Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 137 Take time to make time for Xu Rulin

Chapter 137 Take time to make time for Xu Rulin
The numerous ambushes set up by Uchiha Tokumitsu dealt a huge blow to the pursuing Kirigakure Ninja Army.

Thanks to the shielding effect of the Uzumaki ninja seal barrier, the Uchiha ninja who fought and retreated always jumped out of places unexpected by the Kirigakure ninja, either by ninjutsu bombardment, ninja projection, or After killing with the blade, causing a certain amount of damage to the Kirigakure ninja army, he didn't want to fight, and immediately ran away.

After the first two ambushes, Kirigakure still accelerated his pursuit angrily, intending to go up to show these Uchihas who disregarded the glory of the ninja clan a look, but with the killings caused by multiple ambushes, even the dullest Kirigakure also felt that something was wrong.

There were more than 200 ninjas in the two detachments of Kirigakure who carried out the first round of pursuit. After being weakened by layers of ambushes, there were only about 130 people left. The rest were either killed by ambushes or injured and left behind.

You know, there are only about [-] people in the Kirigakure Ninja Ghost Lamp Division.

"Master Shuitai! There is an ambush ahead!"

The commander of the Kirigakure Ninja Army, Kidou Mizutai, led his troops in pursuit with a blank face. The corpses of Kirigakure that fell everywhere along the way made him feel extremely gloomy, and the perception ninja beside him who was bluffing in front of the Uzumaki ninja would only be an afterthought was even more so. It made him want to kill.

"To shut up!"

Guideng Shuitai snapped angrily.

If this brainless perception ninja is allowed to pull it off, it is estimated that the Kirigakure ninja army in the headquarters will start to desert!
"Boom boom boom!!"

In front of Suitai the ghost lamp, the second and third detachments of Kirigakure, who were in charge of chasing Uchiha in the first wave, heard the sound of detonating symbols exploding in succession.

"Master Shuitai..."

Guideng Shuitai's cronies and staff members came up and said worriedly: "I have a suggestion..."


Ghost lamp Shuitai was in a very bad mood.

The explosion sound of the detonating symbol in front means that more than one Kirigakure ninja will either die or be injured.

Although Kideng Shuitai has never been a ninja who is sympathetic to low sentiments, at this moment, even the worst ninja is one of the current sources of confidence.

And as more and more corpses of Kirigakure ninjas fell along the way, Guideng Shuitai's confidence became less and less.

"How about... Let the second and third detachments stop the pursuit first, and make plans after reuniting with the headquarters..." The voice of the trusted staff member was very low, because these remarks belonged to naked "cowardly enemies" in Kirigakure.

Guideng Shuitai's heart moved, and his eyes moved to the perception ninja who seemed calm and composed as if he hadn't heard anything.

"Let's issue the order..." Onito Suitai was silent for a while, and then said: "Only by concentrating the strength of the ninja army can we better attack those shameless Uchihas!"

An urgently assembled signal flare rose up immediately.

The second and third detachments of Kirigakure, who were in charge of the pursuit, breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately switched to a garrison formation.

"Looks like Kirigakure finally woke up..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also returned to the preset frontal combat position. After seeing Kirigakure's signal flare, he smiled and said to the people around him.

"Kirigakure's team's combat ability is indeed good, but compared with Tokumitsu-sama's strategy of fighting in formation, it is really inferior..." The Uchiha ninja under his command was also very knowledgeable, and immediately sent a clever flattery.

"Get ready, Kirigakure will still attack."

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered with a smile. ,

"As ordered!"


After the Wuyin Ghost Lanterns reunited, they reorganized their formation again.

During the pursuit process, the second and third detachments strangled by the Uchiha ninja army were thrown behind the combat formation as a reserve team, replaced by the fully organized fourth and fifth detachments as the main force on the front line. The first detachment where the clansmen are located serves as the backbone.

