Chapter 128
Uchiha Tokumitsu is still very satisfied with the effect of the kaleidoscope pupil technique [Shenhuang Shenglingzun] activated by the powerful fire dragon technique to create the fire light statue.

In the conventional five-dun ninjutsu system, common ones that can be condensed into specific dragon shapes include water escape, water dragon bullet, earth escape, earth dragon bullet, etc. The function and ability after activation are not as good as the Huo Guangzun created by the power of Yan Dun, but it can't resist the dragon form!Look good on the line, what more bikes!

But the activation of water dragons and earth dragons is not in a hurry.

Because too much Yandu Chakra was consumed when performing the Great Fire Dragon Art, and the pupil power consumed in a short period of time also made the left eye a little uncomfortable, so Uchiha Tokumitsu went back to the village to rest first.

The streets of Konoha are as noisy and lively as ever.

The selfless sun spreads love and warmth enthusiastically. Merchants in Konoha Commercial Street are enthusiastically soliciting customers and selling goods. There is a bustling flow of people coming and going for shopping or sightseeing. The pride of the prosperous age.

Accompanied by Konoha Ninja, the Kirigakure Mission, who came to Konoha for the first time, stood at the intersection of Konoha, and all the people looked at the bustling street scene in front of them.

"Konoha... is so prosperous and comfortable, it's really a blessing..."

A handsome young ninja Kirigakure couldn't help but speak out his inner thoughts.

Wuyin Ninja Village, which abides by the traditional ninja mysticism, has always given people an image full of hostility such as cold, violent, and chilling.

But it doesn't mean that Kirigakure's ninjas don't like peace.

Just like everyone does not want to wake up to find that they are missing arms, legs, or even their heads have been moved, and they will never be able to get up again. Most people with normal minds will not like the current atmosphere of Kirigakure Ninja Village.

But the inertia brought about by Kirigakure's tradition cannot be changed by individuals.

"The root of Konoha's prosperity lies in the power of Konoha ninjas, not some shitty destiny." The leader of the Wuying mission, the ghost lamp Masahiko, sneered at his companion's remarks, "Don't you worry about going back when you talk nonsense? Will the village be punished? Even the Snow Clan won't be able to protect you!"

"Our Kirigakure is one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, why can't we enjoy it like Konoha!" Kirigakure of the Yuki Clan immediately retorted: "We have been fighting and killing for so many years, and now there is no foreign enemy and we have to fight and kill My own people don't know what Mizukage-sama wants to do!"

"If you don't say a few words, you may still live to old age!"

Onito Masahiko was very annoyed when he heard the words. Although the ninjas of Kirigakure had a lot of opinions on the contemporary Mizukage, it didn't mean that they could make such a noise in public, especially with the accompanying Konoha ninja. Look at the joke!

"Expressing one's thoughts is the freedom of every ninja, no matter where he is."

Behind the Wuyin Mission, a voice sounded.

"Who is talking nonsense!!"

Ghost lamp Masahiko was even more annoyed.

It's okay for his subordinates to speak freely, but there are still outsiders who dare to interrupt.

If it was in Wuyin Village, anyone who dared to be presumptuous in front of him would have to be beaten.

"Do you think I'm wrong?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at Kirigakure Ninja with a smile on his face.

"You..." Ghost Deng Masahiko was a little speechless.

Judging from the clothes, the man in front of him is a member of the Uchiha clan, and there is a group of Uchiha behind him, and he can tell from his posture that he is a high-ranking member of the Uchiha clan.

And it looks a little strangely familiar.

The Kirigakure ninja of the Yuki Clan glanced at Tokumitsu Uchiha several times, then took out a small book from his ninja bag, opened it and looked at Tokumitsu Uchiha for a while, and his expression changed accordingly. Some surprise.

"Masahiko Jonin, look..."

After receiving the information brochure handed over by his companion, Masahiko Onito glanced at it, and immediately his expression changed drastically.

"Uchiha Tokumitsu!"

Adhering to the fact that it has nothing to do with themselves, the group of Kirigakure ninjas who hung high and looked at the scenery heard the words, and immediately focused on them.

Even the hands of several Kirigakure ninjas have been placed on the ninja bag.

"What? Am I famous in Kirigakure?" Uchiha Tokumitsu still had a smile on his face, but his eyes became cold. "By the way, can you let me see how Kirigakure describes my information?"

