Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 144 Running to the enemy's rear (5k)

Chapter 144 Running to the enemy's rear (5k)

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't immediately agree to send the letter to the ninja, but just thought silently.

The left hand stroked the barbs of the shark muscles like a cat, and the fingers of the right hand tapped the armrest of the seat lightly.

The messenger ninja neither dared to urge, nor dared to ask for resignation to leave, so he had to stand in the court with his head bowed apprehensively.

Since Hatake Sakumo took the initiative to send a letter asking for help, it shows that the war situation is indeed urgent, otherwise he would not have sent envoys in such a hurry, and Uchiha Tokumitsu, as an ally, would naturally not refuse.

It's just that it's one thing to support, but it's another thing to send troops.

After repeated battles, the Uchiha ninjas who joined the army this time were exhausted, and the casualties were quite heavy. Stimulated to awaken Sangouyu Sharingan, but their current practice foundation is not stable, and they still need the help of the older generation of Sangouyu Uchiha ninjas to help and impart experience, so that they can stabilize their realm and form combat power.

Moreover, the current task of eliminating the remaining Kirigakure ninjas has just begun. There is no intuitive feedback on the number, combat power, and fighting spirit of the Kirigakure remnants.

"Can you draw the current location of Sakumo-kun's troops and Kirigakure Ninja Army on the map?"

After thinking for a long time, Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his head and looked at the messenger ninja who was full of anxiety.

"It can be done!"

The messenger ninja quickly replied.

Uchiha Tokumitsu put away the shark muscles on the table, took out a sealed scroll from the scroll cover of the Jonin uniform, and unsealed a high-precision map.

"Come and mark the location of Shuo Maojun and Kirigakure Ninja Army."

Tokumitsu Uchiha handed over a pencil.

The messenger ninja immediately stepped forward to take the pencil and started working on the map.

"Lord Deguang, please look!"

After a while, the messenger ninja finished marking the map, and turned the map over and presented it in front of Tokumitsu Uchiha.

"...I have a little impression of you, are you Shuo Maojun's subordinates?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not look at the map for the first time, but looked up at the messenger ninja.

"Hakagi Masatoshi is a descendant of Sakumo-sama."

The messenger ninja, Masato Hatake, quickly replied.

This is the first time I know the ninja of the Hatake family.

However, judging from his ninja uniform, the current class is only Chunin.

Uchiha Tokuko nodded without saying anything.

Hatake Masatoshi's drawing skills are still very good. He has depicted the layout of the Ninja Army camp led by Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru and the surrounding positions of the Kirigakure camp. He also attached several battle scenes with arrows of various colors. direction of march.

"Where is the landing place of Wuyin?"

Uchiha Deguang looked at it for a while, then raised his head and asked.

"...No specific information has been obtained yet."

Masato Hatake replied in a low voice.

"Who is responsible for the intelligence?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pressed his temple with a headache.

After fighting for several days, the landing place of the Kirigakure Ninja Army has not yet been determined. This intelligence work is really messy.

"...It was originally the eastern border defense force, but with the defeat of the ninja army, the intelligence department has also been wiped out..."

Masato Hatake faltered and said, "Currently the Ninja Army intelligence is in charge of Anbu brought by Mr. Orochimaru..."

Konoha's well-known troop, the eastern border defense force, is no wonder!
"Where is the first encounter between the Eastern Border Defense Force and Kirigakure? Can you mark it?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked again.

"Located [-] kilometers south of Tsugaru Gorge, this site is the headquarters of the Eastern Border Defense Force."

Masato Hatake immediately stepped forward to mark the position again.

"So...the Eastern Border Defense Force was defeated in World War I, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed.

Due to limited access to intelligence, he did not know the specific battle report on how the eastern border defense force was defeated.

"...Yes, after the command headquarters was attacked, all the ninjas in charge of the department were killed in battle. Later, thanks to Kosuke Maruyoshi, the ninjas gathered some of the patrolling ninja troops and retreated to harass them, and it was delayed until Lord Orochimaru and Lord Sakumo arrived. support."

"... forbearance?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's fingers massaging his temples paused for a moment.

He had a little impression of the name Maruyoshi Kosuke. When Sannin Village besieged Ushishio Ninja Village, he had encountered this middle-aged ninja who was carrying a big black pot on his way to help.

