Chapter 147

Neither Hatake Sakumo, Orochimaru, nor Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was taking a detour from the Iron Country, did not know the existence of Mizukage Mizukage in the Kirigakure fleet at this time.

But in the face of the harassment of Konoha's elite squad, the Kirigakure Second Army led by Kutachi Yakura uncharacteristically chose to stick to it.

"Not resisting... it means that Wuyin has a guilty conscience!"

Orochimaru also lost his usual calmness at this time, his wet long tongue ignored Hatake Sakumo's existence, and kept licking his lips, like a poisonous snake that has finally found a hunting opportunity after being patient for a long time.

Orochimaru dispatched a total of eight elite squads to harass, but after probing for a long time outside the Kirigakure camp, only one detachment of Kirigakure's ninja troops was hastily expelled. After pursuing, he quickly returned to the camp, as if he was afraid that he would be abandoned by the ninjas from the same village in the camp.

"It's eight o'clock in the evening..." Hatake Sakumo estimated the time, and said, "If Kirigakure really wants to retreat, two hours is enough for them to pack their bags, and we can start after they leave the camp. Let's attack..."

"In this case, it's not impossible..."

Although a little reconciled, Orochimaru also knew that Hatake Sakumo's approach was relatively correct.

After the Konoha ninja army fought against Kirigakure repeatedly, both Orochimaru's subordinates and Hatake Sakumo's ninja army were very exhausted. At this time, it is really not worthwhile to instigate the ninja army to attack the Kirigakure camp. It is also easy to arouse the rebellious psychology of the subordinates.

"But where is Deguang-jun now?"

Orochimaru took the initiative to change the topic.

"With the footsteps of Tokumitsu-kun and his Jonin, they should have returned to the land of fire..." Hatake Sakumo was also uncertain about Uchiha Tokumitsu's whereabouts. Troops also carry communication psychic beasts..."

"Uchiha is really independent..."

Orochimaru gave another strange smile with unknown meaning.

Just after the two waited for nearly an hour, there was a deafening explosion in the direction of the Wuyin camp.

"what happened!"

Hatake Sakumo stood up abruptly, his face livid.

Orochimaru was also a little baffled, and quickly ordered to summon the perception ninja.

"...There are two huge chakra bodies fighting, and one of them is Kirigakure's Kutachi Yakura!"

The perception ninja replied after concentrating on sensing for a while.

"Where is the other person!"

Orochimaru asked sharply.

At the same time, he also took out a token and handed it to his subordinates to summon the ninja army on his behalf.

"...I can't tell the difference. The Chakra characteristics are not recorded, but it is roughly humanoid." The perception ninja desperately urged the perception ninjutsu under the gaze of the two upper peaks: "The other one's Chakra reaction gives people a kind of An ominous feeling, more evil than the three-tailed chakra..."


Hatake Sakumo muttered to himself.


Orochimaru's eyelids twitched, and he looked at Sakumo Hatake.

"Maybe Deguang-kun and Kirigakure collided..."

Hatake Sakumo pressed the center of his eyebrows a little irritably, and then ordered his subordinates a little irritably: "The ninja army of the headquarters must also gather immediately!"

Based on the perception ninja's words and the description of Chakra's reaction, combined with the progress of Uchiha Tokumitsu's return journey, Hatake Sakumo can easily guess the reason for the fierce battle in the direction of the Kirigakure camp at this time.

The facts are exactly as Hatake Sakumo thought, at this time behind the Kirigakure camp, it was Uchiha Tokumitsu who was fighting with the beast-tailed wolfberry Yagura.

In order to conceal his whereabouts, Kirigakure retreated in groups in groups.

And the first group of Kirigakure ninjas who retreated happened to meet Uchiha Tokumitsu and his party who were rushing back.

As a result, this team of Kirigakure ninjas was unceremoniously accepted by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu led the crowd to easily kill this team of Kirigakure ninjas, no abnormalities were found after a body search, so he just regarded it as Kirigakure's transfer, and then continued on without paying attention.

But when they successively killed the second and third Kirigakure ninjas that they met later, the group felt something was wrong.

Especially in Hyuga Ninja's field of vision, there are two teams of Kirigakure ninjas with almost the same number coming towards their side...

No matter how much the command ability of the Kirigakure Ninja Army is stretched, it is impossible for the subordinates to adopt this kind of refueling tactic of death, right?And every time Tokumitsu Uchiha and his party jumped out of an ambush to attack, the astonishment on the expressions of the Kirigakure ninjas couldn't be fooled.

But the Kirigakure Ninja Army would not have been unaware of the abnormality.

When the retreating Kirigakure ninjas of the first team did not send back a safety communication after a long time, Yakura Kudachi's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately raised his throat.

