Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 158 The Darkness That Is No Longer Needed

Chapter 158 The Darkness That Is No Longer Needed
Although it was late at night, in Uchiha Tokumitsu's laboratory, the three Uzumaki ninjas were still busy without sleeping or eating.

"Everyone has worked hard..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu had a bright smile on his face.

Any BOSS who arrives at his property late at night will feel extremely relieved to see that the employees are still working hard on their own initiative and consciously, as long as their conscience is still alive.

"How much did the experiment cost recently? Which stage reports have been released?"

The experiment of the three Uzumaki ninjas came to an end, and when he breathed a sigh of relief, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately asked.

conscience?Yes, but not many.

It is still necessary to pay attention to whether there is any result after throwing money into it.

"Master Deguang, recently the laboratory has invested 3000 million yuan, and there has been a huge breakthrough in the research on the best compatible attributes of Yandu Chakra!"

Uzumaki Ninja said respectfully.


Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately regained his energy when he heard the words, and felt that the 3000 million flowers were worth it: "If Yantun merges chakras of other attributes, which attribute has the best compatibility? What should be the ratio?"

"Master Deguang, maybe you have misunderstood..."

No.1 Uzumaki Ninja hesitated.

"We still need a lot of work to fully understand the formation reasons and compatibility of the Yandun Chakra. At present, we have only made a breakthrough, but it is still not comprehensive..."

No.2 Uzumaki ninja said hesitantly.

"Of course, it has indeed achieved some results that are worth continuing to explore, but the funds are almost spent now..."

The voice of No.3 Uzumaki Ninja is getting smaller and smaller.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's face was already dark.


At this time, it was far away in Konoha.

Orochimaru emerged from a dark cave outside the village.

With a gloomy face, he slowly walked back to the village, feeling very unhappy at this moment.

Orochimaru is out of money.

Since Danzo's death, many secret laboratories set up in the dark by Genbu were not discovered and sealed up by the Anbu in time, and finally fell into the control of Orochimaru.

At first, Orochimaru thought it was a big cake that fell from the sky and just fell into his mouth. He even thought it was the will of the Sage of the Six Paths, and that God was helping him explore the mysteries of ninjutsu.

However, Orochimaru still underestimated the cost of maintaining the normal operation of multiple laboratories.

Especially after the root has been completely disbanded, the original various industries of the root have changed hands, and the village no longer has special allocations.Therefore, after losing all sources of income, the secret laboratory that was acquired by Orochimaru fell into a desperate situation not long after.

In the past, Orochimaru also took over some research projects from Danzo, and by the way, mixed some private goods to get some oil and water during the research process, and even some difficult research can be done by the way. Experiments that you are interested in, The road of scientific research is still relatively smooth.

This time it's all right, once Danzo died, once the root was gone, the secret laboratory didn't even have food.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru's heart became even more irritable!
The reason why Orochimaru went out of the village overnight was to deliver supplies to the secret laboratory outside the village; and the strength of his followers was not enough to hide from the enchantment class, the perception class, and the patrol inspection of the police department. The village, so I can only help with some private collection and purchase of materials, and the captain of the transportation team still has to do it himself as the boss.

And the most annoying thing is that the secret laboratory has also run out of live experimental products.

Originally, the root ninja was responsible for collecting the live experiments, and even if the ordinary Konoha ninja encountered the strange root ninja, they would avoid it. No one had ever tried to find out what the root was doing; Orochi Maru has basically never been in charge of this part of the work, so there is no stable supply of goods.

You can't openly arrest people in the village now!

Thinking of this, Orochimaru became even more irritable!
Then, Orochimaru kicked away the stone in front of him.


The sound of the stone falling to the ground was particularly crisp in the dark night.


Orochimaru's face suddenly changed, and he looked towards the small forest in front left.

"it's me……"

Hatake Sakumo slowly walked out of the woods.

"So it's Mr. Shuo Mao..."

Orochimaru's originally tense face eased a little, but he was still vigilant and defensive.

"It's so late, Mr. Shuo Mao still has Yaxing to come out to enjoy the night!"

Hatake Sakumo looked a little tired, his ninja uniform was stained with dust, his feet were still in leggings, and he looked like he had just returned from a long journey from afar.

The reason for asking this is because Orochimaru met Hatake Sakumo in the village during the day, and was deliberately trying to divert the topic with words.

