Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 143 Congxin's Shark Muscle

Chapter 143 Congxin's Shark Muscle

Among the seven ninja knives of Kirigakure, the most peculiar one should be the big sword Sharkis.

This is a ninja sword with a certain self-awareness.

From the appearance point of view, the shark muscle is not so much a ninja sword, but a special spindle-shaped ninja tool.

Can absorb chakra and feed back to
After being unsealed from the sealed scroll, the shark muscle covered with the sealed spell on the handle of the knife lay flat on the table, but it looked a bit half-dead.

Without a bandage, the body of the shark muscle was lying limply on the table, the mouth at the top was grinning, and a pink tongue stuck out droopingly.

It looks like a salted fish.

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned.

This thing seems to be in bad shape!

I can't die!

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out a kunai from the ninja bag, and tentatively poked Sharkis' tongue.


Immediately after the shark muscle was stimulated, he retracted his tongue, and his body also became straight.

Even the messy barbs on the back combed themselves very neatly.

"...Although Gadget has no morals, he is quite knowledgeable about current affairs."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was amused.

It's just that this ninja sword doesn't know if Kirigakure's seal scroll can be summoned back, so it has to be handled by the Uzumaki ninja who is proficient in sealing techniques.

Uchiha Tokumitsu rang the bell again to summon the Uzumaki Ninja who was with the army.

After a while, five Uzumaki ninjas rushed to the Chinese military tent where Uchiha Tokumitsu was.

"Good day, Lord Deguang!"

The five Uzumaki ninjas all bowed to Uchiha Tokumitsu. Looking at the big sword, shark muscle, and the dense sealing technique on the handle, they also guessed Uchiha Tokumitsu's intention to summon them. .

As Konoha's former ally, the Uzumaki Clan's main defense target is the Wuyin Ninja Village in the Water Country across the sea. It's strange.

"I need you to check the seal of this ninja sword and see if Kirigakure can be summoned back through a psychic contract."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said straight to the point.

Although he and Sakumo Hatake captured the Explosive Knife, Spray, and Long Knife, Sewing Needle respectively before, both of them only regarded them as personal trophies and did not use them in the war. Don't worry about being recalled by Kirigakure.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu really took a fancy to Sharkis, the most special ninja sword.

So you still have to check it out.

The five Uzumaki ninjas immediately stepped forward to check around the shark muscle; and Uchiha Tokumitsu, in order to prevent the shark muscle from suddenly going berserk, condensed a ball of flame chakra in the palm of his hand and strangled the shark muscle under the chin.

"Master Deguang, the psychic contract on the shark's muscles has been integrated with its body, and it cannot be canceled until the psychic contract is obtained."

No.1 Uzumaki Ninja said.

"However, the induction of the psychic contract can be blocked by superimposing the sealing technique, so that Kirigakure can't summon the ninja sword back through the psychic circle."

No.2 Uzumaki Ninja continued.

"When applying the seal that shields the psychic contract, you need to remove the seal of imprisonment, Mr. Deguang."

No.3 Uzumaki Ninja pointed to the chaotic seals imposed by Uchiha Deguang on the hilt.

"After the sealing technique is applied, although the shark muscle cannot be summoned at any time through the spirit technique, there is no need to worry about being taken back by Kirigakure."

Uchiha Tokumitsu set his sights on the fifth Uzumaki ninja.

"...Me too."

The face of the fifth Uzumaki ninja turned red, and he whispered this sentence.

"...Okay, I'll leave the shark muscles to you."

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled, got up and said: "You guys can complete the change of the sealing technique here, and I will walk around the camp."

In the ninja camp, the Uchiha ninjas were busy packing up and sorting out all kinds of supplies. Wherever Uchiha Tokumitsu went, everyone saluted and greeted them.

Uchiha Tokumitsu returned the greetings one by one, but felt a little uncomfortable. It was inappropriate for him to be idle, but he was unwilling to let him work together, so he wandered to the temporary medical hospital to visit the wounded.

"Master Deguang!"

"Lord Deguang..."

The arrival of Uchiha Tokumitsu made the bedridden wounded quite excited.

Especially the Uchiha people.

"You don't need to be too polite..." Uchiha Tokumitsu pressed his hands, signaling that everyone didn't need to get up.

"How are you?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said gently to a Uchiha tribe.

"Thanks to the young master's concern, there is no serious problem now, and I can serve you immediately."

The Uchiha tribe smiled awkwardly and replied in a low voice.

"It's good to cultivate with peace of mind, the family will never forget your contribution."

Uchiha Tokumitsu patted the clansman on the shoulder, and then walked to the next hospital bed.

"Is the environment still suitable? If there is any need, please bring it up, and we will try our best to meet it."

The second wounded man could be seen from the figure to be from the Qiudao tribe.

"Thank you Lord Deguang for your concern, everything is fine." The Qiudao tribe smiled honestly: "It's just because the injury is serious at present, it's a bit annoying not to be able to eat barbecue."

