Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 149 Layout of Frontier Army

Chapter 149 Layout of Frontier Army
After Mizukage Mizukage and Yagura Kudachi retreated, Tokumitsu Uchiha and the others gathered the ninja army and returned to the camp after confirming that all the ninja army had left by boat.

According to Konoha's past practice, the ninja army recruited from the village after the war must arrange for a rest as soon as possible or even disband the ninja army headquarters under the jurisdiction of the combat commander, and hand over all legal affairs to the garrison camp or border defense force.

However, the area where Hatake Sakumo is currently stationed is quite special. The eastern border defense force that was originally in charge of regional defense has been beaten to almost the whole army under the attack of the Kirigakure Ninja Army, and the original ally Uzumaki has long since disappeared. Therefore, Hatake Sakumo didn't intend to follow this rule, but started to make defense arrangements everywhere.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu has always been too lazy to take care of these general affairs, he was still dragged by the overwhelmed Hatake Sakumo to share part of the work.

Tokumitsu Uchiha is responsible for the reconstruction of the most important eastern border defense force.

As a member of Konoha's first ninja unit that was beaten to the point where the entire command was wiped out, when facing the notorious new commander of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the members of the former Eastern Defense Force fought against Uchiha Tokumitsu No one in front of him dared to disobey even a little bit.

As a ninja force with a scale of nearly a thousand people, only about [-] ninjas survived and returned to the eastern defense force after the battle with Kirigakure, and the original command structure has been completely destroyed.

Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't care about the original positions of these defeated soldiers, but after drawing out ninjas with special ninjutsu abilities such as perception ninjas and medical ninjas, he simply and roughly organized the original personnel into three detachment.

Later, from the ninja coalition forces brought by Hatake Sakumo, ninja ninjas who were relatively close to the Uchiha clan were drawn into two detachments, and half of the border troops were temporarily assembled, barely taking over the defense work.

As for the vacant establishments, Uchiha Tokumitsu plans to go back and digest them within the family and among the various ninja clans.

Even if the families are short of manpower, graduates from police preparatory schools can be recruited to join, and it happens that the experience of serving in the border forces can be used as an internship experience for newcomers to the police department.

In this way, even if the eastern border defense force in the future is replaced by an outsider as the commander, there will be no trouble when faced with the absolute advantage that most of the ninja detachment leaders are Uchiha family cronies.

In the big tent of the Chinese Army, Uchiha Tokumitsu drew a Uchiha Uchiha fan logo on the eastern part of the Fire Country on the Ninja World map.

In addition to the northwest border defense force stationed in the country of grass, the eastern border defense force will soon become the possession of the Uchiha clan.

In addition, the northern border defense force is the original force that Hatake Sakumo once commanded, and has always obeyed orders. Although the son of Hokage, Sarutobi Shinnosuke, recently led his troops to the north to join the department's support, this ninja army will not be able to get rid of it in the short term. The influence of Hatake Sakumo.

The western border defense force stationed in the country of Chuanzhi is Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo's comrades-in-arms during the battle against Sand Hidden. The attitude of the two commanders is relatively ambiguous. Even if there is any trouble in the future, even if they can't Leading the troops to help can also maintain a state of standing still and wait for the victory or defeat in the village.

All in all, Konoha Ninja Village's four major frontier defense forces are already under the control of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo, either explicitly or secretly.

According to the one-country-one-village system established by the first Hokage Senjujuma, except for a few scattered ninjas, most of the ninjas have been brought under the jurisdiction of the ninja village, and the funds for the development of the ninja village are provided by ninjas. Provided by the daimyo of the country where the village is located.But the ninjas are not productive, they just rely on tasks to get paid to make ends meet.

However, although the reward income of missions is quite a lot, ninjas need to prepare all the material props they need to perform missions, especially missions above B level that involve ninja battles. After spending money on treating injuries, repairing and supplementing ninja equipment, and purchasing training resources, most of the mission rewards are spent.