"Don't tell me you can read information whenever you want!"

The Kirigakure ninjas of the Yuki clan stared at Uchiha Tokumitsu with an unkind expression.

"Really~ Then why did you appear in Konoha?" Although he touched a nail that was neither soft nor hard, Uchiha Tokumitsu's smile still did not change.

"Master Deguang, they are the missions of Kirigakure, and they entered the country with the approval of the village..."

Konoha Ninja, who was watching the excitement, saw that the momentum seemed to be not good, and hurried forward to insert between Uchiha Tokumitsu and Kirigakure, took out a document and handed it to Uchiha Tokumitsu respectfully.

After many rounds of instigated public opinion attacks, Uchiha Tokumitsu's reputation in Konoha is extremely notorious, and the most rumored is that Uchiha Tokumitsu is smiling and hiding a knife in his face, and then turns his face and kills mercilessly.

As the resisting ninja who received the Kirigakure Mission, he didn't dare to let the situation continue to escalate. Who knows if Uchiha Tokumitsu would suddenly explode and kill several rude Kirigakures.

If it really got to that point, he would definitely not be able to please him as a special ninja.


Uchiha Tokumitsu took the customs clearance document presented by Konoha Ninja, and after looking at it for a while, he found that the procedures were all normal, so he handed the document back to the Jonin who was in charge of reception.

"Since you have entered Konoha, you must follow Konoha's rules. Don't deliberately gather crowds to make noise and intimidate the villagers, otherwise I will arrest you for the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble."

Uchiha Tokumitsu spoke to everyone in the Kirigakure Mission indifferently.

Then, ignoring Kirigakure's reaction, he led the crowd to leave.

"What kind of ninja is he in Konoha? His tone is so big!" After Uchiha Tokumitsu left, the Kirigakure ninja of the Yukino clan complained to Konoha who was in charge of the reception, "He kept talking He said he wanted to arrest us, doesn't he understand diplomatic etiquette at all!"

"Lord Deguang is the Assistant Chief of the Police Department and the Deputy Commander of the Mobile Force."

Konoha's chief ninja responded blankly, "Naturally, the second most powerful figure in the police department has the right to carry out arrests in the village."

The Kirigakure ninja of the Snow Clan was speechless.

"He was the one who killed Master Yuan..."

"And Bai Fang, both of them are sinners who killed Master Yuan..."

The Hidden Fog Mission began to whisper.

"Such power is really a role model for my generation of ninjas..."

After learning the identity of Tokumitsu Uchiha, the ninja of the Snow Clan who was originally full of indignation changed his face immediately, and his tone changed from indignation to yearning.

"Let's go quickly! Don't be ashamed of yourself here!"

Ghost lamp Masahiko sighed, feeling extremely powerless, "Qiannuo-kun, you just look like a woman, why is your personality so fickle..."

"Your words really discriminate against women!"

The ninja of the Snow Clan named Qian Nuo was furious.

A group of Kirigakure ninjas walked towards the Hokage Building under the leadership of Konoha's chief ninja.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't take this episode too seriously.

Recently, the Hokage building has been quite quiet. Even the drug warehouse of the hard-core ally Nara clan was seized by the police department and threatened to sell at a low price without interfering. Moreover, Tokumitsu Uchiha is obsessed with studying his own kaleidoscope Sharingan, so he has never paid attention to it. through diplomatic moves.

But it's not a big problem. It shouldn't be long before Hatake Sakumo, who heard the news, will come to share the information with him.

Sure enough, in the evening, just after Uchiha Tokumitsu had dinner with his family, Hatake Sakumo came to visit excitedly.

"Mr. Shuo Mao hasn't seen you for a few days, and his complexion has improved a lot~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu received Hatake Sakumo in his living room.

"The backlog of affairs in the ninja class in the past has almost been dealt with, and nothing special has happened recently, so I have a lot of free time..."

Hatake Sakumo explained, and then cut to the purpose of the visit, "Tokumitsu-kun, the Kirigakure Mission has arrived in the village, do you know about it?"

"I know, I met in the afternoon..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu felt that he was simply an expert on Sakumo, and even calculated the time and intention of Hatake Sakumo's visit in advance.

He also briefly described the scene when he met the Wuyin Mission.

