Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 164 Starting from the position of strength

Chapter 164 Starting from the position of strength

Uchiha Tokumitsu pushed the door and walked into Hokage's office.

Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru then walked in.

"Lord Hokage."

Uchiha Tokumitsu bowed his head to Sarutobi Hiru III who was sitting on the high seat.

Sarutobi Hiruzashi III returned with a kind smile.

"Two advisors..."

Mitomen Yan and Zhuanju Xiaochun also nodded in response.

"Tsunate Hime, good morning~"

Finally, Uchiha Tokumitsu greeted Tsunade with a look of fear on his face.

"Good day Deguang Jun..."

No matter how upset he was, Tsunade still followed the etiquette and responded.

Then Uchiha Tokumitsu pulled a chair and sat down. As for the pale daimyo envoy in court clothes, Uchiha Tokumitsu pretended not to see him.

Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru also felt that the atmosphere was not right, so they sat down lightly and prepared to watch the play.

Under the influence of Uchiha Tokumitsu, Hatake Sakumo also has a tendency to develop into a fun person.

And Orochimaru just got Uchiha Tokumitsu's relatively vague investment commitment yesterday, so there is no intention of adding to the blockage.

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not take the initiative to speak, and the atmosphere in the office suddenly cooled down.

The daimyo envoy was a little out of breath, feeling that the air was almost frozen.

In the eyes of daimyo aristocrats, ninjas are just tools to be driven by them, and they have never really regarded them as their own arms. Even in this era when ninjas dominate the world, there are still many samurai who have been eliminated by the times, Priests and monks hold official positions in Daming Prefecture and localities.

The only official positions that ninjas can get around the daimyo are the so-called "Guardian Ninja", and they are still guards with rank but no power.

Before the daimyo envoy left the daimyo mansion, he rarely came into contact with the "killing tool" in the eyes of nobles like ninjas. After arriving in Konoha, he also reprimanded Hokage for his domineering actions.

"Nino" Hiruza Sarutobi doesn't mind acting, and it happens to be a way to show his loyalty and the Uchiha clan's unruliness to the daimyo.

Now it seems that the reaction of the Uchiha clan did not exceed the prediction of the third generation's purpose, and it was indeed a big fight to make the up and down unstable.

So far, apart from other things, the Uchiha clan has completely lost points in the eyes of the daimyo. Even if the Uchiha is not labeled as an "enemy", even if the daimyo has no power to destroy the Uchiha, the Uchiha clan can never imagine Recognized by the daimyo and won the position of Hokage.

"Tokuguang-kun, this is the envoy of the daimyo, Doctor Asakura."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, broke the silence with a smile, "Dr. Asakura is asking you something on behalf of Daimyo~"

He can't wait to see the conflict between Uchiha Tokumitsu and the daimyo envoy.

What is intimidation!Preferably blood splattered office!

"There are false ministers in the Daming Mansion!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu shocked everyone, "Someone is trying to shake the ancestral system of one country and one village!"

Even Hiruza Sarutobi, the third generation who had the mentality of watching a movie, was shocked to the core.

Did Uchiha Tokumitsu take the wrong script? !
"you you……"

Dr. Asakura ignored his fear and stood up abruptly, pointing at Uchiha Tokumitsu to reprimand him angrily, but after the two looked directly at him, Dr. Asakura couldn't say a word.

In front of Sharingan full of murderous intent, not to mention mortals without Chakra, even Jonin with a weaker strength would feel his scalp numb.

Dr. Asakura was already strong-willed if he didn't collapse on the spot.

"Knock knock!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was dissatisfied and knocked on the table a few times with his pipe.

Uchiha Tokumitsu then closed Sharingan.

"Why did Lord Deguang say that?"

Hiruzame Sarutobi asked.

"I heard that there are arrogant officials in the Daming Mansion trying to confuse the nobles to interfere with the ninja village, trying to use the secular rules to restrain the ninja. Is that true?"

Uchiha Toku halo looked left and right, "The one-village-one-country system established by Master Hashirama clarified the division between Ninja Village and the daimyo nobles. Now the envoys have arrived at Konoha to break the past system and bring the world back to the troubled times of the Warring States Period. ?"

"If that's the case, the Uchiha clan doesn't mind being the first in the world, and it's hard to put an end to chaos in Shangluoding!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's words were resounding, every sentence hit Dr. Asakura's vitals.

Even the most lawless Orochimaru couldn't help being stunned.


Sarutobi Ritsu III coughed and settled down.

"... Deguang Shangren, please be calm, maybe there is something else hidden?"

