Chapter 136
Uchiha Tokumitsu swung a knife like a lumberjack to split the exoskeleton protection of a Kaguya ninja who was seriously injured and fell to the ground with bony spurs all over his body, and then beheaded him like a saw.

The katana, which had accompanied him in the north and south of the war since the beginning of the war, was also full of gaps due to high-frequency and high-intensity swings and collisions.

It was so good that a knife was born, and after this battle it became a hand saw.

The war is over, except for three of the Kaguya Ninja Army who were seriously injured and captured, the rest fell under the sword of the Uchiha Ninja Army, and the [-] or so Kirigakure ninjas accompanying the army collapsed immediately after Kaguya Ninja lost all of them. and flee.

Uchiha Tokumitsu is also not interested in arranging for his ninjas to hunt down.

After all, fighting across the sea has never been the home of Uchiha, who specializes in fire escape.

"Kaguya's bones are really hard..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out the seal scroll from the scroll sleeve of the Jonin uniform, took out a spare short knife again, and swung it, but it didn't feel like the commonly used Kodachi.

"The Kaguya clan claims to be number one in close combat with Kirigakure, but they still fell under the sword of the brave Lord Deguang..."

Uchiha Jonin on the side complimented him.

In this battle, Uchiha Tokumitsu showed his own strength to the fullest and completely convinced all the Uchiha people who participated in the battle.

"The damage to the tribe is not small..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked around the battlefield back and forth, and sighed a little sadly.

In this battle, 22 Uchiha people were killed, all of whom were at the Chunin level; 49 people were injured, and two of them were Jonin.

Three of the twelve Hinata ninjas gathered and returned to the team died in this battle.

That said, the Uchiha Ninja Army lost nearly half of their combatants, at least until the wounded healed.

"But there are also thirteen tribesmen who broke through and awakened the Sangouyu Sharingan in this battle. This is the greatest joy."

Uchiha Jonin said seriously: "Master Tokumitsu, it is true that the life of every clansman is precious, and your pity also moved us, but Sangoudama's Jonin is the most precious elite of the family..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu had no intention of discussing the right or wrong of this kind of thinking based entirely on power, but just nodded slightly noncommittal.

Under Uzumaki Ninja's medical ninjutsu treatment, the injured Uchiha Ninja quickly regained his ability to move. Although his face was still pale and his combat effectiveness dropped sharply, he would not become a burden to the Ninja Army.

"Speed ​​up and clean the battlefield! We're about to move!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned.


The Uchiha ninjas responded together, speeding up to clear the battlefield and laying traps.

"Lord Deguang..."

A Hinata ninja stepped forward and bowed in salute.

"Xiuhong Jonin, have you discovered the enemy's situation?"

Hyuga Shuhiro is one of the Hyuga ninja leader ninja who was ordered to join the Uzumaki country theater to assist in the implementation of military reconnaissance missions.

"Relay report ahead, Kirigakure Ninja Ghost Lamp Division is heading towards the headquarters, please judge."

"Where's Kirigakure Honjin in the northwest?" Uchiha Tokumitsu asked with a frown.

"The main formation of Kirigakure is advancing to the hinterland of the country of vortex, and no abnormal dispatch has been found."

Hiroshi Hinata replied.

"Get ready to transfer, you are the guide going south, we are going to ambush the Wuyin Ninja Army of the Ghost Lamp Department!"

"As ordered!"

Shuhiro Hyuga bowed again and retreated, and called the Hinata ninjas under his command to disperse and dispatch for preset battlefield surveillance.

In order to grasp as much as possible every move on the Uchiha Kingdom's battlefield, Uchiha Tokumitsu distributed sixty Hinata ninjas throughout the Uzumaki Kingdom, and they provided timely information to the Uchiha Ninja Army in charge of combat.

The reporting of intelligence is carried out in the form of relay transmission by multiple people.

That is, after each Hyuga ninja discovers the enemy's situation, he will set up a corresponding code mark at the designated location, and after the Hyuga ninjas in the rear find the code mark, they will set up the code mark one by one to convey information to the combat headquarters.

Although doing so will cause the same information to be sent back multiple times, the efficiency is a bit lower, but it can ensure that all the dynamics of Kirigakure are under the control of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

After a while, the Uchiha Ninja Army finished clearing the battlefield and gathered in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu to listen to the instructions.

"The next combat mission is to go south to ambush the Wugakure Ninja Army of the Ghost Lamp Department!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said solemnly: "Leave immediately in 5 minutes! Now prepare for the battle!"

"As ordered!"

The Uchiha ninjas bowed their heads and shouted, and quickly checked and replenished combat supplies.

"The injured clansmen don't need to participate in the first batch of battles..." Uchiha Tokumitsu said to the 69 injured Uchiha ninjas, "I have other arrangements for your battle sequence."

Then he said to Uzumaki Ninja: "At that time, I would like to ask you to help set up a concealed barrier..."