"Kirigakure came to visit for two purposes, one of which is to redeem the ninja sword that fell into our hands." Hatake Sakumo didn't have the intention of continuing to circle around, and directly shook out the purpose of Kirigakure's visit.

During the reconnaissance mission of Uzumaki, the mobile unit led by Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo encountered the Kirigakure Ninja Army led by Kirigakure Yakura and Ninja Seven, but Uchiha Tokumitsu had expected it , secretly transferred the Tokumitsu Red Team of the Uchiha clan, and backhanded the menacing Kirigakure until he was paralyzed.

Even two of the seven Kirigakure ninja swords died, and their ninja swords also fell into the hands of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo.

According to the distribution of the two at the time, Uchiha Tokumitsu got the explosive knife and spray, and Hatake Sakumo got the long knife and sewing needle.

However, according to the agreement between the two sides at the time of the truce and Kuju Yakura, both Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo agreed to let Kirigakure redeem the ninja sword.

Now, the fog has come.

"There is no problem with redemption, but after all, the two ninja swords are our trophies. If Kirigakure's opening conditions are satisfied, it is not impossible to return the ninja swords to Kirigakure..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't care about this, "What price does Kirigakure plan to pay?"

"Besides, there is one more..."

Before Hatake Sakumo finished speaking, Emiko knocked lightly on the sliding door of the living room, came in and said.

"Deguang-jun, Wei Ming, the head of the Uzumaki family, is here to see you."

"Okay, please come in... Forget it, I will go out to meet him!"

When Uchiha Tokumitsu heard the words, he also got up and prepared to go out to greet him, and Hatake Sakumo also got up to accompany him.

"By the way, what is Kirigakure's other intention?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu remembered what Hatake Sakumo was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Forget it, the whirlpool patriarch is here, let him talk to you..."

Hatake Sakumo said with some distress.

"Suo Mao-jun, why have you become a riddle man?"

Uchiha Toku rolled his eyes at Hatake Sakumo.

"Patriarch Wei Ming, welcome to come!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu introduced Uzumaki Weiming into the living room, and the three sat down in the living room again.

"Mr. Deguang, take the liberty to interrupt at night, but we do have something to discuss, so we have to..." Wei Ming said apologetically.

"Patriarch Wei Ming is being polite..."

After exchanging pleasantries, the two returned to the topic again.

"Today, the Wuyin Mission is here, I don't know if Mr. Deguang knows about it..."

Uzumaki Ashina sighed and said to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Mr. Shuo Mao just mentioned this matter to me. It is said that there is a request to redeem the spoils we seized from Wuyin..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied.

"There is another request..."

Uzumaki Weiming's face was tense, and he said seriously: "Kirigakure wants to use Uzumaki Country as the boundary to re-demarcate the border!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"This request... I thought Kirigakure won the war..."

Both Sakumo Hatake and Ashina Uzumaki looked serious.

"Really? What is Sarutobi's attitude?"

Seeing the serious expressions of the two of them, Uchiha Tokuhiko couldn't help but also frowned, "The old monkey will never be so stupid as to really plan to agree to Kirigakure's conditions!"

"According to the news, after Kirigakure put forward the conditions during the meeting, Hokage-sama's attitude was rather vague..."

Hatake Sakumo lowered his head slightly and replied softly.

The so-called ambiguity means that there is no outright rejection.

That leaves room for speculation.

"Is there any room for negotiation on this kind of thing!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu clicked his tongue, and couldn't help giving Nino a 6 in his heart, "Patriarch Wei Ming, has the old monkey already mentioned this to you? What's his attitude?"

But the Uzumaki Kingdom was once an ally of Konoha. Even if you don’t mention the millennium-old friendship between the Uzumaki Clan and the Senshou Clan, the Uzumaki Clan sent valuable sealing materials after the establishment of Konoha’s village. In the past, they also assisted Konoha in defending the eastern coast In the region, now that the allies are in decline and it is difficult to rely on others, but the old allies of the former allies are used as bargaining chips, how can this not make people angry.

"No one directly mentioned this matter to me, but since I have received such information, it can be seen..."

Uzumaki Weiming didn't even finish his words, so he shook his head and smiled wryly.

