Chapter 145
The Land of Iron, Tajima Peninsula.

The secret berthing port of the Second Army of the Hidden Fog.


A burst of rushing conch broke the tranquility of the port.

Then there was a shrill cry——

"Enemy attack!!"

A group of ninjas stationed in the Mist Retreat immediately rushed out from the rear camp and began to search the sea with a net.

"The noses of these water fishes are sharper than the noses of Inuzuka's dogs!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu wiped away the blood on the blade with his sleeve, and said in a somewhat complaining tone.

Just led his troops into the water and lurked to the sea area about [-] kilometers away from the Kirigakure port, and encountered a group of Kirigakure ninjas and a group of sharks. After killing these miscellaneous fish, the Kirigakure port immediately sounded the horn to warn.

"It should be the shark of Kirigakure..."

Hyuga Takazawa watched with his eyes open for a while, and found that Kirigakure's security team was quickly gathering and killing towards his position.


Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little helpless when he heard the words. The Kirigakure patrol team just encountered chose to do it because the group of sharks they brought was about to pounce. Unexpectedly, after killing them all, their whereabouts were leaked at sea.

The sense of smell and sense of sharks in the water is very sensitive, but the ninja sharks after special feeding and training are even better.

"Follow me to charge!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu emerged from the water, stepped on the sea and looked at the Kirigakure Ninja Army who were quickly swarming over, "Follow me closely, don't get entangled with Kirigakure, our goal is to destroy Kirigakure's berth and supplies!"

Since the lurking failed, it was changed to a strong attack.

It is nothing more than consuming more pupil power of the kaleidoscope.

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

On the ocean, the Kirigakure ninja, who is proficient in water escape, easily set off huge waves like a tsunami, and water dragons made of chakra fluctuated between the huge waves, heading towards the surface of the water. Uchiha Tokumitsu and his party attacked.

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath——


A dark red chakra wave was set off, and then entangled and condensed into a huge half-body demon god. The ferocious skull emitted a purple light, gazing at the Kirigakure ninja who was coming across the river and the sea.

"not enough……"

Tokumitsu Uchiha took a deep breath again, and the kaleidoscope Sharingan quickly turned, and the vast pupil power was forcibly squeezed out and poured into Susano.

With the injection of pupil power, Susanoku's skull immediately grew blood and flesh, turning into a fierce image of a tengu.

"It's a pity... I can't go any further..."

Although it failed to give birth to Susanoo's lower body, the power of a fully fleshed Susanoo should be enough.

"Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·God Emperor Produces Spirit Venerable!"

Immediately, Tokumitsu Uchiha manipulated Susano to form a seal.

"Yan Dun, the arrogant fire is extinguished!"

A sea of ​​purple flames spewed out from the head of Susanoo's Yatengu, fiercely hitting the tidal tsunami jointly launched by the Kirigakure Ninja Army.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The explosion of Chakra's death resounded throughout the world.

"Fire Escape, Dust Hidden Technique!"

With the help of the huge water mist generated by the excitation of water and fire, the three Uchiha jounin immediately jointly launched ninjutsu, spewing out a thick stream of high-temperature smoke.


Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately dispersed Susano, and untied the big sword Sharkis from his back.


The white bandages covering the shark muscles were torn apart by the taut barbs, and the local area of ​​the shark muscles became swollen like an angry puffer fish.

Uchiha Tokumitsu dragged his shark muscles and killed the flustered Kirigakure ninja army. Three Uchiha jonin and three Hinata ninja then formed a small Yaba formation.

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

A flustered Kirigakure ninja performed ninjutsu and summoned a water dragon to rush towards Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Shark Muscle Devour!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his shark muscles with some difficulty, and hit the oncoming water dragon.


Shark muscle opened its mouth wide, bit the water dragon violently and swallowed it.

Then a wave of chakra passed into Uchiha Deguang's body from the handle of the knife.

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately transported the chakra tune to both arms, and waved the shark muscles again.


The oncoming water polo was crushed abruptly!
"Bagua 36 palms!"

Hinata Takasawa bent down, and hit a Kirigakure ninja jumping out of the water with a set of palms. The seemingly soft but sharp palm force hit Kirigakure who was trying to sneak attack like a broken sack Bleeding all over.

"Huo Dun · head hard!"

Uchiha Jounin once again cast spells to avoid the Kirigakure ninja in front of him.

However, performing Fire Escape Ninjutsu on the sea area is a very disadvantageous thing, and the sea of ​​​​fire formed by the head's hard work was immediately extinguished by several water waterfalls.

"Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·Great Country Lord!"