Then he turned his head to look at the messenger again: "Doctor Asakura, please tell me something?"

"The Uchiha clan has liaison with foreign countries, smuggling wantonly, lawlessness, tax evasion, isn't this a fact!"

Doctor Asakura blushed and roared loudly.

"Is there any contact between the ninjas and the daimyo for approval?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also lowered his face, and scolded mercilessly: "The ninjas belong to the ninja, when will it be the turn of the world to interfere!"

"Such a large amount of smuggling even emptied all the cattle and sheep from all the pastures in the Country of Grass. Is this considered a ninja relationship?"

"What does the matter of the Land of Grass have to do with the name of the Land of Fire?"

Tokumitsu Uchiha snorted, "Does His Highness Daimyo think that he can interfere in foreign affairs? The Red Army of the Country of Grass will not agree!"

"Aren't those so-called red reserve teams your private army?"

Doctor Asakura gritted his teeth angrily, "Chen Bing border, are you going to rebel!"

"Although they are members of the Uchiha tribe, they are not Konoha-registered ninjas. According to the rules, they just accepted the employment of the Daimyo of the Country of Grass, which is very reasonable."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't care about Dr. Asakura's attitude. In his eyes, it was just the howling of a defeated dog.

"Tokumitsu Jonin may not be too forceful!"

Tsunade said coldly.


Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his gaze to Tsunade who was on the side, "When Mito-sama was alive, he had already reconciled with the Uchiha clan. Is Tsunade Hime going to overturn the resolution of the ancestors?"

"What does this have to do with Grandma Mito!" Hearing this, Tsunade immediately showed an angry expression, "Don't you think your actions are destroying the trust between Daimyo and the village!"

"The daimyo controls the regime to provide funds for the village, and the village provides the daimyo with ninjas as a standing army. Isn't this the one-village-one-country system?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered twice, and said loudly: "Is Konoha not fulfilling the mission of guarding the country, or the Uchiha clan is afraid of fighting like a tiger and dare not go to the battlefield?"

"Sakumo-kun, what do you think of the performance of the Uchiha tribe on the battlefield?"

Tokumitsu Uchiha turned to Sakumo Hatake.

"Uchiha's loyalty and bravery top the Ninja World."

Hatake Sakumo replied in a deep voice.

"So, have the registered Uchihas fulfilled their obligations as Ninja Ninjas?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his gaze to Tsunade and Dr. Asakura again, "Or, does the daimyo feel that Ninja Village is his personal vassal, and can he order it to be slaughtered and consumed at will?"

As soon as this remark came out, Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn't sit still.

Another meaning in Uchiha Tokumitsu's words is to accuse him of allowing the daimyo's envoy to visit the door, destroying the equal status between the country and Ninja Village.

"Tokumitsu Jonin, please be careful!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi hit the office with his pipe again, his tone very dissatisfied.

"You are so brave!"

Frightened and angry, Doctor Asakura was at a loss for words.

The establishment of Konoha Ninja Village is the product of the reconciliation of the two giant ninja clans represented by Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara, and has nothing to do with the fire country daimyo.

The daimyo of the Land of Fire and the Hokage of Konoha, the former is the lord of the country, while the latter is the military leader. Even the daimyo has the right to appoint and not decide the candidates for Hokage.

"Tsunate Hime, the founder of Konoha is not a daimyo, but Hashirama-sama and Madara-sama. This is a history that cannot be tampered with."

Uchiha Tokumitsu tried his best to calm down his tone, "Konoha Ninja's allegiance is to the village rather than the daimyo. This is a matter of principle that cannot be changed."

"This is the one-village-one-country system!"

At this time, Sandaime and the two consultants reacted.

In terms of the system, what Uchiha Tokumitsu said was "one village, one country", while what Tsunade said was "one country, one village" that Konoha officially advocated.

Although only the word order is different, it also shows the two people's different views on the relationship between "country" and "ninja village" from a level.

"Uchiha Madara is a recognized traitor! You still speak for him, Hokage-sama, this son's heart can be punished!"

Dr. Asakura, who was stunned to doubt his life, immediately grasped Uchiha Tokumitsu's words, and immediately jumped up and shouted again.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen III had a gloomy expression, he did not respond to Dr. Asakura's words.

Doesn't he know that Uchiha Tokumitsu "his heart can be punished"?

Isn't it because the power in his hands is not enough to suppress the Uchiha clan who have produced so many heroes?

Is he Sarutobi Hiruzen really a "ninja" hero?
Since Uchiha Tokumitsu awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the balance of strength has begun to become unbalanced.

