Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 151 The beginning of the shady scene

Chapter 151 The beginning of the shady scene

What makes Tokumitsu Uchiha most happy is that Konoha and even the ninja world do not currently have any form of financial regulatory agency.

Although on the surface, all the big ninja countries have their own banks and issue corresponding currencies, and perform businesses such as deposits, remittances, and loans, but they are particularly backward in financial derivatives, and the regulatory system is even more out of the question.

As the current No. [-] ninja village, Konoha has almost zero financial applications; as the No. [-] military contractor in the ninja world, even the ninja village's funds still depend on daimyo's appropriation and ninja missions. Taking a commission, and even the reason for launching wars between the ninja villages is to grab the share of the task. This is simply a joke in the world!
Of course, it is precisely this vacuum in the financial market that creates an excellent opportunity for Tokumitsu Uchiha to reap and cheat people unscrupulously.

Moreover, Uchiha Tokumitsu, as a son of a wealthy family, owns a power organization such as the police department under his command, and has the super force of the Uchiha clan as a guarantee, so he doesn't worry about those leeks daring to turn their faces.


Three days later, Hatake Sakumo finally finished the work at hand, and took the initiative to visit the new station of the Eastern Border Defense Force full of melancholy.

Uchiha Tokumitsu is naturally very happy to communicate with allies.

"Mr. Deguang, the bond turmoil seems to be getting bigger and bigger..."

After the usual small talk, Sakumo Hatake brought up the topic on his own initiative.

This is exactly what Tokumitsu Uchiha expected, otherwise he wouldn't let the family members start spreading all kinds of endless rumors in private so soon.

"I have heard about it, but please rest assured that the war bonds issued by the Uchiha clan are very safe."

But fishing still requires patience after all, so Uchiha Tokumitsu just replied seemingly plainly.

"The Uchiha clan... how many additional issues have been issued?"

Hatake Sakumo lowered his voice subconsciously and asked.

The ninjas who came to him for help recently generally issued two to five times more than the IOUs issued by the village. Now that the Kirigakure War has come to an end, the time for the redemption of the IOUs has not yet been determined, but Konoha’s internal ninja bonds Rumors of an impending thunderstorm had spread to his ears.

It is also because of this that Hatake Sakumo knew that the so-called "bonds" made by the Uchiha clan were played so big by other ninja clans.

"One and a half times."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied very honestly.

This is also the latest information learned in the letter exchange with the patriarch Uchiha Sifang.

Before leaving the village to play, Uchiha Tokumitsu's entrustment should not exceed [-]% of the total value, which is [-] times.

But it is obvious that Uchiha Quartet failed to keep its bottom line in the face of the huge influx of funds in the short term.

But fortunately, although the bottom line has been broken through, the degree of breakthrough is not large. It only needs to adjust the original bottom line downward.

"It's not necessarily the case of other ninjas..."

After sighing, Hatake Sakumo held up the teacup.

"Yeah, that's not..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also sighed, and then picked up the teapot to refill Hatake Sakumo's cup.

There is one thing to say, Hatake Sakumo has been the monitor of the ninja class for a while, and the level of speaking has indeed improved, but not much.

Hatake Sakumo moved a little uncomfortable on the futon.

He didn't know if Uchiha Tokumitsu understood his purpose.

"The ninja bond may be related to Konoha's credit in the ninja world..."

After a while, Hatake Sakumo said.

"Yes, you are right."

Uchiha Deguang nodded, then pointed to the cup and said, "Please drink tea."

Hatake Sakumo had no choice but to hold the teacup too.

"How about the tea?"

Uchiha Tokuka asked very friendlyly with a smile on his face.

"It's pretty good, the smell is just right..."

Hatake Sakumo didn't know much about tea, but he couldn't speak directly, so he had to compound a few simple sentences.

"Of course, this is good tea from the top of the mountains in the country of vortex. After the war, there are only a dozen or so thousand-year-old trees left."

Uchiha Tokumitsu introduced enthusiastically: "This is the most precious tea. In the past, only the Uzumaki patriarch and some daimyo nobles were eligible to enjoy it."

"Is it……"

Hatake Sakumo looked at the seemingly ordinary tea soup in the cup, and then took another sip.