"It is an honor to serve you."

Uzumaki Ninja bowed and said hurriedly.

After dividing the injured Uchiha ninja into the second combat echelon, Uchiha Tokumitsu can only devote 70 combat forces in the battle, of which [-] are jounin.

"If you fly a kite after the ambush, it should be okay..."

After taking out the map, Uchiha Tokumitsu quickly determined two preset battlefields based on the northward route of the Fog Hidden Ghost Light Department.

Among them, the main battlefield is located on the northward route side of the Fog Hidden Ghost Lantern Department. Three Uzumaki ninjas will set up a concealed barrier, and send a team disguised as a team to lure the enemy. If the enemy is expelled by a small ninja army, they will eat them If most of them attack, the ambush troops will attack them, and then immediately leave the battle and withdraw to the second position where the wounded are stationed.

Although I feel a little sorry for letting the clansman be injured and go into battle, this is also Uchiha Tokumitsu's helpless move in order to maximize the fighting power of the ninja army he has mastered.

"Master Tokumitsu, there are three Kaguya's captives, how can I arrange them?" A Uchiha jounin stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "If we want to transfer the battle now, should we just take them..."

After speaking, he made a gesture of chopping with a knife.

Uchiha Tokumitsu understood what he meant, thought for a while and decided to keep these Kaguya prisoners, "Leave them to the second combat echelon to take them, and arrange a wounded person to watch them."

"And... the Kaguya people who are willing to be captives are too precious." Uchiha Tokumitsu said to the Uchiha Jonin who tried to kill the captives: "They should not be so brainless, but if they try to resist or If you escape, you will be killed immediately on the spot!"

"As ordered!"

Uchiha Shinobu made him leave.

"Kaguya..." Uchiha Tokumitsu led his subordinates to set off while thinking about how to make full use of these Kaguya clansmen.

"Lord Deguang!"

A Uchiha ninja suddenly exclaimed.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was about to be reprimanded, but looking in the direction his arm was pointing to, he saw three huge red smoke columns rising from the west of the Uzumaki Land and the east of the Fire Land.

"Sakumo Hatake..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu breathed a sigh of relief.

This signal represents that the ninja coalition forces under Sakumo Hatake on the other side of the strait have successfully landed and joined.

Seeing this, the Uchiha Ninja Army's morale was greatly boosted.

Uchiha Tokumitsu summoned a slightly injured clansman casually, and told him: "Go quickly to Sakumo's ninja army and inform him of the news of the headquarters. I will return to the division and attack the watermelon mountain puffer ghost with him after defeating the Kirigakure ghost lamp department." of the formation!"

Uchiha Ninja was ordered to leave, and Uchiha De Halo looked around and ordered:
"Gentlemen, follow me south to blitz Wuyin!"


The commander of the Fog Hidden Ghost Lantern Department, Ghost Lantern Shui Tai, led his men along the coastline to the north with great concern.

Although the landing place he chose was in the southern waters of the Kaguya Department, the distance was not too far. Before the division of troops, the two Ninja armies also agreed that Ninja Eagles would contact and exchange information.

Although the Kaguya clan is rebellious, but as ninjas, they also know the importance of information, so they also agreed to this agreement.

However, the contact between the two parties was only after Kaguyabe issued the first ninja eagle notice to encounter the Uchiha ninja army, and there was no news, even the few ninja eagles he released did not reply.

"What the hell is Kaguya's lunatic doing..."

According to the liaison requirements of the Ninja Army during combat, personnel should be assigned to be responsible for intelligence liaison full-time, and intelligence liaison personnel will not be allowed to participate in the battle even when fighting.

But after all, this time the Kaguya family is famous for their madness, no one knows what kind of situation these crazy guys will make.

It would be fine if it was any other time, but Kaguyabe also released Ninja Hawk to announce that he was fighting with the Uchiha Ninja Army, and then there was no news...

Therefore, either the Kaguya tribe was fighting and sent intelligence liaison officers into the battlefield, so it was too late to reply;

However, the high altitude where Ninja Hawk flies is a height beyond the reach of most ninjutsu in the ninja world, and according to information records, the Uchiha clan does not have flying ninjutsu and ultra-long-distance strike ninjutsu, so the current situation of Kaguya Ninjutsu is only The remaining two possibilities are fighting and the destruction of the whole army.

Guideng Shuitai kept thinking about various possible situations, and the more he thought about it, the more anxious he became, the corners of his mouth were almost bubbling.

He hastily took out a water bottle and drank a few sips "gurgling" to replenish his water.

"The sun is going to kill you!"

Looking up at the scorching sun, Guideng Shuitai cursed non-stop.

Although the secret technique of hydration passed down by the ghost lamp clan has greatly strengthened the water escape talent of its clansmen, and after successful practice, they can also be immune to most physical attacks through hydration of the body, but it also brings the flaw of fear of thunder and heat.