The fourth and fifth detachments of Wuyin are complete in combat strength, and the search speed along the way is also very fast.

But there was no trace of the Uchiha Ninja Army.

Not to mention those elusive ambushes.

It seems that Uchiha disappeared without a trace in an instant after the assembly and reorganization of the Kirigakure Ghost Light Department.

The fourth and fifth detachments of Kirigakure thought that Uchiha was afraid of them, so their morale became stronger, and the speed of search and pursuit became faster.

"Master Shuitai!"

Kirigakure sensed the ninja suddenly took a deep breath, and shouted in panic.


Onito Suitai stared sullenly at this uninterested sentient ninja.


The perception ninja stammered.

"35 degrees southwest, about three kilometers away..."

"Command the ministries!"

Ghost Light Shuitai immediately issued an order loudly, "Get ready for battle! Annihilate the Uchiha in one fell swoop, and return to the village triumphantly to receive the reward!"


"Yuyin is about three kilometers away from the headquarters, and arrives at the preset battlefield within about 2 minutes!"

Next to Uchiha Tokumitsu, Hinata Shuhiro reported the battlefield situation in time, "The number is less than 400!"

"Less than 400 people..." Uchiha Tokumitsu was very satisfied with the results of the sniping along the way.

With the Uchiha ninja army nearly intact, it is very cost-effective to weaken about one-fifth of the fighting power of the Kirigakure Ghost Light Department.

If it weren't for the purpose of destroying the ghost lamp department as soon as possible to transfer the ninja army and Hatake Sakumo's ninja army to attack the Xiguashan puffer ghost, Uchiha Tokumitsu would not choose to fight head-on.

However, even in a frontal battle, Uchiha Tokumitsu is still very confident in dealing with the mere [-] Kirigakures after completing the preset battlefield layout.


Hinata Xiuhong said urgently.

But even if he didn't say anything, Uchiha Ninja also saw Kirigakure's figure.

Nearly [-] Kirigakure ninjas rushed on the treetops, undisguisedly showing their intention to encircle and annihilate, and quickly pressed towards the Uchiha ninja army in the formation of Yanyue formation.

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked back at the tribe under his command.

The Uchiha ninjas looked calm, as if the enemies in front of them were four times as many as their own, just some wooden stakes for practicing knives.

Kirigakure was getting closer, and their ninjutsu handprints could already be clearly seen.

Uchiha Tokumitsu casually formed a "Yin" seal on his left hand.

I silently calculated the distance between Kirigakure's march and the preset battlefield.

"The technique of multiplying the detonating talisman—"


"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!"

As soon as the entire army of the Kirigakure Ghost Light Division entered the preset battlefield, the psychic detonating talisman originally embedded by Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately ignited and detonated under the urging of the mutual detonating talisman technique. The people who bombed were thrown off their feet and suffered heavy casualties.

"This... what's going on here!"

Ghost lamp Shuitai turned pale with fright, pulled the perception ninja over, and asked viciously: "Didn't you say that there was no ambush! Your perception ninjutsu eats shit!"

About Uchiha Tokumitsu's technique of mutual multiplication and detonation charms, after the battle of Uzumaki, the corresponding information was learned by Kirigakure, and the reason why Onito Mizuyasu swung his army straight to the Uchiha Ninja Army's main formation , it was because the perception ninjas scanned the battlefield and confirmed that there was no abnormality before launching the attack.

"My lord...maybe it's the whirlpool..."


A short knife pierced through Sensing Ninja's left chest, turned it unrepentantly, and smashed his heart into pieces.

"Water...big..." The perception ninja mumbled, but the boundless darkness quickly covered his sight.

Guideng Shuitai withdrew his dagger expressionlessly, shook off the blood on the blade, and kicked away the sentient ninja's body.

Even though the surroundings were in chaos, no one reported the casualties to him, but just from the continuous, deafening explosions of the detonating symbols and the wailing of Kirigakure ninjas one after another, he knew that the casualties were absolutely terrible.