It feels like sugar is added to the free tea of ​​Barbecue Q, and there seems to be nothing special about it...

"Shihe no soup, the amber color is charming, the drink is sweet, and the nectar is fragrant..." Uchiha Tokumitsu still introduced with great interest: "Even the water for making tea is good water, which comes from the mountains lake……"

"Mr. Deguang!"

Hatake Sakumo had to interrupt Uchiha Tokumitsu's introduction, otherwise the topic at the beginning would not know where it went.

"You know, I have another purpose for coming here this time..."

"Mr. Shuo Mao, it's okay to speak up if you have something to say, we are allies..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't care, he gently pushed away the teacup, folded his hands on the table and said with a smile: "What? Do you think our alliance needs polite words to go around in circles?"

"This...of course it's not..."

Hatake Sakumo was immediately embarrassed by Uchiha Tokumitsu's unabashed 'sincerity'.

Sure enough, sincerity is the greatest nirvana.

"I just think... think it might be a bit difficult to say..."

"Uchiha's ninja army has fought so many times for you, so why should you be embarrassed?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said nonchalantly.

Hatake Sakumo felt even more embarrassed.

"Then I'll just say it straight!"

Hatake Sakumo gritted his teeth and decided to put his face down.

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at him encouragingly.

But in my heart I thought to myself: CPU is successful!

"There are many ninja bonds in the village, except for the problem, you should know..."

"I know, but the bonds of the Uchiha clan are absolutely fine!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with certainty.

"If they are willing to hand over the rights and interests of the bonds, Mr. Deguang, are you willing to take over?"

Hatake Sakumo said cautiously.


Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a moment before answering.

"Insufficient funds?"


Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded very positively.

"To be honest, it was a ninja ninja from the ninja army who came to me, hoping to ask Hokage-sama to end the war with Kirigakure as soon as possible and to honor the promise I made. I only found out about this after I asked the reason..."

Hatake Sakumo said sadly: "The ninjas are very worried about the payment of IOUs in the village..."

"Indeed, and it seems that there is no way to get compensation from Kirigakure."

Uchiha Deguang also said very straightforwardly.

Kirigakure and Konoha face each other across the sea. Even if they are defeated in the Ninja World Continent, they only need to leave. However, Konoha has a hard time organizing the ninja army to attack the local threat of the country of water, Kirigakure Village, and sign the alliance under the castle.

"But the ninjas demand that the village fulfill the promised materials or funds as soon as possible..." Sakumo Hatake took another sip from his teacup: "It's just that the financial situation of the village has not been very good..."

"Suo Mao-jun, as the leader of the ninja squad, have you ever reviewed the financial statements of the village..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu played with the teacup casually, "How much is the daimyo's appropriation and the village's task commission, and where is it used? Have you understood these?"

"I didn't understand..." Hatake Sakumo was a little stunned when he heard the words, "Could it be... Deguang-kun, do you know the inside story?"

"I don't know, the financial expenditure of the village is not announced to the public." Uchiha Tokumitsu put down the teacup in his hand, looked directly at Hatake Sakumo and said, "Then why do you think the village has insufficient funds? Is it something that the gang of insects in the building said with empty teeth?"

Hatake Sakumo was even more surprised, and at the same time felt that the door to a new world had been opened.

"You mean..."

Hatake Sakumo had some ideas, but he was not sure.

"As the representative of the collective will of the Konoha ninja, the upper ninja class should have the right to know and deliberate on the financial situation of the village."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said sternly: "Otherwise, we don't know whether the use of the village's development funds is reasonable, and how can we determine whether the village's funds are really tight?"

Hatake Sakumo was also silent.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was not in a hurry, and after pouring himself a cup of tea slowly, he filled it up with Hatake Sakumo.

What he has to do is to let Hatake Sakumo, an eager and righteous young man, continue to restrict the power of the Hokage Building in the name of the ninja class.

Moreover, Hatake Sakumo took the initiative to find all of this, and Uchiha Tokumitsu simply gave his own opinion.

I don't even need to use 'interest related, hide', it's so comfortable~
Uchiha Tokumitsu took another sip of tea happily.

No matter which world you are in, financial power is very important.

Even in this ninja world where productivity deviates from the right track and the economy is very deformed.

