Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 169 The beginning of the collapse of ritual and music

Chapter 169 The beginning of the collapse of ritual and music

Early the next morning, Konoemon Yoshiyuki rushed to the Temple of Fire and announced that the daimyo had fully accepted the conditions proposed by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Yoshiyuki Konoe also sent a brocade box, which contained the head of Dr. Asakura who had gone to Konoha for accountability.

In addition, the daimyo's original guardian ninja was officially disbanded.

At the same time, the daimyo also issued an edict to the guardians of the various provinces and counties in the Land of Fire, ordering them not to restrict the actions of the Konoha Ninja Clan.

The daimyo's soft speed also exceeded Uchiha Tokumitsu's expectation.

He thought that the daimyo would at least put on a posture and get angry, and then he would bow his head shyly to himself in the evening under the persuasion of Gongqing!
Unexpectedly, he accepted it smoothly in such a posture.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also underestimated the impact of the ninja crusade on daimyo and officials.

In their hearts, daimyo nobles still look down on ninjas, who have particularly obvious tool-man attributes.

In this era when powerful ninjas are generally attributed to ninja villages, there are many aristocrats who claim to be of noble blood who actually have no idea of ​​the strength of ninjas, except for the rare situations that ordinary people see when performing tasks.

In their cognition, a ninja is nothing more than a tool that can be trained quickly and is suitable for doing all kinds of dirty work, even the most powerful black market in the underground black market that once assassinated the "Ninja God" The strongest ninjas are also driven by the temptation of their money.

So, what is a mere Konoha ninja?
What is the so-called ninja giants?
Isn't he throwing his life lightly on the battlefield under the temptation of money and righteousness,

But when the Uchiha ninja army's cold ninja sword and fiery fire escaped, the nobles realized that their knowledge of ninja was so superficial and ignorant that it was ridiculous.

It was thought that the well-equipped government army was vulnerable to the Uchiha ninja army-whether it was the samurai who served as the backbone and also practiced Chakra swordsmanship, or the well-trained foot light armor soldiers, even with the sturdy The city walls are like paper in front of the ninja army.

The five Kinki counties of the Daimyo Prefecture have been captured by the Uchiha Ninja Army and two counties have been captured. Even the Temple of Fire, which is an arm, has not lasted less than an hour under the attack of the Uchiha Tokumitsu Headquarters Ninja Army. Shinobi is not qualified to compete with any of the Tokuko Chibei team-the daimyo really has no strength to struggle.

What scares the daimyo nobles the most is that in the face of the blatant rebellious behavior of the Uchiha Ninja Army, Konoha, and even the political opponents of the Uchiha clan, Hokage, have maintained a silent and even conniving attitude during the process. !

Even some other Konoha ninjas who had close contacts with the nobles of the Daming Mansion also kept a frightening silence on this matter!
All kinds of insider conspiracies that may be involved behind this made the daimyo nobles even more frightened.

All in all, Uchiha Deguang told them with practical actions: adults!Times have changed!


Uchiha Tokumitsu, whose conditions were met, also sent envoys to Izumi and Settsu counties in person, and withdrew the Red Army Ninja Army that occupied the two cities.

Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't care whether the daimyo really disbanded the guardian ninja, even if the daimyo was only disbanded in name and then changed the name of the guardian ninja in private, it doesn't matter, anyway, this will become an excuse for future use.

As for whether the local county guards will follow the daimyo's edict and stop questioning the behavior of the ninja clan, that is also indifferent.

The edict issued by the daimyo is a good reason. If they encounter obstacles from local officials in the future, the Uchiha ninja army can directly draw their swords and slash people in the name of "eradicating traitors".

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't believe that the heads of the nobles could still withstand Uchiha's Ninja Sword.


"Everything should be done in moderation, and now is not the best time to go to Luo."

When the Ninja Army was about to arrive in Konoha, Hatake Sakumo had a meeting with Uchiha Tokumitsu outside the village.

"It's just... It seems that Tokumitsu-kun has offended Tsunade Hime quite a bit..."

Hatake Sakumo responded with a wry smile.

"I also reprimanded her for her childish illness, saying that Tsunade Hime is really fragile~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't take it seriously, and waved his ninja army back to the village first, and continued to chat with Hatake Sakumo: "What's wrong with Tsunade Hime?"