It didn't matter in the perennial smoggy country of water, but now marching on the coast of the vortex country, with no shelter along the way, exposed to the sun, the ninja of the ghost lamp family felt that he was about to suffer from heat stroke.

"Huo Dun · head hard!"

"Fire Escape: The Art of Huo Huo Dragon!"

Suddenly, six Uchiha ninjas jumped out of the forest on the left side of Kirigakure Ninja Army, and jointly performed ninjutsu to attack.

Caught off guard, several chunin from the Kirigakure ninja army on the left wing were hit head-on by the fire ninjutsu, and they turned into charred corpses before they could scream.

The Kirigakure ninja army on the left wing, who was in charge of vigilance, immediately rushed towards the attacking Uchiha ninja.

The six Uchiha ninjas threw out a lot of ninja tools and immediately turned and retreated, and another figure in Konoha ninja costume also retreated quickly in the forest.

"You bastard! What use are you for!"

Suitai the Ghost Lamp pulled past the sentient ninja and was about to be beaten up.

"Master Shuitai, forgive me! It's the vortex!" The perception ninja quickly shouted, "It's the vortex ninja that blocked my perception!"

"Url..." Ghost Lamp Suitai noticed Konoha Ninja retreating alone.

Since it is the Uzumaki family, it is reasonable to be obscured.

Guideng Shuitai threw away the perception ninja casually, and ordered: "Chasing immediately, I want to capture that Uzumaki ninja alive!"

As soon as the order was given, a Kirigakure Jōnin led his troops to chase after him.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

There were bursts of explosions and the screams of Kirigakure ninjas in the forest.

"The left-wing chasing ninja stepped on a trap!"

The perception ninja beside Suitai immediately reported.

"You talk too much!"

Ghost lamp Shuitai was very angry, and knocked the perception ninja to the ground with a slap.

"The second and third detachments pursue immediately!"

Immediately, nearly two hundred Kirigakure ninjas gathered as a whole team and quickly entered the forest to hunt down the attackers.

At this time, Tokumitsu Uchiha led twelve Jōnin to hide in the forest. The dense branches and leaves covered the figure, and the enchantment of the Uzumaki ninja blocked the long-range detection of the sensing ninja.


Uchiha Deguang saw the Uzumaki ninja who was fleeing in embarrassment and the Uchiha ninja who was fighting and retreating from a distance.

There are about 20 people who are entangled with the Uchiha ninjas, and there are more than two hundred Kirigakures hanging not far behind.

After a while, the Uzumaki ninja who was running away at full speed passed by, and the retreat speed of the Uchiha ninja became slower and slower.


Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand and jumped out of the bushes first.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

A condensed chakra fireball spewed out from Uchiha Tokuhika's mouth, and immediately turned into a sea of ​​flames against the wind, instantly igniting a forest in front of him.


Kirigakure, who was chasing the Uchiha ninja in the first wave, didn't have time to stop and change direction, and fell headlong into the flames.

"Fire Escape: The Art of Huo Huo Dragon!"

The Uchiha ninjas performed ninjutsu together, and one after another fire dragons rushed into the flames, burning the Kirigakure ninja who had just escaped from the flames into coke.

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

The Kirigakure ninjas chasing from the rear all used water escape ninjutsu to protect and tried to extinguish the sea of ​​fire in front of them.


Uchiha Tokumitsu is not fond of fighting.

Anyway, a lot of interceptions and ambushes were set up along the way, and some of them had the opportunity to fight with Wuyin slowly.

Under the bombardment of the water escape ninjutsu of more than two hundred Wuyin, the flames were quickly extinguished.

At this time, dozens of Kirigakure ninjas came around from the side of the sea of ​​fire, trying to outflank.

Uchiha Tokumitsu quickly led his troops back.

At this time, Uzumaki Ninja could no longer see his figure, and should have reached another ambush location for cover.

"Send a signal! Inform the main team that Uchiha Tokumitsu has been found!"

Among Kirigakure's chasing troops, a Jōnin shouted loudly.

Immediately, two flares, one red and one yellow, rose up.

At the same time, there are a lot of various water escape ninjutsu hitting the Uchiha ninjutsu.

"Uchiha Flame Array!"

The eight Uchiha Jonin teamed up to launch the Uchiha secret enchantment technique.

A wall of fire rises from the ground.Blocked Kirigakure's ninjutsu bombardment.

But the firewall didn't last long before it was broken by massive water escape ninjutsu.

But this time is enough for the Uchiha Ninja Army to avoid the blow of Water Dun and run farther.

Shuitai, a ghost lamp lined up by the sea, jumped up immediately when he saw the signal flare.

"All members of the headquarters follow me to hunt down!"

"This battle must wipe out the Uchiha's troops in one fell swoop. After five days, I will take you back to the village to receive the reward!"

The Kirigakure ninja followed the commander into the forest howling like wild beasts.

 I am on a business trip today, and I am still on the high-speed rail at this time, so I can only make an update...

(End of this chapter)

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