Kuju Yagura's first reaction was that Hatake Sakumo was intercepting and killing the retreating Kirigakure ninja in the rear.

Therefore, after briefly handing over the affairs of the camp, he immediately led his direct troops towards the retreat route.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and his party, who were doing a big kill, were also caught.

In this way, the enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and the two started fighting without saying a word.

When ordinary ninjutsu sparring and physical combat can't solve the opponent, stronger methods are naturally used.

"Tailed beast!"


The two chakra giants, who looked like giant spirits and demon gods, collided without hesitation.

At this moment, ninjutsu skills and physical skills are no longer important. Only close combat with punches to the flesh and big bites is the kingly way.

The red-tailed beast chakra and the purple flaming power released by Uchiha Tokumitsu entangled each other, triggering bursts of chakra explosions.

Yakura's Tailed Beast has reached the state of manifesting two giant chakra tails. In addition, Sanwei Iso Fukumoto is a tailed beast known for its outstanding defense, so even after turning on Susano, Uchi Bode Light still does not have the upper hand.

The originally invincible flame escape burning effect, when faced with the power of the tailed beast of the three-tailed rock of Goji Yakura, even the chakra characteristics such as stickiness and continuous burning obtained from the two-tailed chakra are in the face of the thick The three-tailed chakra will not be able to exert its effect.

And Goju Yakura was also extremely aggrieved in the fight, and the source of the aggrieved came from the big sword and shark muscle held in Susano's right arm.

According to the legend, Shame was originally Sanwei Isao's little follower, living on the chakra of the three-tailed beast all the year round, and now belongs to two parties, but still habitually sucks a lot of the three-tailed tailed beast chakra.

After the shark muscle sucked the three-tailed chakra, part of it was injected into Uchiha Deguang's body, allowing it to maintain a high-strength Susanoo to fight.


As Uchiha Tokumitsu increased his pupil power and chakra output, Susanoo's appearance became more realistic, and he punched back the beast-tailed Yakura Yagura.

"Shadow caress!"

The repelled Tailed Beast Yakura followed the rolling momentum when he was repelled, actively arched his whole body, wrapped the huge thick carapace behind his body, and then moved towards Uchiha Tokumitsu's Susan like a wheel Can almost initiate a rolling impact.

"Tu Dun·Huangquan Marsh!"

Facing the impact of the three tails, Uchiha Tokumitsu only had time to launch an earth escape ninjutsu in an attempt to alleviate the force of the violent collision.


The swamp formed by ninjutsu was quickly crushed under the fierce impact, and then the momentum continued, hitting Susano's waist hard.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was dizzy and dizzy from the huge impact shock wave.

Even Susanoo's outer shell has pieces of chakra bones falling off.

Tokumitsu Uchiha manipulated Susanoo's two giant arms to grab the sides of Mitsuo's body, lifted it up with all his strength and threw it over his shoulder, and also threw Yagura, which was wrapped in the thick Mitsuo chakra, He stared at gold stars.

At this time, the ninja army in the hidden camp of Kiri has also begun to evacuate from the camp. Under the pursuit of Konoha ninja army, they fight and retreat, and the battlefield between Uchiha Tokumitsu and Kutachi Yakura is getting closer and closer.

No matter how conceited Uchiha Tokumitsu is, he is unwilling to try to block the large group of Kiriginin troops who are eager to retreat but still fight tenaciously under the attack of Kutachi Yagura.

"Evacuate the position here!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu issued an order to inform his subordinates, and then manipulated Susano to actively dodge to the side, and slowly backed away under the gaze of Mio.

The Kirigakure Ninja Army quickly made a detour behind the confrontation between Tailed Beast and Susano, and the Konoha Ninja Army gradually pushed forward.

Goju Yakura was not afraid, but a tailed beast jade began to condense on the mouth of the tailed beast.

The Konoha Ninja Army's advancing pace gradually slowed down, and the Ninja Army's formation also dispersed immediately.

In many battles in the past, even with this move, Kutachi Yakura forced back the Konoha Ninja Army's offensive many times.

"Tail beast... This kind of combat power outside the specification is the most annoying..."

Seeing the situation, Uchiha Tokumitsu also manipulated Susano to retreat again, and took the initiative to disperse Susano after reaching a safe place.

One is to keep Goju Yakura from risking his life, and the other is that he is almost unable to hold on.

Even with the supplement of chakra absorbed by the shark muscle, the high-intensity pupil power output has already caused his eyes to burst with pain.

After Susanohu dispersed, Uchiha Tokumitsu staggered a little, and the Uchiha ninjas under his command hurried up to support him.

"I'm fine..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

Then he raised his hand to wipe away the black tears from his eyes, and blinked vigorously a few times.

After this consumption, he felt that his eyesight seemed to have weakened a little.

