Chapter 129
Hatake Sakumo and Uzumaki Weiming entered the Uchiha tribe overnight without avoiding people at all, and the people they met were self-evident.

Therefore, all interested people who care about Konoha's current affairs have received information about the meeting of the three of them.

Kirigakure Mission, Uzumaki Country, Uzumaki Clan, Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo.

After permuting and combining the above vocabulary, the intelligence already has the fundamentals for further research and judgment.

Kirigakure was interested in the country of Uzumaki and sent a mission to discuss it. The Uzumaki clan and Hatake Sakumo, who were dissatisfied with this, approached Uchiha Tokumitsu and the Uchiha clan behind them to jointly reject Kirigakure's request.

Based on intelligence and realistic conditions, although Konoha's middle and high-level leaders and ninja leaders who are concerned about this matter have no way of knowing the specific content of the good talk, it is easy to connect them together based on Konoha's recent current developments and draw a conclusion that is not far from the truth. judge.

The degree of culture and cognition determines the character, behavior and judgment of people and the collective, and the choices are different when faced with choices.

From the perspective of Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation who is used to tactics and interests exchange, as long as the starting point is for Konoha, then there is nothing that cannot be traded. The claim of Uzumaki Kingdom's territory is also based on Konoha's interests, and it is just a delaying strategy when it is necessary to concentrate on facing Sand Hidden and Cloud Hidden who are about to move.

On the several battlefields of the Second Ninja World War, although Konoha successively repelled Yan Yin and Sand Yin, and suppressed Urenin, his record was quite good and he gained a lot. Yin is not very convinced, and faintly has the meaning of preparing the army for another battle.

But Konoha's standing ninja army is not unlimited.

Now the barbarian Yunyin of the Land of Thunder has made a lot of small moves at the border. The son of Hokage, Shinnosuke Sarutobi, and the elite of the Sarutobi clan went to the northern front line. Even if the village still has spare power at this time, it must be reserved as a reserve team to support the northern region. Deal with Yunyin.

Therefore, the east cannot be chaotic.

Therefore, Kirigakure must be steady.

Therefore, the request of the Hidden Fog Mission cannot be rejected outright, at least within a short period of time.

Konoha should try to avoid the siege of the four major ninja villages, and stabilize Kirigakure so that it will not let its troops invade.

In order to avoid causing Kirigakure's "misjudgment", after the demise of Uzumaki, even the "weak" eastern border defense force has not been supplemented and strengthened.

As for Konoha's standing ninja power that has not yet been mobilized, he still plans to save Sarutobi Shinnosuke to support the northern border so that he can make military exploits.

But he habitually ignores the demands of stakeholders and their possible responses.

In the past, when such a situation was encountered, Danzo would come forward to solve it, or Danzang would come to the door to "understand his feelings", or a root ninja would come to his door to "move with reason", so the appeasement policy is as smooth as water Generally unobstructed.

However, now that Danzo has died under the knife of Uchiha Tokumitsu, although the Uzumaki family is usually relatively gentle as a thousand-year-old wealthy ninja, it is definitely not a soft persimmon that is easy to handle, so this time they took the initiative to visit and ask for a joint response. scene.

As Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally also got the information that Uzumaki Ashina and Hatake Sakumo visited Uchiha Tokumitsu overnight.

I just didn't expect the reaction of the three of them to be so great.

Early the next morning, under the order of Tokumitsu Uchiha, the police headquarters dispatched a number of ninja units, including the Special Operations Team and the Quick Response Team, to surround the outside of the hot spring building where the Kirigakure Mission stayed in the name of a safety exercise.

The Eastern District Police Administration also dispatched inspection teams, assault teams and other police teams under the leadership of deputy director Uzumaki Koji to participate in the operation.

Although he did not break into the Anbu control area, the road for Kirigakure to enter and exit the building has been cut off.

The attitudes of the Uchiha clan and the Uzumaki clan are self-evident.

Hatake Sakumo also walked into the Hokage Building alone to meet with the third generation and explained the current demands of the Uzumaki clan.

"Sakumo-kun... If the war with Kirigakure breaks out, the loss of the village will not be as simple as a half-abandoned Uzumaki country. At that time, the ninjas in the village will not know how many people will be killed or injured..."

Hiruzame Sarutobi felt exhausted again.

He didn't expect that it was Hatake Sakumo who came to negotiate this matter with him.

