Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 156 The Weird Financial Game

Chapter 156 The Weird Financial Game

As Konoha of the No. [-] ninja village, every move naturally attracts the attention of other ninja villages.

Especially the bonds that have been booming recently have made the shadows of the major ninja villages feel their eyes shine.

In the past, in order to raise military expenditures to expand armaments, the shadows of the major ninja villages either fought against the daimyo nobles, forcibly shared with the village's ninja giants, or increased the commission commission for missions, which often caused a lot of trouble.

But if bonds are used as packaging and interest is used as bait, wouldn't it be easier to get money out of the pockets of daimyo nobles?

After all, with the continuous consumption during the war, even the richest Konoha felt that the money in his hands was not enough to spend, and the other ninja villages were even more impoverished.

Therefore, when Konoha Ninja Village’s bonds had just announced their plan and before they were officially issued, Yun Yin and Sand Yin respectively released a bond plan of billions of dollars, and publicized that there was no purchase threshold, even hostile Ninja Village can do whatever they want Buy.

Yun Yin, Sha Yin: Leeks!Consciously explode gold coins!

When the news reached Konoha, it also caused a shock.

I thought it would be great for the Uchiha clan to issue bonds to raise [-] million, and the village’s plan to issue [-] million bonds is also pretty good, but I didn’t expect that other ninja villages had even greater ambitions!

Now it was Hokage's turn to be unable to sit still.

Because the purpose of Yunyin's bond issuance is as military expenses.

Yes!Nakedly written to raise military spending!

And Sand Hidden's bond is to regain the lost ground - Sand Hidden regards the country of Kawa as the lost ground!

But Kawanokuni is currently controlled by Konoha's Western Frontier Defense Force!

I thought that the extinguishment of the war would rectify the internal affairs and curb the ever-expanding forces of Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Tokumitsu, but now it seems that the intensity of the ninja war may be even higher.

After some internal discussions, Hiruzaru Sarutobi decided to hold an enlarged meeting of Konoha's senior management to discuss countermeasures.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who has returned to the eastern station, also received the notice of participation.


"I see, I will attend the meeting as scheduled."

In the large tent of the Chinese Army of the Eastern Frontier Defense Force, Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Anbu who came to send a message.

The head of the Uzumaki Clan, Wei Ming, who came from afar, also sat in the tent without hesitation, neither intending to avoid it, nor worried that Anbu would spread gossip when he returned.

Since you choose to form an alliance with the Uchiha clan, then simply bind to the end!

This is Uzumaki Ashina's strategy.

Now it seems that the benefits of this alliance strategy to the Maelstrom family are obvious.

The smuggling activities of the Uchiha Clan and the Kirigakure Ninja Clan do not avoid the Uzumaki Ninjas, and Uchiha Tokumitsu is also planning to bring the Uzumaki Clan in to share the benefits.

"Tokumitsu-kun, the country of Uzumaki is a thing of the past, and the Uchiha clan is willing to invest in rebuilding it. We will definitely support it."

Uzumaki Ashina expressed his gratitude to Uchiha Tokumitsu for respecting his allies.

Through the 5000 million taels of funds raised by the "Uzumaki Country Product Promotion Bond" jointly issued with the Uzumaki Clan, Uchiha Tokumitsu is planning to build various infrastructures in the Uzumaki Country's homeland.

Although this amount of money is not much, it is still enough to build the warehouses, docks and simple docks that may be used for other purposes in the future for the "special border trade".

Under the temptation of returning to the country of Uzumaki, Uzumaki Weiming also expressed an appropriate understanding on behalf of the family for conducting trade business with the Kirigakure ninja who has the hatred of destroying the country.

"In any case, the Uzumaki Kingdom is the homeland of the Uzumaki Clan after all, and the blood feud is unforgettable..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also affirmed and praised Uzumaki Weina's statement: "It's just the reality. Whether it is rebuilding the homeland or growing the ethnic group, huge amounts of money are indispensable for support, so... the Uzumaki family has been wronged."

"Tokumitsu-kun is serious... A tailed beast without Chakra is not as useful as a ninja dog. There are many reasons behind the Uzumaki clan's fall to this point, but the help of the Uchiha clan is what really makes us grateful , As for mere personal honor and disgrace, it is nothing..."

Uzumaki Weiming was also full of emotions.

"As ninjas, it is also necessary to watch and help each other!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said happily.

The reason why he chose to recruit the Uzumaki clan to join the border trade with Kirigakure is because the thing that bothers Uchiha Tokumitsu the most at present is that the Uchiha clan is running short.

And this is also related to the rapid expansion of the power of the Uchiha clan.

Today, the relative lack of human resources has become the main restrictive factor affecting the development speed of the Uchiha clan.

First, the Northwest Frontier Defense Force currently in charge of Uchiha Homon, then to the restructured Police Department, and the most recent Eastern Frontier Defense Force, as well as the newly established Minamigagawa Stock Exchange...

There are so many mountains and mountains, redundant officials and soldiers, the idle ninjas of the Uchiha clan rushed to the four directions quickly, and even the family ninjas directly led by the elders of various factions were also dispatched.

