Chapter 168

After the ninja army broke into the Temple of Fire and occupied the commanding heights of the interior one by one, Uchiha Tokumitsu walked slowly into the temple.

It's not that the monks who are afraid of the Temple of Fire set up an ambush to kill them temporarily, but to show their attitude as conquerors.

The three hundred monks of the Temple of Fire were driven by the Uchiha Ninja Army to gather in the vestibule, and many of them even looked resentful, glaring at Uchiha Tokumitsu who had desecrated the Holy Land.

But more, it is trembling and bowing down to wait for the ruling of the conqueror.

Uchiha Tokumitsu glanced over, and even the monks who still looked resentful couldn't help but lower their heads to avoid it, with a look of fear on their faces.

Two Uzumaki ninjas also escorted the monk and brought him to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Witnessing that a highly respected monk was being treated like this, the monks in the court couldn't help being a little rioted.

But the monk's pleading eyes and the ninja's glaring knives also calmed them down again.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's Susano, who can't stop Uchiha Tokumitsu's attack even with the iron wall of the seal, if he wants to resist now that he is restrained, it is destined to end in a river of blood.

Including the great monk, all the monks of the Temple of Fire dare not bet on whether Uchiha Tokumitsu has the guts to kill.

"All monks who have chakra or practice occult techniques go to the right."

After looking at the expressions of the monks for a while, Uchiha Tokumitsu said coldly.

Hearing this, the monks were once again in a commotion.

They didn't know what Uchiha Tokumitsu's intention was, so they were very hesitant.

The great monk was showing mournful expression on his face, nodding his head again and again to signal them to obey.

More than a hundred monks walked to the right hesitantly.

"All monks of learning go to the left."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said again.

This time without hesitation, more than 80 monks walked to the left as promised.

In this way, the monks who were originally gathered in one group were divided into three groups.

"What are you guys?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked the monks who were still standing in the middle.

The monks looked at each other.

"They are all pyrotechnic workers in the temple..."

The monk was whispering.

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded slightly, and then ordered: "All the ones on the right side are sealed with Chakra and locked up, all the ones on the left side go back to your Jingge and close the door, and the fireworkers go back to perform their duties!"

The monk on the right had an angry look on his face, but he couldn't muster up the courage to resist in the face of the coercion of Uchiha Tokumitsu and the ninja army.

The Uzumaki ninja and the Uchiha ninja who practiced the seal technique stepped forward and easily grabbed them one by one like an eagle catching chickens and stamped them with the Chakra seal.

The learned monk was driven to Jingge and placed under house arrest.

The pyrotechnic workers dispersed and returned to their respective posts to work hard.

Fortunately, there was no bloody death in the temple...

The monk comforted himself in his heart.

"Master Deguang, an unknown ninja appeared in the north, and after spying from afar, he evacuated..."

A Uchiha ninja jumped down from the clock tower and reported to Uchiha Deguanghui in a low voice: "It should be the guardian ninja of the daimyo, do you need to pursue it?"

"...don't worry about it."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, then shook his head and rejected the suggestion of his subordinates: "It should only come to confirm the situation, and the daimyo should send another envoy to 'consolate' after a while."

"As ordered!"

The subordinates promised, and then they were waiting to retire.

"Then send an order to inform the Chibei team to separate the third team and go to the east of Damingfu to capture Settsu County."

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered.

"As ordered!"

The subordinates received the order to retreat, and then a team of ninjas quickly galloped to the northern city of Izumi County.

The monk was fully hearing the dialogue and arrangement of Uchiha Tokumitsu and his subordinates.

"Tokumitsu Jonin... why is it so..."

The monk couldn't help but persuaded: "The authority of the daimyo is recognized by all people, please don't offend the sanctity anymore!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu gave him a strange look and didn't bother to respond.

"Stop it! The solemnity of the Temple of Fire is a place of respect for all people. If you believe me, please let go of the monks in the temple. They are innocent worshipers. If you have any grievances, I can also go to the daimyo for you. !"

The monk is trying to persuade him with all his heart.

"Big bald head, how much land does the Shiranui Temple own? How much is the annual output? How much is the rent?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

"This temple is donated by noble officials and entrusted by believers. It has a total of 30 mu of grain fields, with an annual output of 50 stones..."

The monk was talking and then there was no sound.

"Go on! How much is the rent!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered again and again, "Do you still think that ninjas don't know how to check field records?"

"...a rent of 35 shi."

Monk Zheng's complexion also became ugly.

Even though he was defeated by Uchiha Tokumitsu, as the abbot of the national temple, how could he have been subjected to such verbal persecution.