Hokage's power comes first from its own strength, second from the legitimacy of Hokage's position, and third from controlling the village's financial and personnel rights.

What Uchiha Tokumitsu needs to do is to seek excessive benefits for the Uchiha family while weakening Hokage's power through various means.

"If the village's funds can pay the ninja's IOUs, how should the ninja's bond issue be resolved?"

Hatake Sakumo thought for a while, and finally connected the finances of Ninja Village and the bonds of Ninja Clan.

"The payment of the village's IOU is a problem of the village, and the bond of the ninja is a problem of the ninja. The two cannot be confused." Uchiha Tokumitsu said indifferently: "The public power and the clan power still need to be separated."

"This is also..."

Hatake Sakumo sighed in disappointment.

"A person's ambition can expand infinitely. If you don't suffer a little, the ninja will never have a long memory."

Tokumitsu Uchiha said sanctimoniously: "The Inuzuka clan dared to issue bonds five times more than Ikujo, so you can see how crazy the interests of the ninja clan are!"

"Then if bonds are banned..."

Hatake Sakumo's first reaction was to kill this kind of thing from now on.

"The village has no right to interfere with the ninja's source of funds." Uchiha Tokumitsu said quickly: "Besides, even if the bonds are banned, they can change the name and continue to sell similar bills in private, which is even more harmful. big!"

"So, how should we resolve the risk of ninja bonds this time?"

Sakumo Hatake is as good as he is, and actively asks for advice.
"The village's IOUs are paid in advance, and the ninja's bonds are repurchased in advance."

Tokumitsu Uchiha repeated the solution he gave to the Inuzuka family yesterday: "And the Uchiha family can guarantee some ninjas with good credit and provide repurchase services on behalf of advance funds."

"Of course, there is still a negligible service fee to be paid for the advance funds."

Tokumitsu Uchiha made a 'a little bit' gesture.

"In this way, it can be regarded as alleviating the urgent need of the ninja..."

Hatake Sakumo made a calculation in his heart and nodded slowly.

"Of course it can only be alleviated. The ninja's affairs still have to be resolved by the ninja themselves. The village should not intervene, let alone intervene. Otherwise, the civilian ninjas in the village will have great opinions."

Uchiha Tokumitsu lowered his head and put on some tea, trying to hide his almost uncontrollable smile.


Hatake Sakumo deeply agrees.

"However, how should future bonds avoid repeating the same mistakes?"

Hatake Sakumo asked modestly.

"The Uchiha family can evaluate the ninja bonds with good credit, and issue and sell them on behalf of them according to their fair value. If there is a risk, the Uchiha family will promise to repurchase them; in this way, it is possible to avoid excessive additional issuance. It's a spam problem."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also made suggestions very seriously: "Of course, other ninjas can also endorse other people's bonds, as long as everyone is willing to believe in his reputation."

It's just that reputation is a very illusory thing, far less useful than the police department controlled by the Uchiha clan and the family's military support.

But in order to conceal his true purpose, Uchiha Tokumitsu still had to cover up with words against his will.

"Thank you Deguang Jun for your support!"

Hatake Sakumo said sincerely: "This matter really embarrasses you..."

"It doesn't matter, after all, it's also for Shinkonoha in our mind, isn't it?"

Uchiha Tokuko smiled brightly.

Hatake Sakumo nodded seriously.

After Hatake Sakumo left, Uchiha Tokumitsu began to laugh wildly.

You win!
This time I really won!
At that time, if all goes well, the Shinobi class controlled by Hatake Sakumo will have the power to review Konoha's finances, and the Uchiha consortium formed by himself will monopolize the evaluation rights of Konoha's bonds and other financial derivatives And distribution rights... This picture is really beautiful!

Moreover, as the No. [-] blood successor in the ninja world, the Uchiha clan also has the largest number of ninjas, but they did not take the initiative to speak out in order to cooperate with Hatake Sakumo in gaining power; If he wants to use the power of the ninja class to harm the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Tokumitsu can openly mobilize the Uchiha ninja members to let him understand what is called the ninja's right to speak.

"The road to hegemony of the Wooden Fed should start today!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu poured himself another cup of tea happily.

(End of this chapter)

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