Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 157 Finance and War

Chapter 157 Finance and War

In Uchiha Tokumitsu's previous life, there are four indispensable elements in the essentials of practice, which are the so-called "wealth couple law ground".

This rule is the same in the ninja world.

Basically, as long as the resources are sufficient, and you are willing to spend your money, it is not a problem to use money and resources to forcefully pile up a person with a blunt aptitude to a Chunin-level combat power.

Moreover, based on the grotesque symbiotic relationship between Ninja Village and the daimyo, the ninja's pursuit is bound in the vicious cycle of doing tasks to make money and spending money to buy resources for cultivation.

However, the birth of bonds allowed Ninja Village to find a way to make money other than daimyo grants and task commissions.

Although the essence of bonds is another form of borrowing, at least it is easier to accept, and the additional interest and liquidity are easier for the rich to pay for.

However, in the face of Konoha's [-] billion bond plan, the bond issuance plans announced by Yunyin and Shayin immediately paled in comparison.

What is the concept of 100 million?
Even if the annual interest rate is 10%, one billion interest will be paid a year.

And how many billions can the daimyo appropriation of Ninja Village have?

Therefore, the tone of Yun Yin and Sand Yin, who were originally ambitious and high-profile, immediately dropped. The senior officials of Ninja Village began to publicize the dangers of war and the preciousness of peace, and in private, they repeatedly advocated wood in front of the nobles of various countries. Leaf threat theory.

There is only one core essence: daimyo!Make money! !

Kirigakure, who is currently in a temporary truce with Konoha, also took the initiative to send messenger ninjas to Konoha in a low-key manner, and actively requested to initiate peace talks.

Unlike the major powers in the Ninja Continent, the daimyo of the country of water has obviously stronger interference and influence on Kirigakure; and the daimyo has long been tired of wars without benefits.

Sarutobi Hiruzam III was also very happy about the arrival of the Kirigakure Ninja.

Although it was only a messenger ninja who came to test whether Konoha had peace talks on behalf of the official mission, in the eyes of Hiruzaru Sarutobi, this already represented that Kirigakure had officially surrendered to Konoha.

But deeply disturbed Hatake Sakumo sneaked out of Konoha overnight and went straight to the eastern border defense force station, asking Uchiha Tokumitsu to discuss countermeasures.

It was already late at night when we arrived at the station of the Eastern Border Defense Force.Uchiha Tokumitsu, who had just fallen asleep after completing his daily practice, had no choice but to brace himself for the arrival of his allies.

"Mist Hidden is here!"

As soon as he sat down in the large tent of the Chinese army, Hatake Sakumo hurriedly said: "Kigakure has arrived in the village!"

"How is it possible... the Uzumaki ninjas of the Border Force didn't report back!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was taken aback for a moment, then immediately stood up: "How dare you go to war! It seems that we can't fight until we reach the land of water!"

"It's not a war!"

Hatake Sakumo immediately realized that his words were ambiguous, and quickly explained: "It's Kirigakure's peace envoy... No, it's not an envoy. To be precise, it should be the envoy for communication and peace talks that has arrived in the village!"

"I know this..."

Uchiha Deguang was stunned again: "But what does it matter? Isn't it good to restore peace?"

In Uchiha Tokumitsu's impression, Hatake Sakumo is not a figure with martial arts thinking. Although he is ruthless on the battlefield, Hatake Sakumo is essentially a person who believes in love and peace.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to regard the will of fire as a standard.

"Ninjas are joining forces to oppose the peace talks!"

Hatake Sakumo said.

"I'm not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!"

As soon as Hatake Sakumo finished speaking, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately retorted.

"...It has nothing to do with the Uchiha clan, but other ninjas who are still in the bond crisis are opposing."

Hatake Sakumo explained.


Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little curious.

The third generation has ruled Konoha for so many years. In addition to the Uchiha clan, Konoha actually has ninja clans who dare to join forces against Hokage?It's incredible!
"According to reliable sources, Kirigakure's proposal is to restore peace without compensation, and Hokage-sama is ready to agree..."

Hatake Sakumo lowered his voice and said.

"What's the matter?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was still puzzled: "We don't have enough ships to defeat Kirigakure at sea and attack the country of water... Isn't this condition normal?"

"Everyone is very worried that the village will not be able to pay the IOUs, and the bonds issued by the Ninja Clan..."

Hatake Sakumo sighed.

He found that many of the recent chaos in the village are related to this seemingly convenient and easy-to-use bond...

