Chapter 161

In order to be able to build a centrifuge that separates chakra substances, Tokumitsu Uchiha allocated 3000 million taels of funds to the laboratory in one go.

As a result, he emptied his small coffers again.

In order to fill up his small treasury with cute gold sentences again, Tokumitsu Uchiha organized several special border trades in a short period of time, dumping beef and mutton from the country of grass and luxury goods from the country of fire to the Kirigakure ninja .

The Kirigakure ninja trade team, who never refused to come, sent Uchiha Tokumitsu a tent full of gold sentences.

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood at the entrance of the tent, grabbed a handful of jinpan, and watched the golden cutie slip from his palm, and fell back onto the pile of jinpan, causing bursts of intoxicating music.

"Master Deguang, after this transaction, when will we arrange the next round of trade?"

Kirigakure's trade envoy is also Uchiha Tokumitsu's acquaintance, Li Shengqingxing.

As a civilian born, with no strength and no family background, Kirigakure Zhongnin, Lisheng Keiyuki originally thought that his destiny was either to die quietly in a certain mission or to be hit casually in the ninja village war of countless strong men Turned into minced meat, even when he drank the most, he never thought that he would have the current fame and status.

"The stocks of all the pastures in the Country of Grass are sold out, and it may take another year; the luxury of the Hyuga family has already been ordered, and it will be delivered in about three months."

Tokumitsu Uchiha patiently answered Keishuki Rear's questions.

For money's sake, even Kirigakure has become cute. ,

"Like This……"

Lisheng Qingxing was a little disappointed.

For him, how much purchasing power does the Kirigakure Ninja have, how much consumption power does the Land of Water have, how the massive import of meat and luxury goods into the Land of Water will affect the local industry, and even the outflow of a large amount of money will affect the water industry. It doesn't matter what kind of impact the country's monetary system will have. The only thing Keiyuki Lisheng cares about is how long such trade activities can last.

Because his status comes from the special border trade and Uchiha Tokumitsu's insignificant appreciation for him.

Even if it is just a coordinator, even if he only has a little right to count the purchased materials, but such a large piece of fat, even if he only touches it twice, the oil and water on his hands can make soup.

"It doesn't matter, we can also expand the scale and depth of trade and explore the trading of other commodities; in addition, we are also very interested in the seafood of the country of water."

Naturally, Tokumitsu Uchiha would not hate this Kirigakure who is like a rich boy.

Although his strength is average, he is surprisingly eloquent and good at observing words and expressions, and can bring enough benefits to himself.

As a super supplier who has mastered the source of goods and trade ports, Tokumitsu Uchiha also has the idea of ​​supporting agents.

It’s just that supporting compradors requires superb remote breeding technology, and Tokumitsu Uchiha is still figuring this out.

"Well... If Mr. Deguang is seafood, I can make the decision and agree. I don't know what kind of seafood you need?"

When Li Shengqingxing heard that there was still a chance to make money back, he was immediately elated and even happier.

"...I'll get someone to give you a list in case, just watch and prepare."

At this time, Uchiha Tokumitsu noticed that a subordinate was waving to him in the distance to signal that something was wrong, so he simply ended the topic.

"whats the matter……"

After seeing off Lisheng Qingxing, the subordinates came to Uchiha Tokumitsu and bowed.Uchiha Tokumitsu took the initiative to ask what was going on.

"The family has sent a message that the envoy named daimyo has secretly arrived in the village yesterday..."

His subordinates are also members of the Uchiha tribe, and he whispered to Uchiha Tokumitsu nervously.

"The envoy of the daimyo came to the village to hide his whereabouts? Did something happen?"

Uchiha Deguang frowned, and immediately felt something was wrong.

The subordinate silently took out a letter and handed it to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

After opening it casually and taking a quick look, Uchiha Tokumitsu clicked his tongue.

It's a bit of a hassle...

The fact that the Uchiha clan and the Kirigakure ninja clan were jointly smuggled was reported, and the daimyo was very upset.

The purpose of the daimyo's envoy arriving at Konoha was to condemn this incident and asked Hokage to restrain Uchiha's behavior.

"I see……"

Uchiha Toku shook his hand, and the fire escape chakra was released to burn the letter paper to ashes, "Just continue to pay attention to the follow-up development, and don't worry about the rest."

Anyway, after this batch of special border transactions, the massive dumping of goods to Kirigakure is enough to meet the needs of Water Country for a period of time in the future. Outback money.

But the tree wants to be still and the wind does not stop.

At night, Hatake Sakumo's urgent letter also reached the eastern garrison camp.