Although he was particularly dissatisfied with Hatake Sakumo's choice to get closer to the Uchiha clan, the third generation still believed that Hatake Sakumo, a firm believer in the will of fire, would not take the initiative to do things that were contrary to the interests of the village.

As for the attitude towards Sakumo Hatake, it is more of a mentality of "learning from past mistakes to save people from future illnesses". I hope that Sakumo Hatake can change his mind. After all, he is still one of the high-end combat forces that the village cannot lack. The best tool to use.

"Although the land of fire is large, there is no spare land; although the land of vortex is destroyed, the homeland cannot be abandoned." Hatake Sakumo did not respond to the words of the third generation, but repeated his point of view again.

This is also the communication method Hatake Sakumo learned from Uchiha Tokumitsu.

As the saying goes, you say what you say and I say what you say mine. No matter how you explain your reasons in a variety of ways, I will always reread my point of view firmly.

And this is also the request of the Uzumaki family.

I don't demand that Konoha can help him restore the country, but I just hope that the country of Uzumaki will not be ceded privately.

"Once the fog hits, the defense forces on the eastern border will be powerless to resist. Under the premise of maintaining the minimum operation of the mission system, the village will not be able to spare more manpower..."

Hiruzame Sarutobi was also particularly helpless.

He can understand that the ninjas in the village have emotions about the appeasement policy, but his behavior is also based on the comprehensive consideration of Konoha's reality and personal selfishness, and it is also helpless to vaguely respond to Kirigakure's request.

Besides, if he really intends to reach an agreement with Kirigakure to divide the Uzumaki country, he will not let the trail and purpose of the Kirigakure mission leak out.

"Hokage-sama, I agree with Uzumaki Clan Chief Wei Ming and Police Department Assistant Chief Uchiha Tokumitsu Jominin." Hatake Sakumo said neither humble nor overbearing: "No matter what the situation is, the Kingdom of Fire and its allies are in charge. We cannot give up even an inch of ground, and I hope Hokage-sama will understand and support you."

"Support... I do support psychologically..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi resignedly lit his pipe, took a puff to suppress the irritability in his heart, "Sakumo-kun, isn't Tokumitsu Jonin always preaching that everything needs to be based on strength? , but the current reality is that the village is simply unable to cope with the challenges of the Four Great Ninja Villages at the same time, so this trick was taken to stabilize Kirigakure..."

"The Uzumaki country is Konoha's staunch ally, and the Uzumaki family is the family of Lord Hashirama's wife. It is a shame for us to fail to defend the Uzumaki country. It would be even more shameful to let Kirigakure take over Uzumaki's old land again." !" Hatake Sakumo's attitude still did not soften, "Nowadays Konoha Kaminin's uniform still has Uzumaki's logo on it, I wait for the younger generation to not let the ancestors be ashamed again!"

"It's just to hold back Kirigakure's plan to delay the attack..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi explained again, but saw that Hatake Sakumo was still determined, so he didn't continue.

Leaning back in the chair, he closed his eyes and smoked his pipe.

The Hokage office once again fell into deathly silence.

"...If I hand over the eastern region and the entire border force to you, can you stop the fog?"

After a while, Hiruzaru Sarutobi said suddenly.

"Not at the moment, the Ninja Army must be strengthened."

Hatake Sakumo also said without hesitation.

"In terms of supplies, you can meet your needs anyway, as long as it's not too much..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, smoked a pipe while calculating the strength comparison with Kirigakure, "How much additional ninja do you want?"

"The more the better." Hatake Sakumo was also concise.

"The more the better..." Hiruza Sarutobi couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard the words, "Sakumo-kun, as the leader of the ninja squad, you should know the current situation in the village. There are still so many ninja soldiers for you there!"


Hatake Sakumo said.

At the end, I added a sentence: "The family ninja of the ninja."


Sarutobi Hiruzen III had mixed feelings in his heart.

Konoha's ninja clan does still have strength, and it is enough to support a war in the direction of a ninja village.

But the ninjas are all greedy. If they want to hand over their family ninjas to accept the deployment of the village to fight, the price they need to pay is really painful.

Before the war, for the purpose of weakening the power of the ninja to a limited extent, he, Danzo, Zhuanju Koharu, and Mitomonyan had already convened a ninja meeting, and after paying a huge price, they mobilized a large number of family ninjas fight for the village.

But the power of the ninja did not weaken much, but instead allowed the freak Uchiha Tokumitsu to rise up.