The kaleidoscope Sharingan in Uchiha Tokumitsu's right eye rotates quickly, and activates the pupil technique to increase the pupil power of the three Uchiha jounin under his command.

"The Art of Nirvana Abode!"

With the fluttering of feather-like phantoms, the mind of the Kirigakure ninja who was rushing over quickly began to feel dizzy.

With the increase of the kaleidoscope pupil technique, the hypnotic effect of the technique of Nirvana Abode, which was originally relatively difficult to crack, has become faster and more powerful.

"It's illusion!"

A jonin in charge of the Kirigakure ninja army immediately shouted, and then summoned a large group of dense water needles to shoot towards the front and the Kirigakure ninja who began to show signs of coma.

Although the water needle has no lethality, it can still pierce the skin and clothes, and awaken the Kirigakure ninja who is bound by the illusion.

But Uchiha Jonin's strike ninjutsu followed.

"Wind escape · oppression!"

Compressed into a high-density wind group, it spewed out from the mouth of Uchiha Jonin, and blasted towards the chaotic Kirigakure ninja army like a storm super-heavy cannon. A high-explosive bomb usually explodes quickly and forms a swirling hurricane.

"Wind Escape, Vacuum Continuous Waves!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also immediately mobilized the chakra to condense in his mouth, sending out dozens of whirling wind cuts towards the Kirigakure Ninja Army.

Wherever the wind blade went, there were pieces of broken limbs.

"Don't love to fight! Assault quickly!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha shouted sharply, and once again led the crowd out of the first encirclement circle of the Kirigakure Ninja Army.

Three Kirigakure jounin immediately greeted them.

"Water Escape·Water Light Mirror!"

"The magic of the shackles!"

Although the three Kirigakure jounin lowered their heads and charged, trying to avoid the Uchiha ninja's gaze, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately condensed the chakra to form a crystal water mirror, and projected the illusion onto him through visual radiation .

"Uchiha-ryu Blast Sword!"

Wrapped in the sword energy formed by Wind Dun and Fire Dun, Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his shark muscles and viciously smashed a Kirigakure kamijin into a pulp.

The other two Kirigakure Jōnin who were restrained under the effect of the illusion were killed by Uchiha Jōnin and Hyuga Nin respectively.

The ordinary Kiri behind Kirigakure Jōnin couldn't help but be shocked.

"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu had no intention of continuing to entangle with these miscellaneous fish, so he used a low-level wind escape ninjutsu to avoid the Kirigakure ninja in front again, and then led his troops to cross the second blockade line again.

The front is suddenly bright.

It is only about ten kilometers away from the port where the Fog Hidden Land is located.

As far as the eye can see, there is no encirclement, only the Kirigakure ninja waiting on the ship.

And the Kirigakure ninjas behind him had just regrouped from the panic, ready to use ninjutsu to pursue them.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, dragging his shark muscles, kicked off the water, and threw himself forward with a teleportation technique.

No matter how much Chakra is consumed when performing the teleportation technique on the water surface, it doesn't matter if you have shark muscles in your hands.

While the six jounin under him blocked the ninjutsu bombardment of Kirigakure ninja, they ran towards Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"It's getting closer..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help licking his lips, staring at Kirigakure's ship.

A series of water escape ninjutsu smashed over.


The dark red chakra giant suddenly appeared again, waving his arms and forcibly resisting the bombardment of countless water ninjutsu.

Immediately, another stream of heat poured into Uchiha Tokumitsu's body from the handle of the shark muscle.

Uchiha Tokumitsu manipulated Susano to form a seal.

And the kaleidoscope Sharingan in the left eye rotates faster.

"Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·God Emperor Produces Spirit Venerable!"

"Fire Escape·Longyan Art of Singing!"

From the mouth of Susanoo's Yatengu, eight huge and unparalleled fire dragons spewed out in succession, shooting at Kirigakure's fleet with a devastating force.

The fire dragon smashed through the water escape ninjutsu trying to block the attack, and smashed hard on the ship.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Accompanied by the loud noise, the raging flames ignited.

In order to quickly form a berth in the port area, the ships of Kirigakure are connected together with iron chains.

"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

Hurricanes spewed out from Susanoo's mouth again.

The fire takes advantage of the wind, and the wind helps the fire.

The fire in the Mist Fleet spread faster.

Even the Kirigakure ninja army chasing from the rear couldn't help being stunned.

Subsequently, Uchiha Tokumitsu urged Susano to quickly approach the fleet. '


Susanoku's gigantic arm hammered and split a closed boat in half, and the wreckage splashed in all directions and the water waves stirred up overturned a small early boat.

