Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 127 Spirit Venerable Creation

Chapter 127 Spirit Venerable Creation
Soul ninjutsu is very rare, and the art of spiritualization is an S-level forbidden art.

A ninja who has successfully practiced the art of spiritualization can separate his spirit from his body and turn his soul into a spirit body. He can not only ignore obstacles and travel long distances and kill enemies, but also possess himself on the enemy's body, allowing the enemy's The spirit collapses and dies from within.

At present, the only Konoha who has achieved success in practicing this technique is Tsunade's boyfriend Kato Dan, and he is already a well-known Jonin elite who has killed countless enemies.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also studied it with great interest when he got the initial version of the technique of spiritualization from the Uzumaki family, but perhaps because of the incomplete content of the technique, Uchiha Tokumitsu still couldn't understand it. The Mystery of the Out of Body Soul.

However, since the specific practice of ninjutsu involves the most fundamental information secrets of a ninja, it is inconvenient for Uchiha Tokumitsu to ask Kato Dan directly, so he put this technique on hold.

But the ninjutsu amplification and ninjutsu activation ability of the left-eye kaleidoscope pupil technique [Shenhuang Shenglingzun] gave Uchiha Tokumitsu a bold idea.

Although the art of spiritualization cannot be fully practiced, the control skills about the power of the soul are universal, especially after the awakening of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the power of Yin Dun has increased, and the control over the soul has been further strengthened.

Especially Uchiha Tokumitsu's Yan Dun, which is based on the fusion of Yin Dun's power and Fire Dun's chakra.

Then, if ninjutsu is performed through the power of flame escape, and soul power is injected into ninjutsu through the technique of spiritual transformation, and then activated with the kaleidoscope pupil technique [Shenhuang Shenglingzun], wouldn't it be possible? How about creating a ninjutsu living creature like Uchiha Madara created the combat version of Bai Ze?

Theoretically speaking, this also makes sense. After all, the so-called power of yin escape is to "create a form in the invisible". Inject life", but maybe the pupil technique ability of [Shenhuang Shenglingzun] might be able to make up for Yang Dun's shortcomings?
Although activated jutsu can never be used, if a ninjutsu life form can be created, the effect will definitely be on a specific jutsu.

"Which ninjutsu is better to activate..."

As for which ninjutsu to choose to discard for activation, Tokumitsu Uchiha was also uncertain for a while.

In the ordinary five-dun ninjutsu, except for the water-dun, the other four attributes Uchiha Tokumitsu have been dabbled in. Among them, the one with the most profound study of nature change and the most frequently used in battle is naturally the Uchiha family's best. Huodun.

Moreover, there is another feature of Fire Dungeon, that is, basically every Fire Dungeon Ninjutsu has a relatively cohesive ninjutsu form. Perhaps in this way, the difficulty of performing Kaleidoscope Pupil Jutsu to activate ninjutsu will be relatively low.

After some picking and picking, Tokumitsu Uchiha chose the B-level fire escape ninjutsu, Haolong Huozhijutsu.

In the Uchiha Clan's Fire Escape Mystery, this technique is introduced like this: the flying flame dragon devours the enemy with its flaming teeth!
The Dragon Fire Art is to condense chakra and compress it into the form of a flame dragon, and control the flame dragon to attack the enemy through chakra.Although the compressed ninjutsu's attack range is narrower than that of the same-level ninjutsu such as Haohuo Quenjujutsu and head hard work, the accuracy and power of ninjutsu are greatly increased.

But the accuracy, power and so on are not the key point, the key point is that the ninjutsu form of Haohuolongjutsu is a dragon shape!

This is a dragon shape!

The power is a matter of the amount of chakra injected, but whether it can pull the wind is a matter of life!
Therefore, after Uchiha Tokumitsu figured out how to combine Linghua Jutsu and Yandun Ninjutsu, he was not in a hurry to perform ninjutsu activation immediately, but went home to take a bath and rest.

One of the characteristics of Huo Dun is that its power depends more on the user's ability than pure ninjutsu level, so Uchiha Tokumitsu intends to do his best after he has cultivated to the best state.

Moreover, in order to give himself a happy mood, Uchiha Tokumitsu personally led a team to seize the drug warehouse of Nara's house.

As the rich family who was able to be re-elected as the squad leader of the ninja class before Sakumo Hatake, the Nara family's achievements in medicine are few people can match it except for shadow secrets and clever minds.

The Nara family, which sits in a large forest outside Konoha Village, produces most of the conventional medicinal materials needed by ninjas, and even most of the conventional medicines of Konoha Hospital are purchased from the Nara family.And it is this knowledge level and the monopoly of the manufacturing industry chain that allow the Nara family to make a lot of money.

Konoha Ninja is actually quite critical of the current situation where drug prices have been high.

The police department did not push Nara too far, but after sealing up his drug warehouse in the village, he issued a huge fine to Nara's person who came to the police department to deal with the matter and ordered him to sell the drugs at a low price. Let it go.

Then Tokumitsu Uchiha arranged for two members of the police force to stand guard at the door of Nara's pharmacy to supervise drug sales, vowing to carry out the meat-cutting operation to the end.

The price reduction and unlimited sales of medicines are like cutting the meat of Nara's family; but for the middle and lower class ninjas and ordinary villagers of Konoha, this is simply a big deal from the sky.