"The name is sacred, the temple is solemn, and they are all loved by the people, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered again and said, "If I blood-bathed the Temple of Fire, burned the field books, and declared that all the fields belonged to the tenants and serfs, do you think the temple's solemnity is still useful?"

Monk Zheng's expression became even more embarrassing.

"If I enter the Daming Mansion again, and another person becomes the daimyo, is the status of the daimyo still so sacred?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes showed contempt as if he were looking at an ant.

The monk's face turned pale, his head drooped deeply, and he dared not maintain his 'decent' arrogance any longer.

"Times have changed..."

Uchiha Deguang walked towards the largest attic in the temple with his hands behind his back.

"Samurai, priests, monks, witches...all the forces of the old era have been swept into the garbage dump of history by ninja ninjutsu, even if figures like daimyo pull you out of the garbage dump, trying to use you to check and balance ninjas With your power, I will use you to appease the foolish people and make them feel at ease and accept the exploitation that is heavier than that in the Warring States Period..."

"Even if you have also learned to use Chakra...but garbage is garbage, and the attributes of garbage itself will not be changed just because you have Chakra or not!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's words are also based on.

According to the records of the Uchiha clan, farmers during the Warring States period were still a relatively valuable resource. In order to win over farmers to serve as ashigaru to fill the front line, daimyos often made concessions on land rent, and generally only collected [-]% of the harvest. And it's tax in kind.

After the establishment of the one-village-one-country system, the ninja world has basically restored peace. Even the ninja world war will have a great impact on the civilians of the big country, but the life of the farmers is even more difficult.

Now the land rent in the Fire Country has risen to [-]%, and it has been changed to currency tax.

During the annual harvest, tax collectors and businessmen will join forces to lower the price of grain and exploit farmers who are eager to sell grain to pay rent.Peasants who couldn't bear the exploitation often abandoned their fields and went up to the mountains to join bandit gangs.

Therefore, it is precisely because of all kinds of bone-sucking exploitation that cause continuous fleeing, in the mission centers of the major ninja villages, there are always the most middle and low-level missions to eliminate bandits.

"What a hopeless world..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed inwardly.

"That's the secret pavilion of the monastery! Please stop!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was about to push open the door of the attic to enter, and the monk was trying to stop it again.

"Secret Pavilion? A place where secret techniques are stored?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little surprised, he just wanted to find a bigger space to rest.

"That's great, I like the secret technique the most! It means that this technique is destined for me!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand casually, and two Uchiha ninjas who looked like wolves and tigers dragged the monk away, and then directly opened the door to enter.

Among the secret arts inheritance of the Temple of Fire, the ones that Uchiha Tokumitsu is most interested in are the "talent of the fairy clan" and the "come to welcome Senjusha" used by the monk during the battle.

At least from the appearance, it seems to have some connection with "Wood Dun·True Thousand Hands" in Qianshou Zhujian, and it is not known who copied who.

Entering the attic, a huge scroll was placed on a shelf in the hall without avoiding people. Uchiha Tokumitsu stepped forward to pick it up and tore open a corner. It turned out to be the secret art scroll of the Temple of Fire!
So he pulled up a chair and looked up.

According to the description of the scroll, the so-called "talent of the immortal clan" refers to a sect of secret arts inherited from the lineage of the Temple of Fire, and "Come to welcome Thousand Hands Kill" is one of the secret arts moves.

It’s just that Uchiha Tokumitsu tried a little bit of chakra operation and operation model construction according to the records of the scroll, but he always found something wrong.

There is an indescribably awkward feeling, as if Chakra itself is not suitable for this kind of secret technique, but can be used forcibly through the simulation of the technique.

Moreover, according to the scroll, to practice the "talent of the fairy clan" requires a series of tedious steps such as secret medicine, sitting, and passing on skills to cooperate with a certain chance of success, so Uchiha Tokumitsu's interest is also Then greatly reduced.

"It's so cumbersome and cumbersome, it's no wonder it will decline..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha commented on it.

But there is also a description of natural energy in the scroll, which gave Uchiha Tokumitsu some new inspiration.

"Lord Deguang..."

Just as Uchiha Tokumitsu was pondering the secret technique, a Uzumaki ninja knocked on the door and came in.

"There is a team claiming to be the emissary of the daimyo, but it was intercepted by the companions patrolling outside. How to deal with it..."

"Bring them in."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, "Let the pyrotechnics of the temple prepare some cold seats, after all we can't be rude, can't we~"

"'re right."

Uzumaki Ninja hesitated for a moment, trying to understand whether there was another meaning of "etiquette" in Uchiha Tokumitsu's words, which he couldn't understand.

