Chapter 146

"Master Deguang! There is a fleet of Kirigakure on the seashore that is turning its course. Judging from its course, its destination should be the Land of Fire..."

Just when Uchiha Tokumitsu was enjoying the fire at the port and was complacent, Hyuga Takazawa hurried over and reported to him.


Uchiha Tokumitsu was startled when he heard the words, "Hasn't Kirigakure's transport fleet already arrived at the port?"

Then he pointed to a large block of Ataka boats that were burning.

Before the battle, Tokumitsu Uchiha chose to launch the attack in the afternoon in order to allow Kirigakure's fleet to enter the port for complete annihilation.

"Does Kirigakure still have a fleet?"

Immediately, Uchiha Tokumitsu reacted, "Has Kirigakure sent reinforcements?"

If the first fleet to enter the port is a material transport ship, then this fleet...

"Can you confirm the people on board?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at Hinata Takazawa.

"...Because of the distance, I can only see the general situation of the fleet, but not the specific personnel." Hyuga Takazawa replied in a low voice: "I don't have enough pupil power, but since Lord Deguang ordered, I will try to go to sea. Get closer to scout and see..."

"no need……"

Tokumitsu Uchiha thought for a while, then shook his head and rejected Hinata Takazawa's proposal: "Since Kirigakure chose to turn to sail, it means that he has already known the situation of the port, and it is impossible to cruise without protection. At this time, the risk of approaching reconnaissance too big……"

Hyuga Takazawa didn't speak any more, just bowed deeply.

"Get ready to evacuate, it's time to go back and meet Shuo Maojun..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered: "Also, release Ninja Hawk to inform Sakumo-kun of the battle here!"


Hyuga Takazawa immediately bowed and was ordered to retreat.


Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru, who were far away in the southern part of the Fire Country, had just finished yet another fruitless offensive.

Not only is Goju Yagura's personal combat power tyrannical, but his ninja command ability is even more outstanding.

Although both Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru are well-known powerhouses in the ninja world, they still can't please Yakura in front of the tailed beast.

The Konoha ninja army's repeated offensives not only failed to repel the Kirigakure ninja army, but caused heavy casualties to one's own side.

After returning to the camp, Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru continued to think hard and plan a plan.

"I don't know what's going on with Daoguang Lord's attack on the enemy's rear..."

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Hatake Sakumo sighed after planning a strategy on the map.

The countless offensives launched for many days in a row were all forced to give up under the unreasonable attack of Goju Yakura's Tailed Beast Jade, and the two were at a loss for a while.

When he couldn't think of a strategy, Hatake Sakumo especially missed Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was able to use his strength to overcome ingenuity.

At least if Tokumitsu Uchiha is here, he can also hand over the Ninja Army with confidence, and go to the battlefield to perform strangling tasks, instead of sitting in the command center like he is now.

Hatake Sakumo looked again at Orochimaru, who was still concentrating on tactical planning on the map.

Orochimaru's strength is indeed outstanding, but Hatake Sakumo is not at ease in handing over his ninja army to him.

Especially the Uchiha tribe as the mobile unit of the main combat force.

Because Orochimaru's command on the battlefield was too indifferent and ruthless.

In his eyes, the lives of ninjas from the same village are just boring numbers, just the price to be paid to achieve a certain tactical goal. Moved.

"A cold-blooded viper with no heat, indeed..."

Although he felt that it was not good to label others, Hatake Sakumo still couldn't stop his inner murmur.

"Mr. Shuo Mao..."

Orochimaru also stopped writing, "You have great confidence in Tokumitsu-kun~"


Hatake Sakumo was taken aback when he heard that.

"Didn't you mean just now that Deguang-jun can successfully complete the mission of destroying the enemy's rear and quickly return to the rendezvous?"

Orochimaru had a warm smile on his face.

"Indeed..." Hatake Sakumo thought about what he had said, and nodded to express his approval of Orochimaru's judgment.

"Although Deguang-kun is young, he is indeed a trustworthy partner."

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye..."

Orochimaru said suddenly, his eyes fixed on Hatake Sakumo.

"Senior Shuo Mao, can you describe the power of the legendary pair of eyes of the blood following the limit?"

In the case of asking for help from others, Orochimaru's address to Hatake Sakumo could not help but change from an equal "jun" to an honorific "senior".

"The destructive power like ghosts and gods, the unrivaled natural disaster..." Hatake Sakumo pondered for a moment, and then replied: "But Tokumitsu-kun may be too young, and there is no record that Uchiha Madara is so powerful that it makes people feel uncomfortable." despair."

