Chapter 163
In the early morning, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who woke up from his sleep, put on a short sleeve that he seldom wears at ordinary times, revealing the dragon tattoo on his right arm.

After putting on the special Jōnin vest of the Police Department, Tokumitsu Uchiha carried the Kodachi behind his back, and he was equipped with ninja bags, scrolls and other combat props one by one, as if he was ready to go to war at any time.

What Uchiha Tokumitsu has to do is to put on a posture of "Uchiha's core interests are inviolable" and carry out strategic intimidation.

Walking down from the second floor, his father Uchiha Nakagen was ready, and even his mother Emiko changed into a Chunin uniform without a logo.

The two were silently supporting their son to show Uchiha's fangs to Hokage and Daimyo.

After having breakfast while talking and laughing, Uchiha Tokumitsu bowed to his parents, and then strode out of the house. At this time, the dark guard ninjas in armor were already waiting in line.

After walking in the clan grounds, armed Uchiha clansmen could be seen everywhere at every street corner performing vigilance. Wherever Uchiha Tokumitsu went, the clansmen bowed and saluted one after another.

Uchiha Tokumitsu quickened his pace while returning the salute.

Walking out of the gate of the clan, a group of Uchiha ninjas gathered at the gate of the police department not far away. The patriarch Uchiha Sifang stood in front of the queue and nodded slightly to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Along the avenue leading to the Hokage Building, members of the police force from the two major branches of the East District and the West District of the Police Department lined up along the street with their heads up and their chests up. In addition to the Uchiha tribe, there were also many Uzumaki ninjas and police training schools. police graduates.

And the upper ninjas of each family who are affiliated with the ninja clan gathered on the side of the office of the upper ninja class. Seeing Uchiha Tokumitsu leading the people coming towards them, they all took the initiative to salute.

And another group of ninjas headed by Ikacho ninja just quietly watched Uchiha Tokumitsu interacting cordially with the attached ninja jōnin.

They are all Shinobi from the Naruto family.

"Will there be a fight today..."

An Akimichi Jōnin asked in a low voice to Nara Jōnin next to him.

"will not."

Nara Jonin rolled his eyes, and replied with some irritability: "But no one dares to bet, after all, they are Uchiha."

All the Jonin members of the Hokage series were also speechless when they heard the words.

Yes, it is Uchiha after all, who dares to guarantee it.

"The ninjas in the village are actually divided to such an extent..."

Hearing the words, another Jōnin could not help but sigh.

During the war, the ninjas in the village were all unanimous to the outside world, but now the situation in the ninja world has eased a little bit, and the internal conflicts in Konoha were suddenly aroused with the arrival of the daimyo envoy.

Nara Jonin didn't answer, his mood was very complicated.

Looking up at the roof of the ninja class office, the mobile units directly under Hatake Sakumo are all in a defensive formation above.

But most of the fighting ninjas are from the Uchiha tribe...

"It's really troublesome..."

Kamizu Nara bit his fingers involuntarily, and his expression became irritable.

As far as the attitude of the Uchiha clan is concerned, no one dares to imagine what kind of corpse mountain and bloody sea Konoha will become if there is a conflict.

As a high-level member of the Naruto department, he clearly knows that Tokumitsu Uchiha has awakened the legendary Kaleidoscope Sharingan!
Moreover, in addition to Konoha's Uchiha ninja army, the northwest border defense force stationed in the country of grass and the eastern border defense force in the eastern region of the country of fire are all under the control of the Uchiha clan; The Uchiha private army known as "Tokumitsu Chibei Squad" is on the border of Chen Bing, and the tiger is watching the Daimyo Prefecture!

Even if the Hokage family is capable of suppressing the Uchiha forces inside the village, what about the Ninja Army outside the village?

Could it be that the frontier army was allowed to enter the Daming Mansion?
Besides, the Kirigakure ninja who fought so hard on the eastern battlefield back then is now joining forces with the Uchiha clan to smuggle. Who knows what kind of collusion they have in private besides smuggling?