"I see, you should go back and return to your life first." Uchiha Deguang nodded, indicating that he already knew.

"This one……"

Masato Hatake was a little embarrassed.

The purpose of his coming to the country of the vortex was to ask for help, but now the Lord asked him to go back, but he didn't say when he planned to leave, how many people he would bring, and so on, which made it very difficult for him.

"I'll take two teams out tomorrow." Tokuro Uchiha glanced at Masato Hatake and understood his thoughts, "But I won't join Sakumo-kun right away."

Masato Hatake was a little disappointed. There were only six ninjas in the two teams, which was too few for ninja combat.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu's second sentence made his heart hang again.

"...Master Deguang, please clarify."

Masato Hatake said respectfully.

"I will lead people to infiltrate and sneak into the rear of Misty Hidden, and search for the landing site of Misty Hidden from the location where the eastern border defense forces were attacked."

Tokumitsu Uchiha drew a circle around the former Eastern Frontier Defense Force headquarters marked on the map.

"If I have the chance, I will destroy Kirigakure's crossing ship!"

"Thank you Lord Deguang for your answer, I understand now!"

Masato Hatake replied with a bow and salute.

"Also, after you go back, ask Sakumo-kun to launch a continuous attack for three consecutive days from tomorrow, and try to hold Goju Yakura as much as possible!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a moment, and ordered again.

"As ordered!"

Hatake Masatoshi responded sternly.

Afterwards, Tokumitsu Uchiha took out the letterhead, wrote the battle plan and the necessary cooperation matters, signed and sealed it, and handed it to Masato Hatake.

"Go back and return to life first!"

"Obey, let me take my leave!"

Masato Hatake took Uchiha Tokumitsu's letter paper with both hands respectfully, got up and resigned and left.

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to think about the operational details of the raid behind the enemy.

Kirigakure is coming in two parts this time. Among them, the first army of Kirigakure led by the watermelon mountain puffer ghost has been defeated, and the high-level command of the ninja army has basically died in battle. The remnant army is no longer a concern.

However, the Kirigakure Second Army led by Kutachi Yagura is fighting endlessly with the troops of Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru, and judging from the current battle situation, although the Konoha Ninja Army does not have the upper hand, neither does the Kirigakure Ninja Army. can go further.

Therefore, cutting off the rear of the Kirigana Ninja Army is a key point to change the situation of the battle.

Judging from the current battle situation, it is impossible to open the situation in a short time only by the three thousand Wuyin ninja army who are currently entangled with Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru's troops; We must continue to increase troops, otherwise it will be a waste of strength by throwing troops in vain, and there will be no gain at all.

If Kirigakure adds additional troops, the landing site will naturally be the current landing berth of the Kirigakure Second Army.

Therefore, if the berths and sea-crossing ships of the Kirigakure Ninja Army are destroyed, it will not only hit the morale of the Kirigakure Second Army, but also effectively delay the possible follow-up Kirigakure reinforcements.

The biggest difficulty in the raiding operation behind the enemy lies in whether they can find a berth in a short period of time without disturbing Wuyin.

As for destroying the ship's berth, it is not a difficult task for the Uchiha ninja who is good at fire escape, and Uchiha Tokumitsu's Susanoo also has extremely strong destructive power.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately ordered a military affairs meeting.


"Mr. Shuo Mao sent a letter asking for help, and I plan to send people to join the battle with me."

After the Jonin from all ministries came together, Tokumitsu Uchiha said straight to the point, and handed over the letter of appeal from Sakumo Hatake to them for circulation.

All the Jnin in charge just circulated the letter silently, without commenting on it.

Uchiha Tokumitsu is very satisfied with the performance of his subordinates, which also shows that he has supreme authoritative authority in the ninja army.

"I plan to draw a team from the Uchiha and Hyuga ninjas to follow me in the enemy's rear operations to destroy the rear berths and ships crossing the sea of ​​the Kirigakure ninja army."

Uchiha Tokumitsu stated his battle plan: "Others will stay here to continue to rest and wipe out the remnants of Kirigakure."

"Master Deguang, if you only lead two teams, isn't it too small..."

A Uchiha Jōnin whispered: "Of course, I'm not questioning Shaojun's strength, just to be safe, or..."

He didn't finish his words, but everyone understood what he meant.

