Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 165 Unbreakable Alliance

Chapter 165 Unbreakable Alliance

The fundamental reason why Tokumitsu Uchiha openly challenged the authority of the daimyo in Hokage's office was based on the status of strength.

As for the "Ninja Siege" mentioned by Tsunade, it is even more nonsense.

Among the five great nations, Konoha has the most respectful attitude towards daimyo.

The conflict between the daimyo of the country of water and Mizukage for the control of Ninja Village is well known in Kirigakure. The daimyo of the country of wind also had conflicts with sand hidden village on the issue of military expenditure, and the country of thunder The daimyo simply became a cash machine for Raikage of the martial arts faction, and even Tukage of Yanyin Village suppressed daimyo's eager desire to seize power.

Even Danzo threatened the daimyo in order to obtain military expenses during his lifetime.

The reason why ninjas don't rob to collect money is because the income is too low, and there are hidden dangers of being hunted down by stronger ninjas, so everyone chooses to return to Ninja Village to make money through tasks.

Now, under the auspices of Tokumitsu Uchiha, the ninjas have discovered a new way to make money, how can they give up easily?

The reason why daimyo sent envoys to hold accountable was not only because of the smuggling behavior led by the Uchiha clan, but through the bond incident, the nobles discovered that Ninja Village already had a channel to bypass daimyo to obtain funds, so they tried to use this to beat It's just a matter of "getting back on track" with the relationship between the two.

But after the door to the new world is opened, it is not so easy to close it.

Just like the succubus who has been meat can no longer become an angel, the ninja will not be so easy to get the excess benefits that are about to be obtained, and return to the era of being driven by noble officials like cattle and horses.

"Work and get rich!"

In a banquet hall in the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Tokumitsu solemnly said to a group of visiting ninja leaders.

"We have worked so hard to transport some supplies from abroad and sell them to honest businessmen in the country, earning a meager profit that is nothing compared to the interests of daimyo nobles. In essence, it is for the people of the country of fire to Live better!"

"We don't cause trouble and are not afraid of trouble, but if anyone dares to hinder us from making money, we will smash his dog's head!"

"it is good!"

Patriarch Nohara immediately jumped up and applauded loudly, applauding again and again.

There was thunderous applause.

Uchiha Tokumitsu pressed down his hands again and again, and it took a while to stop the enthusiastic applause of the crowd.

"What we are about to usher in is a new era!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was full of vigor and high-spirited voice.

"During the Warring States period, our ancestors fought desperately in the endless sea of ​​corpses and blood, just for a place to sleep!"

"In the Ninja Village era, we fought to the death for the pitiful task share leaked from the nobles!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu paused for a moment, and the ninja leaders nodded in agreement.

"The one-village-one-country system established by Mr. Hashirama is good, but it is not good enough, and there are still some people with unpredictable intentions trying to destroy it, causing the situation to become so corrupt!"

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu did not say it clearly, countless imaginary hostile characters have emerged in the minds of the ninja leaders.

Daimyo, Hokage, Hinata, Sarutobi, Ikacho...

All the characters who usually conflict with their interests echoed in their minds.

"What we have to do now is just a small contribution, but such a small thing can bring more benefits to our family, and it can also allow the people of the country of water to eat the best food. Beef, so that the citizens of the country of fire can taste the highest quality seafood."

The last shred of worry in the minds of the ninja leaders has gone beyond the sky.

"According to the previous promise, the total share capital is [-] million taels, and the Uchiha clan contributes [-] million taels. Everyone will make a fortune together!"

"Salute to the most generous Master Deguang!"

The leaders of the ninja clan rose up and raised their teacups to pay tribute to Tokumitsu Uchiha.

"To our unbreakable alliance!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also got up and returned the gift.

"The specific share capital allocation has been discussed, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also had a smile on his face.

"Everyone has already communicated."

The head of the Kurama clan reported to Uchiha Tokumitsu as a representative: "Everyone has already determined the investment amount of each family for the investment amount of [-] million yuan."

"That's fine. After the meeting, let's hand in the numbers together! I will recruit people from the stock exchange to form a capital supervision committee, and I will also inform all shareholders of the specific income, expenditure and profitability at that time."

"We can rest assured that the exchange is doing things!"

The ninja leaders were even more delighted when they heard the words.

With the issuance of bonds, the Nangagawa Stock Exchange organized by the Uchiha clan has become a vane of the advanced financial industry in the ninja world. Everyone will feel more at ease when the funds are entrusted to the exchange—after all, the principal of smuggling cannot Let's deposit it in the daimyo's bank!