Now Uchiha Tokumitsu is as imposing as Rainbow Tail, and he also set up an ambush to kill Danzo and destroy the roots in one fell swoop, causing the third Sarutobi Hiruzen's power to suffer a heavy loss, so when it comes to ninja, he reflexively wants to oppose it.

But fortunately, he controlled himself.

"Sakumo-kun, if too many ninja ninjas are directly rated as ninja ranks, other ninjas in the village will have opinions..."

After hesitating for a while, Hiruzen Sarutobi still expressed his difficulties, "Besides, after the war, the village doesn't have so many financial resources to exchange with the ninja..."

"You can issue an IOU first, and then use the financial resources of the losing party to pay compensation to the ninjas after the war is over."

Hatake Sakumo said so.

"Which ninja is willing to accept such a condition!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, couldn't help feeling anxious when he heard the words.

"The Uchiha clan and the Uzumaki clan are willing!"

Hatake Sakumo replied firmly.

"If the number of ninjas continues to expand, the village will not be able to provide so many resources..."

"What you lose is from the ninja, and what you get from other villages. You only need to defeat the visiting enemies, and you can bring them over no matter what happens next."

"War reparations..."

Now Sarutobi Hiruzen III had nothing to say.

"Then let's hold the ninja meeting again."

After smoking his pipe again, Hiruzaru Sarutobi agreed to conscript the family ninja again.

It's just that he doesn't know how many family ninjas he can recruit to fight in such a reckless manner.

"Thank you Hokage-sama for your support, I will do my best to ensure that the Kingdom of Fire and its allies will not lose any territory under their jurisdiction!"

Hatake Sakumo stood up and agreed generously.

"The mission of Kirigakure let them go."

Without raising his head, Hiruzen Sarutobi gave a reason, "Even if the two sides officially declare war, don't rashly punish the envoy of the other party."

"As ordered!"

Hatake Sakumo stood up and solemnly agreed.

Then he left the Hokage office.


"Mr. Deguang~"

After leaving the Hokage Building, the first thing Hatake Sakumo did was to find Uchiha Tokumitsu.


Uchiha Tokumitsu asked with great interest.

"Hokage-sama has decided not to continue to test the Kirigakure mission." Hatake Sakumo said: "At the same time, in order to deal with the possible attack of Kirigakure, I will be the commander of the eastern region..."

"Deguang-jun, I hope to get your support!"

"I said it last night...we are allies, and the Uchiha clan will fully support the actions of the allies."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also clearly expressed his attitude, giving Hatake Sakumo a reassurance.

"In addition, a ninja contact meeting will be held in the near future to discuss recruiting family ninjas from the ninja to fight..."

Hatake Sakumo lowered his figure and revealed the news to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"That's a good thing!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu is happy to see it succeed.

"Also, Naruto-sama also agreed to provide corresponding financial and material support after the war to the ninjas who are willing to fight..."

Although I don't understand why Uchiha Tokumitsu solemnly asked himself to make this suggestion that is obviously unfavorable to the ninja in private, Hatake Sakumo still told Uchiha Tokumitsu the news.

"very good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snapped his fingers happily.

Taking war indemnity as the subject matter, and the materials and funds that originally needed to be allocated to the various ninja clans will be paid separately after the war. From the perspective of the village, it is beneficial anyway; After the war is over, the prices of war materials will inevitably fall, so the funds needed for the village will naturally decrease a lot.

If it weren't for knowing Uchiha Tokumitsu's past style, Hatake Sakumo would almost think that Uchiha Tokumitsu is a noble and pure agent of Konoha Fire's will that broke away from low-level tastes.

But in Uchiha Tokumitsu's view, the IOU issued by the village, combined with his previous financial knowledge, may be able to toss a lot of tricks.

"Then what about the fog?"

"...Not to kill the envoys is a rule that has been passed down from the time of Lord Hashirama to this day. Even if you disagree with Kirigakure's request, you don't have to directly persecute them, just deport them all..."

"It's cheap for them."

Uchiha Tokumitsu clicked his tongue and called in a police ninja, "Go and inform Deputy Director Koji of the Eastern Police Agency that Hokage-sama has decided not to hold talks with Kirigakure, and now plans to deport all of them from the country. Please, the deputy director of Kangzhi immediately arrange personnel to execute it!"

"As ordered!"

The police department ninja was ordered to leave.

Hatake Sakumo smiled wryly.

Let the Uzumaki people, who have a bloody feud with Wuyin Ninja Village, expel the Wuyin mission group, I am afraid that the war will not start.

(End of this chapter)

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