By the way, the police department that carried out this matter also gained a wave of praise invisibly.

After finishing the general affairs and happily admiring the mournful expressions of the Nara people, the rare Uchiha Tokumitsu Shi Shi ran back to the Uchiha training ground with the dark guard ninja.

This time, the movement of performing the kaleidoscope pupil technique will not be as big as Susano, so Uchiha Tokumitsu is too lazy to go to the country of Uzumaki thousands of miles away.

After opening the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Tokumitsu Uchiha began to extract Ento Chakra in an orderly manner.

This is the first time to try to activate ninjutsu through kaleidoscope pupil technique. Although it has been carefully deduced beforehand, Tokumitsu Uchiha still feels a little uneasy.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Tokumitsu Uchiha began to make seals one by one.

"Flame escape—"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath, condensing Entomo Chakra in his mouth.The kaleidoscope Sharingan in the left eye began to glow red.

"The Art of the Great Fire Dragon!"

A deep and condensed dark red flame dragon came out of its mouth, and the ferocious flame dragon roared and flew towards the sky under the control of the caster.

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan·God Emperor Produces Spirit Venerable!"

The first ability of Shenhuang Shenglingzun is to increase the power of ninjutsu. As the kaleidoscope pupil technique takes effect, the shape of the flame dragon flying in the sky immediately expands to more than double.

"Soul Secret Art Spirit Infusion!"

Subsequently, Uchiha Tokumitsu injected soul power into Yanlong through the connection between the caster and ninjutsu according to the skills in the spiritualization technique.

The body of the circling Yanlong became more agile.

"——God Emperor Produces Spiritual Venerable Spiritual Venerable Creation!"

The pupil power of the kaleidoscope sharing sharingan gushes out like a tide, and with the construction of the pupil technique, it changes into a purple light bursting out from the left eye, turning into a light curtain and covering Yanlong.

A black tear flowed out of Uchiha Tokumitsu's left eye due to too much power to draw the pupil of the kaleidoscope.


Under the effect of the kaleidoscope pupil technique, Yan Long's body froze first, and then let out waves of silent roars in the air.

Violent mental power fluctuations stirred the void like ripples, and even the dark guard ninja who was on guard in the distance was shocked to the point of collapse.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was in the middle of Yanlong's roar, didn't seem to notice it.

At this moment, he already felt the connection between himself and Yan Long.

Injected from his own soul power into the Yanlong spiritual wisdom formed under the influence of the God Emperor Shenglingzun, it is full of negative emotions such as gloomy, tyrannical, and desire for destruction. In addition, there is a deep love for himself as the creator Deep attachment.

This also proves that Yanlong, who was born with intelligence and condensed into a solid body, is controllable.

Yanlong's figure gradually condensed and shrunk, and slowly landed in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Even though the dragon's body contained huge destructive energy, even the weeds on the ground were still as green as ever at this time, without any sign of burning or scorching.


Yanlong opened and closed his mouth, although there was no sound, but Uchiha Tokumitsu's voice echoed in Uchiha Tokumitsu's mind.

Uchiha Tokumitsu slowly raised his right hand, caressing Yanlong's head.

Yanlong lowered his head, letting Uchiha Tokumitsu caress him.

Although the body of the dragon is made of flames, it only feels warm to the touch, as warm and delicate as warm jade.

Moreover, Yanlong's chakra comes from Uchiha Tokuko's flame-dun power. It can absorb natural energy from the void to maintain its existence, and it can also inject the flame-dun power through Uchiha Tokuko for active replenishment. able.

In other words, even without Yanlong participating in the battle, Yanlong can be used as a chakra memory and natural energy sensor.

The stone in Uchiha Tokumitsu's heart finally let go.

He felt Yanlong's obedience to him, and the absolute control of the creation as the creator.

As long as he wants, he can strip Yanlong Lingzhi's control over his body at any time, even if he disperses Yanlong's body, it only takes one thought.

Absolute mastery guarantees absolute loyalty.

And the power of the soul from oneself ensures that this loyalty will never fade.

"I am your creator, the source of your spirit and flesh..."

Caressing the dragon head carefully, Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "The power of my soul is transformed into your spiritual wisdom, and the power of my flame escape is condensed into your body, and you will be my guardian."

"Follow orders!"

Yanlong's voice echoed in Uchiha Tokumitsu's mind again.

"I named you..."

"Fire Lord!"

"My name is Huo Guang Zun!"

After rubbing Uchiha Tokumitsu's head in the palm of Uchiha Tokumitsu for a while, Yanlong Huoguangzun's body shrunk to the thickness of his arm again, and he actively wound up Uchiha Tokumitsu's right arm, and then turned into a lifelike dragon shape on his arm tattoo.

As long as Uchiha Deguang needs it, he can summon Huoguang Zun at any time with just a thought.


——Huo Guang Zun: Huo Tian Ye who persuades and invites when repairing and protecting massage.The Second Day of the Sun says: "Think about the fire light statue."

 Huo Guang Zun is one of the three Vedic gods of Buddhism, also known as Huo Tian, ​​one of the twelve heavens of Esoteric Buddhism, and the patron saint of the southeast.When Esoteric Buddhism repairs and protects the Mofa, it first sets up the Fire Heaven Altar to support the Fire Heaven, and then makes offerings to the deities.

(End of this chapter)

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