Chapter 150
Although several ninja representatives felt that Uchiha Tokumitsu's expression was indescribably abnormal at this time, but after all, they had something to ask for, so they didn't care about it.

"Master Deguang, please show me!"

The representative of the Moonlight family said.

"If your bonds can be repurchased now, I can make an advance payment on behalf of the Uchiha clan, but the rights and interests of the bonds must be transferred over."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile.

"Repurchase... We can understand this, but how to calculate the interest when repurchasing?"

"Of course the calculation is based on current interest~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained patiently: "For example, your bond is one-year, and it has been two months since it was issued, so the current interest is one-sixth of the agreed annual interest on the bond face." .”

The representatives of the ninja clan looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What if... I mean, what if the buyers of the bonds don't want us to buy them back early?"

The representative of the Inuzuka family asked a little embarrassedly.

"...Have you sold out the additional bonds you issued?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu touched his chin and asked.


All representatives of the ninja clan are like this.

"If a large amount of bonds are thrown into the market and sold below par in the name of resale, how do you think buyers will react?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu expressed his thoughts.

Although compared with the various financial methods in the previous life, this simplest and most superficial method of creating panic is nothing at all, but this is the ninja world after all.

The simple people in the ninja world have not seen the power of financial innovation tools, the difference between bonds and savings, and the sinister intentions of Gouzhuang!
"It's just that this will have a bad impact on the reputation of the ninja..."

The representative of the Yamabuki clan said in a low voice.

When Uchiha Tokumitsu heard the words, the smile on his face became even bigger!
He likes this kind of trader who has some morals but not many!
"Can you explain~"

Regarding the leeks that are about to be harvested, Tokumitsu Uchiha is naturally very patient: "At that time, the bulletin board of the police department can be borrowed for you to post a clarification announcement, explaining that the bonds issued by the family are all normal, but there are some people with sinister intentions. Deliberately making trouble, I have applied to the police department for investigation..."

"Then... what happens after the investigation by the Police Department?"

"After the investigation? Then what after the investigation!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was once again amused by the simple ninja, "Not all investigations must have results. If there is no problem found, it can only mean that the person who maliciously destroyed the value of the bond is hiding too deep."

"But in this way... it will still affect the reputation of the family."

"Then you can take advantage of the situation and find out that the announcement says that a limited repurchase is being made at the request of the purchaser."

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled.

"Limited buyback..."

The ninja representative was a little hesitant.

"No one will know how limited your 'limited' is, right~"

Brother Uchiha picked up the teacup on the table and took a leisurely sip.

From the corner of his eyes, he secretly observed the changes in the expressions of several ninja representatives.

He is not worried that these simple financial tricks will be abandoned by the Uchiha clan after being learned by the ninjas.

Because he only talked about the most superficial panic-making content just now, if these little ninjas are really disobedient, Uchiha Tokumitsu will give them a free lesson again, teaching these ninja bumpkins what is called "sucking money and smashing the plate" '.

"Master Deguang, if we hand over the bond to you to operate... then the rights and interests of the bond will also be sold to you..."

The representative of the Moonlight family got stuck while talking.

What he meant was that the interest was originally set too high due to inexperience, if it was still bought by the Uchiha clan, it would not be the same as paying blood at that time.

"After the bond rights are handed over to the Uchiha clan, we will only charge [-]% interest."

Uchiha Tokumitsu put down his teacup and looked directly at everyone, "When repurchasing, you only need to pay the current interest to the advancer, the Uchiha clan; and when the payment is made after the transfer of rights, the original bond coupon interest can be changed to Twenty percent, no matter how much it is!"

As soon as this remark came out, the face of the representative of the Inuzuka clan with the highest amount of additional issuance immediately beamed with joy.

Among other things, at least the high cost has been reduced all of a sudden.

Rounding up, it is equivalent to earning a huge amount of money for nothing!

Uchiha Tokumitsu picked up the teacup again, hiding his crescent-shaped eyes from laughing.

really!Is it worthless to fight and kill? There is still a future in finance!
And after this, the Uchiha clan has actually become the most trustworthy credit evaluation party for small and medium ninjas. As long as the Uchiha clan is willing to endorse it, there is no need to worry about the risk of thunderstorms!

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't believe that after tasting the sweetness of quickly raising the funds needed for family development in a short period of time, the ninjas would stop there.

But after experiencing this market panic, what if the bonds of the ninjas cannot be sold?
The problem is not big, the Uchiha clan can endorse and supervise the issuance of Ninja bonds.

Then, it is time for the much-anticipated Uchiha clan to become the Konoha Ninja bond issuer and even the securities trading center.

Moreover, more financial gameplay can be derived from it, so that the ninja can be completely kidnapped on the chariot of the Uchiha clan.

"How are you thinking?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked again.

At the thought of cutting flesh with a soft knife soon, Tokumitsu Uchiha felt an uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

But the ninja representative is still there, and he still has to maintain a proper seriousness, lest Leek find out that he is Leek.

"The Inuzuka clan also asks Lord Tokumitsu to help!"

The Inuzuka clan with the highest debt ratio immediately made a decision.

"what about you?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded appreciatively, and turned his gaze to several other ninja representatives.

"I am humble and humble, and I still need to report to the patriarch and elders for a ruling..."

Several other ninja representatives said.

"It's understandable. After all, such a big matter can't be sloppy."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded, and then changed the topic, "However, the funds of the Uchiha clan are still limited. If the answer is too late, we may not be able to help..."

"Three days is okay! Master Deguang, please tolerate for three more days, and I will report to you no matter what!"

The representative of the Moonlight family said immediately.


Uchiha Tokumitsu pretended to think for a moment, and then reluctantly agreed under the perturbed faces of the ninja representatives, "However... the bond repurchase this time is limited to the few families present, and the amount It will be relatively limited, please don’t spread the news.”

A group of ninja representatives nodded again and again.

Tokumitsu Uchiha sent tea to the guests.

Do not spread the news?How can it be!

Even if these ninja representatives can bear not to whisper to other close ninjas, Uchiha Tokumitsu will help them spread the word!

If we don't build up the momentum of public opinion, how can the ninjas obediently send the leek seedlings to Uchiha's big sword, and Uchiha Tokumitsu has to let them politely say thank you to himself before harvesting!

Immediately, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately took out a pen and paper to write out his plan, and then summoned three Uchiha Jonin, ordering them to send the letter back to the village quickly to the patriarch Uchiha Sifang and Elder Setsuna.

After arranging all this, Uchiha Tokumitsu made himself a pot of tea again.

It's just that for some reason, the elegant tea smelled of leeks full of copper stink.

(End of this chapter)

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