god jade dark guard ninja who was standing 300 meters away from the coverage of the pupil technique.


The dark guard ninja beside him hesitated.

Sharingan's pupil power has been enhanced so strongly, it seems a pity to just cast an illusion.

"Don't you still want to use ninjutsu on your companions!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said angrily.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The dark guard ninja quickly stared at his companions in the distance.

The hidden guards in the distance also run the three-gou jade to prepare for illusion defense and rebound.

"Sharingan-Golden Binding Technique!"

The eyes of the double-gou jade dark guards were blazing, and the three-gou jade dark guards who were waiting intently in the distance immediately froze, and then "thumped" to the end.

Shuanggouyu brought down Sangouyu!
And at this time the distance between the two was as long as 300 meters!
The strengthening effect of the master of kaleidoscope pupil art on Sharingan is so terrifying!
"You try again!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu once again called another Sangoyu Dark Guard, "Three people in the distance, use group illusion!"

"Sharingan Nirvana Abode!"

The three dark guard ninjas who were outside the coverage of the Great Country Lord's pupil technique immediately softened and fell to the ground.

"very good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu is very satisfied with the strengthening effect of the writing sharing eye of kaleidoscope pupil technique.

When the Uchiha tribe within the coverage of the pupil technique casts the illusion, Uchiha Tokumitsu can still feel the changes in their body shape and posture and the flow of chakra in his mind.

It's like Uchiha ninjas are battlefield terminals, and he himself is a command center processor. When Hitomi strengthens Uchiha ninjas, it will also be fed back with the personal information of the strengthener.

Uchiha Deguang also has a feeling that if the pupil power is injected, it is even possible to realize brain wave communication and dialogue, and even control other people's physical actions through pupil power.

Although the target audience of the "big country lord" is limited to the Uchiha people who have awakened Sharingan, the effect on the Uchiha ninja army that has formed a centralized combat system is immeasurable.

It's just that it hasn't been tested by the war. At this time, Uchiha Tokumitsu has no way of estimating the strongest effect of the amplification effect of the 'Great Country Master'.

"Go back to the village first..."

After some testing, Uchiha Tokumitsu asked everyone to restore the ground that was riddled with holes.

Although the kaleidoscope of the left eye has not been tested, Tokumitsu Uchiha has a new idea at this time.

But I have to go back to the village first and then ponder over the initial version of the spiritualization technique I got from the Uzumaki clan.

(End of this chapter)

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