Chapter 162
On a dark and stormy night, Uchiha Tokumitsu very quietly returns to his less loyal Konoha.

Except for a very small number of interested people who always pay attention to the dynamics of the Uchiha clan, most people in the village did not realize that Uchiha Tokumitsu had returned to the village.

At this time, there is still one day before the meeting time notified by Hokage Building.

The recent frequent changes of the Uchiha clan also made the ninjas of the village feel a little nervous.

Many ninja ninjas whose eyes only stayed in Konoha Village suddenly discovered that, unknowingly, in addition to the basic board of the police department, the Uchiha clan also controlled the northwest and eastern two of the four major border forces of Konoha. The Ninja Army, as well as the Minamigagawa Stock Exchange, which has exploded recently, plus the smuggling business in the Land of Water that was just revealed by the envoy of the daimyo...

In addition, the current squad leader Hatake Sakumo is also an ally of the Uchiha clan, and the most elite mobile unit under his command is filled with a large number of Uchiha Jonin.

Under the influence of the leader, the civilian ninjas and small ninja ninjas under Sakumo Hatake also maintained a neutral attitude towards the smuggling incident, which is one of the reasons why the public opinion in Konoha Village did not form a large-scale negative impact.

"The number one blood in the ninja world lives up to its reputation as a wealthy family..."

Among other things, just the courage of the Uchiha clan to dare to advance to the frontier and peek at the Daimyo Mansion can make the Konoha Ninja clan admire it.

The daimyo envoy also learned that Uchiha Tokumitsu had returned to the village under the deliberate notification of someone with a heart, but at this time he did not have the courage to leave the Hokage Building to scold Uchiha Tokumitsu for his disrespect to the daimyo.

Konoha Shangxia, including Hokage himself, has been greatly shocked by the disregard for the smuggling incident of the Uchiha clan in his words.

And outside the Hokage Building, outside Anbu's security circle, teams of members of the North District Administrative Office of the Police Department walking back and forth made him even more terrified.

"Has the Third Hokage lost control of Konoha?"

This terrible thought echoed in the mind of the daimyo envoy.

I thought it would be a great opportunity to make political capital as a daimyo's envoy to Konoha-men to blame Uchiha, but I didn't expect to fall into such a dangerous situation!

The envoy of the daimyo thought of the meaning represented by the baffled expression of the daimyo who was recently competing for favor with him when he left the daimyo mansion!

It was a look of looking dead!
Maybe, someone in the Daming Mansion has already slandered the Daming in front of the Daming, claiming that he, an arrogant minister, "forced rebellion" against Uchiha!
Uchiha Tokumitsu naturally didn't have time to pay attention to the changes in the mind of the daimyo envoy. At this time, he had already widely distributed "hero posts" to invite the leaders of various ninja families to come to the meeting tomorrow to discuss major issues.


The celebrity of the Uchiha clan posted a request, and the leader of the ninja clan was naturally willing to come.

Early the next morning, there was still more than an hour before the meeting time agreed by Uchiha Tokumitsu in the invitation letter, and all the ninja leaders of each family had arrived.

Uchiha Tokumitsu had to meet with the leaders in advance.

"I have a road in the country of water. The risk is not small, but the profit is very high. I wonder if everyone is interested?"

After a short greeting, Uchiha Tokumitsu said straight to the point.

The breathing of all the ninja leaders became heavier immediately, staring at Uchiha Tokumitsu one by one.

As the ninja leaders who are closely related to the Uchiha clan, they naturally know what Uchiha Tokumitsu means.

Everyone has heard about the smuggling business of the Uchiha clan and Kirigakure. In the eastern border defense force, many children who are close to the ninja clan are registered to serve, and some people participated in the "border trade" business commanded by Uchiha Tokumitsu; and After the daimyo envoy arrived in Konoha, many details of the smuggling case in the east came out.

But for the ninja, whether the laws of the Fire Nation should be at ease mainly depends on whether the daimyo has the ability to sanction themselves, and everything else is irrelevant.

But now, listening to Uchiha Tokumitsu... it seems that he wants to get everyone to do it together?

"Master Deguang, please clarify!"

The Shiranui patriarch immediately stood up and responded loudly: "I will wait for anything!"

The group of leaders who got up a little too late felt very annoyed, deeply hating the Shiranui patriarch for robbing him of the opportunity to show off!
Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his hand to signal the head of Shiranui to sit down, and continued to speak slowly: "

"The greater the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish! The so-called wealth and wealth are sought after danger. We and the ninja have gone through thousands of years of war. The most important thing is not to be afraid of hardships and risks! I don't know if everyone thinks this is true?"

"Master Deguang's words are absolutely true!"

The ninja leaders immediately echoed in unison.

"My principle is that if you have money, everyone can earn it together. I have already opened up the way."

Uchiha Toku's halo looked left and right, with a majestic face: "Currently, we are still at war with Kirigakure in the country of water, but it is precisely because of this that we can make more money..."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tokumitsu picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip.