"Master Deguang, our departure... Well, what about the name of the organization?"

A ninja leader raised his hand and asked: "I think, if we have a good name, it should also help us build a reputation in the ninja world, right?"

"good idea!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu is very fond of this kind of character who can always advance the topic consciously.

"How about...how about calling it 'United Aquatic Products Company'?"

"Not bad……"

Although I think the name of the organization is a bit common, but after all, Uchiha Tokumitsu took it, so everyone still nodded in praise.

"The word United represents that we are united as equals, and aquatic products are our main business. If we have more business in the future, we will jointly develop our business under the name of United!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's remarks won the favor of the ninja leaders. It doesn't matter what the name means, the most important thing is the "equality" that Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

In terms of business, he is equal to the Uchiha clan, so rounding up is equivalent to being a member of the No. [-] wealthy family!

Of course, it's also because they didn't know that in the world of Tokumitsu Uchiha's previous life, there was a similar super monopoly named "United Fruit Company".

Even Tokumitsu Uchiha, the client who smuggled seafood, had already thought about it.

Those wealthy businessmen who come to buy large bonds in secret are the best partners for cooperation.

Moreover, since the rich merchants have a huge amount of black money in their hands, it is also a good way to buy smuggled seafood for sale. At worst, they can buy some legal seafood as a facade.

In the end, Tokumitsu Uchiha made a final decision and said what everyone is most concerned about: "Next month, we will enter the first batch of goods from Kirigakure!"

"To our unbreakable alliance!"

The Shiranui patriarch stood up excitedly and shouted the slogan initiated by Uchiha Tokumitsu.


After sending off the excited ninja chiefs, Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to the police department.

Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru were already waiting in the office.

Although the two were colleagues in the Eastern War, they usually had relatively little communication, so the atmosphere when they got together in the same room was very awkward.

Uchiha Tokumitsu pushed the door in, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sakumo-kun, Orochimaru Jominin."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's greeting clearly reflects the difference between closeness and estrangement.

Orochimaru also doesn't care about Uchiha Tokumitsu's attitude.

"Deguang-jun, can we talk about cooperation now?"

Orochimaru is impatient.

His laboratory has been shut down for several days, which is even more uncomfortable than Ling Chi for several days.

"The Uchiha family invests 2000 million taels in you every three months, but you have to accept the students appointed by Uchiha to enter the laboratory for internship, and also provide the laboratory research report as the basis for evaluation, if the research results can be effectively transformed. , the Uchiha clan doesn’t mind increasing the amount of investment!”

"2000 million taels is too little..."

Orochimaru was a little dissatisfied.

The 2000 million taels is just his experimental expenses for one month in the past. Now that he has to last for three months, it will inevitably delay the progress of many experiments, and he will also receive students appointed by Uchiha Tokumitsu to carry out some shady experiments. It is inevitable that you will shrink your hands and feet.

"If the Uchiha family has additional research tasks, additional funds will be allocated for support."

Of course, Uchiha Tokumitsu will not satisfy all the needs of this poisonous snake in one go. Only the appetite of hanging Orochimaru can make him slowly accept the deployment of the Uchiha clan.

As for whether the stationed students can learn any real skills, it doesn't matter at all. The most important thing is to make Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who is seated in the Hokage Building, feel that his disciples may have a different heart.

Moreover, although the laboratory composed of Uzumaki people is reliable, its level is still limited after all. It is not impossible to entrust some special research tasks to Orochimaru.

"That's fine too..."

Orochimaru was still not satisfied, but agreed anyway.

There is no way, a penny can't beat a hero.

His experiment schedule is very full, and he really doesn't have time to perform tasks to make money.

And his subordinates are basically gloomy and poor ghosts, and they don't have much money to pay for him to throw in the laboratory to squander.

Therefore, although the Uchiha clan is not the best partner, it is also the most suitable choice at present.

At least research projects can be carried out without the constraints of a village laboratory.

After achieving the goal, Orochimaru and Uchiha Tokumitsu took the initiative to leave after discussing some details.

After receiving the warrant issued by Uchiha Tokumitsu, he hurried to the Minamigagawa Stock Exchange to withdraw money to buy experimental consumables.

"Mr. Shuo Mao~ Tea please!"

After sending away Orochimaru, Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo can finally talk about some sensitive topics together.

"The daimyo's envoy has left."