Moreover, don't forget that there is also a strong man who is highly praised in Konoha. The current squad leader Hatake Sakumo is also an ally of the Uchiha clan, although everyone in Konoha knows that Hatake Sakumo inherited Lord Hashirama. The man with the will of fire, but who can be sure that his position has not shifted now?
Since the outbreak of the Ninja World War, the power of the Uchiha clan has grown so powerful without knowing it...

Even if the posture shown by the Uchiha clan at this time is already an out-and-out rebellion in the traditional sense, the Hokage family still has to sit down patiently and discuss with Uchiha Tokumitsu in detail.

"Master Naruto shouldn't have allowed these Uchihas to participate in the war and gain power!"

A senior ninja scolded fiercely, "Otherwise, such a big incident wouldn't have happened!"

Nara Jonin glanced at him, but said nothing.

His words also expressed the aspirations of most of the Hokage-type Jnin present.

"Do not……"

A Sarutobi jominin shook his head and said, "Uchiha's ninjas shouldn't be allowed to join the battle alone!"

All the jounin were taken aback for a moment, but then they understood again.

The Uchiha clan's participation in the war is inevitable, otherwise the second ninja war would not have basically subsided so quickly.

But before the war, no one expected that the Uchiha Ninja Army, who gathered together into an army, could explode such terrifying combat power.

Under the leadership of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo, they were invincible in many battlefields such as the country of grass, the country of rivers, the country of rain, and the eastern part of the country of fire, killing countless people, and their feats are also unmatched. comparable to it.Even the young Uchiha Tokumitsu was successfully promoted to the commander of the ninja army by virtue of his unparalleled feats.

The Ninja World War not only failed to achieve the goal of weakening Uchiha's strength, but once again achieved the prestige of the Uchiha clan's disdain for the Ninja World.

"The first ninja..."

Nara Kaminin whispered to himself, then closed his eyes.

After saying goodbye to the attached ninja johnin, Tokumitsu Uchiha walked towards the Hokage Building not far away.

A line of Uchiha dark guards in helmets and armor tightly clustered beside Uchiha Tokumitsu.

In front of the Hokage Building, stood a group of Anbu with their heads held high.

Among them, the one with the most intense chakra fluctuations was Anbu, who was not wearing a cloak and had slightly gray hair.

"Their code names are 'Bull', 'Tiger', and 'Bang', all of them are Anbu from the second generation period..."

Uchiha and Jing Xiaosheng, the captains of the dark guards, said in Uchiha Tokumitsu's ear: "It is they who once captured the Great Elder Setsuna..."

"I didn't expect Monkey Tobigi to pull them out..."

"I see……"

Uchiha Deguang remained calm, squinting his eyes and observing the three Anbu.

The three second-generation Anbu were unafraid, looking straight at Uchiha Tokumitsu, the most outstanding Uchiha junior.

Uchiha Tokumitsu kept walking, leading his troops to face him.

"Idlers stop!"

Anbu, who was named "Bull", said in a cold voice.

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned a deaf ear and continued to stride forward.

Anbu and Anbu's hands were involuntarily pressing on the handle of the knife.

"Let them come over!"

Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru appeared at the gate of Hokage Building.

Both of them didn't look good.

Hearing the words, Anbu cast a consulting look at Orochimaru, Orochimaru nodded slightly, and Anbe gave up his position, allowing Uchiha Toku to lead the dark guard forward.

"Sakumo-kun, Orochimaru Jominin, good morning!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu greeted the two with a smile on his face, and at the same time gestured for the dark guard to stay downstairs in the Hokage Building to perform vigilance and fight against the dark side.

"Let's go up..."

Hatake Sakumo also sighed helplessly.

At this time, from the window of Hokage's office, the daimyo envoy witnessed what happened downstairs. His face was pale, his legs trembled, and he involuntarily cast his eyes on Hokage for help.

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen turned a blind eye to his reaction, and swallowed his own thoughts.

Two advisors sat to one side to act as puppets.

On the other side, Tsunade was full of impatience.

 This chapter is mainly a turning point, so it is a little bit shorter...

(End of this chapter)

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