"Master Hashirama's wooden escape quelled the troubled times, and Uchiha Madara's Susano subdued the Four Great Ninja Villages..."

Orochimaru also dropped the pencil in his hand, and leaned back in the chair, staring straight at the top of the tent, wondering what he was thinking.

"Two adults!"

A communication ninja was out of breath and ran to the door of the Chinese army tent and shouted.

"Come in!"

Orochimaru, who was in the "Orochi paralysis", straightened up suddenly, and sent an order to call the communication ninja in.

"Master Sakumo, Master Orochimaru!"

After the communication ninja entered the account, he immediately held up a document with both hands, "It's a secret letter from Mr. Deguang!"

"Secret letter?"

Orochimaru's interest immediately rose, "Bring it here and let me have a look."

The communication ninja raised his head slightly, and looked at Sakumo Hatake from the corner of his eyes.

Hatake Sakumo nodded slightly, agreeing.

"Master Orochimaru please learn from me..."

The communication ninja immediately handed the letter to Orochimaru,

"Master Shuo Mao is indeed skilled in imperial court..."

Orochimaru sighed while opening the envelope.

He also noticed the small movement of the communication ninja just now.

When Zhan Xin saw it, Orochimaru couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

"what happened?"

Hatake Sakumo noticed something strange about Orochimaru.

"Tokumitsu-kun has set up Kirigakure's supply base and ship berth..." Orochimaru couldn't help laughing, his long tongue licking his lips like a poisonous snake, "It turns out that Kirigakure set up the base in the Iron Country but The Ma Peninsula... no wonder I haven't gotten any information about Kirigakure."

Immediately, Orochimaru handed the letter to the itchy Hatake Sakumo.

"Also burned down a batch of Kirigakure's material transport ships... It seems that even if Yakura Yakura intends to fight again, he will not be able to sustain it!"

Hatake Sakumo also laughed out loud, which is really good news!

The consumption required for ninja combat is very large.

Leaving aside the terrifying appetite of ninjas, even recyclable ninja tools and consumables such as secret medicines and detonating charms consume a huge amount.

The logistics base was completely burned down, and Goju Yakura could not sustain the battle for a long time relying solely on the materials stored in the camp.

"However, there is another fleet that directly changed course..."

"Let me arrange intelligence personnel first!" Orochimaru stood up and said, "At least we must determine the boarding location of Kirigakure's reinforcements!"

Holding the intelligence department in his hand but not making an inch of merit, even the heavy intelligence of the enemy's reinforcements has to be learned from other people's battle reports, and Orochimaru's face is a little bit uncomfortable.

"No hurry... Kirigakure's landing this time should not be concealed..."

Hatake Sakumo stroked his chin and thought for a while, then said: "The base in the rear has been destroyed, and the Kirigakure ninjas are probably panicking at this time. If a support army arrives, Kirigakure may use it to boost morale... "

Orochimaru was stunned.

"However, it is still possible to send intelligence personnel to sneak into the hidden fog to confirm the identity of the reinforcements."

Hatake Sakumo immediately added.

Orochimaru nodded and sat down.

Afterwards, an order was sent to call in the person in charge of the Intelligence Department, and he was instructed.

"Shouldn't we start counterattack overnight?"

Orochimaru suggested impatiently.

"...It's a bit difficult on a large scale, but it's still possible to deploy elite teams to carry out harassment and entanglement missions."

After thinking about it, Hatake Sakumo said: "In this way, it can not only interfere with Kirigakure's rest, but also delay Kirigakure's retreat, killing two birds with one stone!"

Orochimaru thought about it, and agreed to this mature and prudent style of play.


And in the camp of the second army of Kirigakure, Goju Yakura was looking at the battle report in his hand with a livid face.

A group of Kirigakure, who were in charge of ninja, lowered their heads, not daring to let out a breath.

The base on the Tajima Peninsula was destroyed, not just the supply of supplies.

Except for a small number of transport ships going back and forth between the two places, the Kirigakure Second Army has no extra ships.

But what worries Yakura the most is that Mizukage III has already arrived in the Land of Fire with the fleet...

As for the specific purpose of Mizukage, Goju Yakura is not clear.

After the Ataka ship used to transport supplies has been burned at the port of the Tajima Peninsula, Kutachi Yakura does not know exactly how much ninja army and supplies the third Mizukage can bring.