Afterwards, Susano withdrew his arms and swung towards the largest Antaka ship of the Kirigakure Ninja Army.


With two punches in a row, all the attics above the Ataka ship were demolished.

Then Susano's body slammed into the big ship fiercely, smashing the ship to pieces.

Susano, who rushed into the Kirigakure fleet, was raging like Godzilla landing in the harbor, and the Kirigakure ninja was at a loss.

Hinata Shinobi and Uchiha Jounin in the rear also escaped the pursuit of Kirigakure Ninja and rushed into the scene of Uchiha Tokumitsu's ravages.

One after another fire escape ninjutsu, one after another Kunai wrapped in detonating talismans flew all over the sky, blowing up the already chaotic Kirigakure fleet into a mess.

The Kirigakure Ninja Army, who was first pierced and then freed from the rear, couldn't help slowing down.

Xu Zuoneng rushed straight, like entering no man's land, wherever he went, the remnants of the remaining fog hidden behind him all ran away with their heads in their arms, no one dared to overwhelm him.

Originally, the second-line troops of Kirigakure's second army who stayed at the port at the rear were far inferior to the Kirigakure Ninja Army who invaded the territory of Fire Nation, and were on par with Konoha's eastern border defense forces.

In the face of this kind of natural disaster-like attack and killing, it is already very embarrassing to Yakura to retreat without the first round.

"This defeat is not a crime of war, the most urgent thing is to inform Yakura-sama who is still fighting in the Land of Fire!"

On the surface of the sea, a Kirigakure ninja yelled all over, then turned and ran towards the Land of Fire.

For a moment, the Kirigakure ninja, who was still hesitating whether to risk his life to protect the berth, fled as quickly as if he had found the backbone in an instant.

And the Kirigakure ninja, who fled in embarrassment in the fleet, saw that his companions who had gone out to pursue the sea had abandoned their positions and fled. Immediately, their morale was demoralized, and they jumped into the sea to escape.

This is also normal, Wuyin Village only pays a few taels of money, throwing a few kunai from a distance is worthy of Mizukage-sama's salary!
At this time, Hinata Shinobi and Uchiha Jonin had already rushed to the land, and began to set fire to destroy Kirigakure's land warehouse.

As Kirigakure all fled, Uchiha Tokumitsu also dispersed Susano again.

No matter how large the amount of chakra is, it can't support Susano's continuous massive consumption.

Uchiha Tokumitsu swung his shark muscles and knocked over a Kirigakure ninja with poor legs, commanding the shark muscles to suck him dry.

Uchiha Tokumitsu let out a comfortable breath as a hot current poured into his body.

Pulled out the psychic scroll from the scroll sleeve of the Jonin uniform, and after tearing apart a corner, detonating symbols were unsealed with the light of the psychic technique, and were suspended in mid-air under the control of the flying talisman technique .

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand again, and one after another detonating talisman shot towards those slightly intact ships like arrows off the string.

"Mutually Multiply Detonating Talisman Technique - Explosion!"

With the continuous bombardment of detonating symbols, the already extremely raging fire became more ferocious, and the destruction progress of the Hidden Fog Fleet was once again increased.

Uchiha Tokumitsu jumped onto the land of the port, looking with satisfaction at the Kirigakure fleet that had become a sea of ​​flames.

"It's really wonderful!"

Witnessing the sea of ​​flames devouring everything in front of him, Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed sincerely.

"Hmph~ In the future, I have to hire someone to write an article about "Uchiha Tokuko Fire Company"~"

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and Uchiha Tokumitsu's expression is getting more and more proud.

The raging fire billowed on the sea, thick smoke billowed into the sky, and the fog hidden warehouse on the road exploded and burst into flames.And another transport fleet fifty miles away is heading towards the port.

Billows of thick smoke could be faintly seen even fifty miles away.

A man dressed in a royal robe and whose face was covered by the shadow of a bamboo hat stood on the bow of the flagship, looking at the faintly rising smoke column in the distance.


A Kirigakure Anbu knelt behind him on one knee, "The communication team couldn't contact the port troops. The Ninja Hawk has been released but hasn't come back yet..."

The third Mizukage remained silent.

Anbu, who was kneeling behind him, was trembling.

"Notify the fleet to turn..."

After a while, the third Mizukage said slowly: "Let's go directly to the Land of Fire and land..."

"As ordered!"

Kirigakure Anbe, who was pardoned, left immediately.

On the bow of the flagship ship, there was only Mizukage Mizukage alone, watching the increasingly obvious plume of smoke.

"What a good junior..."

The voice is as late and dry as dead wood.

(End of this chapter)

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