"Isn't there a [-] billion bond plan? And isn't [-]% of the daimyo's appropriation reserved for the village? Isn't this part of the money enough?"

At the Konoha meeting, it was announced that the keynote of the 60 billion bond issuance plan remained unchanged. The internal finalized bond issuance amount was 40 billion, of which 20 billion was to find a way to dig into the treasury of the daimyo, and [-] billion was publicly issued to the ninja community. .

The Nanhechuan Bond Exchange is responsible for the agency issuance of 20 billion public bonds.

And if 40 billion is withdrawn from the daimyo's treasury as scheduled, then 12% of the village will be left with as much as [-] billion taels, which is enough to cover the quota needs of those ninjas who have not been repurchased by the Uchiha family.

What's more, judging from the current situation in the ninja world, after Konoha's [-] billion bond plan was announced, Yun Yin and Sand Yin immediately died down, and a new war will not be fought for a while, and the funds raised by the bonds are not impossible to embezzle Fill in the financial holes of the village.

"...You mean, embezzling the funds raised from the newly issued bonds to pay the ninja's IOU?"

Hatake Sakumo asked cautiously.

"Yeah! Is there a problem?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu agreed expressing surprise.

Isn't this normal operation?Is it worth the fuss?

"Isn't the purpose of issuing bonds to raise war funds to deal with threats from other ninja villages?"

Hatake Sakumo was very puzzled.

"Isn't this a war yet?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu shrugged and asked back.


Hatake Sakumo felt that his mind could not turn around.

But it feels like a door to a new world has opened!
This is also the ideological stamp caused by Konoha and even the ninja world generally adopting the financial system of "living within one's means" in the past.In addition, Hatake Sakumo has not long been promoted to the top, and he has long been accustomed to the precise budgeting financial appropriation system, and has never tried such a flexible fund allocation.

"If you directly embezzle the bond funds to pay the ninja's IOU, I'm afraid other people in the village will have opinions..."

Hatake Sakumo faintly had some new ideas, but he couldn't connect them together in a short time.

"Very simple!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said casually: "Issuing another credit bond under the tens of billions of bonds, and transferring funds to the village in the name of special bonds, so that the village has money to pay the ninja's IOU, and the funds of the tens of billions of bonds can Adding value is a win-win situation!"

"Use bonds to reissue debts to repay debts..."

Hatake Sakumo really got stuck this time.

After pondering for a long time, Hatake Sakumo decided to let go of this question first.

If you think about it any more, your brain will start to smoke.

"Will the bond funds still be used to expand armaments?"

Hatake Sakumo's remarks are also aimed at the current situation where Yunyin and Sandyin have temporarily died down.

"Of course I do!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said very decisively: "The money is already in hand and is not used to expand the armaments. Should it be used as compensation?"

"It's just... how will I pay it back then?"

"There are more ninjas in the village, so naturally there will be more missions that can be accepted. Isn't it enough to grab more mission shares?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said in an indifferent tone: "If it really doesn't work, then issue a new bond to borrow money to pay off the old debt."

The Minamigagawa Stock Exchange is just a proxy issuer, earning management fees and transaction flow, and the actual bond owner is Konoha Shinobu, of course Tokumitsu Uchiha doesn't care.

"One day, the debt problem will become bigger and bigger, and even reach the point where it cannot be repaid..."

Hatake Sakumo thought of more based on Uchiha Tokumitsu's words.

"Then let the daimyo reduce the exemption~ What a big deal!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu had a headache, thinking why the ninja people are so brain-dead, "The purpose of our debt issuance is to protect the daimyo, isn't it natural for the daimyo to forgive the debt?"

"This matter may violate the spirit of the contract..."

Hatake Sakumo's heart was in a mess.

"It's okay. Other Ninja villages that issued bonds will soon have the spirit of abandoning the contract. As long as Konoha has not voluntarily defaulted on the contract, it will be easy to discuss debt relief with the daimyo."

Uchiha Tokumitsu seemed to be comforted.

Although they are basically stationed in the eastern border defense forces in the near future, the intelligence network of the Uchiha clan continues to send various types of information to Tokumitsu Uchiha, especially the bond issuance plans of other ninja villages.

Yunyin originally planned to issue 20 billion bonds, but after Konoha’s [-] billion bond plan was released, the original plan was shelved immediately, and the latest bond issuance amount has not yet been determined.