"It's okay, I'll let Sakumo-kun and Orochimaru Jōnin launch a continuous offensive to contain Kutachi Yakura, and the other Kirigakure ninjas... don't worry about it!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was unmoved, but explained aloud.

"If that's the case, I hope Shao Jun will bring Jonin to support."

After a group of Uchiha jounin looked at each other and exchanged opinions, they gave their own opinions.

After all, if the raid is carried out behind the enemy, and the enemy's highest combat power will be restrained by the friendly forces, then the most important thing is mobility.

In this way, there is not much need to bring too many people.

"Uchiha Ninja sent three people to fight with me."

Uchiha Deguang nodded and agreed with the tribe's suggestion.

Then he turned his head to look at Xiuhong Hinata.

"Xiu Hong-jun, please choose three white-eyed ninjas to fight with me."

"As ordered!"

Hinata Shuhiro got up and saluted.

All the Uchiha Jonin were also a little surprised by Hinata Shuhiro's particularly respectful attitude at this time.

After all, the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan have been a bit uncomfortable for a long time. Although there will be no conflicts during the war, there are very few private contacts. Even if they met in the past, they were just business affairs, but not as good as they are now. Be respectful and obedient.

"Also, prepare more detonating charms for logistics, I will bring them useful." Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Uchiha Jonin who was in charge of material affairs.

"Of order!" Uchiha Jonin immediately got up and responded, "There are still [-] detonating talismans in the warehouse, including [-] family-made detonating talismans. If so, I will immediately recover the special detonating symbols from each department."

"You don't need to recycle it, just give me all the seven thousand specially made detonating symbols."

Tokumitsu Uchiha thought for a while, considering that his mutual detonating talisman had been developed by Kirigakure, and its role in breaking the formation in the battle formation was not so great, so he did not call too many detonating talismans .

"In addition, after I go out to battle, Chongxin Jonin is responsible for the garrison mission of the camp."

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed to a mature Uchiha middle-aged ninja.

"As ordered!"

Takanobu Uchiha got up and took orders.

"The mission of wiping out the remnants of Kirigakure in Uzumaki cannot be slackened, and Xiuhong Jonin is still in charge!"

"I will go all out to complete the task, and I will never let down Lord Deguang's great trust!"

Hinata Shuhiro immediately got up and responded.

These words also made the Uchiha Shinobi look sideways.

Compared with a sentence of 'obedience', it is too advanced!It sounds so pleasing to the ear!
The Uchiha jounin took a peek at Uchiha Tokumitsu's satisfied expression, and secretly wrote down the 'advanced vocabulary' that Hinata Shuhiro said.

"If there are no other problems in each department, let's execute them in turn!" Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered, "Tomorrow morning, the combat personnel will follow me!"

"As ordered!"

A group of Jnin in charge suddenly agreed, then got up and left with a salute.


The [-] specially-made detonating charms prepared by the logistics department were quickly sent over. After Uchiha Tokumitsu branded the psychic marks of the mutual detonating charms one by one, he sealed them all into a scroll.

In addition to Uchiha Tokumitsu’s previous inventory, he alone brought more than 2 psychic detonators and more than 1000 ordinary detonators in this battle. Other ninja tools such as Kunai, Shuriken, Uchiha A lot of steel wire and ration pills were also prepared.

Running behind enemy lines requires complete preparation, and even if you don't need it, it's better than not being prepared.

In the early morning of the second day, Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops towards the Fire Country.

Tsugaru Gorge is located in the northwest of Uzumaki Country, guarding the eastern mouth of Fire Country. It is a relatively steep mountain gorge. The Tsugaru Waterway that runs through it is also the main river in the eastern part of Fire Country. It flows upstream from the mouth of Tsugaru Gorge. It can directly reach the eastern main city of the Fire Nation.

According to the battle report of the Eastern Frontier Defense Force, there are four bays around Tsugaru Gorge, where the troops were attacked, that can be used as landing sites. Uchiha Tokumitsu's target behind enemy lines is within this range.

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not go by land, but chose the leapfrog tactic, using various sporadic islands in the sea as springboards for periodic rest, and gradually sneaked into the target area, while the three Hinata ninjas took turns to open their eyes, always paying attention to the movement on the sea Quiet to avoid Kirigakure's eyes and ears.