Uzumaki Clan chose to get closer to Uchiha Clan after the death of Uzumaki Mito, the ancestor of Uzumaki Clan, and the relationship with Hokage Clan has also become cold, and there is no connection in Konoha's high-level, Uzumaki Wei who is dedicated to teaching the younger generation behind closed doors Ming can get the content of the discussion between Hokage and Kirigakure messenger, which shows that someone deliberately released news to test and see the reaction of the Uzumaki clan.

Although the severely damaged Uzumaki family gave up the Uzumaki country's foundation and joined Konoha.

Although at this time the country of the vortex seems to be a worthless ruin.

Although the Uzumaki family and the Uchiha family are very close, the relationship with the Hokage family is not very good.

But it doesn't mean that Konoha can use Uzumaki's hometown as a bargaining chip to exchange with other ninja villages without even saying hello.

Especially Wu Yin, who has a bloody feud with the Uzumaki clan.

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned even tighter.

"There is no possibility of compromise on this matter!" Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone became cold.

"Sakumo-kun, what's your opinion? Don't forget that Uzumaki Land is the place where mobile troops leave their blood and tears!"

"Perhaps... Hokage-sama is just delaying the attack... After all, Sand Yin and Yun Yin are about to move recently, and the pressure on the border is also very high..." Hatake Sakumo also sighed, "But... the territory of the Uzumaki Kingdom is absolutely endless. Ceded the room with others!"

Hatake Sakumo's heart was also very angry.

Maybe it's not good to refuse outright for a while, maybe it's really out of a plan to slow down the army, but the country of the vortex is the enemy he fought before, and now it is used as a bargaining chip and let the suffering master know about it...

Uzumaki Weiming also had mixed feelings in her heart.

Although the Uzumaki Clan, whose power has been greatly weakened after suffering a major blow, has no possibility of returning to the Uzumaki Country, the Uzumaki Country, Uzushio Ninja Village, and the sea breeze and mountains and rivers are still the ancestral lands of the surviving Uzumaki Clan.Even if he knows that this generation has no chance of realizing the restoration of the country, it is still a concern and a longing after all, and it is the spiritual sustenance of the Uzumaki people.

"The Uzumaki Kingdom is the territory of the Uzumaki Clan. This is an indisputable fact."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Uzumaki: "First of all, no matter what factors the village considers, the Uchiha clan will always be the solid backing of the Uzumaki clan, and will definitely support the legitimate demands of the Uzumaki clan."

"Thank you Uchiha for your support..." Uzumaki Weiming also had a gleam of water in his eyes, bowed his head and bowed down, "We all know that there is no possibility of returning to our ancestral homeland, but we don't want to return to our old homeland either." Falling into the hands of others, especially the enemies of the whirlpool... Otherwise, even if we return to the pure land, we will have no face to face the departed ancestors."

Uchiha Tokumitsu quickly helped Uzumaki Weiming up, and comforted him again.

"Sakumo-kun, if Kirigakure wants to redeem the ninja sword, he must ask for our opinion, and please help us at that time."

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his head and said to Hatake Sakumo.

“This visit was exactly what it was meant to be!”

Hatake Sakumo also agreed very simply.

"However, it is not an option to leave the country of vortex idle. It is better to transfer the garrison camp of the eastern border defense force to the country of vortex..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought about it again, and made a suggestion again, "What does Patriarch Wei Ming think?"

It is also the practice of Konoha's frontier armies to station the camps of the border troops in the neighboring small countries. The purpose is to expand the sphere of influence and influence. country's native land.

But in the past, due to the existence of the country of vortex in the eastern coastal area to help defend, and the eastern border defense force is notoriously weak, the eastern frontier army has always been stationed in the territory of the country of fire.

"Absolutely no opinion!"

Uzumaki Ashina was overjoyed.

If this is feasible, it will be a surprise for Uzumaki Weiming and even Uzumaki Clan.

Even if there is no possibility of returning to the country, if the border troops move to the country of Uzumaki, then the Uzumaki people can occasionally return to their ancestral land to worship.

"How does Shuo Mao-jun feel?"

"This matter is feasible, but the current strength of the eastern border defense force alone is not enough to transfer the main force to the country of the vortex while covering the coastal part..."

Hatake Sakumo thought it was feasible, but also pointed out the difficulties in reality.

"The frontier troops are not strong enough, so they can be reinforced. As long as you have the heart, there is nothing you can't do."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied: "The point is how to make this happen!"

Both Hatake Sakumo and Uzumaki Ashina nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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