Although Sagakushi’s tone has been lowered, he still bites the bullet and issued bonds according to the previous plan, but for some reason, Sagakushi did not copy Uchiha Tokumitsu’s “original” “bearer bonds”, but passed “minimally invasive” bonds. New" raises funds through real-name registration.

This is equivalent to abolishing the liquidity of bonds.

However, the funds in the ninja world are always limited. If Konoha absorbs more funds, it will be more difficult for Sand Yin and Yun Yin to issue bonds; after falling behind the first step, the chances of other ninja villages to catch up are even slimmer.

"I understand……"

Hatake Sakumo's face was still blank, and he didn't know if he really understood.

"Then don't worry, besides, you are not Hokage, why worry so much!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood up and said, "Let me ask someone to arrange a dormitory for you."

"No need... I left the village secretly, I should hurry back..."

Hatake Sakumo hesitated for a moment, but decided to go back to the village overnight, so as not to cause unnecessary public opinion.

"Then do whatever you want..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was noncommittal.


It has to be said that the fragmented and active financial situation in the ninja world has benefited the Uchiha clan a lot.

Especially bearer bonds, it is unknown how much black market funds have been absorbed.

According to the feedback from the Uchiha tribe on the exchange, there are often unknown high-value customers who come to buy bonds with large sums of money, and some of the money are even issued by a certain country in the Warring States period that has long since declined.

But Tokumitsu Uchiha welcomes this.

Black market money again?

Isn't gold on the black market not gold?

What's more, the Uchiha clan can also earn a profit by exchanging the gold judgment for the Fire Nation banknotes, so why not do it.

As an agency issuer, Minamigagawa Stock Exchange is not only responsible for the underwriting of Konoha bonds, but also conducts short-term "flexible control" before the bond funds are allocated and paid to make profits for the family. I am more convinced by Uchiha Deguang.

Therefore, even if he is far away from Konoha and his family, Uchiha Tokumitsu is not worried that his personal influence will decline.

What's more, the income of Minamigagawa Stock Exchange is also related to the operation of the laboratory, so Tokumitsu Uchiha is naturally very concerned.

"Sand Yin, Cloud Yin, and Fog Yin..."

After Hatake Sakumo left, Uchiha Tokumitsu sat alone in the big tent, thinking carefully.

Shayin and Yunyin are already riding a tiger. If they don't borrow money to expand their armaments, they will only be able to widen the gap in strength by Konoha, and the future will be even more uncomfortable.

But if the scale of bonds is expanded, with its fiscal revenue, it may not even be able to pay back the interest.

This is like throwing a sunflower book into the martial arts arena and spreading it around, do you practice or not?

If you don't practice, then anyone can beat you up, but if you bite the bullet and practice too much, the effect will be the same.

It’s just about Kirigakure, after Hatake Sakumo’s toss, Uchiha Tokumitsu also felt something was wrong.

And what makes Uchiha Tokumitsu the most is that Uchiha Madara, who secretly controls the third generation of Mizukage, thinks so.

Is it true that the position is not stable because of the defeat?

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't figure it out.

After many exchanges with the Kirigakure ninja who presides over the special border trade, Uchiha Tokumitsu also has a certain understanding of the current situation in Kirigakure Village.

According to the character of Mizukage Mizukage, who is Uchiha Madara behind him, no matter how many opponents jump out, they will probably kill them directly. How can they have so much patience to play tricks.

Because in Wuyinren Village, which advocates bloody violence, only force is the real right to speak.Although the current Wuyin is not as terrifying as the period when the "Blood Mist Policy" was implemented in the future, there seems to be signs of the rise of the Blood Mist faction.

"Could it be... Uchiha Madara has another plan?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought of this question.

In the memory of the previous life, Uchiha Madara died after giving Nagato the Eye of Reincarnation and turning Uchiha Obito into his own spokesperson. It stands to reason that he didn't die so soon.

However, after the Uzumaki Country fell due to the siege of the three major ninja villages, the remaining Uzumaki people have been brought back to Konoha by Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo. Even if there are a few scattered or captured, the number should not be many.

As for the Land of Rain, half of the country has already been controlled by the dispatched army under the control of Qiudao Takefeng, and there are no Uzumaki people living there...

Under such circumstances, it is also possible for Uchiha Madara to formulate a new unlimited monthly reading plan...

The more Uchiha Tokumitsu thought about it, the more disturbed he became.

"Damn age spots..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't feel sleepy at all, he cursed and came out, intending to go to the laboratory to inspect the research progress.

After all, I spent so much money in it, I don't feel at ease if I don't take a second look.

(End of this chapter)

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