Uchiha Tokumitsu swung his sword forward with his right hand, and the Uchiha ninja army on the left and right immediately separated 60 people, spread out from the two wings, and rushed towards the Kirigakure ninja army like a tiger descending a mountain.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, on the other hand, stood on the spot and continued to urge the technique of mutual riding and detonating charms.

The continuous detonating talisman explosions not only severely damaged the ninja army of the Kirigakure Ghost Lamp Department, but also completely disrupted the Yanyue formation, and the Kirigakure ninjas only cared about avoiding the detonating talismans, and the combat command among the teams was completely confused.

Although Guideng Shuitai had no expression on his face, his mood at this moment was as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

The original ninja army of more than 500 people, after being weakened by the Uchiha ninja army's attacks and killings, managed to gather 400 people, but they suffered heavy losses before they entered the battlefield and began to fight head-on.

"Assault with me..."

Guideng Shuitai said a few words, and then launched a desperate charge with dozens of people who had finally gathered together.

Although it may be too late to retreat and escape at this time, the glory of the ghost lamp clan does not allow him to do such a shameful thing.

Uchiha Tokumitsu leaned on the handle of the knife and continued to urge the explosion of the detonating talisman. As the Uchiha ninja army on the two wings advanced, the explosion area of ​​the psychic detonating talisman was slowly reduced, and the chaotic Kirigakure ninja army was powerless at all. Resist the footsteps of Uchiha's killing.


Tokumitsu Uchiha noticed dozens of shattered Kirigakure ninjas rushing out of the smoke in the blast zone.

From the point of view of the formation, it was not a mindless escape, but coming towards his own formation.

"It's really courageous..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed: "Although Kirigakure's command is a mess, but in terms of bloody and brave battles, it really does not fall into the name of the Five Great Ninja Villages."

Uchiha Tokumitsu made a gesture to stop the assault ninja's return aid, and pulled out the long knife stuck in the ground with his right hand.

"Masters..." Uchiha De Halo looked around and greeted with a smile: "Follow me to kill the enemy!"


The Uchiha Ninja Army, Hyuga Ninja, and Uzumaki Ninja also raised their arms and shouted.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was the first to jump up and kill the Kirigakure Ninja Army.

At the same time, his left hand changed from Yin Yin to a fist, detonating all the pre-buried detonating symbols in one breath.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Ghost lamp Shuitai ignored the violent explosion sound rising again behind him, but stared blankly at the oncoming Uchiha Tokumitsu as he marched.

In Kirigakure's information, there is a detailed analysis of Uchiha Tokumitsu, from the Battle of Iwagakure in the Country of Grass, the Battle of Uzushio in the Country of Uzumaki, and the Battle of Sand Hidden in the Country of Kawa, all the battles about Tokumitsu Uchiha Everything is available. Before the war, the Kirigakure Intelligence Department also sent Uchiha Tokumitsu's intelligence analysis and countermeasures to the ninjas in charge.

It's just that after the battle, all the intelligence and analysis are completely useless, and the Kirigakure ninja army is still beaten and died in a daze.

Ghost Light Suitai didn't do what he thought, he just hoped that he could bite off a piece of Uchiha Tokumitsu's flesh in a desperate fight!

"Water Escape·Water and Iron Cannon Art!"

Ghost Lamp Shuitai preemptively strikes, the fingers of both hands are compared to guns, and streams of water cannons are shot from the fingers towards Hikaru Uchiha.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was fearless, and immediately formed a seal to run the chakra, his mouth swelled, and a group of extremely condensed fire chakra was sprayed out, which immediately turned into a sea of ​​flames and rolled towards the remnant of the ghost lamp Suitai.

"Earth Escape Earth Formation Wall!"

The Uchiha ninja beside him pressed his hands to the ground, summoning a wall of earth to block the attacks of a small number of water and iron cannons passing through the sea of ​​flames.