Although Hatake Sakumo's letter came later, it revealed more detailed information.

The daimyo's envoy not only asked Hokage to send people to seal off the smuggling traffic lines everywhere, but also demanded that Uchiha Tokumitsu be dismissed from his post, ordered the Uchiha patriarch to come to the daimyo mansion to make amends, and also asked the Uchiha clan to pay a huge amount of compensation.

Among the letters, what Uchiha Tokumitsu paid the most attention to is that the content of the discussion between the daimyo envoy and Hokage was voluntarily disclosed to Hatake Sakumo by the Hyuga clan.

Moreover, in the letter, Hatake Sakumo also said that the Hinata patriarch took the initiative to ask him to tell Uchiha Tokumitsu on his behalf.

"Daimyo is so courageous! He has a few jounin in his hands, and he dares to speak such nonsense!"

Uchiha Toku showed an angry look on his face, and he condensed the fire escape chakra in his hand to ash the letter paper a little, then took out a pen and paper and started writing the letter.

In the letter to Hatake Sakumo, thank him for the timely notification of detailed information, so that the Uchiha clan can avoid falling into a passive situation, and please thank the Hyuga clan on their behalf.

As for the letterhead to the family, it is a request to recruit personnel from the police department and various families to form a combat force and be ready to fight at any time.

Then another letter was sent to the Daming Mansion of the Land of Grass, informing the Deguang Red Army stationed there to dispatch one to the border area between the Land of Grass and the Land of Fire.

Moreover, there is no need to conceal the whereabouts of the above-mentioned transfers, the greater the movement of the transfer and assembly, the better.

"Maybe it's an opportunity..."

After handing over the letter paper to his subordinates to send out, Uchiha Tokumitsu thought carefully in the tent.

The reason why the daimyo sent envoys to hold them accountable was nothing more than the fact that the joint smuggling of the Uchiha clan and the Kirigakure ninja touched the commercial interests of the daimyos of the two countries, so they planned to stop and blackmail them.

As long as the thousands of ninja troops of the Uchiha clan are still there, the daimyo's accountability and Naruto's questioning are just floating clouds.

But the fact that the Hyuga clan voluntarily disclosed information is particularly different.

To be honest, the Uchiha clan can't keep up with Hinata when it comes to observing words, observing colors and seeing the wind to steer the rudder.

And the Hyuga Clan, who were proudly trying to compete for the title of the strongest ninja, can pass on information to the Uchiha Clan, and it is also extremely sensitive information such as the conspiracy between the Daimyo Envoy and Hokage...

"Why did the Hyuga Clan suddenly think about it..."

This is what Uchiha Deguang is most puzzled about.

Why did the Hyuga Clan, a group of old antiques from the Warring States Period who were in power secretly, suddenly make a 180° turn and show favor to the Uchiha Clan?

You can't be overwhelmed by the power of the Uchiha clan, right?
It can't be because the luxury goods that the Uchiha clan exported to Kirigakure were purchased from the Hyuga clan, right?

When did a wealthy family with a thousand years have such a flexible figure?

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't figure it out.


On the second day, Hokage's messenger Anbu arrived at the Eastern Border Defense Force, informing Uchiha Tokumitsu to return to the village for a meeting three days later.

"Three days later..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was particularly speechless after being notified.

Is this to investigate the criminal evidence of the Uchiha clan or to facilitate the collusion between Uchiha and other relevant parties?

"I know, I will attend the meeting then."

Uchiha Tokumitsu casually dismissed Chuanxin Anbu.

"Master Patriarch, you can come out now."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said casually.

Patriarch Uchiha Shifang walked out from behind the Chinese army tent with a look of unhappiness.

He arrived a little earlier than Chuanxin Anbu, and deliberately left the big tent to hide for a while to avoid suspicion.

"Why is it three days later?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

"I am not sure as well……"

Patriarch Uchiha Sifang couldn't answer either.

"Then why are you here?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pressed the center of his brow a few times, feeling a little headache: "Are the family's combat troops ready? Have all the secret agents of the Ninja Clan been sent out? Have all the Ninja Clans contacted?"


Uchiha stared in all directions.

"Deguang-jun, what are you doing..."

"Didn't the daimyo send an envoy to question him? Don't you plan to deal with it?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu is a bit strange.

"The troops dispatched by the family are ready, but the Ninja Cat Clan and other Ninja Clans attached to each other..."

Uchiha Sifang asked cautiously.

"Seeking peace through struggle leads to peaceful existence, seeking peace through compromise leads to peaceful death!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu packed up the documents, got up and said: "The family should also show their attitude to the outside world and let them understand that the core interests of the Uchiha clan are inviolable!"