"I went to the east to discuss with Tokumitsu-kun for some time, and now I just came back on my way." Hatake Sakumo was unexpectedly calm and sincere, "However, what about Orochimaru-kun? I came back so late to perform a special mission. Yet?"

Orochimaru was speechless by Hatake Sakumo's sincere confession.

After a long while, he whispered, "It's nothing... just take a stroll..."

In the face of sincerity, pretense is almost vulnerable.


Hatake Sakumo's face remained unchanged, he nodded slightly, and looked at the distance behind Orochimaru, there seemed to be some exploration in his eyes.

Orochimaru was startled.

"Walk together?"

Hatake Sakumo turned his head slightly and asked proactively.

"it is good……"

Orochimaru pursed his lips slightly, and agreed.

At this time the night is very deep, the moonlight is very beautiful.

It's just that Orochimaru didn't have the slightest intention to appreciate the night scene.

Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru walked slowly side by side on the path back to Konoha, neither of them spoke.

The seemingly calm Orochimaru watched the expression of Hatake Sakumo from the corner of his eyes.

At this time, Hatake Sakumo narrowed his eyes slightly, his lips were slightly raised, and he smiled in a half-smile.

Orochimaru's heart rose again.

Just as the atmosphere gradually solidified, a police patrol team appeared ahead.

"Master Sakumo, good evening!"

The Uchiha ninja from the patrol team of the police department took a moment to observe, then put down his vigilance and came forward to say hello.

"Oh, Orochimaru Kamijino is here too."

The Uchiha ninja's greetings to the two were completely different in tone and attitude.

Orochimaru also had some chest tightness and shortness of breath.

"Shiina-kun, you actually lead a patrol yourself!"

The leader of the patrol team is Uchiha Shiina, Uchiha Tokumitsu's cousin.

"Recently, there have been more wealthy businessmen who have come to buy bonds. In order to ensure safety. Therefore, some adjustments have been made to the patrol team's defense."

Uchiha Shiina also respects Hatake Sakumo.

"Oh... you've worked hard."

Hatake Sakumo nodded, chatted briefly, and bid farewell to the patrol team.

"Mr. Sakumo has a really good relationship with Uchiha." Orochimaru said with a smile: "It can be seen that Tokumitsu-kun's clan respects you very much."

"The Uchiha clan is more straightforward."

Hatake Sakumo replied casually.

"I just mentioned bonds... Tokumitsu-kun's idea really stirred up the ninja world..."

Orochimaru then changed the topic, and brought up the hottest topic in Konoha and even the ninja world recently.

"Yes, Mr. Deguang's talent in financial planning is indeed extraordinary."

Hatake Sakumo heard the words and agreed to highly affirm Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Orochimaru stopped talking.

He felt that all the words had been chatted to death by Hatake Sakumo.

"Is Orochimaru Jami coming back from the laboratory?"

Hatake Sakumo said something abruptly.

Orochimaru's expression suddenly became cold.

The fingers of both hands behind his back moved slightly, as if he was about to move.

Hatake Sakumo continued to walk slowly without realizing it.

"Sakumo Jounin has a lot of eyeliner..."

Orochimaru suddenly smiled inexplicably, and the corners of his mouth trembled.

"It's nothing. It's very normal for the upper ninja class to pay attention to the follow-up treatment of the lower roots."

Hatake Sakumo also stopped, turned around and looked at Orochimaru who was standing still, "And the smell of blood and disinfectant on your body is too strong, I can't ignore it, and I can't ignore it."

Orochimaru's nostrils fluttered slightly, but there was no rebuttal.

He just hung his hands behind his back.

"Konoha doesn't need darkness, let alone another Danzo."

Hatake Sakumo looked at Orochimaru calmly, his tone was very easy-going, but the content was very sharp: "Some things are indeed taboo, but let the past things go with the wind, don't do it again... Otherwise, even Hokage Adults can't hide it either."

Orochimaru still didn't say a word.

"Human experimentation is a shortcut, isn't it?"

Hatake Sakumo didn't pay too much attention to Orochimaru's silence, but just smiled seemingly indifferently: "After all, it once boosted the progress of medical ninjutsu, right?"

Orochimaru's face was still gloomy, and his vertical pupils were fixed on Hatake Sakumo.

"Aren't you going to say something?"

Hatake Sakumo tilted his head and asked.

"Mr. Sakumo seems to have changed a lot since he became the monitor of the ninja class..."