Hatake Sakumo took a sip of tea, and said softly: "The village will soon spread the details of the meeting. How should we deal with the follow-up questions?"

"I have negotiated with the ninja leaders, and we will set up a joint aquatic product company to operate the seafood business of the Kirigakure ninja."

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not directly answer Hatake Sakumo's question, "After all, there is still a shortage of ninja manpower. At that time, there may be many tasks outsourced, and I plan to hand them over to you, Sakumo-kun."

What Uchiha Tokumitsu said is not false.

Although it is determined to establish a base camp for seafood smuggling in the land of waves, it still requires a lot of manpower to transport the goods to the corresponding merchants, and the children of each ninja clan have basically served in the border forces, and the ninjas that can be drawn Not many.

And it would be great if these tasteless tasks were thrown out to win people's hearts.


Hatake Sakumo's eyes flickered a little.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's words were indeed beyond his expectations.

As we all know, Hatake Sakumo's supporters are mainly civilian ninjas and small ninja ninjas, and they have one common feature, that is, they are poor.

"It doesn't matter whether Shuo Maojun distributes these missions himself or assigns them to the mission center of the village. Everything is arranged by you, and I will never interfere."

Uchiha Tokumitsu added.

Hatake Sakumo struggled even more.

Self-distribution will undoubtedly allow your supporters to get more mission rewards, but this move is clearly digging the corner of the village; if it is handed over to the mission center of the village for distribution, the village will definitely draw a share and fall into the task execution People have less money, but this is more in line with Konoha's rules...

If he had given money directly to Sakumo Hatake, he might have refused, but these tasks were clearly set up to take care of his supporters...

For a while, Hatake Sakumo had a hard time making a choice.

"Don't worry, there will be tasks starting next month."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also saw Hatake Sakumo's inner struggle at this time, so he persuaded: "And don't make this decision alone, you can talk to your subordinates and listen to their aspirations. "

"I understand……"

Hatake Sakumo sighed, temporarily letting go of the entanglement in his heart, "But anyway, thank you very much..."

Although Uchiha Deguang said that there were not enough ninja manpower, but in Hatake Sakumo's voice, it was just an excuse to take care of face.

"It's okay, we are allies!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu poured Hatake Sakumo a cup of tea, "Our alliance is unbreakable!"

"Daimyo, how are you going to deal with it?"

Hatake Sakumo changed the subject: "In any case, although he is only a mortal, he is still the co-lord of the Fire Kingdom in name, after all, he cannot be forced too much..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Shuo Mao, I have my own discretion in this matter..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed his chin and thought for a while, "How about the Temple of Fire?"


Hatake Sakumo couldn't react.

"I remember that the ninja monk of the Temple of Fire has a kind of power known as the talent of the fairy clan. I am very interested to find out..."

In addition, the Temple of Fire also has an iron gate called the sealed iron wall, which is said to be unbreakable.Uchiha Tokumitsu first wanted to see if this magical iron gate could withstand Susano's blow.

If you can't bear it, it means that these daimyo lackeys deserve to die; if you can bear it, it means that these well-trained daimyo lackeys deserve to die even more.

"The monks at the Temple of Fire not only have a close relationship with the daimyo, but also have a deep connection with the village. It's best not to go too far..."

Hatake Sakumo lowered his voice and said, "Otherwise, it would be difficult for Tsunade Hime to explain..."

"I see."

Uchiha Deguang nodded and said: "Don't worry! It's just for deterrence, and it won't destroy the family~"

"Besides, I'm not a bloodthirsty demon, am I?"

Hearing this, Sakumo Hatake hesitated for a moment, but nodded politely.


Unsurprisingly, Uchiha Tokumitsu's disrespect to the daimyo during the meeting in Naruto's office spread rapidly in Konoha and even in the ninja world.

The Uchiha clan was once again passively involved in the eye of the typhoon in the public opinion turmoil.

It's just that this time the Uchiha clan was more tolerant, without any intention of pursuing the initiator of the speech.

This is also because of Uchiha Tokumitsu's exhortation.

The truth is becoming clearer and clearer, and the Uchiha family also needs to be properly "washed".

The Kirigakure ninja once again sent a secret letter, and they are going to send someone to discuss with Uchiha Tokumitsu how to deepen the cooperation between the two parties and jointly fight against the erosion of the ninja by secular forces.

It just so happened that Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was short of money after spending a lot of money recently, also planned to sell them arms.

 Ask for tickets, ask for tickets~continue to ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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