Chapter 148
Uchiha Tokumitsu successfully reunited with Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru, and the ninja troops under their command except for the mobile unit and other elite ninja troops, the ordinary ninja troops dispersed on the basis of squads and retreated to Kirigakure Direction pressed.

After dispersing the ninja army, although they may be easily broken through the encirclement under Kirigakure's large-scale counterattack, at least they don't have to worry about being wiped out by a sudden shot of Tailed Beast Jade, and the elite ninja army held by several people is also Rescue can be carried out in time.

And Kirigakure seems to really want to evacuate the country of fire, and the Konoha ninja army who kept an appropriate distance followed unimpededly all the way, and did not encounter any counterattacks and attacks from Kirigakure ninjas.

"Ahead is Tsugaru Gorge, which is the only strait suitable for ships to dock here..."

Hatake Sakumo took the map, compared the progress along the way, and deduced the retreat destination of the Kirigakure Second Army.

"Have the perception ninjas discovered anything?"

Orochimaru asked.

"No change has been found..."

Jonin in charge of the perception class quickly replied.

"It seems that Kirigakure is indeed going to retreat, but..." Orochimaru turned his gaze to Uchiha Tokumitsu: "Tokumitsu-kun, what do you think?"

"Look with your eyes."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied casually out of boredom.

"Hehe... What an interesting answer!"

Orochimaru who was choked was not angry, but just laughed a few times.

"It's a good thing after all... The combat power of the headquarters is very tired, and it's not bad to end the war..."

Hatake Sakumo put away the map and sighed.

"But if it ends like this, there is no way to get compensation from Kirigakure. Will the village still have money to pay our IOU?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said smoothly.


Hatake Sakumo also had a headache.

After the ninja handed over the family ninjas, all they got was IOUs, but they had to be paid after the war. If Kirigakure’s surrender compensation could not be obtained by then, and the village’s finances could not pay the debts, it is estimated that even he, the ninja squad leader I can't ask for anything.

Who let the family ninjas join the battle under the command of Hatake Sakumo?

"If you want Kirigakure to surrender completely, it is estimated that you have to hit the mainland of the country of water..." Orochimaru also interjected: "Otherwise, Kirigakure who is alone overseas will not stop here."

"...Crossing the sea and expedition to Wuyin, there is almost no possibility of success."

Of course, Hatake Sakumo knew how difficult it would be to get Kirigakure to surrender and pay the indemnity, so he didn't hold out much hope.

Just when a few people were relaxing and chatting nonsense, Jonin, the person in charge of the perception class, suddenly ran over.

"grown ups!"

Ninja, the person in charge of the perception class who was sweating profusely, panted and reported: "There are two people blocking the way ahead, they are Goju Yakura and..."

Shinobu, who is in charge of the perception class, swallowed: "...Mistakage Mizukage!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru were all stunned upon hearing this.

Mizukage, one of the leaders of the Five Great Ninja Villages, actually came to the battlefield in person!
"Immediately inform the Ninja Army in front to change the marching direction!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was the first to react and immediately ordered.

"Yes! In addition to scouting ninjas, the frontline ninja army quickly avoided the front!"

Hatake Sakumo immediately reacted.

A group of ninjas ordered the ninjas to leap forward quickly.

"It seems that Kirigakure is still unwilling to accept his failure!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered, and jumped forward first.

Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru looked at each other, and then followed.

If there were only Mizukage Mizukage and Yakura Kutachi, they felt they could still handle it.

The previous battles were mainly because they had to take care of the ninja army under their command to prevent them from being attacked by Kutachi Yakura's Tailed Beast Jade, but it didn't mean that they couldn't beat the three-tailed Jinchuriki Gotachi Yakura.

"Have all the ninja troops on the front line withdrawn?"

Hatake Sakumo has already noticed the two figures standing on the treetops in front of him. It is Mizukage Mizukage and Yagura Kutachi who are waiting for Konoha Ninja to arrive.

"It has been evacuated to the two wings, and another one has gone around to the rear, cutting off the way of the Kirigakure Ninja Army!"

A Jōnin quickly replied.

"very good!"

Hatake Sakumo nodded in satisfaction.

It's time to let go of your hands and feet and use all your strength to fight with the two strong men of Kirigakure in an all-out battle!

Uchiha Tokumitsu took the lead in jumping on the tree in front of the two Kirigakure powerhouses, and untied the big sword slung on his back. He held it in his right hand, and the Sangodama Sharingan looked provocatively at Sandai Mizukage and Goku Tachibana Yagura.

Goju Yakura lowered his head slightly to avoid the gaze of Sharingan. When the tail beast mode was not turned on, he didn't want to try whether Uchiha Tokumitsu's illusion attainment passed the level.

But Sandai Mizukage looked straight at Uchiha Tokumitsu's scarlet pupils without fear, as if looking at a pair of peerless treasures.

Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru also landed next to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"What a pair of eyes like the most precious works of art..."

The third Mizukage spoke slowly, with an indescribably hoarse voice, as if sharpening an iron tool with a file, "I'm a bit reluctant to destroy such beautiful eyes..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned, and turned his gaze to Yagura, who was unmoved.

He was a little uncertain whether the water shadow in front of him was under control.

But judging from Kutachi Yagura's current state, he should have already been familiar with Mizukage Mizukage's ugly voice.

"Isn't it Uchiha Madara..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also a little uncertain.

"Mizukage-sama is here in person, so let me wait for a while to show my kindness as a landlord..."

Hatake Sakumo slowly drew out his famous White Fang dagger, and held it in front of his eyes.

Orochimaru also took out a long sword from the seal scroll, but it was not the Kusanagi sword that Uchiha Tokumitsu had seen.

"Konoha's juniors are getting more and more rude..."

Mizukage Mizukage was unmoved, just chuckled, like an elder looking at his ineffective and disobedient junior, "Compared to Mr. Hashirama, you don't look like Konoha ninjas..."

The third Mizukage had accompanied the first Mizukage Bailian to the first Five Kages Conference as a shadow guard when he was young. In terms of seniority, he is the elder of the three, so it is not too much to say.

"It seems that you are old too..."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Uchiha Tokumitsu's mouth, "Since it is a remnant of the old era, then obediently return to the Pure Land just like Hashirama-sama and Madara-sama!"

"Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·God Emperor Produces Spirit Venerable!"

"Magic · The Art of Hanging!"

The three-god jade in Uchiha Deguang's eyes quickly merged into a kaleidoscope sharingan, which stimulated the pupil technique of the left eye to increase and quickly launched the golden binding illusion.

"Water Escape·Blast Water Rush!"

Goju Yakura seems to be very confident in Mizukage's illusion resistance. Instead of helping Mizukage out of the siege immediately, he urges the water escape ninjutsu to set off a huge wave.

"Tu Dun · Earth Flowing River!"

Orochimaru quickly grasped the sword and formed a seal, turning the soil on the ground into a flowing sand river, and smashed down the big tree where the two of them were standing.

Afterwards, the big earth flow river, wrapped in sand, slapped fiercely with the huge waves set off by Yakura Goju.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The collision between the earth river and the giant wave caused a violent chakra explosion, and at the same time, Goju Yakura's idea of ​​using ninjutsu to create an environment conducive to water escape ninjutsu fell through.

Just as Mizukage Mizukage jumped from the big tree swallowed by the mud flow, Sakumo Hatake jumped out of the mud like a ghost, slashing his knife to grab his legs.

"Water Escape·Water Cutting Technique!"

An almost invisible line of water sprayed out from Mizukage Mizukage's mouth, and shot towards Sakumo Hatake's slashing hands.

Hatake Sakumo immediately disappeared without a trace with a teleportation technique.

The seemingly soft waterline divides a bottomless gap in the muddy ground.


Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but be amazed when he saw Mizukage's incomparably profound attainments in water escape.

Although they didn't go all out in the first round of probing, the two sides still had a tie.

Hatake Sakumo turned back and landed beside Uchiha Tokumitsu without changing his expression, as if he was not the one who just got into the mud and launched a surprise attack.

Even the jonin vest on his body was not contaminated with sand, I don't know how Hatake Sakumo did it.

"Such a fierce sword technique, such a skillful sneak attack..." Mizukage Mizukage finally turned his gaze to Sakumo Hatake: "No wonder Yuanshi fell into your hands..."

"Mizukage-sama has won the prize..."

Hatake Sakumo seemed to reply humbly.

But from the perspective of Uchiha Tokumitsu, Hatake Sakumo was a little proud of Sandai Mizukage's ironic words.

And Orochimaru uncharacteristically restrained the usual cold smile on his face, and looked at Mizukage Mizukage solemnly.

The so-called 'water cutting technique' performed by Mizukage just now gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"It's exactly the same as the water breaking wave technique of the second generation..."

After a while, a sentence slowly popped out of Orochimaru's mouth.

When Uchiha Tokumitsu heard the words, his eyelids couldn't help but twitched a few times.

"After the practice of ninjutsu has reached a certain level, all limitations are no longer the technique itself, but the imagination of the performer."

After the third Mizukage finished speaking, he looked away from Orochimaru and looked at Uchiha Tokumitsu: "You think so? The descendants of the Uchiha family..."

"Ha ha……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed dryly, and with his left hand backhanded out the katana across his chest.

He is almost certain that even if the person in front of him is not Uchiha Madara, he is still under the control of age spots.

There are two reasons.

One is that the third generation of Mizukage forcibly took over the illusion and was as unresponsive as a mud cow entering the sea, which is very abnormal.Uchiha Tokumitsu, as the caster, understands the power of the illusion after the amplification of the kaleidoscope pupil technique. Even the third generation of Hokage can make him stunned for a while before he can untie it. There is no reason for the third generation of Mizukage to be unmoved. nothing.