But you can't save money in this regard, otherwise the slow recovery of the injury will delay the time to perform the next mission, and if you don't buy ninja equipment or practice resources, you will weaken your ability to survive in the mission.

This is how the ninjas passively join the involuntary team until one day they die in a mission or withdraw from the register due to injury.

And the ninjas who have been eliminated or even lie flat in this endless introversion are the senior ninjas and the elderly who have the largest base among the registered ninjas of the major ninja villages. The not-difficult but extremely cumbersome tasks such as killing and suppressing bandits are tailor-made for them, so that these ninjas with extraordinary powers will not be poor and choose to loot their homes and become rebels.

Calculated in this way, the frontier troops allocated funds from the village and served as the standing ninja army are indeed a very good place for some relatively mediocre ninjas.

At least in peacetime, it is a perfect iron rice bowl.

"Lord Deguang..."

A Uchiha ninja walked in from the large tent of the Chinese army, bowed and said, "The ninja you want to see has arrived..."

"Let him in."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded, and put away the ninja world map on the stage.

A middle-aged man with an iron pot on his back and a ragged but resolute face walked into the tent.

"Commanded by Tokumitsu, Kosuke Shimoninmaru is ordered to report for duty!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sized him up for a while.

Although the job rank is only lower ninja, it can be seen from aspects such as standing posture and chakra fluctuation that Kosuke Maruhoshi is considered a strong one even among the upper ninja.

After all, he is the person who personally taught the water escape ninjutsu by the second generation of Senju Tomona, and he will not be an ordinary person.

"Mr. Gu Jie..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said slowly: "I have made other adjustments to your position, do you have any comments?"

"Commander Deguang, I once swore to Tobima-sama that I would only be a ninja for the rest of my life, so I really dare not accept orders..."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to promote your ninja rank, you are still a ninja!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said calmly.

"Please command De Guang."

Maruyoshi Kosuke still had that calm appearance.

"I plan to appoint you as the ninja training instructor, and I will be dedicated to the ninja training of the frontier troops."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "In this way, you don't need to run around anymore, and you can grow up quickly, so that you won't make mistakes that shouldn't be made in simple tasks and die... So, what do you think? Woolen cloth?"

"As ordered..."

Kosuke Maruyoshi thought for a moment, then bowed to Tokumitsu Uchiha, saying that he had accepted the appointment.

"As for your rank, if you are willing to advance to the rank of ninja, you can tell me. I believe that Sakumo-kun also welcomes you to become a member of the upper ninja."

Uchiha Deguang said again: "But everything I said is based on your personal wishes, and I will not force you to change what you think and do... If you have no other objections, you can go down first..."

"I bid farewell..."

Kosuke Maruyoshi stopped procrastinating, and left immediately after saluting.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's transfer of the original personnel of the border force is not limited to Marustar Kosuke.

However, all ninjas with outstanding strength and close contacts with the Hokage family were identified by Uchiha Tokumitsu as unstable elements, and were transferred from management positions for various reasons, and thrown into a newly created idle job to support the elderly.

Although it may weaken the original remnants of the eastern border defense force in a short period of time, it can also maintain the Uchiha clan's future control over this ninja army as much as possible.

The current situation of the weakening of combat effectiveness will also be changed after the Uchiha ninjas and the pro-ninja ninjas are incorporated into the eastern border defense force.

After handling the affairs of the Ninja Army, Uchiha Tokumitsu finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the representatives of the Ninja Alliance came to the door on their own initiative.


"The war hasn't officially ended yet, why are you so concerned about IOUs now?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned and asked: "Besides, it was an agreement signed between the village and everyone. Why do you ask me this?"

The ninja representatives who formed a team to come to Uchiha Tokumitsu's Chinese army tent included Inuzhong, Moonlight, Yamabuki, Toga and other small and medium ninja representatives. In order to meet Uchiha Tokumitsu smoothly, they also recruited a Hinata Xiuhong's younger brother procrastinates.

"Master Deguang, please allow me to explain..."

The representative of the Moonlight Clan stood up and saluted and said: "The fog of this battle has receded, do you think the war is over?"