But the only thing that is certain is that before the third Mizukage arrives at the front line and sits in charge in person, the Kirigakure Second Army is no longer able to fight the war of attrition.

"Uchiha Tokumitsu..."

Yakura Kudachi with a livid face closed his eyes and meditated after passing the letter to his subordinates.

It doesn't make much sense to fight this battle any longer.

Even if under the leadership of Sandai Mizukage, they can defeat the ninja army led by Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru, they will not get much reward.

All in all, it was a bad battle.

"Actually...after the first army of Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghosts was defeated, they should withdraw in time..."

A Kirigakure Jōnin said in a low voice: "This is a war with no benefits, and the ninjas under his command have already complained."

"Don't tell me you want to be a traitor!"

Another fiery Kirigakure Kamijinn stood up and reprimanded: "When you encounter setbacks, you become fearful of the enemy like a tailed beast, you should be ashamed!"

Immediately afterwards, the large tent of the Chinese army immediately turned into a vegetable market, and a few factions split off from one should be in charge of the ninja to abuse each other endlessly.

"Knock knock knock knock!"

Goju Yakura knocked on the table a few times, and the noisy Chinese military tent immediately became quiet.

"...Since Mizukage-sama has arrived, we should also ask Mizukage-sama for tactical guidance when facing difficulties."

Yagura Kudachi looked down at the map, feeling that his heart was bleeding.

Previously, he easily defeated the eastern border defense forces, and then sent troops to attack the land of fire; such a record is definitely the best in Wuyin Ninja Village, which has little ninja combat experience.

But the logistics are gone, the back road is cut off again, and the boss of the village is here again...

The past record seems to have become one of the evidences that made Tokuju Yakura even more incompetent overnight.

"Master Yagura please show me!"

Yakura's diehard Jonin said immediately.

"Mizukage-sama has arrived in the Land of Fire, and we, as the hermits of the fog, should turn to the rear to meet Mizukage-sama. The next battle also needs to be guided by Mizukage-sama."

Kutachi Yagura said "withdraw" as "transfer", which immediately relieved the faces of the stern-faced Kirigakure jominin.

As long as it is not defeated and retreated, everyone can accept another explanation; even if you return to the village after the war, you can cover up and justify it.

"May I ask Yakura-sama, when will it be more appropriate to arrange for the ninja army to transfer in?"

Another Kirigakure Jōnin asked.

"If Konoha knew about the attack on the rear of the headquarters, it should launch an attack tonight..."

Kutachi Yakura was thinking about the opponent's strategy: "Even if it's not a ninja group assault, there will be a small group of elite squads to harass us to slow down our pace..."

"I will arrange personnel to strengthen the defense!"

A Kirigakure Jōnin who was in charge of camp affairs responded immediately.

"In addition, the ninja army of the headquarters must also make preparations in advance. All supplies must be prepared in advance, and equipment that is difficult to carry should not be incinerated, so as not to attract attention..."

"After repelling Konoha's harassing offensive, immediately divide the troops into small groups and withdraw in an orderly manner. We must not attract Konoha's attack with great fanfare..."

Before Goju Yakura finished speaking, the sound of detonating symbols exploding came from the periphery of the Kirigakure camp.

"Konoha is here..."

Goji Yagura's face remained ashen.

All the jounin under his command shut up collectively again, not daring to vent their anger.

"Everyone, do you have any other opinions on the transfer arrangement of the Ninja Army?"

After a while, after the explosion sound of the detonating talisman gradually disappeared, Goju Yagura asked again.

"We will follow all reasonable instructions from Yakura-sama!"

Normally, the Kirigakure shinin might still actively put forward various tactical suggestions to highlight their talents; but at this time, everyone must be accepting the orders of their superiors.

Otherwise, if you talk too much, you won't get any benefits, and if you are caught talking and throwing the pot over, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Goju Yakura also knew what the gang of scumbags under his command were thinking, so he just snorted coldly.

"If you don't have any other opinions, everyone, let's arrange for the deployment!"

Goju Yakura was in no mood to continue playing charades with his subordinates immediately, so he directly made a decision and issued an order to evict the guest.

The group of Kirigakure top ninjas couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Where did Mizukage-sama's troops choose to land?"

Kirigakure asked.

This is also the most relevant question for the group of Kirigakure shinobi, and it is directly related to where the destination of the transfer is.

"Twelve o'clock in the morning, Tsugaru Gorge!"

Kudachi Yagura replied impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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