"Even if Madara-sama is beaten as a traitor, it will be after the establishment of Ninja Village. Can it be possible to obliterate Madara-sama's contribution to the establishment of the one-village-one-country system?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also sneered at Dr. Asakura's words, "Master Madara's merits and demerits have their own people's hearts. When will the daimyo speak nonsense about it?"

"Tokumitsu Jonin is a bit too rampant..."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun couldn't bear it anymore, and said in a dark tone: "Should the Uchiha clan also follow Uchiha Madara's behavior?"

"Advisors are acting too timid."

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled, and immediately retorted: "If the Uchiha clan really wants to imitate their predecessors, just based on what you said just now, do you think the Juanzu clan can continue to exist?"

The angry look on Xiaochun's face became more intense, but he stopped talking.

"Mr. Deguang..."

After listening for a long time, Hatake Sakumo finally couldn't help but persuaded: "There are so many people here, so we have to restrain ourselves..."

The third generation and the two consultants were also speechless after hearing the words.

That's it?

I thought you, Sakumo Hatake, were going to say something!
"I'll be measured."

Uchiha Deguang is as good as a stream.

A satisfied smile appeared on Hatake Sakumo's face.

"What we want to discuss is the smuggling behavior of the Uchiha clan, not the one country one village system!"

Dr. Asakura, who was completely distracted by Uchiha Tokumitsu, finally calmed down. After realizing that the content of the discussion was completely out of control, he quickly changed the topic back.

"Smuggling... Is the relationship between ninjas considered smuggling?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted again and again, "Why are you so innocent..."

"What innocence? Guardian Shinobi saw Uchiha's ninja drive cattle and sheep to the east and sell them to Kirigakure, and got a lot of gold sentences from Kirigakure. Isn't this smuggling?"

Dr. Asakura opened his eyes wide, his neck was red from holding back, "Did Uchiha think this is not considered smuggling?"

"Master Hokage! Is this how you discipline your subordinates?"

Immediately, the spearhead was directed at Sarutobi Hiruzen III.

Hiruzen Sarutobi's mouth twitched, trying to pull out a false smile.

"It seems that the arrogant ministers around the daimyo are the so-called guardian ninjas. It seems that it is time to eliminate those ninjas who do not obey the discipline of ninja village."

"You say yes, Hokage-sama..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes turned to Sarutobi Hiruzen III.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, had a gloomy expression on his face.

At this time, do you remember that I am Hokage-sama?
"His Royal Highness is the co-lord of the Fire Kingdom! Whether it is Ninja Village or the Ninja Clan, they are all subordinates of His Royal Highness! This is a sacred relationship that cannot be desecrated!"

Doctor Asakura couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and roared angrily.

"All systems and relationships are based on strength, even the relationship between Daimyo and Ninja Village."

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood up slowly, "How many jnin does His Highness Daimyo have? From the standpoint of strength, why does he dictate to the Uchiha clan?"

"The system of one country, one village cannot be destroyed!"

Tsunade said in a calm tone.

"Yes, the one-village-one-country system cannot be undermined."

Uchiha Deguang nodded and acted as a repeater.

"Under one village and one country, only ninja villages are allowed to have standing ninja force. Now I suspect that the guardian ninja of the Daming Mansion has controlled the government through illusions, trying to subvert the ninja village and divide the ninja clan."

Uchiha Tokumitsu paused for a moment, and then showed a bloody smile, "So, in order to uphold justice, the Uchiha clan intends to go to Luo to eliminate adultery and eradicate the guardian ninja who controls the government. Is this reasonable?"

"you dare!"

Tsunade couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and scolded angrily: "Are you going to provoke the ninja world to siege Konoha!"

"Tokumitsu Jonin, please take back your words!"

Under the gaze of Sarutobi Hiruzen III, Mitomon Yan also got up and shouted.

"Then ask the daimyo to recall the so-called envoy first!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not give in, and also shouted angrily: "Does the daimyo think that those incompetent guardian ninjas in his hands and those priests and warriors who have been eliminated by the times can make the Uchiha clan succumb!"


Doctor Asakura pointed at Uchiha Tokumitsu with trembling fingers, speechless.

"Within three days, if the daimyo doesn't give the Uchiha clan an explanation, then I will lead the clan to the daimyo mansion to ask for an explanation!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said coldly, then slammed the door and left.

Hatake Sakumo was silent for a while, then got up and bowed to Hokage, then also got up and left.

Orochimaru laughed strangely for a while, seeing the unfriendly eyes of everyone, he immediately nodded to Hokage and the two advisors, and chose to leave.

 At the end of the month, ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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