Orochimaru smiled "hoho" and stretched out his long tongue to wash his face.

The originally gloomy face suddenly became peaceful, and the corners of his mouth changed into a smile.

"Mr. Deguang once said that the ass decides the head."

The corner of Hatake Sakumo's mouth also twitched, "I'm still me, but I'm no longer what I used to be, it's nothing special."

"It must be called Tokumitsu... It seems that Mr. Sakumo's alliance with the Uchiha clan is stronger than others imagine."

Orochimaru's fingers began to move slightly again.

Hatake Sakumo didn't seem to notice Orochimaru's small movements, but just stared at Orochimaru's snake eyes calmly.

After a while, Orochimaru spoke again: "Okay...can you tell me how you found out?"

Orochimaru's expression finally completely relaxed.

"Maybe you don't feel it, but Orochimarujou..."

Hatake Sakumo sighed, "Has no one told you that your aura is becoming less and less like a normal living person?"

"Also, the smell of blood and disinfectant on your body... Not to mention the Inuzuka clan, as long as it is a normal Konoha ninja, you can feel something wrong from it..."

Hatake Sakumo shook his head and sighed, while Orochimaru remained silent.

"is it?"

Orochimaru still had an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, he raised his right hand, sniffed the sleeve, pulled the collar again, and sniffed.

"Sorry, Sakumo Jonin, I really didn't smell anything."

Orochimaru smiled hypocritically and said, "Can you tell the truth? How did you find my laboratory!"

As he spoke, the final voice was almost spoken through gritted teeth.

"It doesn't matter."

Hatake Sakumo didn't respond to Orochimaru's rhetorical question, but lowered his eyelids slightly, "Since you don't believe it, why bother to ask?"

"You think so? Hokage-sama..."

As soon as Hatake Sakumo said this, Orochimaru turned pale with shock.

"... Shuo Maojun's strength has improved a lot, not only his sword skills, but also his perception has become so sharp."

In the darkness, Hiruza Sarutobi, the third generation in plain clothes, slowly came out, "I can even detect the technique of walking in darkness, really..."

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third generation, paused for a moment, but did not continue.

As Hokage, it's okay to eavesdrop on the conversation between his subordinates and apprentices, but he was called out after being spotted, which is a bit embarrassing.

"Hokage-sama still has to pay attention to your body and smoke less..."

Hatake Sakumo expressed concern, and slightly bowed to Hiruzaru Sarutobi the third generation.

"is it?"

Hiru Sarutobi moved his nose slightly, and then a wry smile appeared on his face.

"It seems that I have stayed in the village for too long, and I didn't even notice such trivial things..."

Hatake Sakumo didn't speak any more.

"Oshemaru... Sakumo-kun is right."

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't estimate the existence of Hatake Sakumo, turned to Orochimaru and said, "Stop it, the past can be forgotten..."

Orochimaru took a deep breath and calmed himself down as much as possible, "Mr. Sarutobi... You have said that, is there any other way for me to accept it?"

"Mr. Shuo Mao, what do you think?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes turned to Sakumo Hatake.

"What Hokage-sama said is absolutely true."

Hatake Sakumo didn't intend to continue to pursue the matter, "After all, Hara Nebe's laboratory involved something bad, so please ask Hokage-sama to arrange for Anbu to deal with it."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed, and Orochimaru bowed his head in silence.

"Since you've gone to the east, is there any good plan for Mr. Deguang?"

"I went to discuss with Deguang Jun about the payment of Ninja bonds, and Deguang Jun gave very practical suggestions."

Hatake Sakumo didn't hide the slightest intention, and answered Hokage's question bluntly.

"...Really? That's great!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled, but his heart was very bitter.

It seems... It is true that there is no chance to win Hatake Sakumo back to his camp again.

Hatake Sakumo no longer wavered in his position.

Moreover, Uchiha Tokumitsu mentioned by Sakumo Hatake...

"Why is Uchiha..."

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen felt helpless, but he had no way to deal with it.


The sound of walking in the forest came out again from the treetops in the distance.

"Master Sakumo, Orochimaru Shinobu..."

Uchiha Shiina greeted cheerfully, and then noticed the existence of the third person, "Master Hokage!"

"...Hi, thank you for your hard work!"

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen had a gentle smile on his face, and nodded slightly in response.

(End of this chapter)

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