"It is said... I just heard that Tsunade Hime plans to recall the Senju branch to reorganize the clan..."

Hatake Sakumo lowered his voice and said.

"Thousand-handed clan..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also stunned when he heard the words, "...Didn't he be defeated in the first Ninja World War?"

"That's a young and strong ninja army directly related to Senshou, but as early as when Master Fujian was in charge of Konoha, many members of the Senshou clan changed their surnames after marriage..."

Hatake Sakumo replied: "What Tsunade Hime is going to recall now is these branch offshoots..."

"When did it happen? Why didn't I receive this urgent information..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was still a little dazed.

The Qianshou Clan, who had already retired, went public through a backdoor!

This news is really exciting!
Moreover, what Tsunade did basically announced that the timeline of the ninja world in the memory of his previous life was officially disrupted by his "butterfly", and it was no longer possible to predict what would happen in the future.

"What happened in the early morning..."

Hatake Sakumo replied: "Maybe the time is too tight, so maybe I didn't pass on the information to you in such a timely manner?"

"This is really..."

For a while, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't know how to respond: "I don't know if our Hokage-sama is going crazy after hearing this news..."

"It is said that Hokage-sama is really depressed..."

Hatake Sakumo also confirmed Uchiha Tokumitsu's judgment from the side, "And it is said that several Senju branches such as Takagi, Takaki, Chiba, and Haruno have agreed to return to the upper sect..."


Uchiha Tokumitsu felt a headache.

The ninjas that Hatake Sakumo mentioned are one of the many small ninjas in Konoha. Even though their current strength is relatively weak, if they are united under the wings of the Senju clan again, it will definitely hurt the current Konoha clan. Ye forces territory caused a huge impact.

Even the small ninja camp under Sakumo Hatake's command will be divided.

But there is no way, the Thousand Hands Clan's prestige in Konoha is too high.

Especially during the period when Senju returned to seclusion and Mito died, the third generation made every effort to raise Senju's status to set off his own succession.

"With the current strength and financial resources of the Uchiha clan, even if the Senju clan reorganizes, it won't have much impact, right?"

Hatake Sakumo asked.

"There is no problem in terms of strength, but it is difficult to say about financial resources..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed.

Although the income of the Uchiha clan has greatly increased after the reform, but after all, there are many people in the big business, and there are too many places where money is needed, so spending money is like running water.

And even if the Senju Clan does not count the floating wealth such as gold and silver, just collecting rents from properties everywhere in Konoha and even the Land of Fire can allow them to earn a super high income that can compete with the annual income of the Uchiha Clan. High profit too.

From this point of view, whether it is the world of ninja or the world of the previous life, those who are engaged in industry are the rich who do not engage in real estate!

What's more, those collateral ninjas who are willing to return to the Qianshou clan already have their own financial resources. After returning to the Qianshou clan, they only need a small amount of support to enter a virtuous circle.

And there is the most troublesome thing, that is, Tsunade's younger brother Nawaki and her boyfriend Kato Dan both survived the war, and there is no shortage of legal system or core combat power around Tsunade...

However, if the Senshou Clan is really reorganized now, I am afraid that it is not the Uchiha who is the most annoying, but the Konoha F3 who is in power!
Tsunade, who has the strength, background, legal authority, and momentum of the four powers, can't get the support of his fans easily!
"I was thinking... I didn't say anything, why is Tsunade Hime so impatient?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was really worried.

Is it because he questioned her status?

Is it because the majesty of the ninja army under her command made her want to wrestle with Uchiha again?

Couldn't it be the blood alliance relationship with the Uchiha clan claimed by the Uzumaki clan that stimulated her?

Countless thoughts flickered in Uchiha Tokumitsu's mind, but none of them could grasp the point.

"I don't know that either..."

Hatake Sakumo was also a little helpless, after all, he was the one who was most directly affected.

"However... It is said that Tsunade Hime came up with this idea after Licun tried to stop your ninja army and failed..."

Hatake Sakumo added.

"Where are there so many rumors, I think she has planned it for a long time!"

Of course Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately denied the matter because of his own influence.

"Let's talk again! Isn't this a violation of the ancestral rules of Lord Hashirama and Tobima? Why didn't anyone stop her?"

"Is the ancestral system... destroyed less?"