"The kaleidoscope is really a double-edged sword..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu then wiped the black tears and secretly pressed the Chengqi point under the eyes to relieve the discomfort in the eyes.

Originally during the ambush in Uzumaki, Yakura's control over tailed beasts was not as deep as it is now. At that time, Yakura, together with the help of Seven Ninja Swordsmen, was comparable to Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hajime. The two of Sakumo Ki had a tie, but now that the Tailed Beast's control level has been further improved, it can force Tokumitsu Uchiha, Sakumo Hatake and Orochimaru to dare not act rashly.

Although the three of them are not afraid of Yakura Goju after the Tailed Beast transformation, the ninja army under his command will never be able to reach the bombardment of the Tailed Beast Jade.

It is more important to protect all the subordinates than to forcibly leave the Kirigakure ninja army behind.

After all, the ninja army directly under his subordinates is the basis for preserving the power of the few people in Konoha.

In this way, in an atmosphere where both sides were wary, the Kirigakure Ninja Army withdrew smoothly.

"I don't know if the addition of tailed beasts can alleviate the negative effects of excessive use of the kaleidoscope."

Kudachi Yagura also started to back away slowly.

Looking at Mio's trembling movements, Tokumitsu Uchiha felt yearning again.

He thought of the two-tailed Jinchuriki who was killed in Taki Country.

"Several years have passed, Erwei should have been reborn..."

Uchiha Deguang licked his lips, and the desire for the tailed beast surged in his heart.

Even if it's inconvenient for him to become Jinchuriki, it's not impossible to use Sharingan to control tailed beasts like Uchiha Madara.

Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru also slowly followed the retreat of Goju Yakura.

But the ninja army under him had dispersed and tried to outflank the retreating Kirigakure ninja army.


Orochimaru said suddenly.


Hatake Sakumo was a little puzzled.

"It's a pity that I couldn't finish all my work in one battle..." Orochimaru sighed, "I don't know if Kirigakure just retreated like this..."

Although he is older than Tokumitsu Uchiha, Orochimaru's record is not as good as Tokumitsu Uchiha in this ninja war.

As for Hatake Sakumo... Orochimaru glanced at him quietly, thoughtful.

A gentleman can be deceived by...

"It's good to be able to expel Kirigakure smoothly, so that we don't have to sacrifice too many comrades in the village..."

Hatake Sakumo sighed, "It's a pity that I didn't bring the seal team to play this time, otherwise I wouldn't have let Goju Yakura run so rampant."

The most effective tactic to deal with this kind of super-sized giant creature is to let the sealing team deal with it under the entanglement of experts.

"I remember that Tokumitsu-kun has Uzumaki ninjas under his command, their sealing skills should be good..."

Orochimaru tentatively said.

In front of Uchiha Tokumitsu, he had already suffered a loss once, but it did not prevent him from testing Uchiha Tokumitsu's power again from other people's mouths.

"It should have brought a few people to the battle, but I don't know if they have brought them here now..."

Hatake Sakumo also looked in the direction of Uchiha Tokumitsu's retreat.

"It feels like we are sending Kirigakure out of the country..."

Orochimaru changed the topic naturally again, as if he just asked casually just now.

Hearing what Hatake Sakumo said, it seems that there are several Uzumaki ninjas in the Uzumaki country camp... This seems to be considered...

"I don't know if there are new reinforcements in Kirigakure's fleet. If so, the battle is not over yet..."

Although Hatake Sakumo was not in the mood to fight again, he still felt something was wrong in his heart.

Suddenly, the Tailed Beast Jade held in Sanwei's mouth erupted with a violent light.

Orochimaru's eyelids twitched, feeling bad.

"Tailed beast jade!"

A huge chakra group slammed towards the two people's positions.

Immediately, Kuju Yakura's tailed beast coat took off, and he quickly evacuated under the protection of several subordinates.

"Ninja · Triple Rashomon!"

Orochimaru immediately bit his finger, and Jieyin used ninjutsu to resist the bombardment of Tailed Beast Jade.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Tailed Beast Jade broke through the barriers of three ghost gates one after another.

"Earth Dungeon Multiple Earth City Walls!"

Hatake Sakumo also quickly clapped his hands on the ground, summoning a series of thick earth walls, barely resisting Yakura's blow before he left.

The subordinates behind the two were already pale with fright.


Hatake Sakumo breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at the ninjas under him, and said to Orochimaru, "Forget it, there is no need to chase..."

"Until we find a way to deal with Jinchuriki in this state, there is really no need to chase..."

Orochimaru nodded.

But his mind has drifted to the country of vortex.

 In other words... Erwei Mataru's form is a cat, and it should be more compatible with the Uchiha clan who are cat slaves per capita~ And Uchiha Tokumitsu has not yet signed a psychic contract with the Ninja cat clan~
(End of this chapter)

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