"Fire Escape: The Art of Huo Huo Dragon!"

A team of Uchiha jouninjutsu leaped onto the earthen wall and performed ninjutsu strikes at the Kirigakure ninja who had just passed through the sea of ​​flames in embarrassment.

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

The Kirigakure ninja, who was determined to die, also crazily suppressed the chakra in the extracted body, and used ninjutsu to deal with it regardless of consumption.

"Uchiha! How dare you fight me!"

Guideng Shuitai hissed and roared, his eyes were about to burst.

"Then I'll send you to die!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu jumped off the earth wall and killed Suitai the Ghost Lamp.

As for the subordinates of the two, they also wisely avoided the battlefield where the two commanding leaders fought, and chose to fight with the opponent's ninja army.

The purple flames of Yandun had already risen and enveloped the whole body, and the power of Yandun on the ninja sword wound around like a dragon snake.

Ordinary physical attacks may not be useful to the ghost lamp clansmen who master the hydration secret technique, but after adding the power of fire escape, if the ghost lamp Suitai dares to use the hydration technique without dodging or blocking Uchiha Tokuko's attack, then It is bound to be burned to death by the force of flame escape,

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Flame Slash!"

A huge sword light swung out, almost splitting the ghost lamp Shuitai in half.

"Mist Concealed Flow Dancing Wave Sword!"

Ghost Lamp Suitai did not show any weakness, and also urged Chakra to turn into a huge wave, rolling towards Uchiha Tokuko's Yandu sword energy.


Water and fire are excited together, causing a violent explosion.

The water vapor diffused all at once.

"Fog Hidden Technique!"

Ghost lamp Shuitai immediately performed ninjutsu and exhaled a thick mist of water.

"Let you see Kirigakure's silent killing technique!"

"Small tricks!" Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered and closed his sword
"Fire Escape, Dust Hidden Technique!"

A cloud of high-temperature smoke and dust rushed out of Uchiha Tokumitsu's mouth.

The high-temperature smoke and dust and the mist of the fog concealment technique blended and offset each other, and amidst the sound of chakra explosions, the ghost lamp water moon's fog concealment technique was easily broken.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Leap Slash!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu found Onitou Suitai who was about to stealthily attack, the power of Ninja Sword gathered and condensed, jumped up, and slashed at Onitou Suitai.

Seeing the situation, Guideng Shuitai greeted him with a knife without showing any sign of weakness.

The two of you come and go, swords and swords chopping endlessly.

"Suffer to death!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu cut off Onidou Suitai's weapon with a single sword, and Onidou Suitai's middle door was wide open immediately showing his flaws, and then quickly retracted the knife and swung it away from bottom to top.

In the panic, Suitai had no time to close the knife, so he barely stopped his staggering pace and jumped back, but his left arm was still cut off by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Stimulated by the severe pain, the corners of Guideng Shuitai's mouth twitched, but a cruel grin appeared on his face.

"Finally caught you..."

The severed hand that fell on the ground turned into a ball of water and entangled Uchiha Tokumitsu's right foot.

"Steam danger..."

"Kaleidoscope, magic, and hang art!"

In Uchiha Tokuka's eyes, the three-god jade turned rapidly, turning into a kaleidoscope Sharingan, and launched an illusion at the grinning Ghost Lamp Suitai.

Guideng Shuitai's body froze immediately, and his smirking face froze immediately.

And after losing control, the water ball that entangled Uchiha Tokumitsu's right foot also dissipated immediately.

"Uchiha Ryu · Sun Halo Dance!"

The turbulent sword energy cut the ghost lamp Shuitai, who was still in a sluggish state, into a blood mist.

"This is...the legendary kaleidoscope..."

Immediately, Ghost Lamp Shuitai's consciousness fell into endless darkness.

"In front of Uchiha Sharingan, everything is vulnerable!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted twice, and then continued to kill the defeated Kirigakure Ninja Army.

(End of this chapter)

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