Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 160 Difficulty of Cell Extraction

Chapter 160 Difficulty of Cell Extraction

After coming out of the dungeon, Uchiha Tokumitsu arranged various garrison affairs as if nothing had happened, commanded Shuhiro Hinata and the garrison ninja army around, and took the opportunity to investigate the entire camp.

After confirming that there were no omissions, Uchiha Tokumitsu called someone to pull out the two Kaguya ninjas who had been tortured and bruised, and tied them all with chakra seal ropes regardless of whether the interrogation asked anything. Strictly shut up and gag, and ordered the escort ninja to carry it back to the eastern camp.

After returning to the station, the first thing Uchiha Tokumitsu did was to send two Kaguya ninjas to the laboratory, and selected three Jōnin and six Chunin from among the Uchiha ninjas under his command to form a special guard team. Safeguard the safety of the laboratory.

The white zeal found in the old camp of Uzumaki made Uchiha Tokumitsu's nerves tense.

But fortunately, judging from the vague related memories of the previous life and the deeds of capturing Bai Jue's spores, the high-strength sealing barrier can still prevent Bai Jue from invading.

After handing over the two Kaguya ninjas to the Uzumaki researcher and incorporating them into the laboratory system (responsibility is to be studied), the first special scientific research task is to extract the genetic material in the Kaguya ninja's bones.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's real purpose is not to conspire against Kaguya clan's Blood Successor Boundary Skeleton Vein, but to obtain an effective method of extracting genetic material based on Uzumaki's researcher's subject.

What he wanted was the extraction of leukocytes.

But the foreign body called leukocytes was too special, and he didn't intend to hand it over to the whirlpool researcher.

In case the Uzumaki researcher mistakenly thinks that it is a substance such as the cells between the columns, and there is unnecessary movement, it will affect the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the Uzumaki clan.

And Tokumitsu Uchiha didn't want to directly transplant white blood cells in such a rough way.

Who knows whether the Bai Ze he captured was left over from ancient times or Uchiha Madara debugged it based on a good friend's meat.At that time, it would be too embarrassing if a human face grows on the chest or other parts.

Naturally, the experiment did not happen overnight, and Uchiha Tokumitsu was not in a hurry to leave, but returned to his office in the laboratory, and looked for some books to read.

While reading the book, I also verified it based on my meager biological knowledge in my previous life.

Anyway, there is a magical chakra in this world, and the power of "I'm thinking" may also have room to play.

According to previous impressions, the methods for cells to extract genetic material are mainly chemical and physical.

The chemical method mainly uses protease or solvent to inhibit and separate the outer cell wall. This method can extract a large amount of cytoplasmic DNA, but the extraction efficiency is low and it is relatively easy to be polluted.

Moreover, Tokumitsu Uchiha doesn't know which substances in the white cells are the real source of the sacred tree or the power of wood escape, and a large number of experiments are still needed to verify.

The physical method of cell extraction mainly uses external forces, such as centrifugal force, ultrasonic waves, etc. to destroy the cell structure, thereby separating the cell DNA.

Although the extraction of the physical method also realizes the separation of genetic material, there is also the possibility of contamination, and the implementation of this extraction method requires a very necessary pre-equipment.

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out a notepad and neatly wrote three words on it: centrifuge.

Although in the news of the previous life, the centrifuge often appeared together with various big killers, but in fact, as an industrial equipment, the centrifuge has applications in many industrial fields.

Including coal dressing, petroleum refining and food industries.

Even the most common cream whipper works like a centrifuge.

With the technology of the ninja world and the financial resources of the Uchiha clan, I believe that it may not be difficult to build a usable centrifuge, but how to effectively separate the genetic material is the key.

And the root cause of all this depends on whether the researchers Uzumaki and Kaguya are working hard in the main laboratory.

Only mastering a set of feasible experimental methods is the basis for maximizing the whitening effect.


After Tokumitsu Uchiha slept in the office, he thought about a bunch of experimental methods that he didn't know were useful or not, and after processing a large pile of official documents sent by his subordinates, the door of the laboratory was slowly opened.

The vortex researchers with red eyes like rabbits came out one after another.

Kaguya, who was tied up like a rice dumpling, was also pushed out by the researcher.

"Has the experiment yielded results?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked the Uzumaki researcher who was carrying a small bottle.

"A major breakthrough has been made in the extraction of genetic material from the bone vein..."

The whirlpool researcher replied in a low voice.

Upon hearing the word "major breakthrough", Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned immediately.

"You put it best when there really was a breakthrough..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu murmured full of resentment.

"...the experiment did make a breakthrough."

The whirlpool researcher smiled awkwardly, feeling a little embarrassed, and took the initiative to omit the word "significant", "We have indeed extracted the blood-derived substances involved in the power of the bones..."

With that said, the whirlpool researcher handed over the bottle in his hand.

Uchiha Deguang took a look, and in the translucent bottle, a semi-liquid substance like a gray nebula was imprisoned in the bottle.