Clan members are limited, but the power and positions won during the expansion of the family and the newly created positions in the process of development are still growing.

In this regard, Uchiha Tokumitsu's opinion is "grasp the big and let go of the small".

In the past, because the Uchiha clan was firmly bound in the police department, it is understandable that the clansmen valued the position of the police department, but now as Uchiha Tokumitsu's wars continue to expand, The Uchiha tribe is no longer enough to cover all the positions. At this time, it is also a good choice to introduce the ninja tribe as a supplementary force.

The Eastern Frontier Defense Force currently in charge of Uchiha Tokumitsu is an attempt of this model.

"Now is the era of great powers, and the strength of the ninja clan has not adapted to the super-intensity of the ninja world war. We must work closely together to resist possible risks."

Uzumaki Weiming also deeply agrees.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was very pleased that Patriarch Ashina could convince himself.

"About the expanded meeting in the village, what does Mr. Deguang think?"

Uzumaki Ashina returned to the topic of the meeting that Anbu was talking about.

"Yunyin is very ambitious, but Shayin is still determined."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered at Yunyin and Kirigard's bond plan, "It's nothing more than putting old wine in new bottles so that they can draw money from the daimyo's treasury."

"It seems that Tokumitsu-kun is very confident! The Uzumaki clan will not participate in the speech and discussion at that time, just support Uchiha!"

Uzumaki Weiming stroked his long beard and nodded in compliment.

"With Patriarch Wei Ming's words, I think this meeting will definitely be a success!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed.

In order to deal with the various bonds launched by other ninja villages, Tokumitsu Uchiha developed a "credit rating system" and prepared to propose it at the Konoha high-level meeting.

Although it may not have an immediate effect on the bonds issued by other ninja villages, it can at least affect Konoha's independent issuance of bonds.

In this way, Uchiha Tokumitsu's goal of trying to control the securities market is achieved.


In the meeting room of the Hokage Building, the heads of the major ninja tribes, the chiefs of the Konoha tribes, and the commanders of the border defense forces all attended the meeting.

The main reason is that the name of this meeting was decided by Sarutobi Hirizan as "Konoha High-Level Meeting". If anyone didn't come, wouldn't he even feel that he was not a high-level meeting?

After a day and a long journey, Tokumitsu Uchiha and the Uzumaki patriarch arrived at the venue at the last moment.

As soon as he was seated, Hiruzaru Sarutobi brought the two consultants into the meeting room.

"Everyone, I believe there is no need to say much. You all know the purpose of this meeting..." After a brief greeting, Hiruzaru Sarutobi said straight to the point: "Kunyin and Sandgakure are ambitious, trying to raise military expenses by issuing bonds to attack Konoha. Unfavorable, everyone is called here for a meeting to discuss a countermeasure."

"The village plans to increase the amount of bond issuance. The total amount of funds raised is tentatively set at 20 billion taels. What do you think?"

Turning to bed Xiaochun said immediately.

"This matter is at a critical juncture. Please donate generously, help each other, and tide over the difficulties with the village!"

Mitomon complemented it and set the tone of the meeting.

It turns out that the purpose of the meeting is to fight the autumn wind!
The ninja leaders bowed their heads in silence.

Hiruzasa Sarutobi of the third generation sat on the seat, without saying a word.

Mitomon Yan and Tenzu Koharu turned their attention to the Uchiha and Hyuga clan camps.

Under the watchful eyes of the advisor elder, the Hyuga patriarch couldn't stand it anymore.

With a secret sigh in my heart, just as I was about to take the initiative to cut my flesh, Uchiha Tokumitsu spoke first.

"Is the daimyo going to abandon Konoha?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said loudly: "I am waiting to protect the country for the daimyo, so I have to raise funds to fight? Doesn't that mean that the watchdog at home has to let it find its own bones to eat? How can there be such an absurd thing in the ninja world! "

"That's not the case! It's just that the daimyo's funds are limited, so the village also made this bad move in order to raise more military expenses."

Mito Menyan said hastily.

Although powerful ninjas generally don't pay much attention to daimyo, they should not criticize too unscrupulously on the bright side.

In particular, part of the legitimacy of Hokage's position comes from the daimyo's support, not to mention that the ninjas in the village should not be allowed to disrespect the daimyo, otherwise Hokage's power would also be questioned.

"Then since the daimyos have already contributed money, why do ninjas need to raise funds to buy bonds!"

The head of the pommel horse also stood up immediately.

The Uchiha clan head gave him an approving look.

"After our struggle, the daimyo plans to allocate another 20 billion yuan as a supplementary military expenditure, but according to the village's estimation, the village needs at least 40 billion yuan in military expenditure as a reserve to deal with the cloud and sand hidden after the military expansion, so..."

So you find the ninja to fight the autumn wind? !

The leaders of the ninja clan continued to slander in their hearts.

"Then announce the issuance of 100 billion!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

"100 billion!"

Not only the leader of the ninja clan, but even Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third generation who maintained a safe state, was stunned.