"Just do it as normal. If you don't know, just ask that old bald donkey to help."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't explain, he waved his hand to make Uzumaki Ninja retreat, and continued to read the contents of the secret scroll.


The subordinates directly arranged three low tables in the attic, and a batch of fruit and cakes were also ready one by one.

Under the escort of Uchiha Jonin, the monk came in with a middle-aged man who looked like a noble official.

"Tokumitsu Joshin."

After the envoy entered the attic, he saluted Uchiha Tokumitsu as soon as possible: "This is the public servant Dai Nayan Konoemon Yoshiyuki, who came to condolences to the ninja army by order of the daimyo."

It can be known from the surname that the envoy must be a close minister of the daimyo.

"Please sit down!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu put away the scroll, and pointed to the arranged short table.

The envoy Konoemon Yoshiyuki and the monk are taking their seats respectively.

"What does the daimyo want?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said bluntly without thinking about family matters.

"This incident is a disaster caused by the emissary's misinterpretation of the daimyo's will. The Minister of the Taizheng will hold him accountable; but the daimyo is sacred and cannot be profaned. Please withdraw the ninja army."

Dainagon Konoemon Yoshiyuki said neither humble nor overbearing: "In addition, Tokumitsu Jonin's ninja army has made great achievements in eradicating the city bandits, and the daimyo also has other rewards."

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

It seems that the daimyo still has something in mind, although not much.

"anything else?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu tapped his fingers lightly, "Does the daimyo think that this can send Uchiha away?"

"...Tokumitsu Jonin, the daimyo has decided not to pursue your disobedience!"

Konoemon Yoshiyuki's face darkened, "Don't you think it's against the principle of loyalty if you coerce the emperor like this?"

"Is there any loyalty between ninjas and daimyo nobles?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help chuckling, "Aren't ninjas mercenaries of daimyo? Are you loyal to mercenaries?"

"Besides, how did the daimyo humiliate the ninja? Isn't it the daimyo who sent envoys to the door to question him? At this time, Zhongyi is about to be sacrificed again?"

"It was the daimyo who allocated funds to support Ninja Village!"

"It was the ninja who protected the daimyo's property!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu categorically retorted: "Otherwise, do you think that with those government troops, you can maintain the control of the Fire Nation!"

"...The one-country-one-village system established by Master Hashirama is the pillar for maintaining peace in the ninja world, and it is absolutely not allowed to be destroyed!"

Yoshiyuki Konoemon couldn't defend himself, so he moved out the system again.

The rule of the five major countries is indeed as Uchiha Tokumitsu said, basically relying on Ninja Village to quell rebellions and resist foreign enemies. The government army with samurai as the backbone has long been decayed.

If it weren't for the assistance of a large number of ninja soldiers with extraordinary power, under such cruel exploitation, the rule of the daimyo nobles would have been overthrown by the rioting peasants long ago.

And every time after the turmoil is quelled, the officials of the Daming Mansion will often come out to clean up the mess, and by the way reprimand the ninjas for their indiscriminate killing, and give all the infamy to the ninjas in an attempt to buy the hearts of the survivors.

"Master Nayan..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu is called Konoe Monyoshi.

Hearing this, Konoemon Yoshiyuki couldn't help but ignite a glimmer of hope in his heart, thinking that Uchiha Tokumitsu was about to give in.

"You have to understand that in today's ninja world, only ninja swords and techniques are the last word."

Uchiha Tokumitsu slowly pulled out the tachi from his waist, and placed it horizontally on the short table.

The mirror-like blade reflected his figure, and the bright light of the blade made him shudder.

"The ninja's sword splits the glory of the samurai into pieces, and the ninja's art burns priests and witches to ashes. All blood that claims to be noble, in front of the sword and art, the only end is to die equally. No one can exception."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone was flat, but the content of the words was a fierce threat, "Uchiha has three conditions, please listen well and go back and report to your daimyo!"

"One, the arrogant officials should be punished for humiliating the wealthy family in Chaocang!"

"Second, Guardian Ninja is suspected of manipulating the government and should be abolished!"

"Three, Ninja affairs are self-made and self-determination, neither court officials nor local guards can interfere!"

"The Uchiha clan is not unreasonable, just these conditions."

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored Konoemon Yoshiyuki who was about to get up to defend himself, and waved his hands to let his subordinates enter to carry him away.

"By the way, I forgot to add something..."

Yoshiyuki Konoemon had just been dragged to the door, Uchiha Tokumitsu stopped his subordinates, and added: "Samurai in ancient times could go to Luo, so it is natural for ninjas who are stronger than samurai to follow the example of their ancestors, right? "

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand, signaling his subordinates to take Konoemon Yoshiyuki away.

 On the first day of April, ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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