"This topic is really interesting..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu lay down on the back of the chair, and said with some playfulness: "And if I remember correctly, the announcement of the end of the war should be issued by Hokage, right?"

"That's true, it's just that when the battle will officially end is related to the payment of the IOUs signed by the village before our ninja race..."

The representative of the Moonlight Clan said in a low voice: "It would be a good thing if we could end the war with Kirigakure early and pay the IOU..."

"...Why did you come to me?"

After pondering for a moment, Uchiha Tokumitsu asked slowly, "You know, Sakumo-kun is the commander of the ninja army!"

The purpose of these ninja representatives is also very simple. It is nothing more than to promote the village level to confirm that the war with Kirigakure is over, so as to pay in advance. That's all.

Several ninja representatives looked at each other, and after making eye contact, they unanimously decided that the representative of the Moonlight family would continue to speak.

"Master Tokumitsu... You should know that we also followed the example of the Uchiha clan and discovered war bonds..."

The representative of the Moonlight family bit the bullet and said: "It's just that the interest we promised to pay is a little higher..."

"How much is it?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu became interested.

"Usually [-]% to [-]%..."

"It's not that high!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately lost interest.

The Uchiha clan issued war bonds with an annual interest rate of [-]% based on the credit of the No. [-] ninja family in the ninja world, and these small and medium ninjas only paid [-]% to [-]%, which is not too high.

"It's just that... your war earnings may not be able to cover the interest payments on the bonds."

Uchiha Tokumitsu has already considered this issue when he drafted the annual interest rate of the war bond, and the [-]% rate of return is more in line with the general lending rate in the ninja world.

But Uchiha Deguang thought about it again, and felt something was wrong.

The IOUs obtained by the ninjas have already been raised by [-]%, and paying more interest is just throwing the profits snatched from Hokage to the bond buyers, so they shouldn't be so panicked.


The representative of the Moonlight family began to sweat on his forehead.

"Don't rush, speak slowly..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu leaned on his chin with his left hand, and looked at several ninja representatives with interest, "I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be in a hurry..."

"...Master Deguang, we have also issued additional bonds!"

The representative of the Inuzuka family gritted his teeth and took the initiative to intervene.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was stunned, and put down the hand on his chin, "...how many bonds have you issued?"

Originally, the purpose of issuing this excess bond to patriarch Shifang Uchiha was to trick the more flexible Nara clan. I didn't expect that even the small and medium-sized ninjas have fallen into it now.


This is the Yamabuki family, a little-known ninja, who is not too young to play.

"three times……"

The Tuhe family and the Yueguang family can only be said to be brave.

"Five times..."

The one with the most excess issuance is actually the seemingly kind-hearted Inuzuka clan with thick eyebrows and big eyes!
Even Tokumitsu Uchiha couldn't help but look sideways.

In fact, Tokumitsu Uchiha still underestimated the attractiveness of "financial innovation tools" among ninjas with scarce financial resources.

In addition to the regular task income, although Konoha's small and medium-sized ninjas also have some industries, their lives are better than civilian ninjas. The inherited secret techniques cost a lot to practice, so life has always been tight.

Bonds, a poison wrapped in honey, are self-evident for the ninja.

Especially in the absence of financial literacy, it's not uncommon to spam out of impulsive transitions.

"If the issuance is five times over, even if all the village's IOUs are exchanged, it will be enough to pay the principal of the bond, right?"

Tokumitsu Uchiha asked the representative of the Inuzuka family: "What did you think?"

The representative of the Inuzuka family faltered for a while, but couldn't say anything.

Seeing this, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't bother to ask.

Asking back and forth is nothing more than money touching people's hearts.

But since these ninjas have demands in this regard, it is not impossible for him to save them.

It's just that the help of the Uchiha clan will not be so cheap, so I don't know if these ninjas are willing to cut their flesh.

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at the representatives of the ninja clan and suddenly became kind, just like an old farmer visiting the leek seedlings in his vegetable garden.

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(End of this chapter)

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