"After you recover, please have a big meal!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also laughed.

After some inquiries, everyone in the temporary hospital received Uchiha Tokumitsu's impartial care. Amidst the endless praise, Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to the tent of the Chinese army leisurely.

Uzumaki Ninja also just completed the second seal of Shark Muscle.

From the appearance point of view, the shark muscle after the second seal is not much different from the appearance point of view, but there are a lot of dense sealing runes on the handle of the knife.

Uchiha Tokumitsu copied it casually, waved it a few times, and felt it was quite smooth.

"……What happen to you guys?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu noticed that Uzumaki Ninja was pale.

It stands to reason that if you just perform the sealing technique, the consumption will not be so large.

"Master Tokumitsu's ninja sword has its own will, although it is relatively weak, it has a personality..."

Uzumaki Ninja's words are very euphemistic.

"When performing the sealing technique, it is constantly absorbing Chakra, so the consumption of Chakra during the technique is also much higher..."

Another Uzumaki ninja was more blunt.

"This little thing..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed dumbly.

Immediately, the condensed flames evaded chakra, and regardless of the resistance of the shark muscles, they ruthlessly poured into the body of the shark muscles.


Shark muscle's big mouth was split open, spewing out a ball of steam, making the sound of "Pu Chi Pu Chi" continuously, and the blue body was also roasted red by Yan Dun's chakra.

"Can you return Chakra?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu slightly reduced the intensity of Yandou's chakra baking.

Shark's pink tongue moved up and down weakly.


Uchiha Tokumitsu once again reduced Ento's chakra output.

Shark's pink tongue got stronger.

"Come here, I will let you return the Chakra to you~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu signaled several people to come forward and hold the handle of the knife, "If it dares to be disobedient, I will turn it from a fish knife into a dried fish!"

Shark's pink tongue twitched even faster.

The five Uzumaki ninjas were also a little speechless, but they didn't know where to complain.


After getting the brand-new version of the shark muscle, Uchiha Tokumitsu also left the camp to try out with his own tactical ideas, and the effect basically met expectations.

For Uchiha Tokumitsu, the biggest role of the shark muscle is to absorb the opponent's chakra and inject the absorbed chakra into the user's body.This can play a very important role in fighting ninjutsu masters.

For example, dealing with a certain professor who is proficient in five escape ninjutsu.

Or charge in the hit bombardment of the enemy's mid- and low-level ninjas.

Just imagine, when the ninjutsu professor performed the signature ninjutsu "Five Escapes·Dalian Bullet Jutsu" with satisfaction, he was still waiting with great anticipation for the person in front of him to be turned into powder, but unexpectedly , Swallowing the combination of five escapes and ninjutsu in one gulp, that expression must be very exciting.

But the usual five-dome ninjutsu is like snacks in front of the shark muscles, and it is not a problem at all.

As for the sharkman effect after the shark muscle and the user are combined, Uchiha Tokumitsu is not sensitive for the time being.

The main reason is that the appearance after the fit is too low, which does not meet the aesthetic standards of the Uchiha clan.

For the Uchiha clan, since they can win with a little more effort, "handsome" is very important.


But soon an urgent letter from Sakumo Ninja Army interrupted Uchiha Tokumitsu's leisure time.

It's a plea for help.

The second army of Kirigakure, led by the commander Kutachi Yagura, who invaded the country of fire, first defeated the eastern border defense force, and then fought fiercely with the reinforcements led by Orochimaru, even though Hatake Sakumo led the ninja alliance After arriving, it can only be a tie with it.

The letter also revealed a piece of information, that is, Goju Yakura's strength has increased significantly compared to the Uzumaki country ambush. Even if Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru join forces, they can only entangle him.

Sanwei is a tailed beast that is extremely good at defending. Even if it doesn't fight back in the wild, ordinary jnin can't do anything to it.Now Kutachi Yakura is wearing a three-tailed tailed beast suit as armor, completely ignoring the attacks of Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru, and keeps drawing tailed beast chakra to perform ninjutsu against the Konoha ninja army The Konoha Ninja Army was overwhelmed by the bombardment.

However, Sakumo Hatake's dagger couldn't break through the protection of the tailed beast's clothing at all. Orochimaru's psychic beast giant snake tried to wrap and bind, but was stabbed by the protruding chakra spines.

"Judging from Yagura's current characteristics of tail beastization, its manipulation of the three tails should have reached a very high level..."

Is it the perfect Renzhuli?

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned again on the description of Goju Yagura in the letter.

"What did Shuo Maojun say before you came?"

Uchiha Deguang looked at the messenger ninja and asked.

"Master Shuo Mao said... hurry to the garrison of Uzumaki and ask Master Deguang to help..."

The messenger ninja replied hesitantly.

When I am the Buddha of the Western Paradise!

Uchiha Tokumitsu was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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