"Extremely ridiculous!"

The head of the Nara clan immediately jumped out to retort: ​​"Don't talk about whether there is so much money, even if you borrow this money, the village will not even be able to pay back the interest!"

"What's the rush! Master Deguang hasn't finished yet!"

The Shiranui patriarch immediately jumped up and retorted.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi tapped the table with his pipe.

"Issuing 100 billion in name, but actually looking for 40 billion from the daimyo, and the village will raise another billion by itself. I think it should be almost the same..."

Uchiha Deguangyu shocked everyone: "The village's military expenditure gap is 40 billion, and daimyo's 20 billion is equivalent to half; but if the village's funding gap is 100 billion, then daimyo's 40 billion is only [-]%!"

"This...isn't this deceiving the daimyo?"

Mitomon Yan murmured.

"What deceit, we defend the Fire Nation to protect the daimyo and nobles, this is the daimyo's responsibility!"

The head of the Kurama clan jumped up again and shouted: "Tokuguang-kun is right, you can't let Konoha Ninja bleed, sweat, and cry!"

"But 100 billion is too exaggerated..."

The third Hiruzame Sarutobi had no choice but to control the situation: "How could the daimyo agree to such absurd reason..."

"Iwagakure and Kirigakure haven't announced their bond issuance plan... In order to guard against their provocation, 100 billion is not too much."

Hyuga Clan Chief also spoke out.

"Our purpose of issuing bonds is not only to raise military expenses, but also to stop other ninja villages from taking military risks through strategic intimidation."

Uchiha Tokumitsu added again: "As the Hinata patriarch said, considering that wars may break out in the four major ninja villages, the propaganda of 100 billion yuan is not too much, and the actual bond issuance scale of 50 billion yuan is actually reasonable! "

"Mr. Deguang is right, it is a good strategy to stop the war before the war!"

Hatake Sakumo, who was silent for a long time, also echoed: "We must let other Ninja villages who want to be unfavorable to Konoha see our posture, so that they can curb their impulse for military adventures!"

"The Nanhechuan Bond Exchange can undertake the issuance of the domestic sales of this bond!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately answered: "At the same time, we will introduce a credit rating system to interfere with Sand Hidden and Kirigard's bond financing through the momentum of public opinion."

"What is a credit rating system?"

Qiudao picked up the wind and became interested.

The third generation and the two consultants were a little helpless.

There are too many participants and many orders, the venue is really not easy to follow the rhythm.

"The so-called credit rating system is a comprehensive assessment based on safety, profitability, growth, liquidity and productivity. We can use this rating system to issue warning announcements on the bonds of Yunyin and Shayin and spread the fact that they exist. The risk of breach of contract makes wealthy businessmen other than famous nobles dare not make investment purchases!"

Immediately, Tokumitsu Uchiha immediately ordered people to issue detailed credit rating rules to all senior executives participating in the meeting.

"This rating system has already started to be used in the Nanhechuan Stock Exchange, and the three bonds issued in the previous period will also issue rating reports."

"I agree!"

Uzumaki Weiming immediately echoed: "If the bonds are issued by the Nanhechuan Stock Exchange, the Uzumaki clan will promise to subscribe for [-] million taels!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu bowed to show his gratitude.

"It would be wrong for the Uchiha clan to issue the bonds of the village!"

Turning to bed Xiaochun frowned and retorted: "The village will handle this matter well!"

"The bedtime consultant's words are wrong! The Nangagawa Stock Exchange is not the private property of the Uchiha family, but a rational, neutral, and objective ninja world's first securities institution, which enjoys a very high international reputation. , it is more suitable for the Nanhechuan Stock Exchange to issue bonds!"

"If... I mean if..."

Mito Menyan paused, and said slowly: "The actual bond issuance scale is 50 billion, right? But what if the amount of funds raised exceeds?"

"It's simple..."

Uchiha De Halo looked around.

"The foreign investment money is used normally, the daimyo nobility's money will be divided into [-]-[-]%, and the Konoha Ninja Clan's money will be returned in full!"

As soon as this remark came out, the venue was in an uproar.

"Why does the village only get [-]%? That's too little!"

Turning to bed Xiaochun frowned and said.

She felt that the village was at a disadvantage.

"What [-]%! This [-]% is for the ninjas who participated in the war!" Uchiha Tokumitsu retorted mercilessly: "The [-]% left to the village is just used as interest expenses in the later period! Save some flowers and maybe you can get a little money Reserve it!"

Since the ninja world war has been fought, the strength of civilian ninjas has been recruited.And if you have the power to be unemployed and then accept the call to participate in the war, it is basically all the ninja clans.

The ninja leaders immediately thought of this key point, and expressed their agreement.

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen and the two advisors suddenly felt overwhelmed.

It hasn't been long since the meeting, and the amount of information is so large that Konoha F3 already feels that his brain can't handle it.

 Generally speaking, the credit rating system revolves around the above 5C elements in the world, while domestic ratings focus on the analysis of the five characteristics.

(End of this chapter)

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