Uchiha Quartet hesitated to speak.

Uchiha Tokumitsu walked out of the tent.

"Where are you going?"

Uchiha Sifang asked quickly.

"There will be a meeting in three days, aren't you going to go back to the village first?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned back a little strangely.

Uchiha Sifang was speechless.

He felt that his trip was in vain.

"Things can't be too big..."

Uchiha Sifang thought for a while, and paid the bill with Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Appearing in public can also be regarded as an expression of the family's support for Tokumitsu Uchiha, and it can also make relevant personnel involved in special border trade feel at ease.

"Master Patriarch means you can make a fuss?"

After arranging the affairs of the border troops to everyone in charge of the ninja, Uchiha Tokumitsu replied casually.

"...Try not to really fight, the family is not fully ready yet."

After Uchiha Sifang struggled for a while, he sighed and replied.

"I'll be measured."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was noncommittal.

Although Uchiha Shifang didn't say anything more, he still felt uneasy in his heart.

It's so exciting!
Compared with Uchiha Tokumitsu, he feels like a dove among doves!

The smuggling incident of the Uchiha clan broke out, and the news of being held accountable by the daimyo's envoy also spread like wildfire in Konoha.

The commoner ninjas who were tired of the task expressed envy and jealousy, but the ninjas took it as a warning that they still had to keep a secretive style in the future and not be as ostentatious as Uchiha.

But what caught Konoha's attention the most was the attitude shown by the Uchiha clan.

Although the Daimyo Envoy and Hokage Building have not formally sent a letter to the Uchiha Clan, everyone knows about the meeting three days later.

Among other things, the police patrols patrolling the streets recently are equipped with a lot of equipment, and they are fully armed and ready to fight at any time.

In addition, there is a Uchiha ninja army assembled at Minami Kagawa Uchiha Shrine, with unknown intentions.

Compared with the smuggling incident, everyone is more worried that the Uchiha clan will pull out their brains and do something big.

Everyone is waiting for the return of the party Uchiha Tokumitsu.


"What? The Ninja Army from the Nation of Grass has entered the border of the Nation of Fire?"

In the Naruto Building, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third generation, has also received information on the Uchiha Ninja Army's movement abroad.

"Master Hokage, this is rebellion! Naked rebellion!"

The daimyo envoy jumped up and shouted loudly: "These reckless Uchihas must be severely punished!"

All the high-level officials in Hokage's office ignored the shouts of the daimyo envoy.

In fact, the matter of smuggling can be said to be big or small.In fact, the Konoha Ninja Clan did a lot of work in private, but they didn't have as much skill as the Uchiha Clan.

In the past, the Uchiha clan focused on arms trading, while the Hyuga clan occupied all kinds of high-end markets. The Nara clan sold secret medicines in the ninja world. Even the Sarutobi clan secretly controlled many mines. The Shimura clan opened casinos all over the ninja world. ...

If it is really pursued, it will be like pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud, and no one will fall.

Therefore, even if he is dissatisfied with the Uchiha clan, the original intention of Sarutobi Hiruzen III is to add obstacles to the Uchiha clan.

If the Uchiha clan refuses to accept softness, then their reputation in the daimyo will be even worse, and they will not even have the chance to be nominated by Naruto in the future; The prestige of the Uchiha clan in Konoha.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Otherwise, the Uchiha smuggling incident would not have spread so fast in the village.

"Messenger, don't worry... this matter is still under investigation, maybe there are other circumstances."

The third Sarutobi Hiraku put down the information from Anbu, took out his pipe and said unhurriedly: "Perhaps due to the poor communication of the news, there have been some unnecessary misunderstandings~ Uchiha Tokumitsu will be back soon, by the time Let's talk about it at the meeting."

The daimyo envoy immediately thought that Hokage was deliberately covering up the Uchiha clan, and immediately jumped up and yelled loudly.

The two consultants also hurried forward to smooth things over.

Tsunade watched the farce in Hokage's office impatiently.

Orochimaru sitting in the dark corner of Hokage's office stared at the secret information brought by the daimyo envoy.

After the investigation by the noble officials of the Fire Country, the smuggling amount and profits of the Uchiha clan and the Kirigakure ninja clan were estimated. The super high "gold content" shown between the lines made Orochimaru, who was originally indifferent to money, a little uncomfortable. Living.

"Smuggling is so profitable!!!"

It turns out that performing difficult tasks is not the most profitable!
Orochimaru seems to have opened the door to a new world!
(End of this chapter)

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