Hatake Sakumo shrugged indifferently, "Besides, Tokumitsu-kun has already captured the Temple of Fire and occupied Kinki County Castle, so it doesn't matter what the ancestral system is..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also a little speechless.

It's just that if the Senju clan really revives, the impact on Uchiha Tokumitsu will not be small.

Among other things, just for Orochimaru who has just invested, his most beloved disciple is Tsunade's younger brother Nasuki. If Uchiha Tokumitsu and the New Senju Clan conflict in the future, the friendship of the same school plus the disciples It is almost certain that Orochimaru is in Tsunade's camp.

Moreover, although Uzumaki Weiming announced to the tribe that the Uchiha clan is their blood alliance, after all, the Senshou clan was once their thousand-year iron alliance. Facing the reappearance of "Sen no Senshou", whether the Uzumaki clan will be half-hearted or not is still to be determined. Confirmed unknown. .

Even the Uchiha conservatives who were exiled to the country of grass by Uchiha Tokumitsu may make some moths-you must know that they are staunch supporters of Senju!
If the family that has finally been integrated into a monolithic family appears to be split again, Uchiha Tokumitsu will have the heart to kill people.

"It's really troublesome..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu kicked a rock in front of him into pieces cursingly, "This kind of noble family who is dead but not stiff, and who may be resurrected at any moment is the most annoying!"

"Forget it... If Tsunade Ji really wants to gather collateral to re-establish the name of Senshou, then this matter is bound to be unstoppable."

Hatake Sakumo was more open-minded.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's biggest headache is also this problem.

Although fame cannot be seen or touched, its influence and effect are intangible and huge.

Uchiha Tokumitsu really couldn't find a way to hinder Senju's reorganization in a short period of time.

"...The world is going downhill, and the rituals are falling apart!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu held back for a while before saying a word.

Hatake Sakumo pouted, feeling speechless at the ally's cheekiness.


As a wealthy family that attracts the most attention from major countries, every move of the Uchiha clan naturally attracts the attention of spies from various countries.

In particular, leading the ninja army to force the daimyo to compromise was such a major event that the spies sent letters back to their respective villages immediately.

This move, just like the original bond, once again opened the door to a new world for the leaders of each ninja village!
It turns out...it may not be necessary to rush around on missions, and it may not be necessary to go through life and death on the battlefield. You only need to hold a knife and chat with your daimyo kindly to explode gold coins!

It can be said that "the moment of rebellion, the world will be widened in an instant!"

After the daimyos of the other four major countries learned of what happened to the daimyos of the land of fire, they were the first to spend money to ensure safety!
The first reaction of the daimyo of the land of the wind was to hire the strong men from the domestic ninja village as guardian ninjas to resist the malicious prying eyes of other ninjas in the same ninja village!
The daimyo of the land of thunder was originally a staunch expansionist, and he has always strongly supported the military expansion of Yunyin village, but what happened to the daimyo of the land of fire made him see the disadvantages of Ninja village's monopoly on a country's military power. The strength of support has also begun to gradually weaken due to various unwarranted reasons.

Even Tukage suddenly discovered that the originally obedient ninja seemed to become less obedient overnight, and even said something about Uchiha, it seemed that the bloody feud on the battlefield disappeared overnight .

As for Kirigakure, it was the most noisy one.

Ninja village and daimyo, ninja and Mizukage, high-level and common people... Contradictions among various classes and forces of Kirigakure also broke out overnight.

The Kirigakure ninja began to ban shipping ships in the country of water in the name of arresting collaborators, intending to monopolize the shipping business of the country of water.

And Mizukage seemed to be very dissatisfied with the ninja forces headed by the Ghost Lantern and Minazuki clans, and began to interact and communicate frequently with the Blood Mist faction composed of civilian ninjas.

The Kirigakure ninjas at the bottom are very dissatisfied with the village's top management because of the lack of high-quality tasks and a sharp drop in income.

Therefore, the kingdom of water was in chaos in the shortest possible time.

The value of the strong in the underground black market has also risen, and the value of a certain old black market ninja who once assassinated the "Ninja God" Senju Hashirama has tripled!
At this time, no one in the five major ninja villages can care about continuing to wage war.

Even Urenin, who was already on the verge of dying, ushered in an extremely precious respite.

 Continue to ask for tickets~ask for monthly tickets and ask for recommended tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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