But thanks to the fact that the two squads that accompanied the army were Jnin, they were able to support such a long-distance assault across the sea.

"You guys are going to rest for an hour, and then officially log in!"

After arriving at the last small island on the marching route, Tokumitsu Uchiha ordered the crew to rest.

After the three Hinata ninjas turned on their white eyes for reconnaissance at the same time, none of them found anything unusual.

This place is still [-] kilometers away from the target area, Tsugaru Gorge.

With the footsteps of a ninja, it only takes about three hours to cross the water and cross the sea.

"Have you not found any traces of the Kirigakure Ninja Army?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned.

Generally speaking, during large-scale ninja army marching operations, multiple reconnaissance teams will be released to patrol the periphery to prevent the enemy's elite ninja troops from raiding.

However, according to Hyuga Ninja's report, no sign of Kirigakure Ninja's activities has been found along the way, and no Kirigakure Ninja has set up defenses on each small island, which is very unusual.

"Master Tokumitsu, if that's the case, why don't we first conduct reconnaissance in the direction of Tsugaru Gorge and the Tajima Peninsula of the Iron Country, and report back after discovering the traces of the fog?"

Hyuga Takazawa, who was in charge of the reconnaissance command, said.

"Tajima Peninsula?"

With a flash of inspiration, Uchiha Tokumitsu quickly found the location of the Tajima Peninsula on the map.

"The Iron Country..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu lightly clicked on the location of the Tajima Peninsula on the map.

The Tajima Peninsula is located in the southeast of the Land of Iron, across the sea from the Land of Fire. According to the scale on the map, it is about [-] kilometers away from Tsugaru Gorge.

"Although the Tajima Peninsula is under the jurisdiction of the neutral country of the Iron Kingdom, the area is a saline-alkali wasteland and has always been an uninhabited area. Only a small number of pirates occupy some dangerous areas, so it is also possible that Kirigakure set up there Berth..."

Hinata Xiaoze explained.

"But there are no other islands along the way, can you walk on water for so long?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

"There are still many islands and reefs in the sea that are not marked, but I have traveled to and from this sea area many times to perform missions, so I have a certain understanding..."

After speaking, Hyuga Takazawa marked several small islands and reefs on the map.

"Execute that way over there."

Uchiha Tokumitsu agreed with Hinata Takazawa's suggestion, "Go to the Tajima Peninsula, report back immediately after you find Kirigakure, and remember not to fight Kirigakure!"


Hinata Takazawa saluted and turned to leave, while another Hinata ninja headed towards Tsugaru Gorge.

The soldiers are divided into two groups, each conducting reconnaissance.

After another night, Hinata Ninja, who went to Tsugaru Gorge for reconnaissance, returned.

"Master Tokumitsu, we didn't find any trace of Kirigakure Ninja when we went straight down to the mouth of Tsugaru Gorge, but after going north, we found that there were boats going back and forth. According to the course, it might start from the Tajima Peninsula..."

Hinata Ninja reported.

"Tajima Peninsula..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out the map again and drew a circle on the Tajima Peninsula.

"Just wait for the exact information from Xiao Ze Shangren!"

After another night, the exhausted Hyuga Takazawa just returned.

"Master Tokumitsu, Kirigakure has indeed set up a berth on the Tajima Peninsula! And on the way back, I found a large fleet of ships coming from the direction of the country of water, and I confirmed that it was a transport ship from Kirigakure!"

"Transportation ship? Kirigakure has increased troops?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned.

"...The white-eyed reconnaissance of the next approach found that all the goods transported in the ship were combat materials, and there were not many Kirigakure ninjas guarding the ship."

Hyuga Takazawa took a few breaths, and continued: "It is also possible that the Kirigakure Ninja Army dispatched a supply unit to transport supplies before the increase in troops. According to the speed of the fleet's march, it will probably arrive at the berth on the Tajima Peninsula tomorrow afternoon."

It has not been long since Kirigakure's first army was defeated in the Uzumaki country, and it will take some time for Kirigakure's ninja army to gather, so it makes sense to send a supply unit to transport supplies first.

"Departure over there at noon tomorrow to carry out night raid operations!"

"As ordered!"

The six Jōnin agreed in unison.

 I originally planned to publish two chapters, but considering that the number of words is only more than 6000, I simply deleted some watery words and merged them.

(End of this chapter)

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