The breathing of the ninja leaders became heavier and heavier.


After observing the expressions of the people present, Tokumitsu Uchiha put down his teacup, "I have already discussed with the Ghost Lamp Clan and the Minazuki Clan, and we can contract the seafood business from the Land of Fire and even the Ninja World to us! As long as If everyone wins the market, the land of water will have an endless supply of seafood!"

A group of ninja leaders quickly calculated in their hearts, and then their breathing became tighter.

Although it is not to smuggle and dump goods to the Land of Water, it is also a good choice to import special products from the Land of Water!

The seafood business may seem small, but the advantage is that it is a food that is constantly being consumed.

This also means that as long as the market is established, the business will continue to flow!

Moreover, since the outbreak of the war, the merchant ships between the Land of Fire and the Land of Water have been basically cut off, and the prices of high-end seafood from the Land of Water have risen a lot!

Moreover, Kirigakure's Ghost Lamp Clan and Minazuki Clan are both wealthy ninja clans who have been out of Mizukage. If you cooperate with them, unless there is another war between the two ninja villages, there is absolutely no need to worry about the supply of goods!

"Master Deguang's instruction is our direction!"

Nohara patriarch grabbed the opportunity to flatter.

"I'm going to build a large storage center in the land of water. While storing the high-end seafood from the land of water, I can also buy some ordinary seafood nearby."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded slightly to the Nohara patriarch, and continued: "I believe everyone knows the benefits of controlling a country, even a small country, right?"

All the ninja leaders nodded in agreement.

"The total share capital of the business with the Kirigakure Ninja Clan is [-] million taels, and the Uchiha Clan contributes [-] million taels. Everyone else who is interested can invest together!"

"The Shiranui family voted 5000 million taels!"

The Shiranui patriarch immediately raised his hand and shouted.

"This is not in a hurry!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pressed down his palm, signaling everyone to be safe and not to be impatient.

"After all, this matter is of great importance. Please ask the leaders to make a specific share with the tribe after returning. We will make the final decision tomorrow. How about that?"

"Thank you Lord Deguang for your understanding!"

Several ninja leaders with insufficient financial resources breathed a sigh of relief.

They also want to join in and make money together, but if they decide how much to invest on the spot, they really can't estimate their own funds.

"Anyway, there is only one principle. If there is a gold sentence, everyone will earn together! If there is something, everyone will bear it together!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's voice was soft but firm, "Is there anything else you want to add?"

"Everything is subject to Master Deguang's arrangement!"

The leaders of the ninja clan stood up and saluted together.

The reason why the investment meeting is scheduled until tomorrow is to determine how the seafood trade in the land of water will proceed after the quarrel with the daimyo envoy.

And in this way, with the benefits and temptations within reach, even if the Uchiha clan makes some moves, as long as they don't launch a coup on the spot, all the ninja clans attached to them will follow the lead of the Uchiha clan.


After sending away the leaders of the ninja clan, Tokumitsu Uchiha returned to the tea room and made two cups of tea again without haste.

"Norochimaru Jominin, come out and have a cup of tea!"

Uchiha Deguang smiled, his eyes fixed on the tatami in front of him.

"If you don't come out, then I will go directly to your mansion to find you..."

After a while, a white snake lifted the tatami and crawled out from under the floor.

Then, the white snake's mouth opened wide, and a mucus-stained hand stretched out from the snake's mouth.

"Tokuguang-kun's sensory ninjutsu is really extraordinary, he can actually see through my disguise!"

Orochimaru cleaned up the mucus on his body a little bit, and there was no shame on his face after being seen through his whereabouts.

"What are you doing here?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu casually pushed a teacup in front of Orochimaru, "Or, are you the main body now?"

"That makes sense..."

Orochimaru laughed twice to hide his embarrassment, and then said bluntly: "I have heard everything Deguang-kun said, and I am also very interested!"

"Then how much are you going to invest?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu tilted his head and asked with great interest.

"...As far as I know, Mr. Deguang seems to be sending people to purchase large-scale experimental equipment."

Orochimaru did not directly respond to Tokumitsu Uchiha's question, "If there is interest, we can also cooperate in this regard.

"So... it means you have no money?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu leaned back and relaxed.

Orochimaru's face immediately became gloomy, and the snake pupils stared straight at the smiling Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"I can count your share as a favor, but your share will not be confirmed until tomorrow."

Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer pokes at Orochimaru’s pain points, but sets out his own conditions: “If there are research projects in the future, it’s not impossible for us to cooperate... Of course, the premise is that you have to show your own value !"

"Very good! As expected of Deguang-kun who can read people's hearts!"

Orochimaru's face immediately softened, and he stretched out his long tongue to wash his face, "Then, let's talk tomorrow!"

"Let's talk after the meeting!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his glass to see off the guests.

(End of this chapter)

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