The second is that these words about the art are exactly the same as what Uchiha Madara said about the fire escape in the memory of the previous life.

"You're nervous..."

Sandai Mizukage looked at Uchiha Tokumitsu and said again.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't reply, but stirred the chakra in his body and released it outward, forming a flame of flaming escape to envelop his whole body.

Yagura, who was on the side, also began to turn into a half-tailed beast without showing any weakness, and the red three-tailed chakra also began to form a tailed beast suit.

"It's okay, don't be so impulsive."

Mizukage Mizukage said softly: "It's just been a long time since I saw that the Uchiha clan has such an excellent junior, so I just want to say a few more words with emotion..."

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't have the mind to continue entangled with the third Mizukage who was suspected to be Uchiha Madara in front of him, and immediately performed ninjutsu.

"Water Escape, Big Water Burst!"

Sandai Mizukage puffed up his mouth, and violently sprayed out a tsunami-like huge wave from his mouth, and then formed a huge and incomparable water mass and pressed towards Uchiha Tokumitsu and the others.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and the three immediately backed away.

Sandai Mizukage and Kutachi Yagura chased after them on the water waves.


The kaleidoscope Sharingan in Uchiha's eyes rotates rapidly, and pupil power and chakra are intertwined and released rapidly.

A bust of a demon god burst out.

"Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·God Emperor Produces Spirit Venerable!"

"Flame Escape·Longyan Singing Technique!"

The four flame dragons that had been boosted by the kaleidoscope pupil technique shot towards Mizukage Mizukage and Goju Yagura who were chasing after Misui.

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

With the help of the huge waves, Sandai Mizukage easily summoned water dragons, and flew towards Uchiha Tokumitsu's flame dragon in succession.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sound of the huge chakra explosion resounded throughout the world, and the smoke generated by the excitation of water and fire quickly spread.

"Ninja Art of Hidden Mist!"

Goji Yakura uses water vapor to quickly activate the technique of fog concealment.

The thick chakra fog quickly moved towards the three of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Fire Escape·Ash Accumulation and Burning Technique!"

Orochimaru also quickly sprayed a cloud of high-temperature smoke from its mouth to deal with the coverage of the fog concealment technique.

"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

Hatake Sakumo immediately threw out a wind ninjutsu, boosting the spread of Orochimaru's smoke, and then disappeared instantly.

Hatake Sakumo is a traditional assassin-type ninja, and ninjutsu is not his specialty. Only by hiding his whereabouts can he create the greatest deterrence.

The mist and smoke dissipated slowly.

The figures of Sandai Mizukage and Goju Yagura slowly appeared.

Kuju Yagura seemed to be about to turn into a full-tailed beast, but Sandai Mizukage pressed his shoulder to forcefully stop this action.

"What a nostalgic mighty force..."

Looking at Uchiha Tokumitsu's Susanoo, Sandai Mizukage sighed again, "This reminds me of the time when the ninja god was still alive..."


Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly and dispersed Susano.

He could also see that Mizukage Mizukage, or Uchiha Madara, the manipulator behind it, didn't seem to have the idea of ​​a death fight, but just babbled like a long-forgotten old man.

"The junior of the Uchiha family, you are far from Uchiha Madara."

The third Mizukage said to Uchiha Tokumitsu: "I would like to call you the strongest contemporary Uchiha!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly and didn't respond.

Moreover, too many prefixes were added to the words of the so-called strongest of the three generations of Mizukage.

"All the gifts given by fate have already been secretly priced."

Sandai Mizukage also saw Uchiha Tokumitsu's unconvinced, just chuckled twice: "If you are addicted to evil power for a long time, you will fall into the dark abyss sooner or later."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's face became colder.

Doesn't the so-called dark abyss mean that if you use the kaleidoscope Sharingan too much, you will lose your sight?

What is the purpose of his implicative words!
"Let's end the war here!" Mizukage Mizukage turned and left without hesitation, "Konoha has won this battle!"

Kuju Yagura also retracted the released three-tailed chakra, and left behind Mizukage Mizukage.

Orochimaru looked thoughtfully at Uchiha Tokumitsu with an indifferent face.

Hatake Sakumo slowly emerged from a treetop.

But none of the three intend to continue chasing Mizukage.

"Send the signal flare..."

After a while, Tokumitsu Uchiha said dully, "Call the ninja army back, stop doing unnecessary battles."

Hatake Sakumo nodded, and took out a special flare from his pocket.


A red flare flew into the air.

Although I don't know the reason, the Konoha ninjas who were lurking everywhere saw the signal flare and immediately got up and retreated to the rear.

"An anticlimactic war..."

Orochimaru stood there for a moment, shook his head and sighed.

 The battle between Konoha and Kirigakure has come to an end, let me think about the next chapter, everyone can see it when they wake up tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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