"This is……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his eyebrows.

"This is based on the researcher's Chakra and the bone marrow of the Kaguya clan's bones, but there are too many impurities, and there are a lot of negative forces that can make emotions out of control and cause bone growth to change. Extremely intense rejection, there is no possibility of transplantation for the time being..."

The Uzumaki researcher thought that Tokumitsu Uchiha's purpose of extracting the power of the bone vein was to steal the power of blood succession, so he reminded him.

This is also the reason why the power of the Xueji Ninja Clan is rarely leaked.

It is not difficult to obtain these blood inheritance powers, but the difficulty is how to get rid of the rejection reaction after transplantation.

The same is true for the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan. You can gain the power of Sharingan by killing a Uchiha who has opened his eyes and gouging his eyes, but those who try to steal Sharingan through transplantation will often be sucked dry by the Sharingan. Carat died.

Among the major ninja clans, the one with the least adverse reaction after blood transplantation is the supercilious eyes of the Hyuga clan.So most of their clansmen were imprisoned by the caged bird curse.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there used to be blood succession boundaries that were easy to transplant and plunder in the ninja world, but they should have been extinct in the endless greedy peeps.

"...This is also normal."

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu felt a little lost in his heart, he also thought it was reasonable.

If the power of Blood Successor Limits was so easy to steal, Blood Successor Ninjas would have flooded the Ninja World long ago.

"Is there any possibility of removing the adverse effects?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help asking.

"Theoretically, there are still..."

The whirlpool researcher whispered.

"Theoretically... it means that there is no way now, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu clicked his tongue, a little helpless.

"Master Deguang is wise!"

The whirlpool researcher lowered his head honestly and replied.

"Have you ever done a transplant experiment?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a moment and asked.

"...Not yet, it is only evaluated based on the current status of the extracted blood inheritance power."

The whirlpool researcher hesitated for a moment, but answered honestly, "If the transplantation test is carried out, a large number of human experiments may be required..."

"I understand, go back and edit the experimental methods, process, results, etc. into a book."

Uchiha Tokumitsu put the vial back on the table, and said to the whirlpool researcher: "I need all the details about this experiment! Be sure to write clearly!"

Since the purification has not been completed, naturally there is no need to waste human life to try the feasibility of the experiment.

"As ordered!"

The Uzumaki researcher was ordered to leave, while Tokumitsu Uchiha was thinking carefully in the laboratory.

Then he took out the scroll that sealed Bai Jue's finger and hesitated for a long time.

But in the end, he still put the scroll away, dispelling the idea of ​​letting the whirlpool researcher extract the leukocytes.

The extraction of cell genetic material belongs to the field of biology or medicine, and this aspect happens to be Uchiha Tokuko's blind spot.

As for other Konoha products that can achieve high-purity extraction of leukocytes, such as Orochimaru or Tsunade, Tokumitsu Uchiha will not cooperate with them.

Therefore, Tokumitsu Uchiha can only hope that the experimental report written by the researcher Uzumaki can be understood by himself.

It's a pity that the Uchiha clan really can't find research-oriented talents...

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Near the evening, Kaguya Xueji's extraction experiment report was completed and handed over to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Uchiha Tokumitsu flipped through it briefly, and felt that he could roughly understand it, so he put down the manuscript.

"In addition to this, I need a special device."

"Master Deguang, please tell me..."

The whirlpool researcher said respectfully.

"A machine that can seal chakra substances and generate high-speed rotation to form centrifugal force, it is best to separate different chakra substances through centrifugal force."

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not understand the working principle of the centrifuge used for cell extraction, but only vaguely described his needs.

When several vortex researchers heard this, their eyes immediately brightened.

"Master Deguang, are you planning to use it to separate the genetic material in the blood inheritance force?"

A vortex researcher asked hastily.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's words made him feel like he opened the door to a new world.


Uchiha Tokumitsu replied.

Anyway, there was Kaguya Xueji as a cover.

"As far as I know, there should be no such equipment at present..."

The No.2 vortex researcher thought for a while, and said.

"But we can develop it ourselves! Based on the existing equipment combined with the sealing technique to transform!"

The No.3 whirlpool researcher quickly said: "Master Deguang, please allocate funds!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha felt a headache again.

Money, money!It's money again!
How can an experiment cost so much money!
"You guys first draw up a technical plan and submit it, and by the way, estimate how much it will cost..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu had no choice but to agree to the request of the researcher Uzumaki.

At this moment, he finally understood why those research institutes in his previous life had to be staffed with administrative staff.

If there is no restraint, this group of scientific researchers who are full of wild ideas can squander all the gold and silver.

"I don't know where Orochimaru got so much money for the experiment..."

After Uchiha Tokumitsu arranged the affairs of the laboratory, he left and returned to the resident camp. All he thought of along the way was the memories of his previous life, about the legendary Orochimaru laboratory that is ubiquitous in the ninja world.

(End of this chapter)

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